The Mi tiga Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, IFN 1IfSDAY, MAY 24, 1911. Vol. XXI. No. i6S. TRACK MEN START EASTERN INVASION Michigan's Hopes I Eastern Intercollegiate Lave This Afternoon GOETZ WILL RUN IN THE 220 'ilte Mticigant track tean, eleven sromg, saccmiptaieid'blieOr. TKraeiilein stnd Stutii M hanager Goset,swil ave Ann Arorrtyisifternoon for the scene of the 1-asternIn iterclttegiat meet. Th ize isutstd tblte oes ilt sttt t 4:50 osver the -Al icitinit Central, reac- ing Bostisto t 2:55 p itt, tmoroSw Tes wilimakse tieir icaitutiarters at tte. Swieetaster hotel,IBeitford Seprigs, Atass. stft-csiils frmits toniutil teetiimealoli' teet. 'lhe flloi ni th letes iwill tiste te triti:(attaii Ioti ter, Crsiig, all, Gamiblte, Rss,IHsif, Hianavain, IIainitugli, H ammndoitndti II. Smiith. ll Spits o the fsct tat foiullwuers of Aticigan's hoiites ist the ciiuer tpati hare Ibenicarellyt studinelg Mitigi's clhances iniihe Eat' ernt Initercslegiate seemrutoihe asiuctip in iithe ile as v- er. Flist ii ripiirtsIhavi ithiast Kraeuu- the staindingith i isuch teamis as tPenn- sylansiia, Yal iiiilCornellItrniniig attead. DhieAWolvi nets temseveseatre the acinthan iiis thir icoiact. Dr. Kraeuueeit imiiself can'it see swtere il meni have iaichancei to lanitfirst placenuo there youareiTshle Ifct is tttht son striiis suie s swil lite stiuliwent the gli's of ltiieItarsardIstdiitmiicluse St- Mtichigani silsinh i strong trim i- ttheastcwit~chioner iaiiiCraig elfl toi ttte'froitt ioi telir ing inhe'lTithese veelerans Miia iistoo forthii'lin'sii' share f heir ptints Crig, ewitiDss as a sie rnnii erwil tie tic soswthe If~st erneiir s le isistoi ti' tpe uin the oo siini 220 vateseits. If Ross keepsisit his prest seeltie will likely aili mtateria- fy toi the poinuts Craig is mre to brig hoein this eset. MleArthur of Crell ls like asi n-t ner ini the etuarer, ut toese sh veictc ssastedt the recetitwoirk iof ('ablie atd Iaf Ielieie''tuatuthe rtso Micigstniboiys scl-fitthetthe tistriere lisr. Th'l'fln miifi evett seemstcslible a tossupt. Tt Fast is sal toi le strotg ee. Haill and Reck, ttocigh far frocic recoril reaeru ini this event, swil mate their oponiietu thistle tic tise temt out. Ihall place sirdlst yen hpelisto tsreecat. Th ilfe rnutwiil furitsit siesicc worh goinig to Boistoni'c.qfsuies tf far- vrnt.Pauti f Pnntisatis Jites iofCr- neflcwittle stack'dt tp agaist IHaaa. It remin iiit e se eti where the latte ciii Finishlin such o mtI ptt auy. T'e twic- nile cwitttiptibsabltyse' trtisio1f Cirel ini the leadl at theiniiisi tntiMiciga is hoiniiig rhtsi Iaiicifag il ifinish smiti whiere initiitthep itl. Cnnuetlistas tre tittries dingthti sedisttce tundte teniminteiti'clii. If IHamcmuonltaksa lice ini the hcurlfe eeits le wiltie ldo- lug ll tiat is exteceti of him Michilgant siltle weak ii lie felt evettscitlilthlie excetioniitofHirner i tie sht. The socey captiiiiha bcen heavfig tl icelgall cose ontolofifty Ies sntdshoutldl lave nitoubitile iin wcinciiii. Where Michigan fslls ift he field, te Fast comcecsltong. ale soli sot (Cstfae on Page 'l.) BOD-YAD TSAI CHAD-DEE CHED-LOD BOO-YAD TSAI CHA-DEE CHE-LDD SDOiPHSARF l, ANNI NI 1 l,D D)A'YPRDGR AM FORIISATRlDtAY. 