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May 26, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-05-26

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ahe Michiga al

Vol, XXI.

No. 167.


Syracuse its Smith in First
Three Rounds ad #ins
By 5-0 Scoro
(Speial to te Ilwttitm Dail.)
Syric'., N. V, lay 25-Seven safe
hit silffSmith in tie firs threeiings
prve ichiligant' unidig toasy. The
"s ir" isa.nio imatch for tie Syrcss
slitggers. and the Orangemet cased
aroundifivtie tallies dritg their early on-
slatught. Camtpbel ws called ont for re-
ietsdite. utitihouglhe Itscstlediitastr
fuli al tatd prvnteds'further soig
C'aptaintreif'-ll atendedi so nicel tothe
lofit i- iedciiof the Srrtueiplay that
te 1 ilvertts failed lto scre aid the
fiticont sas 5itonoawtiltthe aserers
Smith nudte a tioor getaway tiiid dir-
igtshle tres' sssiutnsli oics'atics1 the
luldnghl lit' fsiiind himls-f irepeat
eii lholes. fOitsetrlscasis ihlewis-a
thligsdto goove lehtallsswhnt dliig s
'ist attrssiwsri' not sliwtoittalenil'
vanittge'ofstheliistrigit situs. Smitirlssi
maetieoly-fis-lding slii of the Iiy-
fuimiilig a b~turssiig thei'Syracste r
nisisal oiru t'it iting.n
Xithitwitisisscs sts.the utter ands
suit' Oriatge'aiiinith ttl e ls ii in t'thirst
p io, Simiihlsisas sdrrce. "Rgil'
C'ampbl-l wa s calld t the biies'hia'l
ittutugi le offiiedl i Xds'dt'ass' n-~
ies tagast.I lriict't'ie li'strs's1 ipx
ceiitionali ts'estll.'Ters' sinsluton
mtatsn ou slt-isen Campbeltiisits-sedIonithei
sabuliets'iretis-liihetlttiitsin iithis
thiuts1n'iniiall li'etscein'iini ngsitii
itisiut fiiiterts'ally. IHIs'alowes-cut
tw its in tihis'six iiiigsIts-sworised.
sise s'e' exeigly stingy ithii ts' =hits
hn ut tsn twiri'setcrsdlfrssmithis ci-
liveirinithIs'enttiri gmte.Ile iras iac-
eduin il bri iillit.titfasisn, hostever, ttu
tiany Michitgan d rises irhiciloskecd
goodistfor sftieits weires' pull sido-wn by
fas scurs onithe parisitthe Syracuse
Filers. Thelc cntire Syractsesdfes
isosrkIs-id iis'o1wellit Cptailtillasa
lihe- only WXolerie treashithirstwi-h
slast its' hetcesd, aftr ittitg safey,
ona scif ice tutd siFieler''s cliics.
C'5N'Si'tl''IS itit'irrisAY .
Its spits- of the ess'ossri g ii lii
opsig'tittgrtudsthe gmeitwssswtell t-
cd. Sracse tlt tiltpian xltiiisiofi
errrss basstll whiile' Mis'hignitiadse utu
oesi'slii the fl. lFromth e thirst i-
nlug sit, the cestookhushhis'fsrif a
pitirs' battllesatisifsr sees-iinttg
the lig miss- s-as Ctrell vs's-nts Cmp-i
ell. Thets honitor'. iithe Isirlitg iec
tere abotissttlctils'siide.
C'apltintIHill tfsetiedl Michigstn's la
ini the fei, stsrting a doouhleptilt ot
the trtticst felinig stunt of the gmte
Sscotsintg tilt sigrouintser with lisl
handisilie Isiehet frs adth lresw-toiBor-
lse t the ptite ii tie tciitff tit
rtiniier. H il lsatmsecuriloneicof Mihli-
gatn's race of itgis adt ravele ftr-
ther onitthe ases lthaty ther Wol
veritie player.
"Reud" Campibtell is schedletoInptc-
Friay's game agiist Syracuse, white
Venuset will le the prnbstble chice for
the Brownc game at Provitetce. I
(Cntinued on Pge .

