' MCHIGAN 13ATLY This space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfield s. & Co. , Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 1. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clacks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watesh R~pre.l,-lsjgaSpeciaslty Tihe Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 0300,000 Surplus 000,000 Rlesources 121,860,00 A (lenersil Banking Business Transacted O~rricoRo: Chas. Et. Hiscock, Pres.; W. Dt. Haimlsan, Vice Fees.:fiM. J. Frlts. Cashier TlHE FARMERS AND MEHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STRSEETS Capital $50,000 Surplus sod Profits $100,000 General Banking Business. 3 percent paid on 'limce and Savings D~eposits. Safety Den- posit Roxes to et at.02.SO and upwards it. KEMter, lees. H. (G.FuPRTTYMAN, Vice-Fret. H. A. WILLIAMS. tiastiler F. T. STowE. As Berman- eiamS 'ng{s ank ComroserclWl m.rid Cuss. Me.Im ariad 1Ltbmr'tv Stsxus FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Ei. D. KINNEI, HARISON SOIULSO Fees. Vice-Fees. S. W. ULARKOISN, Cashier. Capital. $100,000 Sueplus asidleofts . 055.000 STATE SAVINGS BANK C'apitalO$50,00 Surplus 75,000 tResoueces $1,250,000 OWot. J. tooth. Pret, Win. Arntold. Vice Fees. C. J. Waltz. Casie 5010105 LIT oAINQUE-T ' IS A. t':fll TIhc sentior fits havetdecidtoiii1' thcir liaoniitt ini Detroito Mtodiy(, cnitig. Forty tote sigiiethirfii- tentiotisofataltidigandthe i bacnfit: cotittellxct s 11h11 ifth-'otic 5' -, mtore is'ill go. LAWtii'ii'TAKE,'r tyrttiio lt 1.5 I Senor fawsswoarcgocing, o 11:.. June bari exaintitois fit' (lit ii : ceave theit' 1nameso wit F,. T3. dle ro \rihitr betattat tttce. fRtpofts imi Ik' seioflr'lit class mtoirial this year' bte' ittt'e formot amallooff etifc. Ticludthefitresiidenii's addircss, forii'i. tg all' ilt 11 'li-Ctttt )1t111e1-rears theso iiiiraiommit- _ !.tit isthouithtfth fat ft'e actioni of !;c fific ifethis, reairiilfact is a ice itaifeasto 1111'etheir or no11111eliix' pecl t le ave swith ft'e i' part 1 ii 'ii 'iRYTOs ' Niitlli,0A lTE.sT.'roii cciii lNo. nurln ,andtf t erif i' lit'desiie'hotfc ititel 1 lii'ifi'lcoitfli 111111o f te ali acclotiiiatitiis. 'T'e pirty pfllanscto cc- rr-klherndilinteea-fur turnt T'iiiii'trningit1. fby aftcratins ini the art'rltioementtiof oftackss, :ac'or'd ingtth plan fs iffite _______________________________________ comm___ iitt li' ltfttee (n h ififiigs tind gitiottis. Hel IS Verboden Over Het GasTe Wandelen No i itii iiito ithic btiilinig aitC' i f fi"v tnif I 'i ii fi s lift etutu is till CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING rsit iii" ii fctif ii'Ciii tu flri~tit is flit All mtter in Ohio colouttmon bc __must____________e_ paid foe itt advattce. Office fiousa: ti ~ ills 12:30;7-8:30 p. att. Te[n riy ichtutu sctio WtXANTE4D of the :tAmer- can Chefitca ifstii ld fti''rksiitf earnng filercedntnt.l fi troiiftifdelieii vryiteetiifal ill turna over ffiti ceiiand tres'r'a tti o. itr fto f liG.S t'ti iigoirtitittell11ifsLto rifig tiuia iiiSaleag ndit sho.p3 't lofert' alk 'nffi.ti'tliitii ii ustd l't fcr.' o fAicjfr toIttliftimet. tilifit it:gete\ohlTtainfrCpe. :Coll, iKansas. i8-177 11,1 iCi:'t c TO cii lziis Acc Itut I'c.. fIItheiii eari'futtt'e.Mr.1 J. lootit- liii' till gitdtisalatry itiDetrtl Iit- irIfr i e ,r.a dsce ro qutire Rooisic ,i12- 6Ful irs't1 iftil t he ft i rc iec t ill dftierf < Bankbuiling, 'hoe(tilt J. 162 Ii 1lectueibforlithei ostetslinif'. 