-, .~. "HS hiCkIGAk bAILY
THEl MICIGAN DAILY. muhch eriched, by so murch mrade more eai' f the faclty repoded t
_______________________________-_____ useful to the state andtt tenaton. tastt. Th e clas was tdisapoinoted on
Managing Editor-LEE A WHITE. "I F, aove all,' it etoncludes,e, catt ccti't ofi the absence of Mator \. R. C A LN
311Stu. STATE~ STREET _________________ defiters service to a rairoaid as cimpati C A LN
E,- DITORS. btetcwitht serierto the state on te I itf IeM 'ItififI I I TIO SI \KC A DS
News Editor...........Harold Titus road grouttd that a railroadt is as muh A S-r .A \ XI t\ NfitVT
O pening display Of IAssistant ...........J. Fred Lawtou the emtergettee of that ew eratiniite a profeorinite 1rad itldeatet
SpigadStT- Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore muttat reation iof raitroatoad tte tee, ,nwviof te I. he site oProt, Yuwl edteavr
S prtn and Stifi- Exchngsand Files... .Dion S. Birneypeoptle, wscltie redticts wietitthteiirsbysi ieuettiipa it te Sita soon. It would be wise to
Yher Woole ns of EDITORIA~S. force of is rite exterietice ad khou a i bnquet1 -1i vnn.fis tectie, see to it early. Had better
ExcltIUsfvC Styeles Athur J. Abhott. Paul Leidy edge." itil i eiit a:ittsitl atih Cis LEAVE OREROU"
A. J Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. 1i1n ENGINEEI~RS ttANQUEt. SrFwi Gto-l. ifciiint
Frank Pennell Edward H. Rble (Cnised fromsPge I.) tt ti ttie eni trtdeit holit
Maurice Toulme our good ttettettuitgh to keep ttemiin andt publicieweae
ForS5.TS, REPOTERS. the tunierrsity. Before, tmaiyof otr i igh ict forjii t' iitia1teand a Pate with 100 cards
OVERCOAT7S, and Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield gest mit hate felt tat tey col ti bss et ig. i I I:tketptace at te $1.25 to $3.50
, J ) S R John-L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr reftse tempting offers fromathe creitcso fthe leturei iiui 100 CARDS FROM YOUR PLATE
iJohn H. Townley. Wallace Weber. eatla ett s aeto iacia Ittsiit
Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. 'Tie Regentt alatadecded n plieitces o rtie esuigito e iet75
C. Hlarold Rippler. J. Selig Yellen. f lroadning oitthle uirk antinti belcte. All Work Guaranteed
Lorets Roinson Wm. T. Daugherty sore thant has esr lienitdotte beftre.__________
Robert M. Gillet. "Yos, vyountg We, wenetou ileaveitA't'tSi I $,1OFIt lAI RGOTf I,L
W I D C Ocollege, soldsln ottworrepaotttthe sl I I EI(INA IX C h It F I I
BUINSShTP ary you get at ist. This is a minoirt 1 /A -
C. A Bowman. A. IR Dilley. oist. Alt yott et foethe fite~or 'he lliiinumteritite C lie I. itr iI
31 .STIATE STEET Myr Ruin. Kenneth Osborn. twit is ettistghs toutayfoe boaaaeig, wh'hiyir saile lstStrdyir-
t. Ray Johnsotn. Elmer P. Grierson. ands clothes. It is te oplortutnitie foipltc.itihiiitria ttttliiti tiiitiirtiis ait niversity Bookstore
