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May 30, 1911 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1911-05-30

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Have You Ever Heard
Right Style Street
XV it..-astreetr a rear snane wi:
attt f dteurwv-notfo t1ds straight to sucees
n 1. iglt stylestreet is an ou
t, o iit fare with this exception.
tintrscectedt by the house of
t5ihrough which men should
stessi d pao straight to Succes
r r tI he turnedi off into one of the ma:
'<:ildcut1boulevard or Fadedfabri
Id te,,ts lead to the great lsouse
m-steenheis or to R'idicule thea
it, Isistered sketch, A MAN IS KI
hIastfats 'ea rued to avoid then
h,>t fisutility at truver'sing them.
~i opDayMenareTakeing the Right Cour
an d buy of
uSEast Liberty St.
75 N nver sity Ave.

Baud mseet at iMic~sillant at 1:45t taslat
oe men to play at halt game.
lhto eeting of all intdependenst girls. at
a place IBarbsotur gymeWednesday afternooteat
it-doors 5 :00 o'clock. for l ithelrpsoftetectia
ste iindepentdettmiemblserof l teteagu
Right board.
pass if ________
ny side REXiRINIG IE)IJC Xii .
ic alley
of mis-
tre, in (Cotissued frois page i.)
seOsid were iseld, stas tse L'niversity chapel,
ie spoke of the high character tf letoI.
'se Thsomspsons as a toa aisansteducator,
atnd sscntitusetd especially tse closse re
lalioss. sips osth ie retirinsgiprofessssr snsd
Isis studtss.
A sitrn sketchsif Prtof. T'l'tsosttis
life was the prinscipatl featusseof lt
steal speecs, Isy Prof. R. E. Bunkier. IIeS
isirlhis i onaeer slays, his geraduattioss
with use first class to completite ttse lass
cottrse, hissservices in list citvilsear, ,asss
Isis political career, mweretall dsribsed
is some detail.
Thse presenitationtspeiechi tas imatetbt its
G. N.I. Lowee, 'it I, whot expsres.sedsits
appreciaion of thse prest studtslbodyi
asid of the smens of fortmseragcart sri t
siplendcidl work of Prof. Titostss i
thsrotighisutshis lotig secerat t 1igas.S.
Its accepting lie gilt, Petsf. Thesis is
S sass said ins part : "It is sceldoms tatl
manit is allotted to hear Iis oitefitnseal
ky orationt, anss I assusre yottithe slit sr
lege is very satisfactortr. I fedelishtI
assia miemsber of list class if it t i 1e
adosptioit, as I ams leavisip colecestll
themn,btinio serrate ins sy past life hs
'afected me 'so deeply as this seeringp oi
in tg istsrei osthesisthe Uiversity of
t Micigasn.'
The ceresmosny was bsraoiphtits a ciose
to 4p. m bithe sisnsssg of the Yelloandu ists1.

NeWw Whitnvey 'Theatre
Curtain 8.15 P. M. La.te asomever not aeed pSrmptly.
'Tues. and Wed., May 30 and 31
Coumic Opera by Gildcert ..Sullivast.
Givent ly the Vested Choirs of Si. Atniewes' IFiisepal andu
First ConsgregastiontalChsurchses of Assin Arises for the bentefit oif
their annualss choir osstisig.
Chsoruss of 50t Wail Traitted Cildres Voices ----Elsie Costumes,
Fine~ Sining,Eline Danscinig, Goed Orchtestra.,
"Pinafore" Specialties
Sailors'IHornipipe-Sailor's Drill--DistchsSkill fromt
"The Reindceers"
PRICES: Parquet, $ 1.00 and 75. Giallery -25c
Balcony $1,00, 75c and 50c
Curtiti ses at 815~t P. M.-Sale Opents Sfitatiay ati oiAAM-
Hotel Cum--ber'land
W.Cor. Bra adway, at 54th 'St., NEW YORK
Ne50th St.Subiway andit 3(sit i(tleist!
I College Men Always Welcome
er Special Ilerms for College Teams
- [ deal Lacation. Near Theatres, S hops
j . ? and Central Park
C , ?'1,' VPR W,I!octernY, Absohui fite hhiret.XYN~

