tail MICHIGAN A AILYt .,, ... - _.,... CI e~rsd{ _fV .-,' S OE $4 lax..:,t n $01 IDEAL OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $600 and $7.00 shoes. WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign ot the big white shoe r Fa an owns for any Degree , Jt.) ak" P(e fr aps and Gowns tieltor'. Master's or Bachelor's. 1 I a yootall aid cget prices of the c3 tie I f ot or lot purchase. MA KX&CO. Flr w jNIRSITY NOTICES Band rehearsal \Vednesa it i 7 :oo o'clock. McN illan II all COM MERCE CLUB SELECT'S OFFIC ERS F (RZNENT YF \R. At a bstsittess mteetittg of lte CotI maercecClutb last tight, a see etautittt tiott seas adloptedl uwitslight iia- tiotti. After a report froms vai ouom-a mtttees, thte follown tg officers wr do edl fotr te fiest setmesteret I -testticar: Presidettt, E. M. I-tasacas ;xticpr- idettt, R. 0. Shtatsv secretary,. 1). I IHowell; treasurer, W 'NI$. I toil e -- cordittg secretary, ID. S. Vetet. 0. S. U. tPROFESSOR IS FOIUNID 1155.1 N. WV. Lored, of te minsealotgt tt t- eorology dtepartmettof Ohtiota SteLI'm-t veesity ws sfotttttdeadtin itbedthi tmornitng. The corietir' s invt igtn assigttedtthe c'oautseoftheleth tolart trottble. Thte woent of Clicagoi-Uldtis it 'tn tn thte tiadslttf atnexciltil-Indoortt se- ball series for class cltamtiittsliti. Thte parties for annal lecion'for stttenttassemtlies att:\WashitingtSI ,tl atid "Intdepetndetnts." Thte Glee cilub of Dartiothtsttt itl;it-. a five weeks' trip thtrousght teXiow l,,ig- laititstates. Many sewhttildintgs ate panedet bIt the trtutees for te State Uttitvesity 01t Ioisa. AIitrary will lie ibtilitItthecos of tearls' half a ttilliondolas Matinee - Saturdaay, :and Night -- May 27 DIRECT FROM THE CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE---IT'S THIRD ENCAGEMENT IN ___________CHIGO THIS SEASON GLORIOUS RETURN ss . ATSDELIGHTFUL MUSICAL OFMY Seventy Others DREAM S AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA Ry NESBIT, HAUERBACH, and HOSCHNA The Original Cast and ____________________-Production Hear " Doctor Tinkle Tinker" and the other Big Saucy Hits RCES 35-50-75-$1.00-$1.50SETALTURDY Matinee: 35c to $1.00 MAYT25, EAT 900R. +IGA } x_ New Whitney Theatre CuaisAet~. 8.15 P. M. Later ssonere os.ot seated pr-.on'.ptty. (irager' S3chool of Dancing riv te eson0s Given by Appointment It frliti it safet r Pate246-Offiethoursl10 Ao 12 a. m., 2 to 4p.am IlncrnFceisae an Water Shmpoos a Specialty.Al Stools and towels tstrilzed betoreuasng IRS.J. R.TROJ AN O WSI Au Ai lit g11tilSouthivtFlersityAve. c vhit WN oveltieOs Ist recccivedl a largec shipmtent of negligee it at entirely tnewvtinte of patterns, made t itiici C1fix, atnd soft or stiff detachable I I tittIa'retutale with your comfort It' hesasontt itd thte weather, all you need x, a a I !I I v hat te joy it, Ltt before buying that 111- B Ileofdil i s attd Itanots, Kntox and V(,sIt his a ft.kv iof thtose 29C silk hose left N fii tiWr~ I UIUI lit t/sitftoiiot 20-1202 S. Main St. Brand 2 for 25c Best Made-Merit in every Thread WAGNER +& CO. Kith ta hpee~ttfeof ltactress'photographi iseu2pc. rtiotil ecus .zhason-Itleaolege 'ec.itatf IOU. The simplest of calcu lations will decide you i favor of Fatimnas, Their goodness time, their "bdif ferentness" mo - than equals their cost. Add tc this more eLtjoyment than you ever had and the sum total is Fatima-the cigarettethat multiplies smoke pleasure. Rlare tobaccos---skillfully blended. 20 for 15 cents, and you get 10 additional. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. J S'1JAN~a OTE IIRII0-R SHOP '- -._ "^ i ' mo ' u P21 2 00 rd$I00--$3.00 LA & UELBER IAT T Y TTLE & CO. T arusfliil'ic iaPofr of teoeny CHINESE RESTAURANT Fancy "Chop Suey" and Amertcan Dishes, Chops and Steaks at all Hours TABLES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WAL KING LOO 3t4 S. Stato UP STAtRS DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detrott, Anns Arbor and Jackson Detroit Limited-S8:t3 a.n., t0:t3 a. sm., t12t13 p.. :1ap. tnt.tt:13tp.ot., 6:130..sm., 8:13 p. m Kaamazoo Limitted - 7:46i a. so 9t46 a. so., Locat Cars East Bound-tToiDetroit, at45 a. n5 titi45 a. mt. antd every twothours to t0:45 1), . Ti Ypsini, 5:45 a. mo. and halt hour- Svtso tt1t p.nm.. atlstta1 a. so., t2:30 a. so., t."t150a.cm. To Saline, change at Ypsiltantt. Locat Cars West Bonne-5:40 a.ms., 7:t5 a. raandleeery twottours tott1:15p so. ;; I CHOCOLATES Just received afresh shipment of Gilbert's Johnston's Macffiarm id's Tie ' Drw$_ t lir.e117S. Main St PUBLIC NOTICE "Z6he ALLENEL"' FINEST HOTEL WXill i peti ,mout June ri titiatnd respectfully reitteets too rooums equipped with rtitting hot attd cold cater. 25 rooms witth batht All eqippedrIwitthtitter phone sstsauking it possible oe youto A call ansy photne, local and long distance, ott the bell systetttfroma tautloom. Autetican Plait $2.00 to $3-00- M. M. NOWLIN, Iprop. Isos B Sr Is Cassosecttoca, No'sv Opera. W. C. Nowtan. Mig,-. I t ALWAYS AHEFAD IN ,STVILFS MILWARD. THE TAILOR THiE BEST OF EVERY THtINU IN TAILORIN