C. 1. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. the future that yuttsottlciansie, sru.Tetstoyi"awiIi Mistais _______________________
-"The criticisms hsts blir ae thatthe it t ii byi Carl et s Bo ea d i s ctlever._________________________
r ~~~~~~~ ~~Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., egineers of ittoasre taroteat I want IThiexpt iiutl fetutre ofI ii ithe_______paper_______
use, ,~11 Shoes Maytard Street. yots to go away frotitheee toiiii a is i iltp atioiu'i drawnilysitti
$.5 3. 50 'as Offiec Hours: Managing Editor, -2 p. somtethintg lethan w its n indi orti diiiittrchiiscitnsidtered h C riaeand Baggage
O . exo I )ind 55olf soe s r. anld ii oo-I I:3o p. m. Daily. ooks. 'The, best lessonts cnili lea ncdti iiortI i ite mos t iirigin i i.ewtlseratiat itshsu-ar
;.I. a T l32 .Sate St. Business Manager, I-3, 7-8p. i., E. fromthoIltseyout seet." tib ut 1 toarotyI. There iare to I rse'tisciteit$ tse1 'ii
ept Stunday. Both 'phones 96o. ___________M____ iter tltiptictuesuythee ateis.aut ia$2.0t0.rss tst
- SURVEfYORS WiIL GiO I NfOl) I Ii-i 1111al'ittt. ii i at-.ANoseIdlilt piec wiii ie25 Cent. tif areditito
CAMPEARL TfTS S?\IbIR thetiia ofa pxn writill bH ity- rSfot -t alsirtsthe pie witte
Cnhf iS RL T IS 1' itil Ilni I ll ir tislt~iitiutan ite worIkcue riv ers. erqie ocletcs
DLICR-Vforucarreanusd batagucseraice.
The opetigof fCamipt Boigruis hefr ii otth ulisethe. ize ltWALtE]t'5 I OtLRY
stitisssum er school surv-ieyig csitiIthis h eo ityd l as i tli l liul IiB - elock fvr s. ott o .
ards 'tf't(SII\h' 'itXV 30, ptt ehantgedl tJtutse 2, tite w'tieailer ey( ind lipiierm.it.atOt i
________________________________ tantstas origunaly sheuledtu. 'this ---
- -h tu IEdior-WAIACesceWXBen. sontsfor the chatgi sthe heie ft e ill ii iii till. iiihulls shAtM Si.
a l ;auttioirities'stot treve-tutthe sudensfo m11111 t tlt AIIalit i fhrmerh-vi a llacitie
Pr1168s l T'resill e a ssbte f the Dtr stdisantdeing after easstawihici irnt sipa istilrthe Miin .N o ihstill.
I siiiit or ow iioitt ntf. zAll aostsi ensa p r roel iurtietht lt Its g i sf ir o na rc t lokint i o meO 1 of
t , eaStudents .. T al h iee p.Ouitosaytat l tshe siutteou. the sork ott tisse is ollfitend s. My tittilee ilsanuu
- The hbioogical stotion t al. e I(- \ro fi trri it clahss.butiheI- l - i
ii ii a51 t. oilt'OlN-R 5 ICHARD ttUDSON. tDotugal sill o eot r ulttJtt 3o w' le rI 'nd Iis 1 i'm ie ii'.iol it iii t' i cetil ofii
_ lET [1LETERING IIhe oofIlc th le present year tiarkslater taitusuatiost 'if. I. it.Rakerithliiec iitar),iof SMate iiiintlumbus
tse issng ouf tutu of Miehigasn's veitr- of fBrown OUniversity. ha '--been__________soured__________
P° "t n sQ100 CARDS ae iuehirf rdeyA hm-t tskechare Of the swrt' f Pof i
$1.25 soiutiundtirf.IRichaorudIHusn. Int hic se, wshuill eue sotrtyfr ot Ready o ora~ e
isinitaniie the resigntationt isiset with Amserica.
