THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. WILD CO.. 311 5. STATE STREET Opening Display of, Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S0. STATE STEET Tailors State St. Shoe Store StSt Crawford Shoes for Men Full Line of Ladies Shoes "Edscators" for Children Sporting Goods E. R. FROST. Prop C. [. BARIN[LL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Micigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Medical Dictionaries Qiz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ond-and. Old books taken in xchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Students' Bookstore Gym Supplies of all kinds Stationery 1 pound Linen Fabric-2 Packages of Envelopes 60e Card Index's AT Sheehan's 320 S. Sate Street THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Mla lsg inj dlsi"-LtrA 'sII as 13gypiieii llsuqi rNosuos. 1{,kHtty, News EIditor ........ arold Ttus Assistil... -i--I-t:.- arry-.Z. Fol Aflili tic Editor....Waler K. Towers Aissistant....Arthur 117_.'ohlia Music andll I Ic.a rl \V. Mtoore I xclvg' and iles. Do. S. Birey tDIT'ORIAis. Arthur J. Abbott. G. S. asher PalLeid. N.IGHiTc L o'rORs. A. J. \\olll-gcilutl. Harold Mee. Harry G. .'yr M. Mack Ryan Frank Pennell. FrdtLawon Miaurice loulii. tLorcnRi obinson. .a~nL.hiiICx. F . Shaw, Jr. nri oIscl. Oscar IBeckman. BUSINESS STAP C. A.Iowman. A. R Dily. My1e r Rubin. Kenneth Osborn. Iddifi-cs: ,\cIiriiozDAtIY, ~PrssBld~cg., MIaynalrd Sret. Off-ice I ours i'aaging Edior, 1-2 p. nu,. anol11:0011:30 p. in. taily. Ilsiiiiss Matager, 17, 7-8 p. u., E-1 cett Sutday. Both 'hloes 960. S1 1611 N ', IOCTOBEl~R 22, 1910. AishtEi:1lai A J.W1IitGc osUTn P N1IbR.1661 INCAEFNDAR. Otbr22 NAIlI-Frollvs. Alm~a :a1 li-i-: Ill, 2:30 p,111_ii ci tier 22-.-iliigait vs. 0. S. I..1at Octoe 111r2(1 Jmiiiiiig Jutpier, Neio1 C[I, 'SSI'S N(131 IN NYI- IN POUtRIING RAIN. Iccbal ange, ,hAbramis; rac: u 12 cJo-Fchard,'05. . Ilr shi girs' bt asetbllirmatagerc,:Marc ' oi 11 f hl~Il l, 'nIforii offic: gcrlin1.11 cih1JacobsilChas. Tackels; tracklmanager,1%\ a1' rN 111Smithlb.Noah Te 11medica l c1assof,1lo11 seleedlt the folwn Ij~il Ils: Pesidnt, Its ill Ilmmlls IN ill iii I'IliiiiilIs 'vice iNWrrn eauiei 1.6D Jol d ine, iiN Sut:I bastbl l manai '- _A. B. Jones; 11nillllimanagerlWm R.1 Lil,lShuI1s s1(11oms.dilJC ~t The 11'I ' engiees11111ned3aP Cal- - ImesIFo prs'',ln l C T. Pan Gan S. R. Penfield,- 17 .3 l ri 11-de ll ill. iicr iii .111 ils illlllandlis 11,1: ;b ie;fo eblIminaid th lntci ilinlithat11 illvote, ever)- man, 1 01111v1to 1howhits receit for ist ca's des.Last year's treas- iller Gry eti he etarly patrt if the ear and111 there15ar1e1no1reco~rdlsto show Nulenin1lth111cositti~i~on, suspending 'msl' tedi als a fair5solut1ion1. Finally, 1111111thev.statementiilthaI telegraphic Col stlnilCtli (lii 51u1114he op~enledI with Sthle' 11lt. an1 11who0h1eldirhecltass reords, 'Ft'e maitter wasI laid1)11 the lale.:.In cse)oreco'rd s are unicoveredl, a cltiss mein~ig willh11hld inext Pridatv- T'P113 lit clalss illliniiltled thle fl- low'ing: PresiietiRay I?.'1asset I, 3. 