The first restarsl fr le Seiior Girl's
play waissheld yestrdaycalt-ittosuitntut
largcut tr sit atsidtaes reiporutd. Ni
parts hasve lit'-ti sssigneussi tis ut t heylc
till all ie gistitnut btfre'.te s-itd it
thae iwelk.Nn reheiarsals iill tic hels
duiritig itssthe iiiamitistntie adsifsr
that reasontes-srs.ifteton frsiu nows
""i itill ass' toi le tissd1tstget the easi
-ini shape fsr tteescommsentic its-er-
foranice . 1. fiDiefendterfers' cott -
seiiiedtoinsirsct the 'hswsthis yer utd
he sill cstilitt the saly5rhritsals1.fiitm
Forresters Will Celebrate Annual"
Field Day on Saginaw Farm
RS '6 ono'clotk ti'seintg ti iiajr
iy uf the stuietts of the frstryiit--
partetilwill Its'ii cmpstitheitis'Sai-
iuisF' rstiriuylFarmiu, fiat'this it.ionsi
-f spenint woig cluts sitd trs-i-night'.
there, itsetdtofsitt te one dil-ti
Ttaumirross, Fieldl Day wil.iofecourse,
le le ig luy. Besises liii-studietst
teresewill hits-twten cthiirt anst tithe
faciity menciiaitttheir wivies o nit to
witnes'.iteits-ituostratios ' s ofite liitc-i
iig.btack mtaksig itnsd loaigcaioesisnd
simititttg racs sattdlbiringuonss .'.
'is sedsluledstoiitllso "iri ltst Aiiito ts
Aumexhibtlit f ginisill ioccupyi snitsof
le tents,utndsmaitistf th le forestes -ri-
planinug t stle firaimis t hisli'cmptoi
is nwil thimslest-s -sof [ie is-i rtittitofi
ttgtpraicttie, atrangs'itsittg osiots- he ii
'ri~e ittacitintle'hi'istp'ear. itishi'
he oemmiit tee in hissargss againwishlis
out t hle formi ta h tie tustshli-sit
thei-it'ittit.st thisElotositcs building
' before nittoti ayst.
i r~~ stttti"t5iii't'r'tii t's '.i tnit t.
s tResiilts ofete rdia '.mitclhes iith
Uiotietitnis hTunamen' sts u'.folls:
Watrdl defeatedh Nrr is 8 6 .1.6. 64;
1Biter'. iefeatesdSmithie4, 64 6ogl
Tefeatetd Cookt6-2 62
ALPtiA NU 1t tut'.ANNtUALti tt'Stst'T.
''it ay ii this'gretst ofiGsit t ri et-
sait'ssat tssitetricsivi'ssdIthisit' tausitmg iii
si o t nher lttctthatiijust such scseis'
is the hlpha Nit"si trutessr RII.Xl
'tXs-uet il rsonintoltghis l.tst "''r
Coutempottrares osithtte-Coittineti" t he
alphla Nit batquetteldtutu t hitsUniotut
last ight.lDr. IF. M. Baconti, te siller
tuembiher sal the Itaulty selluesh to
t speath nts uabteturesonidtitiblecusie itt
-iltess resutitg rom a vtatcscinaiion. Set-
Seral studuetitmsetmbers sit the scieyas
sresposndsedl hsotasts.
r Retports rotatthehesiue sit 'ssstuti
rcDaitW.X. thits sauts that te shs
titrkedhiiurroeueut. XXhil h snit is
ystnout sitdatgr, lhi cssuulihiou it tutt
eecuattging auth raussuring ti ll hi'
t'tsIt-'5 ss utiusgumaWs IN t s utmuiN.
Priof.S. T. higeltw ntthe ceisry
1 tdepartmuet tis i otn uuforsi ea- (lays.
IcT is expecteud to rcturnu at the etilot the
useel, fit Iis usetcehuslsses i hs-
teiat hemuistry are beientg cnutueehby
Dr Tolmant.

