~$ <>~A4 ~d~ In choosing your Stra w Hat Pick a Winner The Mallory cravenetted straws will stand showers and dampness, fog, etc. and can be sponged clean without harm F. Wo.GROSS 123 E. Liberty St. ,Ixclusive Agency A.G. S'A I DING & BROS. paling are thelargestroanu- The S j faui ugers inthe world PpIIQq sports and pastimes. J a Athletic Sport you ARK5 hould have a copy of UgP ~, the Spalding'ata- fbs%- tqe. It'sa csoplete. know thougoutencpol :ia of thn onroghoua What's New in Sport Guaa .mrnt00 of andt is sent frer 0n i0- Qasta.ity qcoet. A. (G. SPALDING (&ftBRO 8 254 Woodward Ave. Deifro M ', The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stoek $300,000 Surplus $50,000 Resoureos $2,00,000 A tienaral Banking Business Transacted tOrrscoae: Chas. E. Hlscock, Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice, Pres.: M. J. Frito. Cashier TiHE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profls$ttit,000 (General Basking Businesa. 3 percent paid 00 'Time and Savinga Deposita. Safety De- posit Boxes to rest at $2.001 ad upwards it. KEorr. Pres. 11. G. PnRrTTYMAN, Vice-Pres. Ht. A. WssLosAuS, Cashier F. T. Snows, As Cor %rsner-alml .1 nod Sekaviraga Conv. ma~.5 grad Libenrty Stir-ots FIRST NATIONAL BANK~ On ANN ARBOR, MICHt. E. I). KINNE, HARRISON SOULE Pren. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital, $100,000 Surploucdlroil s , $65.010 STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital $50,000 Surplus 75000 Resources $1,250,000 Win. . Both, Pres. Wmo. Arnold, Vice Prrs. C. J. Waltz. Cashier 510N1iO SMU1051PAY lll'lld, ii-Il-s Senliolrs Ililsi lilly 111ei1 diloma 10fees blefore Xlliond 01 llte llillellof Regeiits will 11111 grantiltheir 1di1plomas1. Ti'e fee ftile ereglarleis $10111 011andIitehers' diplomsa $2.00. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All mttler itt this colmn must11.1be paid for in advance. Office fhoures: 1-2:30; 7-8:30 p. "'. WANTED [Vanted-Graate engineer 10 lake in- terest in wsell establishied enigineerinlg work~ls Cearningl201per cent. liet. N illi inlcred' 1'1capial liiin douleieariilgs. w ill turn ovie office 011111treasurly 1t1 right 101a1. 81111e11111d511111p1111wlunder Micheliganiilmanalogemient, \\ ite 1Eagle Scott,iKansas~l. 163-T77 WaVlllel.-Ageii s.foe eacaton 11 wiork. [',asily dem111111straleinoeelie.Lilberal comisslcionl. Caoll 620 . 11-ecSi. fbe- tweenl 3 11111 6 p. i. 170-71-72 Inqulire at11 Vlile IHouse in, 6(S) ChuriieehoSI. 171 LOST. plels. Retiiri:to fI. l. fase, Museumil biiilinig. Rewaordl. 170-171 FOR SALTY :, 01f) 601IYO)ST VISITST111 W N AM4) SAYS "JUNIOR' IS 6016 ,, Co'ci o st'li was111ill:i1111 rb11511 tr- ear c' eam 11an1 -lll" lieu-wItheye lt-e- look is bright if tleit enllk'ee10111ov badill iheir scholastic -worik.-. Ilefti eteday afterenoonl . I Ie ro!tiele 111ha1 Ii. I.1ll liiIS I NSPCTIlNi ,l Oll,l. fee' doays visIiig 1a11111bee of schols inspjecticol' s 0a1 RiochesterRichonidlii Romiieoi and(iNell Ilallitore-in regardto pu tig It ll il e un~ivers~ity .01111.ii list. iIcoexpectIs to eeretrn toiAni 11\e 11o11 oii l iiay. i Cs fieoi ile its-ild stampliiigt iii i l inftofilli theiliileco1111m1i1s1111ii 11111d ttilver hok lbar ers" ilistati ii th ig;- sale tomorrow . afternlioon.til ii N Wral~ ~ 0 -oOxrds Spring tyles ins lowe shoes are now ready for your = 3111 Tosd Back, Button and (yet fif d L ourarule system and notice the 'itt to v t o I I e-.n ihav'd width. SP IO[ and CAPS HA (AT 1l-0F'. 1For Solr ie l 11 fo11sale cheap. TelI.A ilecoeli 1recep-in asgivn lier- 66 illils, 1323 J. 171 T m s 1; 111 oll it o he i 1111111 5ofi th gelill se11l~t11l l~lice troie macies. berIc 611111 asinight Ths11 ~ iii & c s~,32 .S(reSi..,iliioiic1244 s'-5 IrM and1\Is.lI,.C aie h e J. 1711-7ti172 1for61ilili ,Inhuh:,1)1111and liIr PC M\ISCfLLANEO0US and Ph1iiCiii iilviles, ('has-. 1F.Sloiii W\e mak0le recception sticksl and1 11atees issAfee Ial-)-ian iDrlantoi I.(i ini all coloes 011111 flaors, t1 rer . i:: 6 : :o1cIl le' 5i i Keospe's, 61; F;. Wiolliam Si. Dr.6 ii 1111dun.11 Poesr :Allenllil-e 6 164LI 1]1,tole oaui Mes.S. S. ltossev - b Receptioii wafees, ositable foe ii t siiet ee evd iceather, 25 ceniti a Ipoundil. hruellle. 6 ieislii: 11 llletiiioeo 6i5 E. WilliamltsS. oiillrlill~ni'iec11111e1. clisp arc0' CAPS CAPS 164 If We nmakc all oercalidies.Kerusipe's, 615 F. William St. 164E if Rfrfigeeatores 1110111' is'eIlr' nd e Rap- idsR11111 110o.111t1prclan id l". Xwilliaio: SI. 164 tf CHIROPODY Ceorls, bunlionls, inlgeoweingnaill,trecat- ed antIcuredt. Evereythiiig absolutlely antliseptlic. Offce hoites: -I 201. iln, 1-5 P. in. 7-8 p' n. Miss E. J. Foley, 921 E. Iluron SI., Ende North 1alh. Phooe 9,99J. 153-eodl. 0NAME" HATS ____HAT WAD t & COMPANY 1211=3'S ih ain Street a 1 E[a EI fE RAYHAT MwaR O SHIRT'S FOR, HOT -WEATHER 'With soft collars-.and soft cuffs Exclusiv_-PaterĀ°z 1 The University Music House Has the Latest in Operatic and Popular Music Exclusive Agency tor G ibson lMandolins and Guitars WE French..DAry Clea~n A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c 'trousers, lOC REPAIRING Fuller & O}'Connor Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St.. Caps and Gowns for any Degree Second/ I'loor I)I Ii i fore 1C:ps011n1dfGowns 11o lo Mooia~l 'Icor'-iiachelorn's. i~ -dl l I :ia1ndet pricesIof th- K & Co. for f it . . Engraved- as Plate and 100 lards $l00-$3.o 3t0S. Stat. Stasai I::a CNESE RESTAURANT Fancy "Chop Suey"i and American Dishes, Chops and Steaks ai all Hours TABLES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WAI KING LOO 314 S, Stair UP STAIRS I portrait Studio-- - -- 319 East Huon Strept