1K. Coolidge1;svice-0pesidet,11 aiet C'arroll, Catherinie Ia'ikay';Itreasurer C. 3. Abbott ; secretayr gueI'r1'irte Kennedty, 1Florence W.iN int1n11111 c- geot-at-arras, Nsil Mscillenl; 11aebd matniager, I1. StrnM ru i 111Isld:lOtra maliager, 11. C. Situihi C.16R(111111, 16. Fl.iAes; batsketball 11111.1ger,'1'.1'.. Gouill, Cal rISclusff11 Ifotball11maim.- manilager, 3. IR. Fischer. 'The '14]ills lunder rh111111111nciC 11 follows: Presides~intM I 11115 SchrPml- -i; vice-presidetMssAL Ml's;: treasusrer, Slidk lre, Bros HIincley ; 1secer y, P hle~llr, 1olt; lsasehtillumatnager, ilkilln s, eitlIt 11- toin; biaskeltiall maage~r, CssxIFarley: track maatge-r, TaIlmadge,1's II liltrC NIPol lf ol. lous: IPresidet uml.I Pny Phil11p P. Sriol Alexander R.16 (is sire-presid~ent, Ar111J3 1silln, IEthl1 PsswtresseI isul NI. Ililsebs h111secre tary, (George I. Na111111 illim 111 (31111 JohniiA. Trsue1115theicPm1na111 Andirew Sm111111Juilis GI I leit I Nal- ttr I. J.1Bien: lisa sursr, Hary Soot Bl 11111,Pau1111 .Iil11111111111111 I e Senior p111101111 idnt E R Craiidall,1 NIAt hadlB. FPHubbird vice-presid~ent, Miss theriite NI oile Mliss Fleeta Eaiih t secretary-,Roge:,, L.. 3.Graves,1. 1. Lauier;, treasutrer,1 NI. Westveld,.CGrios C Stevens. F~reshs pharmoics : Presiden t, l vi Eat, 16. A. Stlone, 6111111rfosrd Steelis sice-piresientI, Jamie s Pislitlucs'G. I i Dasts; secretlary, - I. Neclitis'. IIslt 1An dersoii tlretasurer, Echoill Grece, Il -'~ Bdostwick. The '1.1 lhoeols seltdeC15a1idateislt It folloaws:1tPresdetG.B. 11ldr Starr; vsicepreslidet, C. 1?1 ilsburIy secretary, J. I). McCoy; treassurr,11. 3. Vaii Nuesen ; histoiriansuPI N.laiii- athletic sianagerF.A sLwene i! G7. Blostick, I). B. Hf l-ecaii Thse'14 sdenti1111no1minains:lis sid:lpit 3as. F. Hannonulyd ose CrliaestrIl p Matthiews ; vice-prePsidentilAN C. Slay loll, H7enry .IlacCoiiiiilit I 555111 i iss - Shiellar:t treassurel, Stewart i Is "ohs 'I mlanasger, A. II. JenscsVse,'Ial<;1basket- 11ba llitager, IBailey', N. Stonei, ,s'ggi tI trtack mlaniager, ItBurrow s, NI iltoiis. Freshmantsii engineser o iiiiit till : Presidtl , tEcktert, Pattersonli. -ticni l; vice-presiidentl, Talo r, HIardiin, 1111s.' secretary, A/Icleani, NVillitiims, WI It treasurer, Stsucka, Worth ; fooitblll matia- ger, Bloyle, Ttalbet t;iasebill managerv Mlc~ueen, Pea'; tract: managitevr, IIles rtuos, tFletchter, Grat. Besimier's G~rill. Charcoasl grill porterhoulse steak. 113 'iN. lHtroii st., up-sairs, 0111. Intlerutrbanita tlionl. ;-cod-t f. Co fIiN Gt6I63S GIVt6 k-P Ilt'TLFt I M IINS' 130C'I'R 16 Foir ite irst titme-inimtnytx-s1ti1 thisri' tire nito siliinigermis iii thy -nn1 Arbior drinukinigswatser. 