4I MICHIGAN' DAIEY In choosing your Stra~w Hat Pick a Winner The Mallory cravenetted straws will stand showers and dampness, fog, etc. and can be sponged clean without harm F. W. GROSS 123 E. Liberty St. j Edxclusive Agency A.0,SI3AI DING & BROS. S pai re the largcestmans"- facta ers ilathe world Tr.ed-M ar-k of OFFICIAL EQUIP- MINT,forallsthletic -t-oliNo sports and pastimes. TAEL G If ayou are Interested aN Athletic Sport aaa MK h00 oualhssave a pyof 94bC1N Oi te Spatling Iota- , ..PSD loaue. Its aco'a ;ph'te hnowa throughooteWhat') s o the world as a Wa' New in Sport Guaamsat., of ad is sentfree on re- Qnsao..ttty quest. A. G. SP'ALDING ie. BROS 254 Woodward ,Ave. Detro SMich The Ann Arbor Savings flankf Capital stoch $300,000 Surplus $50,000 Resoturces 52,890,000 A Cleneral Banking Businesa Transacted UrricaERS Chas. E. Biscock, Preas.; W. D. Haorriman, Vice Preas.:0M. 0. Felt.. Cashie YHE FARMESRS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profis $100,000 gOeneeal Bashing Boniness. 3 percent paid on Time and Sevins Deposits. Safety De- posit Boxes to teat at51200 adapwards it. Nasser, Prers.I.G. PRaETTYMAN, Vice-Prert. IT. A. WILLIAMS. Cashier P. T.TOawa, At; (jema:4rnicn Sm in a,3 a Coemmevcle.l aBnd S>avitsga Cav. Moin a and Libenty Stn-swta FIRST NATIONAL BAND Or ANN ARBOs, MICa. E. D. IiNNE, HARISDN SDULE Preas. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARIKSDN, Cashier. Capit al, $i00 SuplussadiProilts , $05000 STATE SAVINGS BANK CapitalO$5000 Surplus 75,000 iesreces $1,250,000 lWai..1. ilooth, ires. Wat. Arnold. Vice Prs. C. J. Waltz, Cashier CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All maiter is this columna mast be paid for is advance. Offie lours : i-2:a3o; 7-8:30 p. M.i WANTED l1Vanted-Gradtuate enlginecer to ltke ini- tcreat ins watll esaoblishieditecgineecrins aworks earninig 20 sarcentii. lit. \Villi iniciraedtcapital ecan double c-rtiliga. wilt torn over office ansdatrealsury to riglih sta. Sales 1anisopl now und1(er 1i cliagonit aologcilell. \Writec (apIc Fouindary acid 'lochinec Comaniy, Fi. Scott, Konsas. 168-177 LOST. L~ost-.black umiolii;a withi we' namtte Oii haiiile. liihindrIleae leavea all Newberry-I loll and reciv,, ra-iacl. ifs; Jo t-ric osge pini. I1itas C. W, .S. Phonec 1511 1,. Reoad. 10 FOUND. (lienii.Nwner may hsarv sae by spek iiag ltoJantor of Wait;-roman ini and ii paing fair tisladavlaertisaementa. 1(ao MISCELLANEOUS W~eisake receeption alicka andiaaaaifers in ol coorsandi la osr, ita ardir. Krusape's, 61, E. WillioamSi, 164 t f Receptiaon wafers, saitoleifoairm; wather, 25 cenls o posinaa. Scaspic's, 615 E. WilliamisSt. 164 t i CHIROPODY Cacas, bacilons, ingrawinig sails, ;eati- ed and cured. Everythiing abaaolcly antiseptic. Office housa-120a. In, 1-5 p. 10. 