T lE MICHIGAN DAILY Get Measured Now For new Fall and Winter clothes, inade as you want themi Best of Style. Fit, and Tailoring at a price yon can afford. 500 Exclusive Patterns F. W. GROSS Liberty Street. cor'. tourth Ave. Pilberts is a fine game, ask thos'e who play. You need stcoic recreation arid what is better than this? THE FARMERSt AND MECHANICS BANK MlAIN AND) HUR$ON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Proflts$1OO.O0 Generat Banking lBusiness. alpercent paid on 1ibme ano Savings te posits. Safety De- moitt ioem to renntoat$:.t0and upwards I, (IterP(res.. 1.0G. l'nt'rrYMNioVice-Pres. H1. A. Werians. ('ashier F. T. Snown. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Caital Stocl. $300(00 Surptus $50,000 A Genseral Banking Businsas Transacted oiB, ricnus Chias. P.. Olseock. lPres.; W. D. I Lrritonn Vice Prens.: M. J. Frita.G'ashler STATE SAVINGS BANK Cae( i'o(( 50.00 tSurltus 750000 liii ooes -i,20,000 0(i J. BotethPres. in. iArnold iSe Pres. Gen waoe'.nanmro~ Cos rsim ercia.1 and saving~s Cu,". Mea. n rd tib.,tvStreetsC FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANrs AnnOR, MICH. Ei. 1). 1550. lHAISON SOULE P'net. Vice-Pens. S. 5'. (L A ((1(05, t'ashier. C'apital, ?'10,0(0 SOonl and Prl'ofits, 065.000 wr 0(rce-,'iD)' ooy(0ueover rigncoruVO> (((Oie Oin1 1 in e iii,.. t-. For Sale-Engineer's nrawting tailie anl stoot, 345 S. Division. 16-iK. Fori Sale-At oeeworeNo. .5. liverc. Price reasonabte . Acdtess, G. it., care MichiigaonlDaily. (7. SLOST. Last-Gold hunitng case Elgiin oatcb, betwcein 331 Packard aiiitoeir rW1il- liamis aiid Mavuard. Le.ave tDaly office or 331 Packard. 16-1(7. Lost-Sitver belt buckle anet black blll telephooc Bell 1031 or retiree tr(31~ S. Pifth avenue; reward. t6-I7. MISCELLANEOUS Customi-imande trousoers on ii ghthours (((tice. 'Varsity Pantiloonr Parlors., 3J6 'TROU)BILESOP1' TECH NIC I etl~l Cooitey iof the Engineering dle- partmeiiit((addressedth(liemellrs ofiithe l'.iigeerin'.o ciety at its fiest meeting vesteriday afteroonr. IHist(altowasdec oteod to the busiess affair, of the 1 ieligan echneiiic,(lie m(agazin(e ptb- listed 1by(lie societv. 'Tbe'lechioc was establishedo over twenty iye.arsag, 'anillat that(timie twts issedin the formofi(seleteditpipers. It illssoon orgized 1'n1(0 mlre pier- maainepoucl Pbt i aveir. fe-r a erit ii'eadoltw.Tbi e 10(1 ((ilthe ietuns froimitle irivertiters .whose cn ioua(tc hii(btentmadeion(lie basis iof four Isuies., ,indltie ima'nage('((nii now' inishellffainiig a unit of $55o. manaitg'ementi, to~geithceinitli severeal far- ult eincluding lDe. G.love r, Pref. y illitno, nd D(t ean Cooler, was unit a shoert hime(iago . Ao agreem(e'it (ras 'ide ith OittoI ( HIaos, thr chiefcredoi- toe, to corrye ebtclifor aIfewcmonoth~s lone. A comitt(ee iwas also apploiii- Hotel Cumberland S. W Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., Nea.th t~S. s5aj)%vaopand 53d St. Ifienatli. NEW YORK go' ll.a 111 1 1 11 KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special Perms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, .Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. So. Stale. 16-22. cd, ocichliProf. \XolliaOme is the chair- miagoi, (tolifiiiimule plan.. foe gettinig outi TUTORI NG of the('difficuelt. It (tot iot lbeeii e'ciii in tatin, Greek, ret Eunglish;1 631S.e i, iow~eer, to pliac edie man((agem(ent Tthaye, Belt pthoner998-L. 1ii-(8.(undeerlfiaciliyconitro(l; infat, thaInii CtHIIROPODY. clotnuetohaeomeoioplete supervisieon. t',vr'ryttoi(g absoliutely antiseptic. 