'eelyptests 1have be illmate -if the iite. sater in thei 113 liCilaboshratory, tind civer si'c carlo' last shrng the liotliersoitc ottm hiti itsve-r iisaippeatrned. Ni-tiiitil tis Ill-cs tstst, the repotrt (if iwhichi ill- icar-ilycstcrday tifter iii on,ha te isater bict u ren. l it ttltttughthere swere to gcrmit adisett' 151lt- ii\ater he tot usedl (tr dlrinklinigt purposess jst yet. Iiurthe tcsts witll lie imadle 'tiaidif the'tiext fews ii ,c Is still finii the water puire, it wiill ei talc fir tise alice mo11re. PTeCss IntldHICheOcyers vcu't Iriday cvii It t \Iv I4lllsithalt aiti e'lecittd the f*(I : 'Prsisl Is ittic, secretariy 'iN R. 1Griffi ;treas- uirer, 3.1R. Gen lTht anua iito nmett il stlrcte 'it'hsrets be airanged ith easte 'tille-ge cl'bs. 111111 '.'t tt-iCAIMP11' 111 S' iti-o stFl. icltb, that wsitto havte takenulaclts eyeCling, wa is potstponedilIii be ci iofthe 'ait. Tustseadlit a-ill behe ldlit 1ne11 1hu1a sil vensi-Ptng if ttthe s-etller 1111 dlitiosiatre favoratlel. lii siiitr's 17Grill. -Chtarcotal grillcid tiorterhotuses'st-alk. 113.1 0I Isritti5t., up-ttirs, opp-. hIteruirbastt iitn. Chocolates Fresh Every Week 60c per pound W~e deliver goods prom~ptly to all parts of the city. Both Phones TICE'S THE DRUG STORE OF IQUALITY 117-South Main Nit-h i so's Bidt Bookstores- Sitite St. Muin Si. Ifo: t e s's l ect e-i itd stitch of .i10K,,asid SI'.TIiihsIRN' AN t'civwhP'i'ces: Katrat Li'ni-itNo. 1 qittfy Mihila rUnen LI per no 25c Water Speerj $ .00 p I toots istinttcards ')1 U NtssotIensat tclubs i-ties li is-e Es it Bookttv2lic to x1(0 Maket our' iii -tises Yis ii-headqsuata - WAHR'S Better -h nEver Thuelbrs eld d sexclustiv'elire of FANCY' SI''INGS w-e tre shtow ing tocday. F~ruumt it 's(-N i 5 ti tt aollfit id a (alitic to 'tihits titnsy, usInotht light uc aidltrItlitixtrt's intthle Seasoni's itts-t patter!i s are shown. For ti Ittll St'i that's right in Patternt, in Othits -in Stel e tand int Make--Nisit Win, B. Dieterle Toesity Taitors 117 E. Liberty Street AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch xkoom Yorcan find a tine tine of Confectionery ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP GEO0. V. STOL DIL, Proprietor 4 Doors FFuom" Freddie's " ON APPROVAL NIec have arraniged with the itialcers iii Iboths Gillette attd Esser-Readh Safety Razors to ptit them~t oult on approval. 'The pirchas~er cats retunn tlte razor andl get his mney back if lte waists to. E. E, E CALKINS, Druggist j 324 S. State St. w Professors _ and Students ' For a Convenient Reference Loose Leaf tilemo Book, our «I. P." Vest or Coat Pocket Size, meets every jf requirement. Every Ruling - Quadrille, Mar- ,, ginal and Faint, Dollars and, Cents, Etc., Etc. MAYER, SCHOETTLE & Stationers, Printers, Binders 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET SCHAIRER CO. Students' Supplies BELL PHONE 1404 Students' Notice The White* House, Inn Is now open and ready for business Church Street, just oft S. University Ave. Drop in and see us 121 WaSbIwtooEt. RANDAI44 & PA CK, Photographers Pho ne 598