'Sopihomoree 1Dayc,"whchwilc l cfliecee. bratedt for th irs t tit-nit '1Satirifac by te ctmintiiet ui sop ooes'cass's theiteiriary- adietginties-i-ingIctfr t-its. is keepiciig the cmminittsts fuyitter - i raniging ianattactivs' prormi. Afiels- lat- is tiig cnespla cted ad.isiop- cit tist iniadditionl sutoiia ict.i ca bei'tieeni lhe reepresetstie class tiamsut f the' twc-eparltmantiiits, tuatu sirelayi'r act- ca esttieorgaiediltoifill upteflt ierooni. Swiminuig adifsafiing ii iti ot Takess isill tutu to ftithelar tinsfca-turisof Ie occasion. Berardil lontiisioft' literrsopts moisres autdI Harl N'ilisiii o ffts'sen gluts'crinig citissrs'heais'ntig the' cimmit liesp oniarranigementi s. T'el aesi is- Irifiieeil tdiner itit amothe cfitse andiumaniyilosaluctlacsstiieica~d 'ifllieu toithit'ciuse, ])iias the spldyftis unlimuite-d, tecccwill bfito ifi ultinci sicurig tickeets. STUD)ENT MUST DIG DOWN Landlady (ets $25.00 as Balm for Rough-House ltor algdl''rsiug-ussinig," dfieris' the course f cehic-iserafatiles sof ifurnituieeersshesdlii, Ruy' risec, -Ii A, cr1iis-saveitoipay sis ladi laty, Alls- Ktiteu ic Lasuglin, oif ppNrthi'l'ha- er, twentyiveS-colslasrs, ccrig toilii sdeisiosnithainiediIdoswn-tbfcctes-urtin'i Jiistiis'i'Ricli's cesi t t At siiTic e1dfi fendsant, wic la lstls eed stall t-sfhr'' esewlfl s'arrtthec'sies'olhefli suitiIourit. tels s Lauigliniicfsaimedi-thatfshif Cr iiSis ;se's'lIsft the Ictotse aibostiawekaot i _saddiion to brakslitg smeis of hrfisti-i tre, h leedtihifs trnkdowsair sisn elitlie gsiburinig i h hl o st scsmokeiuplie walthlistper,5'ile onio his 'siedytefriens'iik icesdlaihls iithis ssii' of the hoeus'' Ii ihis pl th difs fs'iintlsitasstedilhatlesi s'h ien ler threemiontihls noicheeof hsleveienig issd t before movi'ing hdstiud1al sifteif t an setilecdtfouesmie miniorse damaiges pfei-s susy inurcire. AMissLeauiglinlils uhas ssund setlii's siuisicsiosistos hal hutru'romses it' couort,t'uisig sigeast udesuf ifexcite its-itt ut gethg lhuh'estisactin inieu I.(.-itusniflit-i' trouble.fhe' 'gen''-te-afl ii- fii'essiontsamosntg ('isa-ny's classmatesis fthat sie is ii ii ''ltatoinscusiasgeuof de eentihisipraecox." s Preofessor A . .Jenkhs 5fthe hea titeut of etymoislsgy st luir utfl, hsislee 1akitg phtiographgsilto f this-easilof uti- versity stuidents for thi pst hhire- s-sir r i ortder to ont-ga'illt'the aif al ties ini Amercica. While if is not pif sihle to seecuette as the tfical Amuerissan, it with aduinlietsuermiig this rvsrirous coiipsite erces such s Cr manui-Amtericanu, 1risi-Ameican tls,iicss. Ini spite of cpifunigh, ths'rliecreial- cfreshmacn isi liff withi is. Nt ll f the littlle' gray cassusred a sie- fael'ist a Friday esenintgfBrszenlyinduuifernth ho _thuc flight f tite, aitil hithl igouant ef his late emiacipatuion,si rshslies'i- tunernappeiedrn ttthe campluus teserayt.' Ihearinug ile batge ofhodeage. ie re ,fuses 1tohielieve tatu Lononl bt'orned e l ittg's Inelighigless, thernie lne-u posued'iof AWo'lve'rie istas hhav lsecf en tider tiii-facuilt hll sit'he sv-sus eh their sihhuuul p's-rs swihlthur vrsit squtiadn-ill ulaish cith the sitronug Ytusi Normial teamitiesuafternuoon. 