1111 1,055'tie' Theftc o iift iiill bI i Ci fierttiti Of he arcitt anI lo hhh ii le t il f MISCEILLANE1OU S (1we II )f orelimilari to itha Spring shirts Hats Caps Trunks Bags Suit Cases and Spring Pants The Master Suit Society Brand Clothes For youngsseand muanwhostay yousg Thel ste it is aiii liteoft ii ltii rh Spring Shirts Hats Caps Trunks Bags Suit Cases and Spring Pants 3A~pecialYocke Folding Kodak $65.00 -Nitoneieie' sow a cort pefect basil cametra'sthan thft./Zeiss Lent, Cttmtpond Shutfter', athe i tii~jocttitttits, antiperfeit finishf. 'We afo offerit' herficicodalts mtaking pot card ofizefpictue at $25,00, $20.00, $12.00 and $1000 LET US SHOW YOU E. B. Calkillsj Druggist 324 S. State St. CHARLIE'S BARBER SHOP Ungllt,"Husitont's IBilliardalor Charlie Weigand, Prop. Detroit United Lines Ontinifiomationi to Diision Soperin- litmtfctt Allen, 3'ilsilaiti, of the Ietroi I 'oftef iLines bhy tillcccsoof Varsity or- a.si/.atiiis, Ot'emovement, beyond ftc i'iaficity of thi' regu lar service, of 'liy group of :iisctiidets tt or from Asn \i'fiiir extra cars and extra servite wilt be promptly supplied. Mexican: Indian: Blankets ccci tic orl.N1 sit' Roomti: hit' Canttis, fiOtRtGE~OStOLORiEFCTS BEAUTlIFUL DIG~N S1 11adm d > a ies;till wootl, fast c'oloers Thte Mitt Atteptlu toilidus Gift! 7101. Stn. x 310..it1e. .. ... .......$ 5.00 (Atf st. xa31t. 41.i...s...... .... 4.00 35. 4tn x 201. Sin. .................3.00 Sel1o :v.ree (one ofeach size) 10.00 i')?I f,,ulay lS. 'i tibckcif youuwat itt MEXICAN BLANKET CO. Aguascetess Mexico AT TUTTLE & CO. LUNCH ROOM You tan tied a tune lice ef Cuaeteep fWerticlcs, d1-c tiffistickst.11( f ft'r 1f,1tiiGood t' vaiiii' opscf i c itit ofit * 1 lt, 'pfiiflitif. I167-168 Receptioni wafers, suitablec fir wa.'ril wiatfher, 25 centfc a pcund. tif fci'ilfi' 6,j 1, \Williaom Sf. 'He 1E_ if i i i t' im;h at'll i .1 itia.l I Ic will fiehs e tftt iso atictbeinitngi C thef fall it': m. fIad it i t it cliii'oomIf rk at Is Verboden Over Het Gras le Wandelen CRASH SUITINGS Al ' re sds 'r wiipfi'i'i'sit WAGNER & CO., State Street $25.00 Photo Shop Corner of State and Liberty LOOK FOR THE (BRIGHTEST LIGHT Special Price on Post-Card Photos 3 for 25c or 75c per dozen Satisfaotion guaranteed on all sittings made in evenings COME UP AND SEE THE WORK Open 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5:30,P. M. Evenings: Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat., 7 to 10 i r WE FrenchDr Clean A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Soits Pressed, 25c Trousers, 10c REPAIRING Fller & O'Connlor Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St. Let the ROYAL TALRS Make your graduation suit. It will have to satisfy you in every respect or don't accept it You will save from $6 to $10 Let us show you the line of samples anyway PACKAR D SHOES Alimand 8& Forsythe Local Agents 215 5. Main St. _ Portrait Studio- oil 319 East Huron Street