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October 22, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-10-22

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. XXI.
State Believes It Can at Last
Turn Trick But Michigan
Is Not Worrying
(Special t i -Ilichian Daiy)
Coloabus, Ohio, October 21-Mch-
Mcgnseve siredyi for the fra. As
tetme for this afterioo's coest
withlte (Ohio State warriors apfproahes
a fe eingofif idieice permeates the
W\slvrimceaiip. This attitde is a re-
slt of an evidentimpsslroeetin sthe
ies eli itself andcisot lbecuse it seems
prob iasietat t(ltsckeyestae ects
livieiuie expects a hsard gase to-
morrow-si. Afte r a toriugs sork-out
this afte rniiiin CoacthisYist expresses?
iisef as saisfieui ssit the otlook.
Vishe 'olvits ~stowsel sitswell "is te
eye iteisatli,ersunnig througlsig-
i s iih sciisda ssh i. 'The payers
are iilie e st of siritscissdlte cot-
'itonf le suadls is geeraly excel-
leni. Il Theiam carries iiClmsisa
thi mrnig ndafter diline r it the
iste w eres-takesiti the gssusnds where
II evldrilledi (sr ssverali sissis.
The g rounsiss sarec-owis n iexcellest
ispean illshiselies- ettsweater oti-
looi: hisconiiitiosisunsde soiehls.the
ele ivs wil e tuimor rowshousld le
entirely sati si-ictory.v-Greittlosli-
terest ihas Ibenarosestdnthinidi-
catiios in osfaIlarcilige- crsw-s,.The .
S. U.. ihackers eie th-aict this sear their
(favosris lics-ass siptsu itylsto as-
quishth sfttrs ssssstssWolverisc
an ie rsc lninisto iiatts-nss Ile
anticiuaitimasscrein ichisIiesthey oil-
pr theiir teasid tis he cross-ichsil
coisf riisAnnuss oretomossrro wilt
have toiiostdoIistieiislscstoi imaitais
thi eua ionil the s ishutiglhe.
Theieven wic uh Coac Jels hisissidse-
s--v~elopedItis saisnahass sosnsthe cissii
dene if his gridi riiniestussiasts if this
visiitliiThere-ord icshhthee ae
iadi tisis issf-iissicitien iableasdtheis-r sp-
porter iswill bei-srspriedl aisid isat-
psindif tes(doinocsIgater fresh
issires unossthesetoles 055the moros.
liii Linepss iscisnisossncel hiytths
cociiies folow:-
snciisicx. sutsTsAsT.
Lolse..- t..,IF,. - Il.. eaty
Ifs? sisis Iv - P - Fists-. Poeli
P eufi russ?, - l... . - - I oesel Blaiss
Bog e . ... ... ...C.. ...... .. Olds
Conkilciil -...... .. (all, lieelely
WVels - hf...... -.I-... Bassilow
Ictis-siill - 1f... tF -....Pay-
lUssisoisist - - \V.. ells, Cook
Thomssson - I. . . -1 .....Wright
G ec-isi- --.....R 1. Labior, Cox
AilcAlilisisi - O.. .1 ......- -Foss
A .social cmistee has ieess iaugu-
raediil itis-Mihligaiii lUnise Tis
commsiitee, sihsise dutiies will e dis-
1usdct fsisitIsie f the reeptaion cissa-
mittiee, wiltakile exetsie harge of?
all the imspisrtaist siial funictios of thes
Uniois, such s receptionsss, issiers, a-
qet-s, etc. I l misatters sinsder their
supessrisionstersil? fsoulate a? ex-
eeutc-their iss iiasas.

fiCairmsanst Frasseis L. Riordananas-
stossnse-sthsst tise fsoiiowinsg save beets
apptssisedi Iothe comisssiitee:c Herbsert
A. Gosetz, Carl F. Raiss, Philip W.\
ifiisliers, Raysmocnd? I. Dykemia, Ar-
thsiseP. Alssclaisss, Albert S. Burgman.


No. r7.