'Flee gsamei wheich will he -playedluotithe Normaisl grounds will beegiti at 3:5. PRES. JUDSON TO GIVE BDDDYAD ISAI CHAD-DEE CE-O FAREWELL ADDRESS _____ AU G elA T' tr 1 l. t~j 1 1: ),ee ..., Noted University of Chicago Educator Will Speak at Commencement FINAL WEEK'S PROGRAM IS OUT IDr. IharyPtnt lJudsun, tprsideu'tuof thus I Uiersift'slCfhit'ag, his accpted-u bus- invitatiou sn ofiPresident utchins ccd ill delier the co'mmiuienicmen'ut oa t ioni fe the'glii duftesiishuo f l, as- bumsedin'liut- slt atllniithin titi ofl Juneus. hrtsident ud1isuun,.uwhossc - sesde uiI Ailfisu-mu haiiiu tI suHarpe suethur- exeutuuieht] osfl uthus- ('iiesuu>iniisiutioun il 1907, seas formuueynneecuueteuthlf hie Sl-i esin' '1f Minneusosta. As situhis tra liis oeo h oursbs' tuemutieti figurin liAmer-'uicneductionauuusl fit-hs fDrn J udusounis airesgularctr uuiutoisr to prmnnisieuific journauls,aodsthibi a iutor'of se-useal test Ibuooks suithuunutuu- siusuandumerican uhisunic Asanuncuuued'l i theis ue i sits SCifsen- sdtu, wic uh bhts just bsitbeen ssucedi is-ie tribuutiuou, thee unsetatutu cu meuuncsues- mus-se ntekfswihhll be opii siusthi th c- tie' suufu addresv oulthustPresidentub i 'iu esit- IHsll, jutu2t ph cas a exeses ft heusleverasue's pairsuutietusiteuh If usud'suousJ tu1e 26 andu27fand utm satesill Ibes, fse ve-culonthe 2dliii.'fle various dechuts sitayfprogamtcsune s ttt- ttcmless , 1 tt seill bus'readyusftr ub- h lia i tin Is'w u s- i . 'h'hi e iviuties f srnuuuuuuuu'unu'uuun wek nillleclsesdwuit th1 addshtuscofPrelideiuitubJuduson ostu If uusuf,',ue 2;._ TREASURER BAKER RESIGNS Accepts Position With Detroit Sa- ings Bank Tri esure GeoesSui. Batkrthaslitteciin Ihavingsusacsepted'ufau tosiionsi etithuse Is Isnete itus th le univunesif fr tic-u geas en hs eain g iiha s'caionued man exprssio sf reget inom th le Themsaed sill uuhuund utsd'uhtenhs opbuy Ise 1u, tuhatit is nus-mein'sfdg whlen hsue usu st willprblfyuhsfuthe uamed.s NilIIIANU \ AN l, H IIheT S ANN\lAlINQNUfTf THURCISDPAY. Frais usueIuuwiluhfdeliuethe nis- lsh idrse t thus dityighthlanualuuutAl- p it'Nu su u(uef Ito us' iiu'uui at ts' Unionlt I Thurt ub uuusuuuuu Abut 2;. lProf1eor NN u icf thes lbneinnthe"su an''Sut'r.suEton~ui usufill alk i I usuiit' I uspi'es lun n'' i. 11. C'ollinsnwill upresiec andufthis'ollow-ucu duds-ut birsisof i euuocie iswillglvee Ifst: . M Snyder, 1'.