- -- ---_ ___ is ting Buds' T f II Ai ugg ests the freshness and harmony of our ) lAW SPRING FASHIONS. Our models are i vidI of iels yet Superb in style rightness. We will fit you with uneering precision at a pikthat fits your purse! J. AL M ALCO LM 1 18 East Liberty GALL ANiD SE THiE n' English. Styles- xentry ndCompaeiny 71 N. University Ave. IGranger's School of Dancing Privatke.Lessons Given by Appointment r Pa ortiscala cay or Phonn 24 &-ffi e o rs 1to 12 a. m.2o 4p. m AI1_ L _ adie' fli Deoing, Shampooing Ui>>.Wten Shmpoo "a Specialty. All tol nd tels-nisteilzed before uing MRS.J. R.TROJAM(OWSILI La", y An A rrlicigan1110 Snth iUnivesly Ave. ca ut the Play- The nitto who's never caught "o ff ' first" is the fellow whose keen brain ' )nil piant muscles act together, in- sfiincr~hiIV /. Musce which respond fl-ke lightning to the wii, and a quick m1inld are tile result of right dieting, in Ii ninl -!nd ouft isti hts fund. It builds brain tissue ttt p lirs nuscle energy, because it con- us=h , the nurishmnent of whole wheat, in ii- mst platatble and digstible form, un- lkflour andi most forms of wheat which lose the most nourishing elements of the grain. . "".,Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company b Niagar Fli, N. Y. dK ' UNIVERSITY NOTICES General meeting of alt senior ueccr- lion committees at tie Miclignioiin at 7 tonight. Senior engineers who iteditog to the banquet in Detroit Studto should get their tickets from miieirs~ of the committee as soon1 as tpossbl. Senior engineers adlitr sing ati:i tonight. Alt out. ENGINEERS RUN LONG TEST ON REFRIGERATOR PLA NT. Ten memers of the seiiiir eigiiering class will spend tweityonerIhour s in the" hydralie laboratory coiiitieiiii test of the new refrigerating plnt;le will go oii dty today at one o'clock iit will remain in the tuiiiiig iiit i et- nesday at the same time. Meas silt hi rought in to them as they wilt not e ahle to leave long eioigh tiigeei any- thing to eat. As te iisricors tae classes to teach they wilt work isif tuts. 'The prpose of the test witt bet o dI- terminie the efficiency of the plnt. foot- tng steam witlte the operation ued li the test. Ini a practical plantte ss tem is usually used fr refrigrrtilig 11eats anid other perishaitle eibites. ow ever the same data caii te obtiuted from - cooling a knowit amiiit of steui ndo that article is more petiifii thtanibtnef ini the laboratory. It is also expected to riiiianohr twenty-four hor test ointe Frnlin gasoline motor ii the seamillt) oratory. Aout this time a year ago te resideits arounid the eigin ering huid-t ing spent a seepess nigttwshethtis ic-it was in progress oii account of to- nois from the exhanst. The extasipe. which formerly was rnut ctof tein dow has eeii extendeit ut ociite roof and it is hoped that the toinewilltnt distrh the ineighors nos. ONLY POPULAR MAGAZINES AND PAPERS TO liE MfV1. Only the iopiar mugazitesotnd turs-n papers will e removetd fromt te tibrom readiisg room to the to esturimiai room sooii to e estatiisthei in tte i- inoriat buidinig. ,Technicaitanin tidie journats will stitt-etkett fitr refer eiice in the lihrary. The chatge inte cessitated y the cotgested coititiii of1 ttie reacing room in telibror itiriig certain periods of the cay. VARSITY DEFEATS OBERIN itANtILYt. (Cnliced from Page 1. 