"School of Danci
o ven by Appointnment
Cane is 246-Office flors l0 lo 12 a. in., 2 t

toNDS adtm Stg adeasage S.mpaanla! ransient ates, $250, with [ath, and Up.
++ , Water Shama Sp cialt . All(Ctired froe Page 1'AlO tieRo s.SttfrBoi5
MR.J. R.TROJANO1lSKI taisdroppinsg Sorn s throw,'.Thisese w
- - s it it it10oSiuts 5Untversty Ate isbsgger fr seisseis Waltise reeisedcresl- UN1ERTHE MANYAGEMET OF
- - - it casse frosts Mttss bait. T'elig lstHarry PStirsom, formerly with Iotel Itmperial.
juir itokWaltnsrs aiic is tsixths R. J. lBtnhmgh., formiely with Hostel Woodward
SYards t 2innin'tg asd dreeout tuse-tessal
' 3knsck ater int he cotest.__________________
tr ota li smade of. T.he nev"er sate so smutthtsicness isislsits GLENROY
of andtrip," said Coach Ricky is ctttistsitte For Sale TeNwSm e
o~~' c mid ' ' ai the ise's jausat."We jplayedi sr his' h f ad
* t its 41a1l'spS'rint, - -al agaisnst attr stngst ousus I s The Vool M and Htuon
msaksngsitsexcelest shiest iaii. i., A R R
eN ' uhiletes .a oulsPrnscetosn astiBruwnThsle h a W ie otLieyC L A
fela _ C " as h isof itsose gamses woituhettin- RvrBacivrC L A
'I '57'f -. excus~: allerrors alwe15rensto2cornt
N''CNlthtIthast eat us." Ashsre< sPI Cc essner
f~ +7±-'aI I''" d.T'is afiernoos's asse sill bein t,.i ii 55at L s 'yyN i - 5 Set t 'iii tc
- at ' 23o. Te ineups.. .folslii Pl t-_____________
E M~unsisassrf, Michell cf.HliszFsc2her1 s
CMcMillans 3, Cmspbll p
Is'-'1 tIathl athlete, M. A. C-H'art'eyoet NcCaellis
iluN 0 ' - st ' itg o ' Butschtss, Dawsons f, Ctrtrsigtt 2 1.Rg {
I 5 til'Niihno' ge 31b,Cornsflo f, CriggisitbPatis 1® Has ample cavt sip p.c, notche I
p.n on in frot naps an its iskr~
tt 'I' ll$dl: IOtt11 P wEPfCuttPabody&( isis oNY
itS ' V t o tly PRtOt. RANKI ' T , N sssss. tess fScHott
i'S i'll N htnrof. T. E. Rasikinsof l theretorussi-
ajd , tJ atntetwill leasse tmourrowusto us it
'seeal igh schoolsltssoughoutthis ALLU R PIO RIC
'slllo i hwl Titsia~tuh ttl suut Mchgan Central The Students' Typewriter Supply C.
]!", IP . i classes ass that day Sunday, June 4 Reona 4 Pess Buildi. opeosit a Mats
The Sset ddedWh 1t Cutmpany '_ Dosad Ktnapp of the forestry daptrt- D tot (
Nicanssuct eft Ann Arbon Sunuday furIis Der t 60
,. h~~ome its Bristol, Ind., where he will visR ? ' k
it for a few days before gisg t SSatte, Ta l 's t ac ut',: i.,su is si a. s., ti:0.; a. ns
Wash, to wmkon ssone oflthe etestrn Pickets ar ccptesl itscoahes sonly.
$Plii" , et forest ccres l t sill blints Baggae sill ot be checked co t
l 4,4 , chage of a trail crew ass the Siostusl- these tickets.r
Side reserve, but will have Iis isatluaisr- fIn additions tos 'boe aes, tickets'
tes in Seattle. He will retur lure tsr will also baaetol bteesnt all statins .
his B. A. degee its the fall. (whene t titus'-say lae is '.05 on
ltosI at wehichs this traits is scedled to pgxauit ;mo. __
stop, at oe' snsi isishalf fure for the Reach Cork Center Base Balls
We make all our candies. Kuspe's, ondtripssithimissnitum sof twety- at State Strelardware
65 . William St. fve cets
s 164 tf

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