heMic iga Vol. XXL. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1911. No. x6i8. SIX MIHGNAHEE PLACE FOR THE FINALS Great Showing In Yesterday's Preliminaries At Cambridge Makes Wolverines Loom as First Place Contenders CRAIG FURNISHES THE SENSATION Cambsiridtge, hiass., fiay 26-The trials hopesif her aidherentis wel 'zCri ini tihe Initercolltegiate today resultein ceaie lack and tllee 23 feet 3 itches. tile phlacig if six iietigait me~i in tive evets, thei lioo, 220, 440, sitlandtlhiss iultes. Craig and iRoss placed in iot tie tooi a11(1220, itorniertpltacediil inte shot, Ciatthie a((tIlatff in the 440, andii Hattldropptdtehiid intthe l(It fenw ylects of ttse 8o, Smlith didt m lake uipaiug putt of ttie shtieand((liltr yet tot aptpear Mihitigan wllt hatve eight onstho showed uptIbest aside f romllthe westerners (alidithi'tight seemls 1ti e be- twneenithteiit hitsiyear.tiirnei'it u ll ffer fro the' toss iif iii ((((('ill tie 4411, seh i' (Ias tbarredt ibeaulse of incorreet en- lries. Tihie ie stirs ieree thinkithtil ~I11hsthe e stcancee iwih lCrneill, Atiettigaln and hate ighiitig it otlttor CRIiGii'1116 06,NSATI(0c5CiOF'116 liiAY. Mlle most imtpressivee worn;if the (af- ternoonwais tile ease withliwichiCraig spsrin ts. h\iltyaridsiii sitare heileiowedi iwitid iver hiin tert irihiantee'nutsport erit- ic's tiredctethtiat iteawilltbre atkrecordsi tomolirrowa if te wceathier is giiiii. boss cf Miechigan1(spranllg a surpiriise t'wienihe' wonii his hleat ilnthte 220 ini the fastest time ICof tile (til' andiit seems sureli thait 1 aff iandt Gaimtleiof ic iihiganti bothl sts)e1astworldi ofireserselowter il lte 4_10. \hen thte sail that thtey n'ere sttee stretih.IBttuReeke anti halllosit ((01 iine'Sff1throughillgi siteof a sprinlt at thtefiish. 51 ielltiLN SUllenisgsTi ' FgAST.e Thte risutsite f thte trials (re no0 tiat tile wise tmen11of tueeas15 thad figturrd silt strong ciitetnuer fur (alithtinilg setter thtanlifotrttthettthe eriticsn 1(1(c1' eee tht w Iithl a ireake inthue luck the \\'ot- serite s wit ie e cntend~ers for first hni- ors n d ll tiat tey w'il at least tie ne of thte strotigest bidders for seonld.The Last iilting its htopies onl the Quakers 10 keep tte champltionshtlill inte east. .Miechigan alsotihas iter admitrers as the e'asterni altlmniare ouinIiforee ailsi (re chieerin gullnlthe Woverine' ipeed tbolys (a6 every olitorttllitt' Thte failure cit tte Mihitigan haif loitlers toil paee coup- ledi with the facet hht seeniif the nhue wito survivedi the test are eiter Ithsaeans or Qulakers giees tile easternlers a big advataoge oter use westernlers. If Mieoh- tian hadt menl illtile half she would tetandi anl even ehanee of winning tse meet. Yale Iidiinot eome upitto expeetationin l I The'ietrs andli tw o milers (were not pIll thrlough their' ticesstotay so terie llanevantis unader 'thehicatpli th e in1the twomile.i'it Ne'~ ithe fthre nit tie hieleditisitiresptie erae tlleen IJonelis if Corntiil, Ptultl of Per atnd t-anal of 5sf hit wl b svot m~ayget (anythiingffrof 1itrst to tirdi andi thtie samlle is truei'ofiany ofiithe trici bill there' is netoo'eelse titotohthetmi. tel'a o11f Core~liistkeitheticoil Pen itshutrdte hett pre'tty cap tiioi 'ti ll an,(Pnnadl onelrwl pensthe.tQuersfwilasirsittptice wih Corn\telticodIndi iciga Irrd igilei ot tetfourth. iThi e stmaits I1 (i i tralgr('.Michig1n) frt:Ril _"d secnd eeiito ilttiei 1-iscods eeii'it ~insccond.