~kzMlC~IAN DAILY _ _ ____ _ _. __.. __... _ . _. T _ k ( 'Pf E P0 ~ ndt i IDEAL OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. WAGNER & 'CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe r . MA.,BLANKEBTS AND CURIOS Arsaed Cr-afta Shop asterna Shops Car. William and Maynard Capsand own for any Degree t .: tkeirdi sforiCaps and Gowns 0ctet-w Ma-ier's or Bachelor's. I cc vole cell and get prices of the ci is ent cal or for Jpurchase. M AC & CO. Secand Floor __hirtNIovcltics l -e just receivcl a large shipment of negligee ?i t n ail ent iretiy newvline of patterns, made k li 1 reili ol ci Taf, and soft or stiff detachable I ca- s, shirts that ate nade with your comfort ] Li UNIVERSITY NOTICES fto cromiitte brert eeoon" onday oni 4:50 ip. itraiii. Prof. R. 'M. Wenetrwii llta 1ct- tire in St. Andrw's church this noo en "'Te-'resent Religious Situait1 i and Probilciem f tt(th erchintie 't i i Stairs." Het Is Verboden Over Net Gras T Wandelen TXVO IL'NlDRlDltiStill IS iAT 11"; 'D it \NQEI'T' Xl' X(VITifM 1\I?. 'wl'etiitidccilsophomes c speni terdat afterriiooniainii 1111111' a XtX~it atort take,iaigtirtating andci lbat th-nw-or "ii-cii Soipihoimr aIiA1111; thr feattures offereddicaIs < iea 11M )acchall gamr playedcl ytimp ci pee: class iram s. 'heiret eilned il4c: tiorv for therTits,.a ith aascrof-2Th rest cifItir day isac speirllIt fr to cnvert XVliitiiotr akt into a s 1nc Atlantic ('ity, andiileilrcassaein rt iing togs lid iot fal l froti ic attempitt. 'The lbainuitat six ocieck Nis mark- ed lit a test of eis aind 5ells and1cs trcial appilawasi ac~crdedaliiil quartttwhichi riidier4i ai br o piopular selectiionis iiiii( lii cop 'ictcs iNolite ambulare per gramen THE OLD PLACE REINGER ea. CO. We have a fresh stock of 'tinc Albart and Tuxedo in z soand andli pond cans and jars. ,........,.......r, ..,.a.. IBAILEY & EDMt UNDS f Ladies' HairS Dresng, Shamponing1 DELR INas05 I fanicur-ing, FacePliannage. Rain- (rn,3'~inrTcl n ttjnto Water Shanmposn a Spescialty: All ins i~lii~. sciii sidA iiii sulen toolssand towaelsnsterilizedsbefore uaing l iy itti gas eciaii~ ty h I M R S.J.R .T R O JA N O W SK I Liery St. Ann Arbor,Pitinhigan ; iiili)Soll iveriiiisity Av-e. - _ -== - - WTheutre ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP fpo it E lctic, Staiting Roomai GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors from" f. eiiiie's" CHINE ERESTAURANT AT I UTTLE & CO. LUNCH ROOMI Yos annfindsa fine lnestf Csfeciissr DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroilt, Ann Arbor and Jackson I I VV "xr "C lint, Rtipxyly nin el Amortea. I I n-twnit i irr.i4®.il__...ii"ti:2 ., i , i t - ,., ;)- , MI I ii - I* -- ascei antI the weather, alt you sited iit toi cenjoy itIsbatIsefore buying that rlitnIo'-cifiii'c andclPausosses, Kniox and iules Dishes, Chaps and Steaks p111. :13p. 'x, :11, r. i 1. 1>>p.is, :1:511. 1 eeeAiedigrai all Ho-s Kalamazoo Limited --O46a.1:11 4 .ii H e e e l m nd g r 14611. i46 I. 4i ), 1 ill ii il 11.:e 13. Teacher at Singint iLSFR AISADGETEE oal CrsEati oun -Ii1r I.o t , 4>a Voice Placing Sang Interpretation 55105mL5l, NDSET:45 Len a.m.Enaund '1y tw houso10a45 -- " "" -psi TiiYiisnii, >05:41 m idi0hafutrla fitsdia: V'agsierBlocrk i303 i S I 1 WAJ KING LOO 1 -50c,-11ci 'oSiIPiiii e, chang e at Ypsiilanti. hionrs: to fP1. h7 J314S