THE MIC'RIGAN DAI LY stin Buds fbe freshn~ess and harmony of our a XX BRIN FASHIONS. Our models are Ii fd, yet Superb in style rightness. 1fityon with mnesring precision at a its your purse A ast Liberty X ~ ) SEE THlE 1% sriyAe UNIVERSITY NOTICESj Glee club meet at the bandstnd ,fot concert Iat 7:15 tonigh-Carpl a Land steel at Mehi illan 1a11aa 1 p. III. 7:1.5 sharip far itetrschlast~ic coniert 'fie following pieces Iwili bi useil : late hryWlzsMraAai tors, Chickey IBigaideI :11115 Girli 'rn-i bee Diandye,Myriald dancer Annuttal election111of mus1 ica htbs' f lecers twill be held Satrday May27 i Untiversity tall. See 1notic htr Ritle elib uten take 8:43 car. (ale) al mteetintg 011the range tiiis anri". Gun s wlii ti' eglees uas Mc0la tn 11,111 at g a. t. lport at .Palmer feld a .m ohl eleant up. All1 engineers 0o11 to tie Ihomeop-'12 engineer basebtalg'same, Souhsit Uret field, 9:311. AttttArbor residents Ihavinig romto rent daring the stammer 51sesiacrc qulestedl to list tei nowswetheli ni-t versity Y. M. C. A. '11111 lt;sN'CS INI'))))N5 "'liii')) Sawv'e ~r of IHillsdale', c))Iipismoilt) gentls, were inllnnIAI)oXii )) I 'ii) t Secretary Smth of illseluniversit in re- glard to)the Ibudget. It i1111robbly be ill shapeIio prelsentl to the)heardill its lext mleeting, May2. 55 5IDtA'r CtIlUBIIO l1AN~l'l:'I. The gradutate 'Isib villib1nquet.o 1 Ba)rboullr gymnsasiumstat (130oltonight. New, Whitney Theatre Cxixrtaitr. 8.15 P. M. Lag.s omravari ot sated p.rmptly. Saturday, Matinee .. May 27 DIRECT FROM THE CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE..-.IT'S THIRD ENGAGEMENT IN ^at t Cpig S.CHICAGO THIS ESEASON L~p ]IOS REURNCcS DELIGHTFUL MUSICAL GLROS EUN O.M ATS PLAY THE GIRL LEILA MWINTYRE UF OWN yand O F M YS eventy Others By NESBIT, HAUERBACH, and HOSCHNA The Original Cast and --- Production Hear " Doctor Tinkle Tinker" and the other Big Saucy Hits P "TS'Matinee: 535 cto $"1.00 MAYT 25, AT 9:011 A. M. Htel Cum-berland S.W. COF. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK( Ne50lthSt. Subwy and 531dIit. levated KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special FPerms for College Teams Ii ~Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops I and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Tansient Rates, $2.50, with Bath. and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. UNDL7ER THE MAI.NAGEMENT OF Harry P. Stiasaon, formerly wit11111 1l stperiel. Pt. J. Bingzheenm. formlerly wiht Hotel WXoodlwardt GoI of Dancing Js'~lven by Appointment 9111 46-ft-lice floursl10to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 pm I a Sale on Pipes and all Smoking Articles Lunches, Ice Cream n 'as and all Summer Beverags aring, Face Massnage. Rate-I Water Sh~ampoos a Specalty. All3 I toosand towelssteriized before using IR. J. R.TROJANOWSKI I10SOll 1'nive'sity Are. r R. E. JOLLY I di 11 tc ~ s thIo off tacklers, the i~l' i i~sstosee an opening and I Xl' .stamina to run "the i~.tO l 'h fr a touchdown" be- I V ' )h 1 rains on }9 WHEAT g it all the elements which I ItcUt-bonie. In the prepara- I 1 I ~ i one of these " :itI I0 ' of)t palatable, 11111 IIshe'at is Shred- ' ,. ' B Iisctuit re'ady- c YIready to serve. ;" j . ieG dJWheat Company " ,, a Fa, N. a P ' 4a ~ ' (jJ a i The Best Paid Hr Work in the World" Profitable Vacation Work that Will Fit for a Pleasant, Permanent, and Lucrative Profession. BOTH MEN AND WOMEN WANTED THE EQUITABLE Jall I ASSURANCE SOCtRTY' of the Unitedt Stales, tile strongest insurance organization 1inttle world, inutres uteit and womni witiout tdiscrim-l ination onl account of sex. Enterprising and amtbitioss Nottg tnen and womieni, withioutt refereitce to the hunk-account of their parents, are irc etelgly esiger to mtake lte lontg sitmin~er %I 'dtionl count for pecutniary incomte rathtertha1n11for mers pleasure. Such yotuntgwtentatnd womtent are sure to succeed as lise insttratteceutoicitors. Learn a professiontihlat you c'ti p t 'tics atlong a; yotu live, witaraser yott itay he: at honme, in college, at a sunmtter resotI, ott a summtter tripa-CGltt/l/C' ?.Tetre is no dead-line of age ini this husiress; antI sottcaut get (1-ick and stire retut si#r youtt efforts 1 can use a large number of men and women AT ONCE. Write to m e full information concerning contracts and compensation. LAWRENCE CAMERON HULL Agency Manager for the Equitable Lie Assurance Society UNION TRUST BLDG., DETROIT, MICHI. III - ~ inuK THlE BEST OF EVERY 1Til[NU IN TAILORING V LEE ~YES VIILVV/-IIF, liDU