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October 04, 1910 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1910-10-04

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FALL 1'910
Outfitting for Men
We -announce oure readiness to fur-
iiislisour tradIe witts the
Best Clothes, Headwear
and Haberdashery
the wiorldI prodlaces and we re-
spectfsully solicit yoiie fatos
I ilt ityS iii ci eor. Fosrth Avec


ililliarsis is a fine gamte, ask
those wisIo play. You iteedi
cutsomc recreaition aiid what is
better thaii this?
If US'roN Busoss.
Cital $50,001Surplus and Prifits $100,000
General iianiniiuisiness. I3cpercent pail
ln ime sind Sacisucs iepnsits. Safeiy lie-
pasts Sioass ts reeiiiat 52.00 and upwards
it EP.Orc's.1Ii. it. 'sinrts. Vice-ies.
II. A. IiiAnts. 'asir F. 'I.StowE Asst.
The AMn Arbor Savings Bank
C'acpiaStck'?3i)0t000 Srplus $50t000
iressursii :? 0, 00,00t0
ilOenereni lnking IBusinnas Transacted
ctriescss-: tChas . .lscock Pres;W. D
1;ria VicePres.: N1. ..p lie Cashier
Ca i t15.00 S urplui .0i00i
in. J. toouthrs Win. uA susuttVicsPues.
C. J. Witz, CaIiera
eraAe can ail sBanlk
Con rxercta..l esnd
Ce.-. Mm..ins and Lbe rtv Streets
ires. V ice- lees.
5. 1V. 'LA itifitN, Cashsie.
Cacipi ttti000ti "utuis- -atd Profitse, 6,555555

11 atted 'feissi andatt s Soloists
for First Cosngregationasl church scars. niAN5 COMES wIT MIiNS~TLS.
Apsply R. 11. Keinpf, 3i2 S. Divisioni Minisretsy ideatieds; that is te
street, stasis'1076-J tell. proisise msade lby George Evans and his
ISCIGELAN El US I iey flay Mitistrels who will he sects
___________________________ at_ ithe New W~hitnecy theatre Tuesday,
liss Frasices I is tic, fostsmerty teads Octosier 4.. To anyone who has ever
of list Vislitn ciniVoceal Dlepasrtmsents sects George Esans ais the stage, at
oit torassetRivier Acadtemyi,Missouri, listird:tlhack" cast only briisgtip iueii-
retusiseid tfussnIiroe-,anil is isrepsarced tries of the fitiffery of his comically
iso give Viol itsisndiVsscal lessos sat hlitansigledi hair, te grotesqercut of Isis
stuioss324 C-illesie ts S. Recitals givesitanuslar garmsesnts, the "H-ontey Boay"
monthilty t'Prices reasosnabsile.. i-if. smsile asse the Losndots fog high strunsg
_______________________ ltrousers. lie is brillianicy itself inth ue
ANN06'NC \l leNt', iciy of msnstrel Isussnsr.
We ishts i lts ssssse sstill sstuensis 'lie vocalists to beheaerd emisrace
thats it-c -se hlinglsa siteNicicle'stale VasughnssComofort, a pitenoisiesal cosntra-
osf Salz Fss outsnPenssat hlsf prcies,.A6teicorelio sill he ressesmkered for his
isarranted-sthrese titlar pens it sis'e-snjioyaisle singinig with last year's 1-Issey
ifisy. Skinnrc's. Blyshow;sis Jasmes Meehian, who is styled
- ______- "the Irish Tessor" ands possesses a voice
MF SiF.\,.A1R1'SPORE. if crsreswecetssess; 'TonmKatie, a sari-
''The potpularicSitatc St. Music Ii stse is issue of excecptionastl quality, Clarence
soffecing all the' latest songsislits ait I; Marks, a bassso ansd cosmecdiasn of abtility;
-isis. A11 thee tic music ittsr a; 2 Wilsoni Miller, a Californsia sisiger; ands
crisster rout-. Itiusicail susipplies of till Master Leo Fagot), ia soy soptranos of
kijul.,at sticetlistile -pri ce. 1-if. is-itnderftul quality.
liatso, lite I Small. VifeeCultusre, s s'c riscn
Compsiution. 312 Soth ivfisionsSi., 'Theisecossd week of tse vaudeville
isic top076_JfBelI. estve tytrctscdecs seasonssat te Majestic thteatef aipenedi
firts isne pian i n '. i-if. iMondstay tightstanidte bill, selected
stllsavnew lt the ismporsassce esfuse
Cossis to tse "-IdesleeB arbsec Shopi" for open'sinsg of theeuivsersity, is site that
tcu br ests-It l sand I stiltswillfind seill seisfy the smost exactisigIsersoss.
s-ivercythussyjust ight."'; 7N. tUiivecc-litheusetpper elassisess the Majestic
-it aveues.iJ'hissP. 'l'cujaiittte li, sthlsits mstasi-ttlractionis andidnuteredt
prorieor.1-G Trg featuries teeths550 introductioni, hut-
_______ __________ ts the stew msess comisig to Ann Arhor,
--it will soontt be appiarenti limt the Majes-
tic. 1't'IfS' ATS A('1 .1 F12 ticiitheteccpies ci unisque place itsn
Compslisetc linse o If's titers' Cosie t te amusssementssifeatures of canmpus life.
popuar rics. lsokalratry oat. Intshue three cears that it satsbects
.61 its s I sishut s I Ic setmiiit . 'unssder the persosnal directiosn of Arthur
A.1 f1Ch Fi. Ib-sie the theatre hscbecosmc 'irmly
estalishedinit the fanor of the studessi
i-tller & IO'ConnorsacSteetti aildl Frentciihudsh'etwceli as of the citizenss of Anni
dr iceanets. I ci rii'sg. 61ot F1.'s'il- fbri. Thlie ssime tolicy of a comsplete
has t.I -t. (liansge- of lprogramisevery Moniday andi
-l'iThursdiay, itt s made it so popular
sGosdIplace to easit. oicverits's itu islsthest, will constinuse.
c- slit sitffsee. 5Wtriter's Ltutch, 338 61 stllites sire guvess cc-ry Wen'esdasty
flyatrdcs ftr set.s-if. sitdSatusrday at 3 :00 o'clock, thuugin-
st-itilpimpe timse ts attends afternoion clai-
if you nesedl styoustos sepaired-ingtrlyse-s. iFi'eas-icts idditions histwo sets
theis overit to 131?. fVlllistis. ThlessoI smotiions views consstitte a show-
F ~sit ciiShote. Shuts. s-if. Ittis of wulch are givess eachisnight
startlingati 7 :30ostud :oo o'clock.
Laundry.s Detrouit hoossi ppess. i
aarsclsit"nggrceries, e ti re iused Sutls pressedl 25c; Trousers toe.
It fistsArsolists hynlt suitrlecuit Lati- u ller11cc& IO'Connssor, 61tg E. Williamas St.
dry? Csallistuff,'1247J. s-6. i-If.
If sutss'uitan itiipesatis lieeitest EeltIsiurBallsTotwels anditGym snip-
yoeto 1 st in sui" Iitsrmtatcv. uIf. lilies sitC'uisig's Phasrsuacy. t-tf.