At a meetisig of the Alpha Nu sisciety
at 7:45 o'clock tosight, the flowisns
prograsmawsol lie gives:
Address......Professor Hlltister
Dehate: Resolved, that the Athletic as-
sociatioss of the Usiversity of liciii-
gass should ibe inscorpsoratedl as lert of
the University, suchi corpioratioinsre--
quirisig every stuts of the Uiver
sity- of Micisigass to pay a fixeif fee
alosig with Iis tuitions, asid that ini re-
tsirsi for said fee, asdmsissiosi toi aii
gasmes of ass'athletic siatsire ise al-.
isowedl said studsesits.
Affirmiative-Hl. H. Smsitis, C. B. Tay-
Negatisve-B. B. Siissc, S. iD. lie-
Exchaniges- --.......il. T. Tisslise
Sybil R-eadisng.
Critics Repsort.
A businsess mseetisigswiillibe iheld aftir
the programs.
New Scheduleof Interclass Contests
-Arraaged oatManagers' Meeting
At the mseetisig helidiFridiaycof tse
ciass fooitbiallimanagers its founditis
exipedientito1smaike ses-ercil cihanges is
the schedei, which wiiili e foissisiislsiss
iii revisesd foris.
"Pal' Gaisslei, istercilass is-is cc
saulis iiregarsd to ts-ecomsig.season:s
"'romssthe smsatriai sist al ssturnedssi
so fasr it isosksascthoussghiwesic is-us
Iav seea eyitretn ots'a to urge sposs eveycasta
gee the necessity of calinsg st the A'i
leie office at sossecasnd gettinsg a ciii
oif the rules govsering the' gamse s. hs
is asosslsutelyessenitiai tisat es-er- isay,
pass si physical exais tiontsu bicfosrs-l,
wtiiise iermsitted iii cnter.'
Trie folsintssisg is thse schse-sle:s
Jumiosr Lits vs. Sophs Lits, Oct. 24.
Se-iisr Lits vs. Wissier, Oct. 27.
Jtiosr Lsaws s-s. Seniisr Lawss, (let 25.
D~ents vs. Piscirsiics, (Oet. 2,;.
Juioisr Meshes sc. Soitsh'leilics, Octe
Sessioir Meicis vsc. Soiipshi l ics,
Seniosr Meshes v YWinnser, Nove. i.
Jiuir Esig. vs Soisthug., fOcl.
Sessioar Esig. vs. \Visnner, Xciv. 2.
Maniy studseits, ioratoiricalint sclinesic-

or, A., haseball manager, T. D. Best, A.
C LASSES NOMINATE Ass unusually large: sote was polled' ALL-F RESil TO MEET
ansI swing so the snsumbher of eani-+ .
IN POURING RAIN dates, great inorest was shownts Xoio S RO G A MAT A
isatisig speeches were sdispeissed swith
-- by vole of the class.:
Senior Lit Candidates Set Good The sa2lits look: ass sctiussi sosuewvhial Visitors Have Made Cood Record
sismilar to the sessiors yesterdlay swhensi
Example by Non-Campaign- thcy passest a resolionurcomendinhsg! and Douglass' Men will Have
to their casndisdates that tiey release assy
ing Pledge vote pledges they had seeures. The To Play Hard
substassce of this us4stons : Re-
solved, sisal it be the si'nstimoent of the
STUDENT COUNCILMEN SUPERVISE chats that all canisidates' who have bail I FIELD REPORTS FROM 0. 5. U.
voles pledg'ed tos theis shosulsd releaseI
such pledges'"
Nomatiosassns fuseclaiss offices vecre A strenusous camspaigns is expeictes Tthis afternooniassct twoso'cloek, the
hed ini all idepalrtmiss-sts, exepltlthe Lsawttasonig she folloswisig snominiees:5Fresi- Ali-IFreshti eam nill eclah itlkthse Alma
-susul (sarI ac- h~eist Robert NV. Mch'Aistsi, Arthur .fsu.hii, etrls, 'Cutsecessus ce ill
cordsng hugoithenewsuineesg (if the Stti Miselsass ; vice-piresidcen, Ehsics 'lh- yertstsoe oNhi am a
suer, clctargsirst Reed-, secretary, Gladys ILastecrtesur.ifIi gsewa
he Csniorith rsietilcad Pearsoss ; treassirer, JoshisL. Ciox, IE.1. 'f hts osini (cvicr if the Freshmenci,
G~mtl (riersusi footbsall moanasger, S. A. fuel this si-sc aiisslt reposrts shosw Alma
sdsses gash tsgethuer befiorsthue uoisi K~-reis;soratosricas lclegate, 0. 5. Yeses- i uieaIcssxslsus vst sai
bosswuere suicde, sitd-agreesnsuitho (Contued onPage 2.) '- -