(( tTit e tir 1hi'see(S ((liltatCoke(oineton) tiir st: m lauers('NiwtYork)lsetoned.tlTieto fPirstfostefrst, eThltcseruuuit c ec Time 1me:59 eco-d. 1 -aritsilrniTlrials)(firistihtatin heatlewisPn)(itrs t) 51 seini (en sXendeePtnam (Tinel16) thir.Time( ((liii8he-5.Siciiiiii (Clioit)lision Fislls(oers)(en econdt i (acques seeiattirs) tird. imet-hlit::z8.(h its) hetiers tilitO(Pei)tirst; 'Plyder 4sui tell)fistc 'ri;fulse (Fein t o iii, tirdi 440-yard dh (igrls(rial firstet Seaw--eis(Htte art)first;Lerks n Tilte)50seetcd. Sietiiiisetndr.tStur (Cd etitiodrnl) first ; Hsa-((ifs tins Yollg(Atttsersnd seeitiie 15'(-6 Othierisuallttied'Tie 45 4-5sc-s 440-yard tinsihlr(Tes(iriais)hetir- ile-C Prineton firstrii)efirstIlatr- vare econd;heatCtstet Nins (ates)third (iCrell) (firs)seoottiWeslTat ec -5 soneon~s. Thir 6heai tHouge ht1eiti) (Cst ognie on Paec 4.);l a FA5CULY\'MN TRY ROl JUMPI'NG. The rereatiots of tie faulty are os mooitanioti,111to sat' llltomoireielsihe enthailsue explanatio m~a' ieill te rig season1,lt ceraitt it io tiat Se- -ear' trd atod Dr. Parrv were tiseo- ,rec jittlting rope lst eetig Iis in (irstintg speculationilhowa' wises' te exerise woldl tbe ceted, shtoldl It be coelpopttlar '((O ( CvE1Ang1'lil~, igWltIN StNA. Ret'. C 5. Patott wil ideier his far- setl serttott before i Artti Artor o- ,regaltieoll ext Stoda eenitg at te Coengregathtta hrct, Sieciat ltusicli features iave beettran tigd foe use tie asiti. The ecombtinedcihoirs of lte Epsicopu tal itnd Coigregationsltthurestli'l' WOMEN CELEBRATE TODAY Palmer Field Will be Scene of Sec- ond Annual Field Dy Th'ie iometn of te tnierstywsitt gathert'ont Pamet fiedth its aferoo att:0o'uueock fr teir s eonlatti Tile bteler ((lt f te aftertoottsil lie dtieie to tltetieecontests A5t tis time ' he utis andti hokey fials wil tie playedt tff.iRut h Wheeok, '1, wilt ileadthe uppericlass'i hockteyestem and11t (Gertde ii elllc't, 4,nil litait the feisurnaent thuseits ti'ttl'l etittis- its tityBele' Ribbletc, tic' j~uirs It' C'athierinue hiceiay.,Te fresmt reire w'hc etiraece iBabcoc'ikteatttiJulia Anditer sen i is lay1'11foete cls hatt- posip.Te, eitli'IS te'sIAthuletiecss- eitinsilttaardttutes (andi (1u1merls tete i'sucessfutthoteyeam'(1and(l to ' te winteriii'hetennss itls, Thte atletic cnestsl sbeiii'fullowet byi a ba seicic. Ath fttr te picnic is fic. tollowing itthe' outtoor iprgramlt lhet wotensiiwIit marcinaibod toititBltr-l bou in sina stilt Iwhlere' tii'neut yars officer fo utth luloi's ieague wii The \55 cteis Athletic assouiatioutuwiii frtill'enec'ticoificitti asscia'~tin's tres- THS S RL TItOhiiC iDiA'Y S The anl ((1 eletion iof tee Uivetursitt