"ter ' 0S from Plate tilet of rittetsuhrtte, ut if the giftOnS
1cis lacking tti the Other instantce there is INTERURBAN CARS TOl.) VEKind Gentlnl~ca-
n his' upiont Ithe part of his isaiy st- NIEss'"NO T) fTI NG"SINS._____ _teat fot ouI wthi Fabirics wh itt aie
Weau+ ' a- I a Ieof in- i ns tutu eseem,utd solieitudue ot - - exelusiv ithus ttyla eathal. ae uthor
- 'a iesi , I c i~h't' uhiNeas i a ut reminh to hut. At the itstgation of r 1' Su ute IsRS ratleuuauti'<lde-i
PRO', TCIe RnsES p romtiyouthl to msauhod's fullush. ey, city health offcer, the ioaateutu.Just received a fresh utss ttptsa a ohrueiir
______________ and__ fttumtumanhloodl to the das- wheit of the itterturbati electric ruiltay lie' Shipment of haylatus tt'uuao''ieeli
situvr tuchedutheir ha, these two- mtenu tossissitedtat orueto have ll iutucuteuti-h wrsaddlie tjs
E fe f tooktore hae ive teir todily anth tetta vigor aut cars erunninig Ietweentis ciyad whn sutit anithe iot.sutdSlso tjll
t teunvrity, faithful euseh to a ighsDteroit, eqipiped withs es NoSpIi t
ida tufsolrahits sitchof ecaracter. itg"'signs. The exectio thisrde G iilber1ts Yumi ytkn dvnaeou
-- 00. loesandamitions thattey have un- uittlaatrinuphto the lclasct dns odaiy Tih
phyhvese slnilyraizdi hereislosis, a has eenthle uitu 'f tI'W mSI.2Or1Sr
.;rdnst hoimithey ate afforseden-nitubrulsscutaders to see thusi ast Ialr
t" ouaginntanth inspirationu effect for somse the. l .LbrySre
a *t _ , I1[LL ct uisoe egree, the msethods of _________________s
yhs e e udiffered front those of -SENIOR LITS BANQUET INhiMsadeckOwer
t ew enrationt, they have teverthe- DETROIT FOR LASr[ I 'it
esittarke ight uchtieeenetutanset have-is.aOi
wihite mtost progessive insitttions class aiqueted at the tHotel Cuilta tuux'sntnrhpfi oiprsn Ahstffp sioeso test u
thghutit their :ternts of service. il/eri ateeig T i a h
tatbhuh the Mct uuuasxDsI' extetids, last gatherisg of the class andt the et-'
ia"'uponu behulf of a long lue of atumni ing was oie of goad cheer suit fetlow- T ~ c e
andulof unduegrdutuates, et wishes for ship. Fred Lawtntas toastmsteusr,
Me °d ical a rst s tleasuntianstudisturbseed as i std Prof. Van Tyine ad Prof Robert Drub Store 17 S. Meta St
as dserved* T
N105 v tMihgn 'I'IfNTf)US ONE. SAYS NEWS. We* Print EDGEWOOD
Second-Hland Law Books Thusmtagitiutde of the self-imposed Dance Programs, Tally Cards, etc.
tuilt recently uttdertaceti y Prof. Henry, Leather Programs a Specialty.[[7
, w atIMeViecIbou Dictionaries C'.hAuttms int cnntetion with the New Ceta aira ies n h Brand
(quz ~ecrk, tc 5-W e Sirld fo 2 hgtiel iuus of its ispiration, were the
Complte-l ine New anid See- uljecs f euitoria contient inthie De- Class Records, Technical Journals, Bes Made-Merit in every Thread
ond-Btutd cuot Nra-s of Saturdtay, May 27. Periodicals, Magazines, etc. W G E
Old bootua kenin t Exehange "If DrAudans," says the News, "can Artistic Work Pomsp Sesvie. Rlghs tice W G E O
erect ii the Utiversity of Michigats a_________
a.E R H , sh ohlf transprtationt that wilt e per- ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP
CmEeI\~FH LL ted it hu his own preseit theory, that MAYER, SCHOET TLE & SCHAIRER CO. Oposistos ete ue Watiu' ttoomn
326 S. "(ATE STREET l te railruoadutis a servant of the people,' STATIONERS PRINTERS BINDERS GO .SOL ~oreo
Seconad ler Tel 761 l'thepoile's tuniversity wilt e y so 112 suth Mats St. Bell Phone 1404 , 4 tDoors Scan,- hedute's"
12 asigonS.RAN A4 P K htgahr
Phone 598