Th'e ic ign aly ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, it t SDA\S, --I \y 30, 1911. No . 170. Vol. XXI. VARSITY RETURNS FORIIOMFE GAMES Players Were Weakened By Continued Illness on Trip East MEET M. A. C. THIS AFTERNOON lack from a disastrous aserni trillI the ball men face the M/. A. C. aggrega- tioni this afternoon ill what ipromiseas to he oie of tte hardest fought games of tielocal series. Tie larmeirs iill coiie fromi aisiig t) fill tietDecoratioi Day ibliilli the lielief that they can secure rvnefii the ticatiig~s thesiae re- ccii ci ii inhe pilt. he is , av~ee a tciigteimithis sasioniiid atheyiii'caiie lthe\ 'it eriniis aiclosebtIitl, earl ini the sasiii u s tics haiiilittli paicete apaeseitsyforidiiable noiw'that lisatavec hdthe adiivaiitige f tlese- so's tly. \VtleheVrstyayersarc still ii hadi shaipe eery regularlis e c tedcito to aphars nd ithiiliC(aupbell iii favirite. Tiii areidtii nediiiiiii is- le ilay i'eirticlis s paingsron balin tleemii'ung games ounu" f te s sis- neadif ithelisiutorslowrthesi z 15 °r r ji M el iamoniidelthis afternooitiu wiill ol be af'ter'iii'iiilib atte. I pchris ii siiipe ito la ie illdo the muuaskc asiidiiit aniiiileiiCaimpbuiiilell's siioots andife lakstconde'itinltielu's wiill lbe clleid upon. liiuiciiiis slatsditc replace ltiisr inlthieutili. Ileis to pla rightlieli, Mitciteii'moiigesiiit ri Ienlii. Oni o' Cace Ricey's i'asseu toe makingu this shft is that \\alturer i a snra nd i'siiiIMunusiin a jiiiior asueby1 tu t tiusingu;:M nsn ii cgreswiitii eitch ell aniiiililiticeciitiel can beleelopeti eit for iext seasoi. 'Thei miiie wiltali so iiie whait is iieiobaihly teiairien flitiiiictrisi lit cldie isit 'oil Ii chseisc is. Riller Mattisone or Senucr sittsi frte ilF armues Thle foiieier is tli giaiit veteraii iwiii tas causaethtis eb ist ccriii s'sosiiiiicli troiuilein th lespast iShit Spticeis a ysiiiigstr ofi iiiisiit iiroii Mbuc t fhelbl'miie fr tic iefest wic tiie lie iirei'ceisedciniite east is tI te plaednelst the sickness that maisie strongs ball. The Oerlintaier rise thec suadli's iindoiig, ginghalf iii ill mieni stiiiasctouleistuatu folliwidihie th risughutslthe tril. Ssimle sitteiuu' hsis st yet recverecdlasht Coach 1Rick c im siiselt suit seeral oit Iisiiiipil slint mst iftyeseiritdaiied tihi luas scireof teiBrownsamtie see frsuiiiProvsieice,. itI., iorions of the slurs isiliisheuii Snay's DAIY ensc inicuerree.'The eror that let in ue tic riiis that cost liar game wan con ii iby IMill aisdntlip MacMillan, the cat (Contiued on Page 4.) 'u'V')Mi'N S\V1stI+thiS Seb li The uwomeii cutthe iuiversity'willhd a "swimminilg picnic''siat Wlihtnsuiiss' lext Satsurdiaysifternoioii. 'Pb5'pails wil cii te i i' ut :heboista stionsiionithei irs iva t Whitiorilwill'gotosi he ) hi iiig liesicit Escry' girl saths iwishis'~t to Setiss iigel )wissa sti Isas wsc. la girltilaltislie islected tot i ii a basket for'set . f J ai St isses itigelois, Sells it deCloge isill eliaiieroiie. 1911 ENGINEERS BANQUET Tuller liotel in Detroit Vibrant WAith Good Fellowship On tu ndiisri'si hrts it of the ione ilgie te Tuleins'hsteiliintrot', is us ii i t his iuitiiirk si _1 us Annuu btoe'.r . . A IT. X Mite of i' '5 it i t iis' )llfithe 5'a sofI yt l. 1'i,o oiiks (ro usd ii suuut iuuine ,.iaind tis' chem cal' m eein'guh cut '5 5 t oo ' M et5 5 %"is 'ha -eru 5st/sit hi this' c o T les' is iis, will hue'fetu red byi 11. tee hi. Set'. Sit irc''hie's a ce u hs on5 ' 'huthe rs>~sitt okr id{rbo e'ni. O t h tie r's' Noelshtsities llp' uciulis. sIihil r ;-ram.')0u1 'tart that hieu' sil't ad tpdtheil h toiibhuespaecistall ttrac