hMusieal cus(iltte ietutit tie north uingf t irsitalithis afternoonii octf:u0'o'oc Retifring (maItnager SVat- ter Palmter willigist' his tfianial ~t(report at that titetPrexises toutlte alloiweiin theceletion.i~ii COI(JRtIttt tRAYMhAN it (S \ SIN IF NOT'i A\CART, A letal dareeeof soniheinitiativelt're- centtly llchetid him~se f intct thtetigh- trckling busitess -ie titprovisieithe (hceiily carrier fromt a smewvhat di lalt((iII wtagcn.ut twelt uecessary he conitstrutct (at~ili(oard.it htihits edliin sicehsmc'atusiedtip (hI oldno iiux tiatalhap- tail-btar, a( hti'track nowltdvrti'lse tthoseiswio folilow' ieiittli it, M Ei(Nieh -Transportl-atioC.., I;tDtNBiJRGhi t i& ChASGO\+ c:Cn,'rAlRY'GODDiARDIIS1OUT OP TOON. ISei'c'rs icelGoiddaci (f iltltswhiepart- nittisfo(t o thtil'cihy thur a.1few liays. BAND CONCERT IS GIVEN IN SPITE OF YODUNGSTiERS "Thte Batle,' a desritive eeompossi tfion portraying ihe progress f aI tmartiali contttest fromtuttie cclliitoiarmsto cste re- trn of tieivic'trs, was ethititasticalltI receiveedibyothe (auienceih' aicit (tteIdhed last1 night's handt tcntcrt. "iobi iazley~ iwas forcedt t rspondhtto sev'e'ral et- cres of tuft rettditionoftcitorlIusr- let5 "Gytpst hose Sntg" Th usitlicians etcouttecred tie sttt difftiutt n counlttcf uitrimitescrens (lieud it1'tisitintg younltgstes "'iis is gettintg 1to e (a seiuls titisnce," si Leadier "tke'"Fischer. "Till'youtnigses disturbit he mulsic'insland the pii'ptleus i twell. hWec'it see trio the aul thorties EIGiHiT JUJNIORS TAKiEN INThO SiNOR SiCIETY'S. Tite folotwingtjunior's (lve btuntui-t ated into1 Seuitr Sociey: M Stiehilte Barbaral i~t'trt, lia 'ntts, K ricutttil Georg, allent Motre, Monifcah(rans, i~uul' iatttet, Pauline iRosenbecrg. SENIOR ENGiNLI RS FEAST TODh3AY AT ii uT'i'i1, TT~I fuli. Otte hundtredi andcififty' seiorut engi eens tw i le onltheti'114) trintiti i mortintig for iDetroit ttattdtoniuugtt'' Coolie'and thtie thedsof iva'riuts ueuat-t toasts. Ill ike afternoonu thetcss till aIllend the iDetroit-lSt. Lou~is game ICi hdv RISING SUN SIidS FCULr'h iDTAhfN i4 , RTItST'S AT WhORK, 1 hItttg betfore ftlkswcr~er siringu ti mol(rttitg aalhlitgametI' wa(s l- ol- ttheIresihitnt te entus of tie'it hut just whtere nobody t5seili toliknow-it Neither is it knuon lst nio lKtI(ieit-~ ed inithe affair 11111it is kniutontt1(1tlt tlyers wire faclotItyentand(ht 11 tt nam~les ofithie (aggregationts ttit(('til isisngiring int tese re the C'hurch Wcadns andtheticApo\ustes It is currentth tat it cotit hcsest tidy ittlte s11111oin.ever te cisiofa I teedi for tievictors ilt as tte iteti- In of the' former nwe mis'noue fort t findttctct, owtig thu ithe rximuit fia examts andthte datnge schicti ttgtr suit il'roml wot udedifeslitgstututies'pfat' ofsitomie of outr "'h'sCbtbl" fri s on the faIclty.' SO)PFiiOhitRES i,Vi(Tit)AY F~OR W ifIThiORi( tON StL3ItS, t Asout a huntdredi spihomolires fromt the literar andtentgiteering classes uit ea thre -knitArbiornstatitu tis ti (fee- 1touu' at 1(00oo'tucutk fcr Whiittote late o iatgrae ta