'Munsoni*..I o01io0 0 i Totals ...36 8 13 29 tS 7 *Batted for Frenz. By iiiiings...I12 34 86 7 8 q if Michigan.... 0 0 0 0 4 1t00 Oerlin......o Io oohor6 t bo-:,t Suinmaries:Tthre hse hiii-Belt; two base hit-M ilan sarifce its- Young.tHenderson. Ilays: stech ciiito Nichlos 3, by Fren , tyVertirt iii; hates on bats-off Nichlus, ftrt /z 2 tttal-eas jbases .Yeug , Nichols, l In derson, Pyte, Miktetlt; uoublue pa Burroiighis. iHICAMBDA UPSILxON fQi,iS scgrnit. Phi Liambda Upsioi, the tonorr eteiical- society, rild its aitiiiatri-re- tioin for iew members lst eeing at Barbotur gymnasiam. About 25 esunhtti were present and daiiedi to the musieitt Fischer's orchestra. Prof. and MIi. Sneaton haperoied the part. AL-StNIO SING ONrtIGH. The senior engiiees and seiior ]tis will join together in a sing on ttecam-ni pus at seven this eveniiig. Bdothicaets have already had several iniiualitaf- fairs of Tbis kind tiit this is tine test, time this year that the seniors hauee ems- bined their efforts. A Cornell sophomore wausrerceitily arrested and fied $io.oo anticosts for yelling, kickiung, poiundinog on tie lier and otherwise distnrbiing the teace of hislandlady.. -juniors at Leland Stanford wear titig hats.. New-,Wit Tyh~'eatre, Cneyttde~ .15 ~rP. M. Lai aod xeroon a emo Satrda, -=an ight -Ma,2?7 DIRECT FROM THE CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE--.IT'S THIRD ENCACEMENT IN gyp yCHICAGO THIS SEASOR LORI~IS R TF~pI' #tt] 1DELS.GH F L IJSld& GLRIUSRTRNJS. M. CAlTES PLAY LEILA McINTYRE and %J 17IT11S evehnty Others By NESBIT, IAUERRACH, and HOSCHNA The Original Cast a nd Productin Hear "iDoctor Tinkle Tinker" and the other Big Saucy Hits RICES: 35-50-75-$1.00..50 SEAT SALE THURSDAY, Matinee: 35c to $1.00 MA15, AT 9:0 A.M Hotel Cunibe.r1,a n d S.W.Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN t4 ) College Mlen Always Welcome ' ' r i tr'. ' Special terms for College Teams D -.Ideal Location., Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park L New, Mod -n, 'Abso iufely "Fireproof a s^ 1 Iasieot SRates, $2.50, with Bath. and Up. . All Ous ide Rooms. Send for Booklet. VP DEI THE MANPAGEMENT O F Haarry P. StImeosot, tooretyswitihHotel toipeeilt. R. J. Bbooghoe ., foriiierly witth Hotni Wooidward TOM yorELL Jo.tA. TRUVBYi FRIEND He wants your old ShoesFOR IPhONE 205 RLviS High-Grade AltAy Tine And 4-lu WiltliClt _____________ Confections Pure - S Ice Cream 116 -so. Main EXCU R I ON Phones 166 Michigan Centralr THE OLD PLACE Sunday, May 28 I' >ie tuuiue a trech stuck of Prince Jackson 60c Altiert -Inu t Tuneilo inii u nd atdt Battle Creek $ 3)ptu ti uns-ant jar s. Kalamazoo$.5 Grand lRapids 0 $2.00 Troit Leaves 8:5 5 a-l. Sale on Pipes and 'Tickets accept&Itinirs aclie n unl. ________________ tia ggalegeniilurciL ite rticokt () all Smoking Articles these tickets. ________________ In aidditiono ttasort- turns, tirker wilt also be sold behui ni nil Stationss (wheit the tine-way fitt-c is x:1tt0or less) at whicul this triit is scleldiud to stop, at one and one-,ualf ttare for the- round trilp,withtoiuiinimof ttttsot five cenits. Lunches, Ice Cream Sitias and allf Summer Beverages W. E. JOLLIY' ALWVASY AHEAD IN H II THlE BEST_ OF EVERY