IL.a rge rand betteV
Mey business has grown constantly every year and
it gr ew last year. To meet this growth I have again
increased my facilities and this year you may come to
me for Bettter Pictures, Better Amateur Finishitng.
I use ALL the most improved modern methods for
best possible results.
Better enlargements, A much larger and complete
line of Photographic Supplies. Better Lantetrn Slides,
the most complete and arccurate Lantern Slide Apparatus
used anywhere.
And PENNANTS.' Several tunes the Largest
in Ann Arbor, and prices lowest.
Just a Word A out.
Michigan Scrap ok
Experience h'as brought out that you want to keep
the many little things which come to you in Collegcdrys,
Clippings, Programs. Pictures, etc., etc., and although
last years' book was entirely satisfactory this years' insIjust
a little better. (Same price). Start one now 1910-11
will be the best. year Michigan ever saw.
Now about pictures of things that happen in College
I want pictures of everything-whenever anything
is doing (night or day.) Call 458.
Tell me when and whcre, I'll get the picture---you
buy them if you want therm---but remember if you want
a real picture---not an excuse---call Lyndon at 458.
My slogan for every year is " Larger aad Better "
LYNDON, Photographer
719 N. University Avenue
Esstrnsaim'. Koaks sand sup lese east, nd I en'n-y

dFreshmen Gaps -- - Slickers and Raincoats
Gy.Shoes, Suits, Towels, Etc. Meisterschat Shoes
Gym. J. & M. Shoes
*Laborators Suits and Aprons WAGNESR CA CO. Barker Collars
Engineering Overalls and 3 SIt u at Otoner Redman Collars
OpcertInevng Coase andeAprgnof hus Haw soe SetsHats
Jpacktsinterwov n Hpos tt tHaswhebgwietn.SesnHats
Holeproof Hose-Sweaters - C- luet Shirts
sity Made int Ann rbor
Univrsiy Msic ous Unverst
U n I r i 4 M l S V HV US VFactory Sae of Msson and Bungalow F-rture
ooClOof01for a few days ony at ourktempar iy siow rus,1 ut R. 7(I Sti IOf
Press Builsing, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music (nex disc to Roots Musisc stoic) Tisu -ciis I. 1 I 0111i : ",iI ],117o
haic b y 100 cents wor thofcreal hasruntuefri.Isseury doslII 15 Ii I pe A l.4
M s csamlpl'enand od pieces studnt dcsk. chars, i eenI l. 1w
tables, etc, wilt e sold at uridclousulyt10W is s Buy now behfore
'I V.Maynard Street these pieces are closed out.
Uiversity students who wish o eP.k gtritle o
U % Icoto take msc supplementary tsom-~.ctFsrd r Co~ay
regular studies may do so at the
>Uiersity School of Music. Sta - ________________________________________
Complete line of Classics and Latest I u Operatic- and Popular dents who desire to study music
ut wh do sot with to take aB O K
regular csrse leading to grLWa nma nola, pca lsd u'
Pito o etdents and -take lesos" in what' ____________________ _______
ever branch they wish.
The semsters f the Shsol of 41st year- DICTIONARIES 4st yea='
sity semester, and students in-
tending to take music should ar- Ann.. Arheo LEGAL MISCELLANY Aran Anber
range tr it at once. ______________________
fltFor full uarticulars and ills- / '
Music H u o se ~~trat- d calendar, call at the office, Calg n SCo
Unv r iy32 Maynard street.CHAO
Univ rsit Musc Hu se Secretary.
Ann uArbeor Besmat.,.Stata Street Opposite. Lawe Bd.

.P~rfrAi# S iii- 6

2 Tn 17, a .Qt Th-t rn CfYPlst


r.... s s s . .:.. s s ai it a : . ...w- ---

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