r MICHIGAN fDAILY i ',; . . $4 00 ad $5.00 IDEAL OXFORD'. Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. State Street Sign of the big white shoe INDIN BLNKE&TS AND CURIOS i~t a~dC ~f~sShop SIts e t i f rs fseskaterntbos Ct'. William nd niMaynard Nc rwqhr"Nyife r i i citi i , i r a nd s f rsif d tc a l t/ cctints shirts th at are tmade with yonr comfort ton 'isesoni and the weather, all you need is stito it t to entjoy it, bttbIefore buying that Siiitiiiilitreo tiws and lPaaai-a, Knox and 'I s vi.'haixe a few if those 29C silk hose left ill N ' i l ait i in Greiys. :xcllr it/u lae"s Lonc sO',' ( fCo~ht/sq cuicCalin &Fi*cgcl '10-202 S. Main St. NGARE~TT YJ~LOG Thereare lets of sii.t - ;? UNIVERSITY NOTICES Re kiiqr meetiig aiiiteletionof t i itcers'~ Omega Ptii Saturday, Jiiii3. WViscosi towsntwthigths Ad vancedt i inevelipmint i 'ii t \~tcrio ci tic tins bieifar nmori tfflitki the pst scar thiaitevrrbecone. Y. At C. A. IS itOit , TO Sit ,K ' l V \ 1tt Ittt (Continued front pagecZ)t cost of $2,oo att ill hitts d at it ( 1 crat dormitory furtsweitt-for met.i I a ctosedi cutbortiraiitioniiIII lit Mtiiant halt facititic' wittltii I iiniste for the sociat needs attd gciicrat usc of tte Presbytcrian tudeinitiitt 'iandtheir fruints. 'Thte itttiigeiitcii Ifi itii taits itl tie ini thesaitds if lDr. J.Iftostic trench, testdcntt tattor. MORTAt'tl(ARtt) TO I NN IfATI1t Nt(,OPI tYTES Nt/Nt '1tt1. t t1 Motrarbtoardt,thc sriiior getls' sciiih oi tiemlteirary uictartmect, witt teitetini Xiss Fast's Tea toomiisoi Satiuritav, Jtite 3. tefent Iiatter wi itt itas ost titircsaitittiemfolltoing-'por' iam y61 t/tttct Vollatnd, "c" ;SatrahiSttttei tian, "Coitlege isosad) aiiu" "Michtigati's tFirst Hallttof Rsi siitt it Befttrc commetnricemittimeutshitiiiii pins Sag pairestiltlabrand ewpii htp Ito feet in lnigtht tiii icsintg ss cu httnitretd dosllars. Secretary Siiiith ii is ii Detroit last wriktoittmakeiarrnt-e iii iis for the pttrchtase ofi tihnewtp icr's resitientce Mondtay tight atid elect- edi Priifessior i uitisteic titittgir for scar atntiSylvtatiS. 5trticiir sccir~ aitt treasturer. The couirsesofIi t tic extettsiv'e lotteis itittttied. S1i citit folt tiew ss itters stiltlihe'hetdtiniiiJunti. New Whitney Theatre Curtails-, 8.15 P. M. Latin cn~ose' ,ontseaed p.-era'.ptiy. Tues. and Wed., May 30 and 31 "P-1ifa foevhre'" Conmie Opera by Gildert L. Sttlliv'an. Givcet by the Vested Chtoirs of Si. Antirews' lipis cpat anid First Cotigregationtal Churchtes of Attn Arbomtr for the benefit of thteir annutat chttir outinhg. Chtotrts of 50 Welt TraitetdCildrnt Voices --ite Costunmes, tFiine Sitiging, Finte Danintg, Good Orchtestra. "Pinafore" Specialties Sailors' Hosrnipte-Sailor'slDrill--DtchSkilit frott 'Theueiniteers. PRICES: Parquet, $ 1.00 and 75. Gallery -25c Balcony $1.00, 75c and 50c Curtainittise" at ': 15P. M.-Sale Opetis I; at dnat iiA. M^ BAILEY & EDMUNDS Ladieo' HairDrecssing, ShtampooingI ter* ERS tarla tcurt'tg, 'ace itassage. Raitt- Cxis ihn it I ntt t t5t tc~i Water Shampoo's a Speecialty. Altl itts tsiii..Tsit~tntic t adAin iitttttt ist ntetotejttedbent'eaain 5 itis5~tstit tp MRS.J. R.TROJANOWSKS l I ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP AT Z UT TLE & CO. GlEO. V. STOIL. Proprietor L N H R O DETROIT UNITEDLIE F o r Sale Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson The V. of M, and urn Detroit Limited--":1ts. it t10:13t1oi)., 1, Laca4ta. :4'in,3 4 .tott5' 46ii ,mIll, Local CarsEst Bounad -cmlrii .i tt, 4.)a. lit i,ttandptft tviir twotttttot10:4 I .. 300 300 -days-but ttme and ''1x ccci .tatter them. For instance-tf atima Cigarettes were f: in a~n oxpennive box they couldn t pun- 6it taste better or be better- is not the fine feathers that make o al'e fine birds. But there's no n myth about the quality and de. rightful flavor of the cigarette that so many college men smoke. TWhere are 20 Fatimas for 15 cents in the well known inexpen- sive package-which gives you '0 additional. 'THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Wanted Three Hundred Teachers We need three hundred teachers to tilt the vacancies now on our books. Girade and high school teachers, principals. superintendants and college instructors wanted. Positions pay $700 to $2,500 per year. If you have been wiell trained the great- southwest needs you and will pay you twenty'five per cent nmore for your service than you can get if you remain inl the older states. And it offers tsivice the opportunities for advancement. It wants the best We have positions for 100 inexperieniced teachers to take assistant principalships and high school positions at salaries of $8to t $95 per month. We need seventy-five executives to take charge of ward and high schoils at salaries of $900 to $2,500. Average position pays from $1,100 to $1,400 per year.- We could place a dozen well quaiified men in touch with college positions paying $1,200 to $1,600 the first year. In smali but rapidly growing colleges. If you can't find the right position register with us. We may have twice as many nails as we have candidates DON'T BE SATISFIED WITH A SMALLER SALARY THAN YOU DESERVE Comne down into the southwest where you are needed and employers are wiiling to pay for good service. TI-l TEACHER'S PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU gives each candidate individual attention. We have NO CIAILINti LIST. We recommend but one canditate for each position, but WE RECOMMEND THT; CAN[)ITATE, FOR MORE '[HAN ONE POSITION. We find the right man for the place, theni place the man in that position. Let us tell you about our methods, and let us knowv your wants. Write today for the best positions are open now _Address Teacher's Personl'a Service Bureat Tuds..., Okiis..hosxi.. ,...::; . :: __ ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILtWA RD, THE T iILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN ITAILQRINQ