The MichiganI y Vol XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN1441100', JUN10 , l0)11 No 173." LITTLE BROWN L PE 0 WO NRA)iT]IODI OiI04 PLAY HERE TODAY N2 tlilonR Thomnto, 'to 1ittfI d _________ sin, Oligat 'and11oti sterAl en, whol I luote 11 1917, we re ma~rriedi at t Keo Nine Arrives in Pink o 1home1o1' t h rie's mo1thr il psitttl Condition and is Ready 101r, liTh1oson, 10111o"is ls O-illllngadae asam mbro Oilerm For W olverines 01i1 frlernity1 while ill te i I i t'' 1 VERHEYEN EXPECTED TO PITCH orit. lo~e 1111111111 111 (il II 1011 11111 Thotup111101 e t lls eI ei 1111 r11 an11 ex-1 ill th1e1it, restng Ill preipartIIion for 111 --- astthlltllotll tie olv1erine strngld~II BOARD IN CONTROL CHOSEN 111 iperry fiedtititi ftiernoon.t _____ illeibaseallisqutitati 1f hio ittive r Regents Select Mlen to Handle Ath sit aell to 0 :11nn111Arboi te 101v1eig tanttletic Affairs te It ithtll liossers aret 1111111 ttottiash wit Mihign' ine T e to11111he 1eril l to f o ard 11111 i n co11 t -it iser ~ tie=benthe eI esno t ives11 011 fii thet faheisha endc duo 1111110 III hI00so t it t ittt'mm1111 11101 t 11 p lls1an tes tetireevi t '1 of h its1r 11all 11 Ithe e s n sllt as t111 I t h thle'tic1asoc 111ia t Ition. br om thelitac- th le tIap tn lt govrt menI t a t t hey11111111 l t1 ill 111f1 :A.S111111 11111en ili citivilizatiion aidlto'lfu0therlicemtnt thI 111111of1frien1111i betweetiet natons. e ron i t 11re 1gents 11se l t 1th e li iiig ta ersnt h iet eJit ll11,11111i t to, Cicago, W.,1 1111of 1apa eseI 1111 1111 iti and itthe a e 1g a e . 1.111111 I Deti t, i ientt ieltol t he "belt ithir 1 nr11Th1b ar1i diec or I th1ald l~lt '110o11a1i00 tllt pitck1d1tlic thrt', 1111111 W hentl t hlt lt chI I -C e nto talti t 11' IIll O 0 111II t t11 111''n ro tritt atIIto-1134111 last ttm llbers of the ot mtll . T e111- ttmhd 'Tt e t rain0.S110Theirlt l lli ll ' l t ('car's110 1 b1101 bIf lt i t l 111 HAS ONLY SLIGHT CASE OF SMALLPOX Fresh Engineer Who Developed Disease Last Friday is Doing Nicely ROOMMATE HAS NO SYMPTOMJS I'M Ollil 0~t 101Fl C'1' fi it 1riends Itt I ' I l cl S.1atro ' ; Whos11l11 ss11111 ;,10 itt a Iioi l o sm lp x t c1 111t1hs 1 4lllitc his ill111111in o t~,ls rd irciec Ittrd toaty tht theil liti t ell 00111 Tt1disease ist I ute~ lilpx it to 1~ert 11 1 z1?t. to it 11 e111 Ita li ill fa lofIt 1l s i itlot I i t l nz th r ha 111111t11 II I i no jtisotitit ill a1sillal1111111 l(ti . t tltt 111 C thap itter le fthe II1; taTh 1'r.farntn, ormerly ofh twacuity, iar Pacnl ad in HaaiianssbluniCh there 0 i I() 101 II 11 tit t ' 11111 01'' + 00 tt-t t P OEiSSOR IS ')Il. I P 1 lci t hi crI ~o-o,1:I 11r1 l; 1111c11I1 n ih 1110 ii ~i,111 tt'l- 1111to 11011111r'_t]y flhee vc'+c Dirt. .Martint ' 0 Oben tt tcil frt 110Ttcili o ~vrlI w eilt 11 Ia i he10111 t 1 1111 11and 111 was 1 01111111sa y t1 plce 111111.r he it 11111e11 ropely- aresIt iiI~i Duiga1oeaion he41- 'tic htO1. 11 SALE S i live Hunditredt .poses0 R'S Will c! t'11ifi41111011 111 D:. ECLARES MICHIGAN II , IS BEST UNIVERSITY (l0' [Elth Hubbard Believes Degree From Eastern College is Worthless WILL SEND DAUGHTER HERE 11111 0 It ihad, uo. r, philosopiha ictt H R d erie dthlterratitlill ol' droll t I 't asch mpond th~e t ierarty ,0 ic i. D clrig;th t ts tenief slaI is11iI s Ito titr a c a e t t illefflitentcy l~ltil t 11a11111111 it all lMr. tHub itt h lifan I~t tc~tne(I llrt he wil seld ist t llilr 0''111110 t aIt ite est It hol ith~r t ly. s l th lil' 111 d m-II I "I nd i l ^ t'h ' l' I 1 111 1 -ed11 01' 1 tr ~ lc3 tit)) 111111 v l'tt I l blive . l: t~i t:1C f, 0 r II titit et h t' i'.o ft t er :II)[ .11 : IIw~c 010h t ii 04011r (1111uld Ilt).,< 00' r II noefi en10 t ol tttio 111d 1111' 0h ,i 1 :t1)si s m lt f te ft ure w111 ltt w1 , 1 1]1111. I r on evt.os 11, , P I :tl>~ CratOIs a d l ti -, 't01and Obu sness III 1 a n tit t tofi 0 ti t'I't ha ,aill i i t1, ay ad 11101,0. II o I 0 itt 00s '11111 , hood witer.~l rc1It lt Ireto 14 itr itt'a111r1111, '14 I ,11t'ltI 1-A ,S N MI F ti eI alk It 'It tI V I1. Nc-i FM 1. S, Ia pe 011 rt 110II 11 i t hm 10.d lo 00 1s fea rnl tttf reec1101s 111101 tbe 1111dc 1 iii toteR -srrsi b f e im 'o II I I. 1111 0111tl. Mh'Nl 0'. c 1911 MICHIGA-NE 4SAN Will Be On Sale Friday at Booth Near Flag Pole Fr'om S 8a.m.n. to 6 p. mn.