N. Y, Central System Engages
Authority As Statistician
Of Entire Road
Profstsour iehy C.iAdams, isuhe sit
thie dpmis ttienst f pistical ecosutno ito
thut ('iisu- sii of l ishigti and,'iit. ttui is
resisgnastion asftes'oithutu o, a metug.
ofthe Insiu'testate' Commer u-cCmisitsin
till join sthis'ftornes sitthin Ni-scY'ork
Cenita in~sto sbiscomsutatuisticianuoft
effiienieti'.s s's'uutstiug forntikeutie ss-
te, I' tiill st thi sasettimite remauii
suit1 isthis' u iersity itt in Ires'nt possi-
ion ProfeIst usori'Adasmuss e -d'iithesutl-
-sit taf this' eget-st a st it'. muus-isg his-hu
st trlatto,) makelti' this trttgs-uusutt.
"Profeissort .Adamtts ssill asus'.mmuuhis niewc
dnusis'ss itn Jitus-t, stitchwill uestblshi itt
fcsits hums htArotroisit nstltuuChia-
gu. hut echti irsumms- thesrci aill le a
csit-ti'.sinttusorkuing tutit'rhis stuter-
Co'surrimsmut ithuIli, i. ussptaume sitthis
post linuPofs sorst'damsha is umadeua
itteet to the islues'. reutive'tohisi
v it'.suit thus-ratit'mlr s ushis is uprbau-
blilth mos iiiitutu iuuunss im'e ehalss eser
titustothitns' papm'm'er tpuli. Itesaysit
''humle-sitgtheis- rsts e cois umumere
C'i-tl linit'.I s'.i o hn g eittss- i -
sut' eie o o I t behslists thuat
tushaioadus a' publ1~~ ics mtt I tinkt
mua t'anserus thus people s willsush slit
I trsuis iv tg this-actionsssittheisrmpuits
is sirt suit rhits rosit dsit ito ututheis ide,
tiltwh it I wus obsin-m-'the is' i-itoiitt
turgslyifrIt iithi sie.Ih t in th ,
doingsuchstrk s sI'hopttisse dsosumfist
hut u-st huiti Centra i ne tuus, I isal he
'iii s ittuchi sipublui ervansit a5 I wats
ite hs tat 'istic'ianm usr hi tesui ttse om-
"h dig t his idei' ofsit-st asit otdu
to im w s-i sth,. I ido suit5sec ''tn55 usnutmstl-
it hat shllloo Isetthesl istpitofit
slush hunI , t sI-usd I ohis rmuut for
!eu tuuprese t s -mr sis mut-xdtidstu e hs
tonimelacmandmhis umiteminstucthsit
sumslleuss-l'tmlt, asuitamuss-est uevertuns
mu tie uroad"'
Michigan's Dozen Athletes Reached
Training Quarters Yesterday
(Specialisto hi timehigi~anmttlt
his-iftrd lSprings.hits'., histy2,.-
cahastu deniut manatuuigee arrest here
luts Iis saturnounuand smith tip iuuheat-
utm~icmst lie Swieetwsatter hotel. they
usl re nmauuinm lireutui tmouurowsmafter-
noo tituselistem-igttoChmridtu'uge iii
suiltCutis'it te Esuselnthmerclegiste
isieet itthie'itarardistiuumu.
Thiouihp tr. Khanst'it'hstwsill mst talk
;Vbututthe WXveihnett prsp.ects thet tut
themtislvest semtith ie est sit condtitiont,

