10 "Rs Litt L .00 3,t K:(I f [ yu yAP( d Ait I o ro i 4: '$ 1 } F 1 .. !n8.15 P. M1. Late isoers~ not seated peemptiy- atrdayq and Might . May 27 DIRELCT FROM THE CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE--ITS THIRD ENGAGEMENT IN - - - -CHICAGO THIS SEASON j(IS ETURNDELIGHTFUL MUSICAL GOIUREUNJOS. M. GAITES PLAY E3,IR . JOHN HYAMS, LEILA MWINTYRE MwY seventy' Others E A M S AUGMENTEDI ORCHESTRA Uy iESlT, HAUERBACH, and HOSCHNA The Original Cast and ®--- - Production Hear "Doctor Tinkle Tinker" and the other Big Saucy Hits RCS 35-50-75-$1 .00-$1.50 SEAT SALE THURSDAY, Matinee: 35c to $1.00 MAY 25, AT 9:00 A.M Moel Cumberland .- :,. 3orEBoadway, at 54th St., NEiW YORK Nar 0th1St,.Sbway and3t. levateo S- KEPT BY A COLLEGE MLAN k > College Men Always Welcome Special Perms for College TReams f Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park A New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Tansient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send tor Booklet. I) vNDEiR THE MANiAGEmEmr OF" tiry? P. Stisxison, formerly with HStlSlinperi. i. K. J. Binxghm ..ererlooy with Htel Woodward 'e World", x aeation Work that Will Fit for a ~nvtP nnian Lucrative Profession. -anE AND WOMEN WANTED l { TA IA I,, T lT I ASSI"R AN CI SOC I lTV of the United StaItesthe ! r51 ,It}tloil In the world, Iisures ilnand wom11n0 0ithout discrim-i o dpa0( ( It S ) 1 Gt011 p 11111 sid wooen, withoout o. ererce to the ... ol-!_parenIts, are itwo osingly (ages-to bmake tile long 1.011011100vacation It V 1 1100 toottt tha or 11hOrt pler. 1. Such youniog 1011and twoment 0 ' ti ran0e100 o.icitts 1 p 0 tot 0 1 1poat o ai')g sa yogi live, wltorzover you may Ii 1 ~ ~ Ali1 r .0 000 r00 er 01t , o)1pt an tooter trip-Otyhetafl'e. Ther e ts no 1 o i in I o n1 on cu "'n Ietqic1001 n31111 reI reliturs ill your efforts, cia se aIar~ num E;- gmn and women _AT ONCE. Write a oL.'ormatbun conCetnincontracts and compensation. L NECAMERON HULL Agesry aoa~r fr te Equitable Lite Assurance Society UMONTRUT BLG.,DETROIT, MICH. ___.P __. __. = - J ~ w ) ," k~\ 0 > ~ No ALWAYSAHAD IN OTY LE S I t. - r F-r , ice': -- Z _ g SF °h f ' _ THlE BEST, OF EVERY A..TINU IN TAILSORIN