7-8 p' m. Miss E. J. Falcy, 921 F,. Huron St., End. Norths 12th. Phonea 989-J"1 53-coal. We maike all or asi noduieaa. Kruispea's, 615 E. sWillioa St. 164 tf NIOT ICI',I Stusdenitasell;;aire-laoaokinagfar a-sixtr; 000sisanviassinsg proapaosiaionfaactheiCol-- 05f5 mnc wiiililacdoiwalaaal1 to;raealdithe- al a erliseissaislof the Iletraoit lire;~s St;;;;-Cos..ishichlsparsioshis Iissc of thse )us. lhis aalsrtsaim~iap-ii pears toay-icfair ithelaist times. let Is Verboden Over Het Gras Te Wandelen? MUSIC AND DRAMA fGalbMondlo ay eveinag i at 'lockaa-- aeise ~instar~o, spaoof Pittasburg, Pa;. aaldIHenrietta \Vurslcr, liiista, if Ass;-kbosr, soill gist ai joinst gradutonss 1,aT;lii at 11the lSihoal sif Music. Bols ayo, laishaIs;-;- eniciauocintious ala its i; intheSahlol ft si tsar s- ci~t a and sialvsse issade 111011 itt ccc- ord:;iitheir raspeiaaeiClintes. Trhe Ipubllic a-s acrdially sassitail Is;listeni so tilse fol- laow ig prosgrami LI sas;its .......... -Wingartner- fit islasWubbsh......---.Chsopini Mb adigiail . . .. . . .. . ..C a isa Jeannsette Lindistroasi Saonatla;, 1);. 27,. ?....Bethv; Aaagiosa oasnuto; Allegretto;- Presto aigitato.; J eaniete LIindsstrom)1 Na;-;ctrae, OpI.62. Na; a......Ch1in5 Cariaaio, Op. ill16,ass. /....... C;pries bslpai agOl <). 37....... .. . . . . . . .. . . . .t s kowski 1I;asi ia uster Song ala an taisig La- ..ass ....i ....i.....ansg A; ;;;a of lay .......so;;;..cibansgc A; I astin;............Raogers I. v'a iaa s Spiie..... !Ilamoiisd Ncllis;;alltisaccomaist. Si ilIt I SI CI-WS ANt) ICV DIiNKIS AMI,TIHE17THlING. socal soaaalwsater- empoiarius d idii rtig ,5iia s aalsterday, as tse;ten- sak.acoadn ag It; the;osesraosry;rcc isaacts. "liesa- sssaiaissowais (94 and ai ssa il;degrees aindatue msinsimusmss61 degreesa, sasidi Pro;f. lisse;-laist ight "Tis ais ssssssalicihigh fair thistimise if ista intst-,sf acollege stud~eints." rcccas- isa el bforeaa;litea-sos aciaty if Nbaal- sain ss-c Caliege. lFulto, Mla., seventeeni a o woimena vsioteiad t o ssain;the stea tis; Nolite ambulare per gramen W..alk-Oxfdver Oxords ' Spring styles in low shoes are now ready for your inspection. Tan and Black, Button and Lace, for Men and Women $3.50 to $5100 Get fitted by our rule system and notice the satisfaction of perfect length and width. -Walk-Oyer SPRING HATS ,and CAP ai HATS ONOAMTsaHATS Get Your New Spring Suit at WADHAMS & COMPANY 121-123 South Main Street H 0Q oLE YROHQV SHIRTS FOR HOT WEATHER With soft collars and soft cuffs Exclusive Patterns 1 Q o oWAGNER & 'CO. STAT STRET Sate Sreeti The University Music House Has the Latest in Operatic r J WIE French Dry Clean A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, l~c REPAIRING Fuller & O'Connor.' Tailors, 619 E. Wiliam St. I The Right Way Jo Cook is With a Detroit Electric Fireless Cooker 11Afewe minutes current from any light socket starts its Imprisoned heat cooks Smatll Size No. z 7C Electric the food. Could Anlything Be More Appreciated Popular, Irresistable. Don'9t delay jget territory eand'make e.. fortn te this suJmmer Detroit Fireless Stove C. Makers of 12 styles snd sizes of electric wild cateiasit lireless stoves and Popular Music Exclusive Agency tar Gihson Mandalins and Guitars 1~ i i Portrait Studio- 3ig East Huron .Street