~- - Cr%~M (4 t3A -- .t---*- - - a 7i Y4 ,.. .. r i . ( ,F - IlHE MIKIA N PA3LY. 311 S.s F STREET tie oox s of Exc iso tyles OVERCATSand Managing Eiditor-ILgs A Watrn. Business Manager-NoRmAN H. ILT. EDITORS. News Editor...........Harold Titus Assistant ............ Harry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Lawton Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Eachanges and Files .... Dior S. Birney EDITORIALS. Arthur J. Abbott. Paul Leidy NIGHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohtgemuth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward H. Robie Maurice Toulme REPORTERS. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. Johns L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. Jolhn fI. Townley. Wallace Weber. Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylur. C. lHarold I-ippler. J. Selig Yellen. tLoren Robinsson Wns. T. Daugherty Robert M. Gillett. £ g n ii ..e a 10 ARs 10MPSre m late BUSINESS STAFF C. A Bowman. A. R Dilley. Myer Rubin. Kenneth Osborn. I. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Grierson. C. H. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,, Mlaynard Street. Office tours: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. In. and 11 :00-11 :30 p. in. Daily. tBusiness Manager, 1-5, 7-8 p. in., EX- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 960. WFlIX Nl)AN1, -ltAN 31. 19t1. Nightl Iditar-MAUcisetTouotw. I'ii ]).it,) hs nevurl ])ell wantii g i 1wit iprobible that for the public giiod it I~1 er n-;htto be But hire is a liiii. it: o th clases f peplewho thavse the ri htto "ta e a w il tite i to . iii \4l iI so Iii C. like otlier siii- lie raliiiaIblicatoios ii oeori'less closYdircte inits fiirmi, method aiid p,)11c bN he acie o assve acues- C(IlC o th l~ardil ointrol ofatui- deIt 1alicai ons.thaii board elects the Sito ianid thie iiiiager. If the tatter ka ise-actm ihenlt the eiitire Cstueent hoi has bc 1eein given a vieeitie etec- tio otheofhe sesveiiImembilers of tiis r.Th ele ctiineomiiiiitee asks no t iihethei thieCviteer-sutseribes for the ] o ra lahs roiommiiate's, or sternslisi,- i bors. Anyp bona flde sin- <]ert as voce lltliecoidusct of the 'Ihis ,ftee loo5 t11 li u a ill liithe1: dtilil coetiers will ttke lace. t1I ti student hodly wishes thie right toiiicii1 the condutct oif studienti p lictioliii, .i- the elections iade bhte Ibiardinchoos iiig editors andmnaesititvDv that eightblieoinig. IOltherisce ileiiee seiuldt-he discreet. VARSITY'S -COUtN ICentirued lenin Page 13 anet sciireid wsheniMitcell fullowid it I tii swvipie'sei'iindlanilthi ieiiii iiier pausedit iiil tie iextipeiod IHaysC iipeneitheicond-l' iiIwiithi a 1hitintoi shticrightandt Xle-t illatt upulicaitidIhis trive. Fischie attemptleidtoisicreiiici liii lHaswas caught atiliith irdisti-adi.Camiii ib'll ideliieedi a swot Il(,ii hosses-er filiig the lases. h11111 ciect fur his secondut liiaiiilItwio ii> scred. cCkarthys-assistedt the fesiitiies 1)yipas- ina liall andiit htingkCaumpbhell aiii IlIfill e scoreid. Bell sceatc-hueula lilt ibiii11111 was caught off thirid aiiiiteinii eath 'Nituasuaos-was eqltli to lie exigseni cs if 'he situatioun alnid ieliveediita swattha coiuntedl tu-iimore rnis, u-asig MI ii- gail>s total to si-s--u.-NI iii'iiill I i'-twa grass lull IHays, iatiing lre lie - tiime that iiini.g, i-iuniueil to Grig--,la 11111 ani enditto the prcsion.