ledges. 'lieacionssutas e'ndosrscsd by
lie cass such a resouions to that elfect
ws pa ucssedh. 'Due cagreemesnt1andsires-
lution sfsollowv
O(winug toc the ill fselisng tha it s buesn
usoued (sifrmse r cass electiostbis
solcitaftion cusocc votes, the followisig dlii-
iiatssuae us utusciths agreedl to abstains
fro r ahsllcamigiiniig, eithser personually
os thro-uught frfiends, anin accsoridusuance
weiths this posicfy thusyi Iser-lb- agreec is
re-l-ciseslltpromis se r ibligatiosiusmaute
them preil Itviosiito si11fth~ iishn uncmenti.
(Sfignest)f C. 0'. W rxV oaess.
tED. J. X~rstss,
f.S. OssIsos,
f. .BOlutAsit
Tfhissag reemeni-st is sub ljechtco the rti-
lissii Osf sheclsssa-sdulis sitered into I
solesly fusethis-pursr ae if encutrigg
sill ivolurs tIcc sideiascesorsihg histhesir
owniifjudgmentss Ias ir-gairdsthis-partiua
quflificatiossso f thscadidahitets.
'Thei (sllowusinsg it-resusnomf itedl fur
i-srios usoffices:s lrcsfident, iuas. With-
ho -, .S.bse, tMusrice Meyers,
huhar is Wal5I~s lsths. .5. Bosiwsan:
vice-p'esidetscuLouise- I lollosu, Flore-nce
51 ii'. ssscritari, licssis Shervoods;
itrautrevs AN isishifge At cs1f Xcii-
mus usc Sf i rlu s' bskhetballh ussanaiger:
c lltch Oi ysu Minervaic Hasguse; fosotbiall
nanagcr I1I.sltamisis eballici manausiilgr,
If J. aSmoshu;tsriackivmanassger, Raliph
Crig,'1hutsyOtfihtcslufsssr -iimecus bs-
kectbsall masnaserfGriffitht fHay5ev, Johns
Unises theus ggiecstfionsofthe- chasirman,.

Ties for Both Prestdent and Vice-
President in Senior Elections
An excepsiossally large vote was caitt
us sotls tse senisir anduljunuiosr hlaw elc-
tiosts held Frisday acfternoonus. Bouthi
electionts - were hsstly- csontesteduthrurtgh-
out, the sesiors castinug 200 v oles oiut if
a posssile240.
TIhiehectiosn resusltedl intsisic fiorhulls
iresident asnd vicec-presidenut,0'. 11. Vans
Wisnkle sits C. J. Mclaldeu each re-
ceiv-ing seventhy-two testes fur tpresidlent.
Rioy HageranatnsisElmser F.Erba re-
ceivesonse husnisredeanstudhsreeeach-Ifosu
The rcsuslt for the balansuce of lice
tickeet is as follouws;5 Secondustvice-psresf-
sleuth, Esdwins R. Nlonig; tecretary, VWift
iatu B. Leavitt; treasuire r, Carl Vs -s
ere;l fssstballimnaucger, FIt. MlPinkler-
ton basebsallusanager, EtigesucFHsunt;
bacsketballi sianaiger, Perry Kuhn;ss e-
geats-at-armsis, If. (A. Diefenuderfer;l
tracht:uumanaiger, It.- W.kVithers.
Aus election wstill blielnexs cIt Fridayi
aifternosonu, Octobher 21, for thec electionu
of tpresidesut sits vicec-presidenut. The
electiosn wiltltic heilt frosmsthwsstill fosur
its room 0.
The jussisar electkin resulted sltsfish-
lows:s Presidenut, Johnss W.. Las Fout:
vice-tpresisdent, Catpt. Sealby ;sccretiiry-
George E. Branud; treassirer, Gislert
Saundseers;l sergeliit-at-asrmus, cArthure
Davenphort; fsootbacll msanager, Alfbcrt