cass5funlc tontolie iknownt as "SuophomuotreDitch)','cia traitcitthree arsias iben C chrere 10 carry the muet to tieleand(back(hel andt it is helcictveditat te rtrnts fonut the ticket sae twicer epetses Tth trainl wilt leate te (ke fr IAnnt ketu at in :o0Ip. 1. PROotAllisN 'ti TALleON BRItCKs ilalelso _ Prof. Johnt R Aenttf t hi ~eehantic entgieerng epartmenlt wislli(addrless tii students11in ilarchiecturetnI' (iknkn ott honlday (afternon (at ,3:00 u'cck Tieletutre wiii te en111itote phlih gineering bluitlg. '150 MOOR TNNS MTCHFIArelgs ',i Recls of yesierdiay's ma~tes ithoi Un~tiotut etutis'hhltmntkloi'llhare (1s followts Teidiy deteatedci htgltnert f6-3, f-y Andlrewss defeated Drautier 5-7, 6-3,9I) ORAGMNWHIP VARSITY SOUNDLY Ten Wolverine Miscues Und6 Campbell's Masterful Flinging MICHIGAN GETS TWO LONE HITS (Succialtth te .11(1ihitcii l3%) St rIiet Se, N., V.,Mt 26.-Tile Woi- of ''thi".o titulsshtin tttile stadium hirdt's' goii ing 'h to ieic-is hit (t hille inditos' sfing' aIbaiigamltot' ''Syracluce,-5 to u, despite' Campttillttsc's'cvr twirl- 'Illuuln-tihici'higan l(finlger, wtu~~laoon he mundfon''te thirdi st ra('ig t te'rnoonitheld(itill Methodists to fourhits, two ofci uwhichi twere'madte after tsesits' shoutlld thavii'eeenretireti. Capel' laugu 11 titeitt'tltnly5visittor to playball the 1 (rush tifti i Igre'gatioin were itomm ittedby ttuapbell's ackers an oteeaIIIsplaS ii lthe Srse sctihiIo lbits iff' Deteris, whletIwas (inicile. l eglut's'fa oiineuug still oitic' white tltin tubledtet isiu tinug pay'rt grc t'((ieandiiiwas responi(siblet fist'several ti utlateslinis onii tug uenitwtto tilabl t dothanslus justice. I~y- do';eiiiccitfilit,~is('iiitmacht c'(shiaiInt. D ecislutns blithei'handl ter cii thiucndtica- ioe tire tblaumed fuor ltwofofthoeituts tiihe Mthoidists madeic andtifort'onei'tile WStltverhineus didi(noitucake'. 'The sI'ate hItC'IItu\N SitIi RItiPO :A E h i b .. .....4 ii ii 9 1 1 hMcrlint ss ,,...... us 0 2 2 3 BeifC....... o 0 o n a 1 S 'altuur ci ...... (5} o 10 Iia 2 hlitueti f .... 4 it 0Io O 0 Iltys 211a ......3 ii 0 3 t 1 1 31 hteiitauu 31)i ...2 i0 I1 F 31 It-inciter c ....3 I0 51 912 1 t>'Campbtellp..... 2 it ii 0I2 1 I t~al, ... ...27 i 2 24 11 10 Shid S'i' ..ASit ihc' 2i ..,....4 Newhtart ifi....4 Kifuig1 ss ........4 i)ltis ce. 4. Ratll ((tin cif .4. tester p ....... 3 It r i (:) , O O i .n O II PO 1> 2 OT O2 O T O TO O TO O } 2 T 0 O i 1 C jj t) /j // l '7 T +ia J I O O t7 O a Ttls ......3.1 5 4 27 12 1 By intuings ....1 234 7 i iiy R Miechigan ....0 ii00 o Ii 0o 0o - ' Syracuse ........o I oIi13 00 00 5 Stouhunhhi' 5: Two bau ht--iMcMillanti stole a tcel; tbase1s oil ballssioft Deterii'2. suit (ttittli2;1 ihit' ypihed hall--iytexter 2; sitiruotl--Ii1 Dex- ten Ith, bit1 ('((lhli7; litte' oftgamue 2 hoiutrs; uithlre, teluih 'Thsettiistuam ilmake a qick jttmp ts Prouviiencee, R. wheret( he uy (are thu meet tue strnig M-oniuv n ine Sahurdiay aftternoon.ii, entuee twotwas sent ahu(ii h ast itightto rest int Providence wu 5C11 ill'ocuy hlmundtilfur lthe Womven-