> - SI'FlCicunBRAESTOOi ttaiig alliosw-led uaiuutghitsliii i : to wliiiseierat hall gaimlisSpciii-iifiouid -hiiiiselfandlpiitcheii'itti I ii iitlfe remailinder iif the ufiieoii ii-I I frw itree straight ini the thiiid1])it ill iii > ihe captainl traveleid aiiiuniditle cici - 3.f1cr that the omyiiiieteamii>icrccl i-cl After falliing iefire ('iuiulreu Iin-il", liii tiree ordier foe tyiii iiiiiiith 1e ii tioes op~ened -the tirdi rounld with a hit ov-er thiiei. Griggh's1drovii aisiiigle ii~ hiiiii enluuBell liei ti'eIiall Irill 1liii'cc his legs. The Aggies secrteiiciriii1.1r IHarvey- andlthit MIce'artihy.-I .ach 1i- liiiseid iithi aisinigletehlat scoei i ii 1:ici rns threatenieid.1usch: a> cilih is1; er's ar-il iihis sorrowiii, startu .iniaii 11 steal 111111resuiltedl iIliihedati if ](it l Three piclihbatters were senit forthi to start a rall- fur the uosers inite inthi I. The lerst of itiemiifanned ut iiSiili brit GoreenflocaildtBcker siiiglied. imolier strikueouitunit a fly to Nluusiiiindedith game. .The score. .M A. C ...lf h F I 111 A b Itlacs-ey cf ....3 i 0 2 0 0i N/tigge .......1 I 0 0 0 ii lii .. l Iit CtiiglIi 21i Ifor 1 l)- -'i { ikii }. -i -l- .1 -4 r C7 t) () O t) I O () (1 E T i O O 1 7 () r c - 3 G I (1 1,t( l fii I I - -n h n nd , k, ItId foriogge aithelintiiiih.- 112 iTi2 2l I i Nhcl Iii .. ... ...4 2 2 0 10 i1 l 1iii> e '1 f . i_ 3 o ITIT o Nl! Ibil-u 31)..ii - 4 T 2 2 7 I is hI I... . Ir t 3 1. 0i Ca1oiiiiiil 1)....2 I 1 5 2 i N Ive - - i iio o ii' o Smithi la ..i.... [ o o a i ii ()as.... .11 81 4 27 12 2 {j t C) I .) () t) n (3 - t 0 ea 0 0 CALLING CARDS You will need them very soon. It would be wise to see to it early. Had better LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Plate with 100 cards $1.25 to $3.50 100 CARDIS ;FROM YOUR PLATE ?5c All Work Guaranteed WAHR'S University Bookstore v 11111i NI . '1C 1 '. 23 13b7t If 111 .'.lillii ( C iiiii Will tl iii vaies:i mr- - till ; iState balil l ns ] Fic r; s r- lii li ; liti l - ii iiii Ii --..b 15 1, S ih ,>1 eu itblli n i i ings ofI ;S it 1 I. '-itiu ri;I passed ball NI ()I'll 12 1 h1 I -SL I 11.11ii g ,t - ii 1 ill i NI:-. Ih ll . iihi im-it c i ci>hfear iAl ir. Iwho Carriage and Baggage I i EachiiCouple to andliiison)prties t - fu li:Ja cluek $1.50. afier Iuocloek price'tlfIlre 25Cents. Ilf arriulto or 11111111p-stairs, l teprice will lie S0 Cets. Drivers arelreq'uired tocolle-tacash foe carriage asd baggage service. lii)IIN-ON & COI. HlOLD]IliPLIVERIY Eastman Kodaks Premo Film Pack Cameras Hawkeye Cameras 3 ififetso iiil Fin iuii I.Picestiiioii'II00 to $65:.10, tCli ablhio1ces. (rood oni foi-Ien Filins f1reserybustsenouhi tol photographi the iw lhole lioawi 10 timer evcisail tihey areall irsti io stalelucid>yliere Deeloping acdidntingthdciii 12y imodeirn imethiids I huve is atiract iie sodait p~ropo sition for umiiii tourists.1 or lou yourieaciconl. LYNDON: P~icturesof I teesthini. F 0°~ GLnOVE!S are a "good thing to have o hand," and all goud dealers have them en hand. 2 kaite's ii instrlea. Imian. l .J 135-171 F 0 D0 ,, , _ .S.J'.. .. . . r -. .ti . :: 'y _ ..:. .. 0THIF[IN G OJf the right kind at the right price-and all other F-I I GS F R ME len' G ood C lothes Store Main . u 'OurMIGHIAN 'no N1pon PHI BETA KAPPA : Sale on Pipes andBO H L S 2%L E- all Smoking Artiomies W yEduu O1T aIew uC l aduaaLOpSSC pins.Get our rderasndtepuiring. LET'S GET TOGETHER. Wi aill pins. ot you order Lunches, ice Cream .So as d iewr i uelet idiauns il lsli:a Opicl r\Det in now for engraving 'd orwr eeprletradmr rmpl hni a - Elr HevyChrms$500 and all Summer Beverages everacnbeore S ) Win. ARNOLD K E oLL 70 University Suit Pressing Co. Pe. 6 ac ur St st Jeweler 220 South Main St. . University Ace.BohP ne26 12 asigonSRANDA441& PACK, Photographers Phone 598