to pruse just whilt they- sre maduse eof.
'The u-staters have el lu l .. C. tos
ani ist Iso o vscores' os fasr thait
year bsesids cbea-cting Ytpsilansti Nsomal
tio the tisue-.sof 22 ho 6. 'Theyssill cuter-
lice ctleast 170 isuspslo u hs vd illfar
slus-tieighi str younssugters.
Thesl-T,1 reesIsu aedvetthisustffer a
defseat sincet thiefir cirgansizaioiniilast -car,
such Dlasgcs ss shi sstied enough "tic?
isso his chacrges uto inisure- aiIssus? fght.
.\raeuufetsue havssie (eens umadue Isare-
ciete retports of thec (. S. U. gaissesat
the feldl, a-iisthis, esoupledulwfths this'fact
thsat this is the firt homesssgatme for
te .Al11Fresha, is essussted us tos brinug
su~t thec right sizedcrowdect-ou supposirtS
the- teamsu.
T he folloswinug is teLille--suip:
A5555555g5 SF, IsA.
'Isrhuel .. .. . ..L. . .. .. . Steifler
Qusinns ... ... ...- .T .. ... Johsonu
Patesrson....... .G.. I.fulgertost
Ilarton .. ... .. .. .. . . .. . C alu si
Carpuenter ......s.G u... sAnersons
(ashes ..... ... . If .A. . .. . iss-usr
Craig.... . I? - - Rc K~fgsush
Doy-he. .. . ... QBI - . I Irwuscu
Rfichardus ...... I If .. - Marke
Poantius ... .....- - - - - ....Csook
W hblite.. .... .. IIt .. ... ltuuuuper
Officials-Rfcferee, V.J. Sprow, Wa-
bacsh ;5 iiuiise, XX tsrasuch Ifickey, Ohsio
\\%csteys;u filcd tjugs, J. lchier
Lewtis, 0. ccf A? ; hle-dsuitneussan, Johns
C'ampbuiei l lm.


