*0.-_ 'NHS MICti DAv q AMY~ Inochoosing your straw Hat Pick a Winner The Mallory cravenetted straws will stand shcwers and dampness, fog, etc. ind can be sponged clean without harm F. W. GROSS 123 E. Liberty St. Exclusive Ag x:.,4 A.G SI[A I.DING & BROS. The paldng retixe argestmtssu- aiig f aiurers in the world Tro Sp iis f OFFICIAL EQUIP- MENTforallath letic P 'pjlVQ sports snd pastimes. G 0 Lf souL arei iserestexd MARK htouli issc a copy of iNlic theSpalingip ('0- it0U IN c~' ioic. It's a comiplete known throiughouitiencycsopi s of the worid as a Whts New in Sport Gssa~rao.tt, of and iscsentfree on re- A. eG. SPALDING to1 RO S 254 Woodward Ave. Detro M4 5th The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitai Stock $300,000 Surplus $50,000 Resources 52,800,000 A Geeral Banking Business Transacted cirrscosos Chas. PE. Hiscock, Pros.; W. U. Haorrimnan, Vice Pros.:; M. J. Frito. Cashior TilE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surpus and Prolts$i00,00 General Basking Business. 3 percent paid on Timo and Savings Dieposits. Satoty Do- posit Boxes to rent at P1.00 and upwards It. igno, rei'es. ti. 1G. PRETYMAN, Vice-Pren. II. A. XWiLL ,issCtashier F'. T. SnOWs, As; (crman-Aercaf swus 41-1k Commrxe -oIB.1 ei md Sekv in ja Cos. Moe asud Libo-ts Stesets FIRST NATIONAL BANL OF ANNAROoR, MICHs. E. D. KINNE. HARRISON SOULE Fees. Vice-Pes. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital. $100,000 OSrplus anidi'rofits ,0$6.000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Caitalu $O500 r Srpius 15,000 tResources 01,250,000 Wms. J..Booth, Fres. Wss. Aenold, Vice Fres. C. J. Waltz, Cashier CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ematter lit this coluimn emust be paid foe in advance. Office hiours: 1-2:30; 7-8:30 p. Mi. WANTED Wa/Nned-G~raiduaie eigixneer to taske in- terestiniiiwv/i esitaiblihedl cxiiceixis works, eariinig20 lpercni. net .bWiiti ixereased caiial can doliiesarninigs. Skill iiirii over ofice and ireasairy to rig/utoxan. Sale. xsindsho/low nde Msiilii iimaiiageimeiint.bxl ii- sI-i. Sc-oil, care ICINDI ixue LYx. 1it-1i75 H *( ils/d-Studen-uto10woirk ini lhoardiig Aiousec frixox 5-6 oniweek lays andi from 12-tOil SSiiiisavs. Abplyit 13, Monxroe i62 if LOST. I osi/-Watermiall>foin- Iakablc is- m iaiii Pexi Tiiesilayrmiii, ie- SiMiii aiidN lliaiiu. Ciii 1,6i J. 16 1.eoi.-riay -rxcxxxxg Phii 1liiCi t F1raterity inriii. Rewardi. REsslisii Bell 366. 164- 17-166 hoil.-Oxi theccamipulis ir S. Iiilis. Si., a Sigia 'Aiphia Itasiosiriiriiy inii. Owners ixamexiucibac.index.r please Calli i525. i6_-165-1/i/ FOR RENIT. Toxi . Ds5l1 urixig summexxcr ciii, ismall 312 J. 164-16-1i6i - FOR SALE Por Sale-Dlress suit, trousers iiaisi:12, leggth 21/. coaltito (matcs/.. Inqiiieis ati for Sole-Alotlor Cyc/c, liiiiislii itiiidim atias-ihs-et. Si/irsi- uiiiri- ics 1toIB. A. Thoisic5, 317 . StitC Si. 165i1i6 Cxx- So/s I l)iii-hallfxihare in Oldow ('anioe- cheapixfiii-css/i. Iiinire atfls V if/ice. 11666-i1i6- MISCELLANEOUS QUARRY DRUG CO. ore so/es agens for GILBERTS IGeE GRADE Chioc- ilates. 