-1he Stphanu, 1). N . Sweeney, u. S. Aesut 1. S. Birnuy, Any muembue cewhos wishess to sistushd susufhould urcasse a tikesttiter or handis 'thinam usuues o thureuuommitte adithtuer fblaus russ-u-vedl uot' tuseti 'I:Fil. hUITIS RIf)~ Vlf 11 BUT Sf1.1 INIA'iRlfuIM tl'VER. Ltetu nitight Assisantean1)-uit lts, who hisatts busisly-tistill ewihi tphoid If-ser, us ie stsing esulit hughu iis ye stfoli arlyu-tri' utell ushethus-u'hes'crisis tias Iiis-istpassed. t IVsibies u tuudi:d'"rsuet. 'Tle' siori s of thus lieary tush engi- ut-s-rn tg casses hlufle lst jointulslg f thus-yu-sr tsht nightl at thu, flg utule Frominuthurfist issting of tutuirn iit thus "joyp'r'ute'''finales, thus- builngdof situ toiosties nts sish tnin inuusuug upiturs (biefr thur lfigiiielude sciety Ist ight Thus'lecture wuntivgens jiluu ip' y Carll AWise, '09u I., satnd FrankusS. ('llnders, bouthi f this' F. MIF. Companiniuc tshle a- s sesce f lRichasrdHAlis, Wows utux Iets's' Csa~' tlls-iltouulsthenhut hits f 175 uttu ii is in th useuuonsruc- tionnd tusiultuhaneouus estngu"uappeare wet cehuiltlost asifbymai -is-i' this bosuse nts lookisnug sotthu sp'udinuug dre- gtameslto hut g'thes hils run offill anuhoot- sutiulforty'ipuustes smadd histe uunu dli sutsof this'"'autrs' isipteratullee. NAith suie exceptionu, it wnas thusbeis atsutede hi'stut's-ofuthu sesonuu. ft siff he the tush f the PSoci tp fecurs'thus semtrr. VARSITY DRAWS WITH CASE Rickey's Men Fal to (et Better than an Even Break of 5-5 (Speial hthu la ishiiysu ii I). C'levselanduu, SOtis, i' 2,.-ts'sitf'Ibi facittuatthus'overses-ceafls-oitcli' ss- sit the Caseisntiusosudthis-ocalbailslo thins afts'rnoonuu's conutssthelucs us-usvlu is-nms enedlsh i7ptou g tc wn-bus usgfl ewti wauss-tite- intsthisesusevnhi i iisito sallo thue travselersisocatchi aitrin. Gfenuuines-tharu lk utand usme uc sleu umputirinug gm-eutheflueush nieseveral o'f its counts. T'let-s'-thu s' his-'eu Mw i i gtussesh st hbal andstriehul clledssbsI1 1 htushdeachlimetaursier'uneulted.s 'Theseedificultish us-duitr et i fin hle alliu] his srotngpitcshinig titas osubtl avsai. NWithi thu s's illl and oneuft Vsehey u en ss twfasIcalled u ndspisou'nd-u sut inisbstplendisshion uuf,'usssiuug Iithree ssand restiing thus'sides. Viieosre tns-I's tucshndscorsueinure -impeiniuhig ushi the is'eut'limithsefoisr this-onstuuu1sf'rru us 'tushthis e ame ' tws soppledh 'Ibis' Wolverietswefredis'' toluuss' mak iues a hurrie'dhjtupttihll5deI'pusot ti tch 5the trasin forliii' n'ceisitoni, N. f., wusrelists u- huces'the tigers Iutomorresie afternoon.u Campbiihellhccill tprobablyubehpahue-upon Isisc hecraests tesrneurs cehi,' fssus'bus-u hesatigthehuehust liis-hestsh ui ut-s aglig uniuforemuity. s~fNIIIR LANAS ANILL, l~' P'ICTUR'.tFif FtIbuA N CAT'",S. A pitu~iuiuinOf Dalls'u Itsuu al.lBts' seill bu s-euntediubyihueturseniolawt'lfss ts s ai tmemoriiialto utte 'epatmen' ftit ifhbu s-tdh of thetptesentshoolsufes-sit'Alt' Clarsntsu, liii'emuinenut t'hicagoartuistn, hI hues-uscommissionseduuu htosait thus'portnril. sit':,usuorehichtilcr11 mmuuu edce- N\fe Dea itsireturnussfrIms isifet Iso ibi UnItiversitypof ifsNlconusin t eus' Wheetioleeduus'ss, thurfiltuties'usillbus hittng ini thee sues'libraruepccliii s h