1 cresoluionu aas inatlly criedcthllat MlISS C. J. ttOjx'. tlnI'igiiie eriog socie ty siorililgi e its 921 FP. BHuron(. Near FelchtP1rki note fr I ii' 40 aiidlthait(lie inici tier. 'Pione 99-J. - t /. , Itaiou lit isred ttto ayofthe 'roealer _________ patof the (itndebutednesstlDeanii Coolev Wie carry the Genruine Vetlobart(Gas,'seed to(1ndorlith. emoteiAie i' Mantels. Alt prices. Staite SStreoetti( e I ardware. ( 5- .It'lrhpfes ti ans deied to n y e s 1 1 g ta s ciety (toll as lit,. Itllttr & O'Conor,Stetam andit I'enich)lib ,adev ,i "ooccris or"ecito (try cleanlers. Repairing. 6(0 t.\Vii tiai0stSt. _____-tf.________ Largest stock of tpocktelknives;5(liisafet(ieg'ylltl( racers andrtevoolvers (0100( ltown tor ati S000(tatgeet.rr StreetIhardware. 1). A. Kitliot 1 t, aot (bre100000rsitvyeilmtois. UN DEIR THE MANAGEMtENT OF Harry P. Stimmuo'., forerlyityh((11lontel Inmperial. R.. J. allragho..r's, formerty withlrHotel Wrodowoarod Mexican : Indian : Blankets Ne Sond Haul I CouchC c ('.iPotier'es n 'l i tili ll'0001tilOl(0 GORGEOUS COLOR EFFECTS! BEATItFUL. DESIGNS i Te SMost Acceptable tHolliday Gift! Unde'v~ro SILCTfr ol APORITE rck~Irrol dCortootte 711. Sia. x aft. 101.l.o........$ 5.00 Typewr'aiter Ssappliem Oft. Sin. x 31t. 41n............4.0 Typewritir. 19 Setlo1. fthree lonesoeeh size) t0.00 IIt toit) e r etolr rino r e (1(0 , ono ei''''pt Morrill and Grierson lo~e 1,0(( r Ai>''ictt 09_Nunverity____ 103_ . MEXICANe BLANKET CO. . a,.a. F Aguascalientes, Mexica -1101T H REETINGSTO DO-. Join the Union Belong to the Athletic Association and SUBSCRIBE TO Mic.___ InDaily $3.00 A YEAR $2.50 IN ADVANCE Buys'..yo'r rGais tandrElectric.Struteint Ltampts at toe State Street IHatrdwar'e. Detroit Laundry Brtanchtioffiee. Ctill luff, 1247-J. z-If. If T'ot are lookiog' foe 11elist Gu(it'ar tr lAttl(doti( see tile MaretinoInsuo-o ments. N ew stockr jrust ared o. Schuaeberle & Son, t'ltlsic IHoouse, UO S. Maiin St. 13-rf. NI(SIN \'IlNS 11th; OVER. No (00 1 riccso'' n c0'lec'tion ctrcis at l S h&e~ull (ret, 1(0 5S. Stite St. 17-T8 htuller & O'('iionor, 'ailors aiootCletn 'ers, (((0) 1'. 15 illitocs St. z-tf. If you0(1nled cot ursoe sor..eptairecoltrinlg the i('i(00cr too613 L;. 'William(s. The Clil ersito Shooe Sbhop. Illtf FALL WOOLENS IWAGNER & CO., Imporing Tailors, call your attention to their collecti n of seasonable woolens for men's wear. Careul attention to details and prompi execution of orders merit your patronage. 303305 Soth Stae Street CHORAL UNION cook House Tile Blue lea Room University Music lHouse C ONCERTS nowaCfe(30i' ).(it:3i10(00, Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music ae Op ________________________ 1o---Star Numbers---$3 Noopnfrbses Orders taken for special MME. ALDA, October 20 foe parties NEW Sortano1 McMILL.AN, November m.4to11.m 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. MIHG N FEL O Gvoinirst 14 . m 1 p Phone ( 9 MICHIGAN FIELD SONG ~BONCI, Decem~ber 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and FLONZAL.EV QUARTETTE OTHER COLLEGE MUSIC January 18 L AW BO00KS SAMAROFF, February 24- Pianist, PIANOS FOR REINT 41st yea." DICTONARIES 41St yea FESTIVAL of Five Concerts len QVtZ BOOKS tn EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR GIBSON MANDOLINS MtAY'i-tO ____________________________ Tiomasa(lOrhetra-ra l Uiout tl Ana ArbIor LEGAL MISCELLANY AnnsArbor- adriSoloists _______________________________ " RAL'.ti'is"iWsO n eRK S " Uui i Music r4 7 'tscliaikowsi y's "11 u('n ngit" Callaghan \iJ J O~ '' Mcaes ' la h n CO. 'iktsrnoon1 sae at Schooi of Musin CHICAGO Portrait Stuio- 31 a S.FurtiStee