-; i AI /tAN. IDEAL y OXFORDI r Made to our specifications over this popular last and eqtualr in style and detail to our $6itl) r K Xf and $7.00 shoes. 401) and$5 11( WAGNER & CO* . r State Street "' Sign of the big white shoe wWhtnyTheatre ,C--. -atr .t5 P. M. Hea omoear'. mot saed periseptly. ~f J , " a n d N i g t IR E C T F R O M T H E C H IC A G O O P E R A H O U S E - - IT 'S T H IR D E N G A G E M E N T IN SaET RTHEdayO PEA HU-I;T'STIM NAyEME27I I ! :CHICAGO THIS SEASON '___________ LOIOUS RETURN ds . ATSDELIGHTFUL MUSICAL t NAIR iE C JOHN HYAMS, r.. LEILA MCINTYRE ' Seventy Others _ IIIEA.IdJI ow By. PhNESBIT, HAUIERBAGH, and HOSORNA The Original Cast and -Production Hear ",Doctor Tinkle Tinker" _a and the other Big Saucy Hits PRIE S 35-50-75-$1,00-$1.50 SEAT SALE THURSDAY,. a4 'Matinee: 35c to $1.00 MAY 25, AT 9:00 A. M. Cap an Gons for anyDegrce (i Irdersifor iraps and (iowvns l isior', Mlair's or iBachelor's. '.wfor rental 0or for liiIchase. Y I f- t' f.' , I R ' v it ! . 11 'ACKx &CO* P' ilver Nts 55 BLANKES AND CURIOS Arsalmd Crafts Shop fe1I -n Shos Cor. Williams and Maynard I BAILY & EDMUNDS I iillg , speiaslty ~it Ann Arboir, richigan one 69; '-1 j Ladies' lair Dressing, Shiamping I iaaicaring, Face Masnsage. RainyI IWater shamoo-sn' a Specialty. ,Al 3tosianadtow'els sterilized before using IMRS. J.R.TROJANOWSILI lilt? Sm iih iioiriiy Axr. Ncw hirtNoycitic f havei jwt treceiveduta lairgeshipmenot of neglie shti il nirely nwurie orof patterns naii c I Li uhrtsthat uiii' adeis Xithi yoiur comfot tcscie esoni aindithe weather, atllyioiii t is a i awito i ttoojoy it, but , ieforbuying tht .I1,1 so. c iiiiine of i il Xii ht 'inid IPoiaiitic Kilox ant Hotipkinso i ilkcs, Ye's, wog thave a ftwiofithtose 29C silk tioso trft in NaivysBluei0aml Greys. Adlcli I si/i 's hoc/u oh u' (1sloi hipy Rculc, Co un & Fiecgel T202 S. MaiSt. TheThEROYAT TUTITLE & CO. Ri, ~Co 0 NwSummer L N H R O Yiun fin tfi lineoiConfi~ectionery l5~uo/2 025t DETROI'T UNITED LINES ( Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and 1 Jactkson Dletritl Llnateit *ii3iauii:. 1ii:'ii i.i 7K aaaooLimited -- i ai. ii S9:6iatslit' 11:40)rdwa. [II'Hit'A6 -}i . a s I)). 6)pS ip. , 5:.11 1). i t~~s~,aoc' notohet ii il 'H i1).111 . ciip tvuuou _ iih i, liji 11 l ak Locat CarsEaset Bound [) ' ii. t a (iiiiy 1 TrIy i Ti o N " i , 6:4 .I )1~'r ani iuu -yu wo hot'u si' 0 4 able.T cIpitat,, >a.u. rdh l toost denttra t o 1.11. or :5 .n. 1:0a I. 1 i At Homte Ph-50aTn.or anchanestYsi~ni -.l - la--in -b--c' , .' _ ( Allr,-qs'Cool and Comfortable Mo raAtxTea. Wed. Soxxv. Mat. Tuxes. Zhe Streeter 'Bryanx Co resenting a Story of the Great South West Tea3owpuncher W ith Vcde-vil Trimmings This Theatre is IEquipt With the Leggett Type of Ozone Ventilation Special Matinee Decoration Day i