MICH13AX DAILY T I mill . H. Wk, ILDCO 311 SO. STATE iSTrREET me tWoens of ExcusveStyles OECATS, and TRUSERS T;Ldng Mrhant Tailors 31 SO 1IA7 TEEl [.d131 2 State St. Spac il Prces Quotk ..< ed trStdents . THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-Litz A WHT. Business Manager-NORMAN H. HtLL. EDITORS. Newt Editor...........Harold Titus Assistant .............Harry Z. Flz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Lawon Mtusic and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files... Dion S. Birney EITORAL. Arthur J. Abbott. Paul Leidy NGHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward H. Robe Maurice Toulme REPORTERS. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. John L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. John H. Townley. Wallace Weber. Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. C. h-arold Hippler. J. Selig Yellen. Loen Robinson Win. T. Daugherty Robert M. Gillet, BUSINESS STAPP C. A Bowman. A. R Dilley. Hyer Rubin. Kenneth Osborn. H. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Grierson. C. I. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. Address: MCHtGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office I-ours : Managing Editor, I- p. in. and It o-st :3o p. mn. Daily. llUSincSS Manager, I-5, 7-8 P. in., x cept Sunday. Both 'phones 9o. TulofDAY, MAY 's23, t91. Nightl Edior-FDWARD 11. Roos. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. :iia 23.-1 lnstrated lecture by Richard M1ie s. Wet physics lecture room. Sublje c: Somes elemnets which enter intolithe onsriucton of aii autmo- l111 27.--Snior cngineers banquet in May 27--"Sophosmorec Day" at Whit- moe L /ake. PITtT A KAPA Th'i/s lscssiions of thcumerit of Phi Betaiapa/and05( of thc widomi of the nuni iwho che to refuse membership maiy sem tedious, sd, in a large mes- ure, wo rithls. To us they seems other- E'veryoe conversant wills the sita- tin since the instalations of the /rater- iy t Michigani knows that there have' ben somwhaet squestionable istaices of the elction of faculty men, alumni and stdn s;undthat ilcertaini policies e- tabisletlhere whici do snot prevail at ir universities ae fairly open to crtcm. No smatte what air of pri- vcy le msemsbrs iay attach to their cnduct of the businssess of the organis- zaioini its nature it is at least semii- pibi, and in its very object and its pre- /tesin is/festieiway' to scrutiny Ilha ino always tleasat for ihe srutini- ''Ike vitue in the situatioso ies in the fact tat out of this ds- '11e5 in there smay grow a better us- dersanding of the virues ad the lin- iationis of the order; ad perhaps we nay ixtpect certaiss of the deficiecieis wisc/i hive come under the white light mfnpuliciy" to be eiiniated. That re- ma in eseen. { /VI7IC:NOR OSIIORN IIOPES ''lADDR~iESS S. L. A. SOON. O/n accounst of Governtor Osborn being dletaiiiedli Washtington on business, ar- rsi-entsolefr tots coming to speak becfore tic S. IL. A. have not been rum- IcetA letter was received from the g o\ :iii r yesterday, however, and be lioliis outlIstronig hopes for a lecture' in liii Arbor before i/le end of the sentes-- i/er., PHI1 BETA KAPPA UP AGAIN Correspondent Makes Cutting Reply to Letter Published Sunday "Edior Michigan sDily:- "It is with nit iesire it rl/ng a sb ject thatl seserves at lasi a sligtivaca- tion, lut rater Itoforesall apsil false iterpretatiioin, that I tis/i ii snkie a fesw'commints n te cosnuitssiii iromt the "Niine-tenthus," awhiiheyiu / i isliest iniyour Sisdatis uevi. "The commuicationiiin qeti onis , immesse imporance. Nt, hiiiweer, as a weighty argumnst iagaiinsl ilct Kappa, ut raller as a ciarctelr s/is/s. of the irresptoisile lypeiof iiidll' uho itust, not frisity on towia r oil- oard circumstaitce, builfromis oin in- hereiit qualities leloglto tie-"stibmnr- cit--the sinsuccessfuistelemeoifsciety.c/c It is the idiiviual, wo thruIiis l=n unireliable nature, fails toIiveIicupi to th requiremnts of the pton lhe is rs / -s to fil-whthier thoieseqirementsii/lw thesis ant class-roosim attendaniic, o whether ty le piii lisi}I-iiinar/ivig at wovirk or ini keeinig blinness atpi/i'Ii uents-who siks l /ine re c-a s-ca i / tte iusuccessful. "Unable to recoignize tiha/Ihe fli lies wh~tin himslf, I/eindil/idu/al i / this typte rants agiisi sielyifor h ing set sp i/le reelurmiienis. I1,in fia/es thrueihis oni islai/ily Ii c i/ri^ agout towarid which heias o rksin/g, Ie lacks i/e srenigthlof prosetI/ipir sisesice of effort to kepoin thefiel of endeavor whlich tili sts ens, iid altosws oiesdisapointmeiiutii chIgeliis i whole life acivity. I. is nedless in sd that the same stattis thaimrelhis