SIMICIGANfl AILY UJNIVERSITY NOTICES Ne im y Th ar b-ku s-ti g"* B u d s i. _.. V....r. Cur-ai-8.15 P. M. Lte coaaner^ not seated peepty Alpha Nu will metnic l i No - nation of officers audy "ad~g! M y2 oly tsmet at kentSaturday, Matinee:Ma tdyfor groupphtga . Suggststhe ~e~l tlSS nd hrmoy ofourDIRECT FROM THE CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE ..ITS THIRD ENAEMENT IN j~~~~ SIX MICHTIGAN ATI IiIFS CHICAGO THIS SEASON DLGTU UIA INEW SPRING FASHIONS. Our models are P ACE( FR 11TIIVFIN (If GLORIOUS RETURN JOS. M. GAITELU uAYa dvoid of fads yet Superb in style rightness. (Continued fron pge I). We will fit you with uneerilg precision at a first; Smilh (DlartIsujuth)secmdl'Ta U WHE G I L . JOHN HYAMS, 25 seconds. Esurh hIeat-Siblt(mr LIL MIN-R price that fits your purse! ell) first; I I d lchaiuiisiiiiilond \lm 253-5 LEIL.aIn TYR 22-N asElssWTioE ESeventy Others seciinds(Pei) is 'lls hti t al( RiA M Aseod. Tis zseusaols. SiiulsoLAai1 AGMNTD OtHESlT MD Cr aig (17lcliig su fi t l cis __________ A IVI A tCO 1LM (Yae) Secriitil.Tiiie 2 scons.ThirdTeOiinlCsn JetRs.McigilSi1< B NESBIT, HAUERBACH, and HOSCHNA ThOrgnlCsad hetR--( ih,,m i l, cl yProduction 118 E st Lierty(Yale) secoiid. Timue 21 4-5 scnds IFourths hea-Frd (Cornell) firsi Hear " Doctor Tinkle Tinker " -Cuok (Princetn) scn.Tm 2sc and the other Big Saucy Hits CALL ANI) SEE THE Sot put (Trils)-'Fonr lci gai); 45 feet g5-2iru0 oisrr Q * l:35-50-71941.0041.50 SEAT SALE THURSDAY, "(Yale) 45 feet 2 ,, nhlauc, PIESL:J Matinee: 35c to $1.00 MAY 25, AT 9:00 A. M j h(Corell) 43 feet in________________________________________________ we JLJ (1jI'OWe1se) 42 et; 1Ias ( is r) } feet 4 ihe. h t l u be l n _____()artnoutl) 5 feet y) jid l aiked at rBrod171at 4tUStIEW YORK (Nea),roenll ( i) ii . ,5th 5;.St Stisay and 5 53d . reated, (Hlarvard) 5 feel 7 iches ry ond C m pany (Iarinoisl) 4; ett1 Fs KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN 755! N. Un~riversity Ave. Mrhy(. fP. 4 fV7qich College Men Altways Wecome lauiister (Csrnell) i3feet0i nc( "1 -~ -_______________________________hardenei ()ariioiihl 338 fet Cils ,Special ferms for College Teams ____________________________________________________________ (ale) 13.1feet ii1ices. I_____ ( -n~ r'-,;School of Dancing Piiealt HiresIT). oaldniricAVIr Ii byApoitmnt ier n ir Vl) n aaIdeal Location. Ner Theatres, Shops I,-C-O(5fl5 (givenb A pon m t f1' by Ciolumbsia)tiei ati tielve.fetsil3a so ad Central Park Ii ril yihline 240Pce (losurs 10 to 12 a. i., 2 to 4 pm Rniniig lradil isiiliMccrcii (Ii 10 I 23 fee 3 iiches, Bartettcl (illni ams)i ______________________feet 51-2 iscles: Llfio 'im t i^1 i-INew, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof A Y g i~i~rfeet 3 -8 iiiclis; ilolies (Pornii dii 2 t M NDIS ( Leades air Drensing, Shmpoing t'aiurnFace paec ia t All ruhes _- aae Sha1111 aspcalt._ll_____ ____Transient Rates, $2.50 with Bath. and Up. is - e tools andfeetli-sterisiziebeforeusing_ All Outside Ro. O~t Send .or Booklet ii liwR.sRiJiM a Ise use nothing bsut the list uateis ' z ~ e6 1 r itaagn u Suti iUnlversity Ave. iii isakisg iiur cnisiili r us i s. 615ii R. Willians St UNDESI THE MANAGEMENT' OF ---i16l t Harry P Sttmrson, fonerly witsHotoel Imprial. W. J Bit jQhea , oesmerDrwills Htel Wooiward P 1 ,d Cam Nerves-___________ ______ tilIt I ly nourished body. CHINESE RESTAURANT >t nl tldoftourishment "hp sdThe ight Way TO Cook IS With to C1.i I- Wx hole wheat contains Facish., Chops and Steaks aDtotEeti ieesCoe s-y o build tup and at at Hour F I . t s, boe)OI nd.. an TABLES FOR LAIES AND GENTLEMEN WAI KING LOO E T ~314 s. State UP STAIS A few minutes current from V1 any light socket starts i' L Onle t ,x, Im p riso n e d h e a t c o o k s "* I Smsall i c i7io letrsec the food. 1 4 *Could Anything Be More Appreciated to s hiat, -=Popular, Irresistable. Dorn't dela~y get territory grid make S~r,:t one / fort-uno this suammer The SheidhatCmay S\~ ~ ~ O Detroit Fireless Stove Co. Md-AbyE C VRK ON Makers of so styles atd sizes of electric asd radiast fireless sov en NignsIFalk, N. Y. Michigan Central Sunday, May 28 We have added several designs especially adapt- IReuning Se ae Day To able to student trade to our Jackson 60c fBattle Creek $1.30 At Home Photograph's g Kalamazoo $1.65 J z Grand Rapids $2.00 'N~- Train Leaves 8:15 a. nm. Seniaor Rates to All Stxdemts for the _ Tickets accepted in coaches only. Rem.irder of College Yea.r I Baggage will nt e checked on these tickets Telephone Bell 473 J and we'll do the rest y ° H(In addition to sove fares- tiket - - m~~~~f~~5i jtb ~~~~~ will also e sold between all stations ________________________________ (where the oneway are is $.00 or ., less) a which this train is scheduled to Ja d e round trip, wit minimum of tweity- The "At Home PhotoraPhir." Bell Phone 473 J ..,,l l); ive cents. _______________________________ ALWAYS AHEAD RN a W 'X AU Wk THE BEST OF EVERY THEE VIL VIII JTkl I IlUO R TINU IN TAILORING