6oe. and 80e. per lb. if For ,Saie -oxlernu8-roomixicoititage, fur- iiishexd complsetse; gaisoliie aiiiii, iioai, ..-largelbxotlxiausc- 1/ili ar/i newin iibeist if re/ir/c Finest licisaliii i hit-xi moisre La/se. I/illhiphiiiis. I/c v/is-i- 1V. Muuufxxrx, R. 1R. N-i. 7, AiiiiAr- hior, Mis/i 162 xxiii i64 MUSIC AND DRAMA A xxii s-i wkkis xciic(l/ss/ uisis-alix byv thei Unxixscsi/v Ssciiil if Music, ini isit fouri reciials ale oni t/isprograml. ilsicslay a/tenn xaiial4:13,, puiiiis recital illii bei, givenii iiy piuiils iif i/is- iaixi, kissal aind Vioilixi departments 1. Skcxlxxsdo- ce-c-iiii.s ooclc h fist.radiat iii rescitl l sxili/se plase lxxxiii Ixsi ss / x 1'v lxix Tci/sr, xx il,t if IHillsda leiandxixSss /LuraI Mi r ixtt Koclhii, soipraiiiiof Jacisoniiill appeain aiioint5ir c ial.1hursayi - isarst of / tnfed illivIlaicrad-c vesitix lii lll s iay fis iixoiiIx :1 ainother pubiiiliclxiiis' rccita ii xiilibe is/ld ati theScihool of Muisic.P/is- 'ciii ri / publis- bi s icord isiay ied t b xieitii .,hr a asra5 of feiineiii 'alarm and xxaxxdraxwing if/ixemiiine pedlx- plxliii if liii-sici-olaxrs lxy iisiio mxisthle intux in hili.shat, xxxdi irioping i ms. xi tolx Yioresxcrxitios will receive espe- cial save at QUARRY'S DRUG S/TO RE. tIf Riceptisiiixsiali-isuit~abii-lxxvori-ariu we six/cr, 52 si-cent isihund,/ /-rili/ix--, 6i1; 1'. 'i illiamxix SI. Weii-ss lixunotig lxit theiblsiiiaieirals iii ili kisig xli' canles5. /51liipck, lil; I?,. Nb il/ixixiSt. (ils ~ ~ (il tN Siiixifi 164 t F CI 101 014N Co01rxs, bxuionxsingroinsg nails, Ireat- cxl andilcured. Evecrytinxgabsoliutely axntisepltxc.Offie. hours : 9-i2 a. In, 0-5 p1. Ill. 7-8 p'xxx.MxssxF,.3. Fialey, '920 .. HuIxroin St.I ind Nor/li 12th." Phoiei 989-J"1r'is eoil. Ne make i receionsxiii ckils lxxdxwafers in alclran flax-s-. tox sider. iip ', fit I- Nb ii; St. Walk-Over Oxfords Spring styles in low shoes are now ready for your inspection. Tan and Black, Button and Lace, for Men and Women $3.50 to $5.00 Glet fitted by our rule system and notice the satisfaction of perfect length and width. Walk -Oyer SPRING HiATS and CAPS ndHATS ~HATS5 9yCAPS . .CAPS 4tHE 1-AT S 44<0110NAME" HAT S Get Your New Spring Suit at WADHAMS & COMPANY t21-123 South Main Street 104 L I I I I it 0~{B~JE 5ACHIYJ on CSTEE SHIRTS FOR HOT WEATHER With soft collars and soft cu/ffs Exclusive Patterns WAGNER & CO. State Street The University Music House Has the .latest in Operatic WE FrenchDr cA Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, fl0c REPAIRING Fuller & O'Connlor Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St. Let the ROYAL TAILORS Make your graduation suit. It will have to satisfy you in every respect or don't accept it You will save from $6 to $10 Let us show you the line of samples anyway PACKARD SHOES Ailmand & Forsythe Local Agents 215 S. Main Si. and Popular Music Exclusive Agency or Gibson lMandolins and Guitars Portrait Studio- ... .. ' M 3 East "Huron Street