fis/sre in te firs isainceti/l ma/r Iis failure ii the secindl.I eds nn stissyofthi/e Collssl/eticno i istars undiser which he wstoiSiirito preiti:l future. "It is just this type f iiii il--ith/1 irresposible iilviidiusl whola sc. sresigithof Iturpoe, lihe idieiuls hoi sloies andis5forve r dhithein/i- vidultwhosi/sf-s frimsis ciiin ie iof/at//si to aioither whiio som-findii, firsin th great nass of uil~' ioiyed, mnd /lateri m our almsouoises or ouir lrisns. Iis/ pauper msaerial spesakinguils-I ti/s sissrked to le oe of teisuiieriidcr nei/i- tesnths.' It is caracteristic ofi/hi/icu ter-to-toe that is 'wo rk is less ceitale after hitsfirt failere. It is le crimnalii in the mating wots sesrts, ;Itvisn /ail ed, asd avisg seeii the fuisluitof sany attempt io retair ihi'idaimage I havie.s en tsli toote I nosw sek a sdegrie (a li/s /ing a hat-not) btoay meaintisa t ban, They are smasy. I shaltbuttdeine.' "Because some tieole cininotitai high seals ho schoarshitop; iis ies.or it society-andfl iahg ii ttose ileail- becomse sef-admiitelaa ri f ithe great siubm~erged,' is iii reason si/iswi should reitove those ieals To doim woul weakeni ihe carcter f ali.I seemssalmost unuecess. re Itossy agi that/1 s nt so nuchethle asts-lssittain mnst iithtcounst, ate Ilit'ci/iici/ aid brave sirv/ig to attai. Rtheiir ithai rentove ideas insst we sisiy Ito rs-uuiii or remedy the defects i te car/cers of our weaker ctasses, wheter i/ose defects e due to our systemt of eduic- ion or any other of the equally i/irt- ant iatornestering iito the itsvslip- miest of te isdividal. This, I beli.e, is ini keeping with the pluiosohy of siur presest day. "Yours, "AN OnSPRi"iil. Id/WVlt 150ORS Oit5LI It RY ARK;lUNDE1RGOING REPIRI S. I/he isa/Is Itfeiuig ads l in-/i ofi i/ic iiiwo iw r sris f the losses sitc/s 're iiiiiergi-n i/u 'ciioplteicrn ti-u on.iisi /Alliiiboo /s iav itbeeniremic/i/sb ris//i isi'i portin /F he isl i s w i/ceh i'si he i / Si 'th wsrireseisvl in// ie onIi tI/i/ upe floors.el, i/si/sto sircsi//s s ' dific /i' ii'iicca sinedbii te's' iii g thr andtnefloring thbfas/ i ll b ii 'i cm .c i ith a i sr si/Icolor i 's'ssr'ii'st toni ttl i i nconvens' 't. i/isnc i t /i/esrc ernc,"si Iha ian l/ch/isteriii' uprsals a dits ofsuten cs's' iil i proc i I /ii~rtrgns, ut i/s ytn thl has I ii i's/// lii tow r ico stci/ n I/ Is' rcti's a m/ re' Xi ENI rl; deavr to perfct cnrmii ti sI is//i so n is p s i le'. fi i/s i s'' i th e tec naltot he s Ii siliiii L /isslra iicor s( isis/os'sa go liit' T stiisiiereIforever; Jto i reecnied afreschnei sil hpeofsl ,pevo ea DGilbert111; A'Tsi) JohN Nsto ?Rn'sINQ'F' )MCivandsvrm idthr'sm T isofte nceri fartt's(rc Dhicg asESture i to ain abtn CALLING CARDS You will need ihem very soon. It would be wise to see to it early. Had better LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Plate with 100 cards $1.25 to $3.5Q 100 CARS FROM YOR PLATE 75c All Work Guaranteed W VAHRS University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage t'aueachiCoupe to ad mist ties055 iris 1tiiicick $1.50. atl : o'lock'i Fi ueai Oun toioeefrosm hisslie pris-s nll i- 25 Cets icarrieto or froum 0Up-sairs te rierwill e 50 Cens.. Diiiess ae requiresi to clecsiteashs huforsicasis iitanaggae serie. WiA i.i hli's 51IVY iOISON A&5Cs. W. i. STARKi Ready For Your Orders (Is Sting Snits of C'isstosm Mtsd ind Gent/emn- Rteadlyior you iwiitho Fmabriswhiv/shiasen exclusive will s tyls thamt as's sauthori- itatus'e. Readyhxt ossokyouri'mides- itr sake /it iip today foti-ltes'sel/u-cu-. R eady to takes-ousIne umasue, get i/le suit in the works mnd dc/ici it 'just when you siant it. Vou gait by tss/inug avamnages'f ur05 use-diness titil i Win, E. Dieterle Varity Tailors t117 E. Liberty Street Shits and Neckwear Made to Order WE French Dry Clean A Suit or Overcoat, 75 Suits Pressed, 25c T'rousers, 10c REPAIRING Fuller & O'Connor Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St. Pte: and 100 CARDS 100 CARDf. rom Plate C. . B INLL Law Medical Ia s'/'/s/.itt Michigan' Sec;ndil 1nd Law Books Lawmid Medical Dutoaries Qttie 1T';ik- etc. Cot[I7let I i(' ocNewanod Sec. Old boot;l.7tsuken itt Exchansge C. E. BART 'HELL, 326 S. STATE STREET Second Ft us Tel. 761 We. Print Dance Programs, Tally Cards, etc. Leather Programs a Specialty We Bin d Class Records, Technical Journals, Periodicals, Magazines, etc. Artisi/c Wor-k PrsomoptSet's/cc Rig/sf Irice MAYER, SCHOETTLE & SCHAIRER CO. STATIONERS PRINTERS BINDERS GENERAL OFFICE OUTFITT'EiRS 1i2 Southi Maim St. Bell Phone i404 11 __ __E " } 1 I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ __ __ __ __ 121 washifloton St. RANDALL &cgPACK, Photographers Phone. 598