tive' in lsce' of Phi Kntt aiskhernIlltilist thuse o 'ff i iceo oat ll p ite' 5515 seting19 ittmii sill 1 55tithli i avors, will thii'oit ligt blui mastr lmot acpal. l:frs t sirt'ctthhoshhehh'rt 'ls's A 'that he stle 'tush ld ietd eithisetlowissue's' - uheittce . huses en, tih ep l( ,r ab w ud aebl l the rsets ii 1 5uof h ullavoitabe s lts s i i "it)I thti'tie/sat''-Fsreit;nsI a u"Ir>f ilte22)1f1CIaln tdaw u h a a dB l}o s ed bt h e gsts nusI sute'' Allsen tool:ocsi on tocstrtuae hesooi111ciiI w slocest r tsne t thii s euuu lbes i ll hebe, o~t is andu t i/i tess il t endancuse', w iiss e lsii ht1 l, fne h re te rcewssot d sc wi llsh hbes i tn promptI at 7;to ai good~l side theais thi s s s lits hd t I(vc ab's's'1usu uoclck'Te secpton lite whtalus iti '' eIoes slis' asitl't last Is hestil 'h fic~l tit e 's's sc eiat es a'lsis be 51155 i 5 te su- al' l i 5 I i s ii' 5 ls. and 'w'.. idon't f'su i testis uses us i deIt seha h v lld nxts i cl usut willu nclus sue Drthu Ja'luls BI hng''l',t es- lers. Tihiey'havto usgouitse m e et onassessia sIho hn\ sulec- cust 1.II Ituttulinss 1t use hush u, cu' e tf uliness." Ol osira<) o~ ll us thistwoe mle e ra l cha~tsirmanse rin tO.V Chussner ii i r- it . .C. Sadleru'shoe sco hts 11 5n h s lsd b Igalo t f o etha11n5retetis commtl55ties XX It er ihaecs." '''hereel's ioutte pes, f 5 alt s hi us 11111 1 'usv'"usvensthus \Vol- hiaset, suit thus wies andsuet s eurs ofs i high hises,'' hue' be-all, '''tush'stt ii es-s eitis s a 5 5 Iptutu . Ite iw a isifl-it the us til aty rpel iscuti n wis esthssasill as re's't' ithse s htedunA nAro. i'. unsom s hid c o c1~m ig I l es ill Ii suit iu t let s s p ris. s s e s h lli si l us loe fromeotesi (ty sthet vi' u slismmi iii crwI~ S uistrteel tshsuihte hue vergenc' fos're'rt'sll I ci u istomt wsill he r'soruts aru nd his e r eu'stush is YSe ua boi utit 5 5 ''lii iii the igh to rci der-. 5 se1rved i a ier i'itiuilsittitii 'ile 3/0Situil t'e mor'nineg atush euu~s the night I The Xl\" iis lhave inlt is t e iaiarded tutble ,iiinhie mteese i llb n a h hsideous. Anhtutcter kn ti oe''samsit isi' tuha usd ' w i t 'u ue ntsthrt ur f i, ta els ittwhhatee tll :nsts wsilltbhu t e nsthingc suitclassshonosi ll tthue'wav1 ofI I suithe it ddtuuleso' th wek us'thhe t the'stilt'titts'. 'i'heesuuclssut ttuhe eeus assist, teeth tutukes Sigmaste i, ec' 1,e' it '.51ld 'I suss's 'lleil t avd i h at. sec suitscliasill hbe'sit'sediibstwen nes ' itts rea 'llih fverho eve'ItsewoIl use c1ll.l tillt r t l ntilslet t talll setsths'lee blcl's es o~ f tiitile elnstteuu twou. IlIs is the eluuut a 'lssmeus's wuith hs a is hi t t S u i s tis fo us uar. she lwiche usill hue' furi'shte'e t1 t u dsst' cltssatte's tutu dbus tlitlisa ortest' h isse lt I 'Itl'm5 4 5 5 i' ar'sI 55 s u l us eres'. adhis mtisiasiits." I ' I ' i tntilalft he menlutist ale vies Thus' greersul cee itfthis de''c'atiss t'u''.. 1. hi. Xti tos' t he t ' lpsrt se t v 'Is sre ereuheicht teeae t e b sesra gcd1 his t. It. Ji' - its' tuehell su tin suto ies a'suit d'dti usstuh u ____________a______________ k_____ sits a'I.e . 1). titlis, '12 Set1, will hue' s littls'e s'etinena' dvulice' oIs this ml's t s het lsic tut su m izui/ andush luit. -f o i cue s ton hi'eatS inethi'esuwurl. '"I i tttuitiattic sfern ulsk t int e e u' ''ts'u' i tie' huedt suices Iiniyouri'citsel ine ut,'' is'gyllmuasisus, sa ibboneduteesh t lis stilt b so uite't dte, 'remtst e i r si set' s a llthdra'hilt o heii< st ul e rtuites usrh siuspte's i 'htihlge 1may1b'ihe-uct acess-.'' - . c*' ' nit'fromii thes'r'oof trulss'es, andI ti'nceIto Se. P. Cosgasw'ell i'r eistsondedtote toa ltst " .