have segmun worktinusrertion ufur Itheunoinationf s sisfur classsees aud,_clanc 2During ustheespastiiisimmerge, ihotue uoas
thePecean Oatrial'cotet hih rohe wll e ad a alaerdae.Toswers ;track mnamsge, (AlensI. Mcditdu ected wills the unsiversity susseum havscec
will lie held sass use thins? of Decesmbe~r. Frte is isse, i issay-years.;suet shestthefeifusme inidleniesss.'Thirec
Several uothers hat-csignsifedshehiss-in i- thcre s cosiderablc e iss-rivaslry-ill1 the son.expedsitionsst-cretsent oust.
tentions his cuter. Thecwininuer if this sseor seninerussg class5. Iheretofoure Onec expedsitions was seetstohisCas
conmtest stilt retaresenstthe t ise rsitv this cisiIs lustec Ittayssselecsed hhir U. OP M. MEN PLAXYIIIG Cosunty, Michi., usinlte ssuthernstpart sat
againusstier colleges sof the state uin ustict wislis u mrcm n~h AT NSAEPLTC'testatte. 5. seecondut crty-visitedt this
te stale steel wilcha with behuehi-huact hst slshucus smucs oppU~sitiusu. 'This Chuarity IslansinusSaginawuefIsi. '('Iis
Htillsdale its March, sr tisnt xectedl lh ite efeils A feature of the state primaryelded-epdto wsmd-osil hog
The testimoniasswsillIprobabllyse huc ~e swsil haveesuscus s sailinugfor assopetlions of last Septemaiber, interesting 1 0thgetoih-sfIss.S.i.Artus.
samse as last year, $75. ssocvte frs? tosition tui sch s and saunumenof isude- tesiseusms imuu fteuusc-Is conssistedl of six mssu enes, iais? by
tunarcetimider$o.oo cit thc sccondsu.Tiue cuspeisetsnomsinath Iions aeg sinte feld. ttwt h tssschyhtgussuaetheir imncessantlcurls, tnescimenusof
comntestanth winmnminigfinchsuplceideustil e Is scat utered'nmiaios follomw: of umensnominasted whohsdlistihier geas?- birdls metru'oahinued . 'Thesesire suit
state contmest toil? delive his' orathionisi insresient, I.C.:-i ll, suarne;ii-sccretatry, sted fromiosueattendsed sheUnivers-ity beinig mounsted, suit instead,'arc arc-
te interstate useeth s~ichswithlsoccur usin SS V. uskernsC. If.; M. Osgososd,C., of fM.ichiganu. Charles If. Towsntsend, seeved amid tlaceds away fsor inspectionu.
Xay betwoeensthe Umniversities if Pcenni- isis? Xl1'. Coswstell, C; treasusrer, J. R. Rpmlcu smhdscfs sie tts Atuass impouurtanut of cll were thue col-
Syleania, Ohio, Insdiansa, XWisconusinu, andth re(Cs .- fuotball manusager,. G. L. Cod- Sensator, was ensrolledl is the literaury lectiosuofclreptiles stud shells cetedcs
Michaigani. last ycar Miciga agus r els- muts tushOleC.: bassketbasll soanager, departmsetthirty-twoa years ago.Chaste inssosuthernt Xerat Cruze, beMr. hBakcr
rescetd by M? N.1. 'Thomsas. C. I.If ess, Chs;tracts omanager, 14. 5?.' S Osbormn, Republicanumnominee for stud AlexandleIfRuthveii, cusrator of thme
P ierce. Governor of :XMichigani, although sever musmeu'm. During their tlsswsoeks stay
sines ctustvtsvimiccur teTSsir. Toutit. ris e cuii s tucks-S as nsominauted yes- 1I1attendsance here, has heess a memmiber itsthu truthiectlregionsmof thc Me~xicants
lt slut is s folos: President,S.V. of the Boarsd of Regents for sosne years.cuty shecyscene ablue t hi ecs oe
Earle Moore,Ifobsert Morelandu, RlfphusAu un0 sc seieuhN .DsLawtonusT. Itermaussthe Demcratcuasurculc s
BlcZmi rhu socltcusil u S rC:ce- pIfs.idetanM.ss.ouc sh.,Dnscasc200 reptiles smuts? o,ooo shlhs.Itsash-
Slak ad rthr oehma wil o -I. Sereary R S.llmmod, e.;cadidate, who willtivs-cagaisnst Os- uditioin, shies- obstasinuedismc fnteressinug
to Detroit today where theyvstill cosu nc-susrI I1cicC, otti born for thse gubhernatorial chair, attend- scicso ecsicamt-siv
suit with Bert St. Johns its rcgamrdi toumanager, Is IncTet, C.;lbasketballh ed tir university, '87-88. Kelly, ass opj- hsoaconstisctors. ThcInidiasyinmthat
thse costmumes assdstscenery fuse the liiciti- t siaae nIf . VSnowutEI. ; track mana usonmentsof Oshorss's foe the Reipubhicnuny wr fiedadhlpdt
gnUnions opera.I renC useuui candidacy, i' a Michigan caalumnuesef.emih- msthetes u
gait ' .en 5rC: aebl umnage, auiusimakc uhs extpediionm, ssupocrtedly Iley-
if A.Ifadufosrd, 0. The oppositionu ick- Xctmyr e~uhit mtIe-anstXWalker stud theCUniecrsity, suie of
MANY satiny MEoxNessCeiv. esI Irien~st, A. SWailker, M; vice- badntytbr essim o esthe mest successfult inirecessyeairs.
The official address iss of stew faculty tprcsidetcu f. RK Blists,,XM.,; secretary, imaportamnt offices, were once loyal mew-___________
msemsblees givems out at te Scenate re- If S.IIuamsond,?X.; treaturer, B. E. eso hsitto. Its the Yate-htarvarst swisimmg meet
cephiosm shows stsal there are just fortey -,hreisfusnul I' ; football massager, If. L. - R. ILorec, of Yale, burokec thu interssi-
stew meimomn the facuslty abasve the an usk sttceu M. tubasketblustiiapage,.C. A. ,,The total" enrollment as Illinois this legiase plusige record with a mark of
of instructor. ILutini Chn track sisasugeer, 'R:. CDihi-Yea±r. is 4)000. - 72 feet 9 inches,

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