suminimd ts'uthe iseexetedtoinspnitug stuuuu

The Comumerce cliaill ltaetonuigtm
for aiuitt Ceveland wishitre tie sill
is'sstigate.th ie maufacttituinmg Mtushasuit
ruut israthesdeatmnimtus If seal
lungs'ptahntms. Thie twety'mn t-tislusu
1e t ti makettuhtri uialitlit isishDtse-
mmii ty the .Atdscraftsmtsuboftt tuciy.
'Tonuigh untshatis'wuill gosilsmsthus- i.
tush C. humus-to Cevestsamd ishitru- suonic' si
tie utisersiur aluumi wiill tutu itirim
entrtaimuettbt ti ngssisthus-ittundmumuhim
atisutmobis.o The sltumstwtiill sismud
Frniday-nihtmti--ather n c-untoitAumu
Arbrlmi(te timte Saturdayss.
Diphtheria Invades President's
Home--Students Quarantined
Mhituteapnis,lmut. huay 2.-thus
hoeofPesidetem m hstns Cyr. uts
Nothirup, of the Uivesitif innemiis
otasis itoduiay' ivadediutbyt'diltheianu
use tiuhitsssmi t sonsandtan ti-u'ru-itie'wer
strickentih-ilsthis- iseases. Xiinutmu-n o
studtums anth membsts-tfitthis'clt
huave hbeeiquausranmtned.h XXithinmthi ls5th
less-sats tie eid-iem iststs-smuadtol
alarinug iproporutionsm.
il, ,NOttS tMI5N 'hutLitOLD
Illinius mest itttheusnier-sihty ilit pi-
u-u st time lhi sltl'tUn iotlutt tmuumuu ev-s '
siig t-thuses smokr satthis'MIllimitlhbt
tie rieentt- estabished.isec .5stionalmu gan
lztiomumfuse "suckeurs' 'hits'ffairu'wilt
begint auoutsm o'8cmlocktan'smith lmhehin i
cuttigsesit C' JhMcFaddien, 'It TI thtut
in'.srihmuwilli.steksre-. rust XA.fG
ill, Jhnitih. hButter, 'i3 L; A.C.hi'.t
13I,; M. hiis 'tituuit, '1>tushd utt-h
XthhIiTiK'TUCib t;ibttthTMi.N'i
IS EP i'TION hit Vhbhr T ~n its'
Them' is d eptment f asoineitssi tis ut.e-
cntly' tie-m tlaced on ituthis-approveud'-itlist
ea sitluis tetf rhitcts Th'is ist-mum-
sitertushsignasl hitssumincelit'this'depat-s
assit hassummiytbtuti orgnuizted'fis' es'.si-
Thus' othermproessiluumscihooltsnt the list
ant thuose ofitoitsonius Leh'lColi uisas
titus's , semiuisy '.rissm t, Cornelsamdit t-
inmiss'sThe lastter'tsmutol wistsgits-tithis
llacs- st tiemetme s us i lign
Thssscedueus'sfis te l nlut- ma
tosini this enmgieri n ihdepartimnitutu'
sutandmmitytbue'hut' l aplcaiota
tie Secretmry't officee
On5mm cun'uumt ittthis- recnt .sle of
the localh tlotg' itth'theumimaii'sl
Betat sororuit tie chapjtr usill
tnt continue touocupyr ~it'. estin
hosuen ext per.snAt presnt'm-mthiehapteriis
conuutempatinga uentig a ldg- ttitus i
cantocciutpy duritg lthe-,sholastic eaun.,-ii
-'12, wsiul e w homis n us ns tucmu-
tions Tot date tutudeiite chouiusls itua
houose fum exti-nhyear lustsbeet5mades.'
The Acolytes, tie honorarynusoc'.iety tat
te thiloiusophuicaleparmu-uutmen'ut, sill hlutis
its annusual batnqtuet st thu hliihlganUn (i-
lout this ee-n'ilts.pH.iZ. hWibut-ittsuit
as toassmatstse, auth uspmogrmttisit tis-

tict huilosopuhisal scharater'huss hut's-u
arranged, ahich ilmutcoumpurisse ltiast'.
fromithtie folloswitng mtetmbers oitthei si-
ciety: Profn. R. MA Wenltey, f. 0. Spald-u
mg, Drn R. W. Sellars., Prof. A. hi
Llosyd, antd I,. P.Iflter.