ser portrais ofumesmbehrs f this sisitulut.'thus class lustsraisesd thur sum o cf $h70(1'spe cilulyp for this peurtose. .sU~rUSsss ccs tseyuu eci xeS. D'onal hIf.I aits, 'M,bhts astslrp snti- tledl "TheirPassitng softhe Warsu Gods" i thits'Junue Ifveryboduuy'sMaaisne. Itisa shoo uFrTenichi life santdlOf the warufare of tlhe uiture tlehasuweritten fohumn u'su ouf thur lage masgazinesfthe counutfre inuduuing Scrine's andl MeCfuru's PRESIDETugx TuCruuus 5'ufKS sCTo aId'.1 President IHutchins eft 'seday fr Rattlie Creek whsere'hewnstishe principalu speraker at a baneuuuthgiveut lip'tie stlut ni assuciaini utof thaiplute latnht TECHNIC RECEIVES - BIG SUBSCRIPTION Honor Member of Engineering Society Orders Magazine For-Ever and Ever ENDOWS BROWN WITH LIBRARY l; IS Corthel, ciui engneeur uof New Mu. Sute bslb, whois Is ivuusif sningeere Iof d u sitc n t -sussi I t' su tiuu, silt sonid r- tit's andf hasug'iss-ushbs edtires-libraryepot cits is eiseStaesuti uuespndaue rpJeIs S adISotdsericuasu, oft whih ),Inbs orthelu s ius asuielh unis, el en, non-sucient oho norary.ete bus ordfe ifs is lilrrmp eight he uetu n)as itooicuuuMsrh. Corthesll usilibbueaus asnsendowmeintu sbothe us ielin subscribing uto s'ii iu-- -sud scsirn ific pei din us. ihue hithr itleu'tfugineue-e us-- uS( ci f AbeIr dliii helb i its-s Abs uda sfs 'khevaisus scice tie cld instiuins Io uswhici I nn a 5515 trasacin 55 i'sadprcesdigs tothur io l f absn'Iu lu si I tee ui- i shur-ds 55 ings t he suoI lessuesfereb us b~j" astocniut-utelst up- al ' pr i 5s5 -os tr fst us ait' pibis idims6hid s rfui'siu andu addied'to I .u Coth llis.'i uiuuhr e el tohve hbisilykeptsfpifs srown s it v ri Al 5' 1si' d-seaueehus ursh L s .... fse TIs7fl Scuulior 1,5 i test .o J i ii" i Ii . .... 2o 2 . psc 'lbs j usisr]illssrs-lies'wcittues f thur I~ps seufusl caionuuluesi. Nun seet lr eictam'u appeat'sut st Souut iert. usci - sf ers-is is ftll'noonssu andtshthisc-e "M usicorfeuiutedh touthee it, wtotetres othifa ufmond uiteadyut lyaby,hy -thee tie usore-ofio to oiTthusglos thet'jut- ils f e a'u-un u''cordufolut hefbnlntse th tir uear mu~e'Isaveta hlearsttlueutoit thus Isami s us uu'u it-s t'h-u tte 1 'hs swiners'susdve tlasyedlgust cute sienut buil throuuughouut this-s-titles'nters- cfass series,dutsialsdefetutu-lg hiedt .'llc upgaiu'ust hteuAs a ewad ifse meumbles uoh thiset-ieanwill he peseut- ed ih ushilltutuonogramseatrusts ts'1 andu casl bylip thus'uunisesipty lithle ti e s 'liain. T es'fresshis us avutst stu iu- dsuecli osecondustupl1a1'e usnd- cordnto s cuom ccillasios he- gutvco awarsill usthie shipeufus'moiinouugamiisweat- s-n vests acas i ie buprt'osvebiafrhes- utisuescolor. ibug [is'e userfIlehersut-ututhu ut amniifutuu hilf, thu s ritse suffinls is sut yeth i co pldifst 'Ibis enio ifi'tiihfs aned ii mmmushuretmsc tlsh1hed e ight it uth fuse tsh latub ds- i l l(]sit this-ga-tme intui- iscto lie itrsinig osiaccusnmt.ilof thee riealrue twetl's i eu'twosu ieatmne'ts IBDD-YAD TSAI CHAD-DEE CHED-LOD0