Several Departmental Changes
Are Made and a New Arts
Course Added
lue ; uhtui f this 1911-'12 tburdgst
its tip cief lireshuiit ofiesterday".s
cls fhnifiisiilttus'ututtitutusios it smu-
iss for' sms expenduiturmuss rmiinmg tie
coigyero $m,.to.a ), ani.incease
svrtun' st lii muuhy I tt ftahout ist' per
'ent. fen thitusandttudollarhs w aitt hete-
iots- to mun iersity.lh t ns'\i t muouit, the
itans '.',,r usih havetsi'hutsnu plced tiithe
Ins oit hess's-ecutul -ivemmiute'oitthe
ditio ' t wetettrovidtuhduufor.sumitnut-
ieatuttflimitis waits es'tblishedh
-~ wiusill hse gien a.eaus'.tiait, unui
p 1''. tuth shl, t iti stadot this
,ill hub nlie i Professor s-ni ('iCrss of
S ahi . g m ti si'ti uitth iie tuiank si
t'sstat pofesmr itimearsh. Th
ica tmintlftchin-iclsIenigiein-tg wiill
heeate heutt garded assu s-u a't' d5is'tnct'suits
li-i sit i 1 ifstheningut'srigschsoolusiA
'edith eg in'eergts''tig depatmtientt mus
silb tild ts y'l Prohf.'ut Wollesttnbg ot
'hurtteshut uGetmny.T het fistpat-
usn of. 'Aisi n ut historsit ndsmith s isu
sitsui'sm atiutit. usut us iiof lut'htni
seunusillsd,. st this'ed hisst i chiu Profni
l. hi asi- Tn ists'as'.ptlced i tuth tii
!e of professor ofit history. Approvalum
muss i\i-intoIthits ageemetti xis'n'ting lim
ict-s'su dieparutssimutti I u ction andsumi
_he is' cinwlucts stu d.ttnttis sitt-educatint
cre this' t-ushitrs tat scuds ii
his mumutu 'ctd os. It 'lli(t'Ibo it'd I lsa ut
hredtheus'abuhlismtten st of a itt-s
ins'yearinouerse mu thtutmdical depart
uris,-ote tutult io md-ial hgraduaists
sith laingiipto teidegreeiofdsitormuofsi
tu lc heath Tu hIis courit se cll his'gus's-i
mut thie (titit Sttis e'.xut fal fr thus
urs '1 titeswitthMiciganiususm hi ssu'' ndat
n 7a i il paitn t o hsstartiit it
'he '.tsameflo
t ra istmBae's resignautionuuws
tres n4 t-tad a ct, utt nothing urn'
doea oiis sucessour. Smtith', Iitos-
uaadGilium ian archiitecturaund umi
- mu--u'sini' Ilustsloca-tetmin hiitroit, wss'
tuoimesitohutg ahedt sithsthis'pmnu
foin tientewr heting tplanmt Beumse sit
thes tu'expected incrmeacs iithe stunerti
i-ttmp hiisi-itollm'en ttu tualwas gus-
us sthitytlotim mutottuthe mamtern sf
proidinguiumitsrie tti t ututsuand uequimen-t.
'fie insite sit teopueninug sittie c-minmwas
'tsigesi romulysi3 5t Jiue t, its sa-
Ie thantth ie stiudents wulduuunost he coo-
polles totuwait oertrsiete chueittthe
Junuiorm 'mufessorLois Sinausits wsm
sor it It. hurtis wasprtintsto tjunu-
sun hit-ifessorn it astonomttty mmiii assistanmt
diretotustthus'oservasttrytochisns- tihe
aibusee itt Prof . hiusisey. Asistart
Profsesinrh. Cuoss'.oitthe hisory de
smtnisist iv nadeusiis full professor, mii
heist FlownsR.TII'lurner 5mwasmmedhasu

rim rf. I utussuuu successour. Asistaut
IPnutessor cS. J. Zoski aslcuscreatedh jrn-
ior purofsutsmsit ofmecu'hanicalenuginueerng.
JunmiornProfiessor A. 1it. Whrite wsmadets
tintsfessornoittemuicen rginruntg. J. R,
(Continured an Page S.)

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