- '~- '~HZMICHIG~AN ]DAILY __________ G. . ILD CO. 311 O. TTESTREET Opeingdsplay of mer oolns of EluveStyles J FrWTS, OVRCAT S, and FUS --ERS G. . ILD CO. .I ~ i;;zit5) Tec a t iors 31"S. rT ESTEET I~acwB~liShoesI 5 tSerd$3-50 i,,if Shoes 3 I 1 il~hi 1)28StateSt. Qutd oSudents . THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-Lvc A WHITS. Business Manager-NoRMaAN H. HILL. EDITORS. News Editor........... Harold Titus Assistant ............Harry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Lawton Music and Drama ...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... Dion S. Birney EDITORIALS. Arthur J. Abbott. Paul Leidy NIGHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohigemuth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward H. Robie Maurice Toulme REPORTERS. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. John L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. John H. Townley. Wallace Weber. Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. C. Harold Hippler. J. Selig Yellen. Lonren Robinsou Win. T. Daugherty Robert M. Gillett. BUSINESS STAFF C. A Bowman. A. R Dilley. Myer Rubin. Kenneth Osborn. E. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Grierson. C. iH. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managing Editor, I-2 p. m. and It :oo-It :3o p. m. Daily. Busiuns Manager, I-$, 7-8 p. in., Hx- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 96o. S 2\ITUDAY, MAY 20,, 1911. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. .Vightl idilur-ENEST R. BURTON. May g 20-Art Exhibit, Menmorial Hall. MUay 19-20.--Interscholastic meet, Ferry Field, May 20.-Cup Debate, Webster vs. Adel- phi, roomisB, Law building, 8:oo GRAND RAPIDS LEADS Greeni (Colliater), third; Wood (Al- IN INTERSCHOLASTIC. in,), fourth; lDistaince, 103 feet, 7 iici- (Continued front page ni). tinais hot pt-Clilsooi (Sparta), tile young athletes all the ime to rest .ie~ esi lcic that could lbe givei. I the malinga s;Co;( ye, eod lcde biaseball game will le staged on ts e e i(Gran t lips) uthid;Eswards (Ann ry field diamond etswecei the juiiioits Arbir),iforh;li sta'iie, 44 fe,ii and the fresh laws. Neither f t.sinces teams hare been defeacil s vet and the i.ntosipol ia'it-h-Losvelandi (Grands game should e one of the pleasisig fri- Rai,iif irt; Wilson (Detroi Cisra) tures of tie enerasinent that has beeii iiidArmsiirog (Deteroit Easern))tiei provided for the visitors. The gte w5ill for sicos itlassill (Toleio) iandVai- be called at 9:30. dinbrii (rnd' l.iiiraidis) ti-d for fourth. Another feature of interest ill be tieIs iii n1 feet, 35 iiiches. I toss for finish of the novice cross counitry raci. medatsii' tlon wonii for seondilacietind Tihe squad will start from Wsatermn Vncuirtirg for fourii plae. gym about 3:30, ans, after coveringa Ptials, i2 loutdthtanuse r thro- course of about three and a -halfmiles Qfti ii(Ctoswstll), first; Chilsoit (Spr will finish in front of the staid. on-i),sssitcod; or. (Muskegon), thidt Ferry field. Wh~ethe more tiani Gui.sitt I, tiirisi .. (M\uslegoi), fourth;ds of CCCs will be givein depends on le talce i28 flit lumber who enter. Trials too-yard dash: first hat-Corr FRI'sSif\tIN lDlSTROtY ni (Bali Creek), first; Van Aken SIGNS OF SERFDO(M. (Codwater), second; isle in 3-5 see- onlds. Second hieat-Monetta (Toledo), (tnxtined toee Pae I first; C. Smith (Bay City), secontd; t i g iiaisilloe oeall time, to -5 seconds. Third hieat-Ayers utnc-lui , ssoifiauteIftlepho euils.dd~ (Adrian), first; Coimstock (Apeta), unwlexitmntfr hecows second, tine, to 2-5 secusnds. Pourthli lie esh~en.utadu igtheInprioiessirsns heat-Ashley (Muskegon), first; Skthe c tssmrhdbc oSaesre lenger (Battle Creek), secoltid; time, ts1heresi ak isues.dcern otn 4-5 seconds.tidfrsvalhu. Trials 12-yard highl hurdless: frt - - heat-Armstronlg (Deroit hEastur),hitUST IINI \h' 11(,1NQ'lNTi first; Snonsoii (Muiskegssi), seonsi; TT'5NI S H hCTIIIS .TODA)Y. tinme, 16i 4-5 secondiss. Sconid hiat Pond (Toledo), first, Krautheim (Mulss tIsis ss tliaths s in i tirIstisisstict kegon), second; ime, 18 I-5 secondisssisiitocsi inetiot i s haeeitISense Tiird ihea-Htarris (Alpena), first; ied ittis week aseped byri thisisevest Chambers (Detrsit Cetra), sectn;igte otsr .will1 losrbyin sir).i. tnme, 18 seconds. F~orth iett-MeadiThe detiniqtuet is)tchaes'sase:e.lriss. (Reading), first ; Bruce (Detroit Ceti- R, C. iHall eersntivs. Nrris Mitii tral), second; tinme, I8 35 scondss. birlvs. NMcViekr, Mhonsssvs. 1Fiters, Trials 44-yard dash : firslhetie' ow0nsunisir s.-'Coosks, isis Reiser vs. 11. Houward (Croswel), first; Aee ('IsisBogie Tess mtchieica'5e plad iti do), second; Keye (Shehy) , tird; tsitmor sttninonteunverstycouts,aiter time, 54 seconids. Secondilheat-Murphyilir si reporitig i to B. . li em inI vwho (Hdarbior Beac), firsi; Brosvni(Toled) ill I'l'itt iFIe r r is1d nytit me 5 astier 'econid; Van Akeni (Coldwaer), Ithird:l8:0 aitn55 times, 54 1-5 seconds. Tie isusitu s f iserdsatchess tia' rs' Trials20-yarid dashi: first lhea-Csorr.as folos:its rit (Battle Creek), first; Strgesnt (Sihiia- Slmsti iii siraIi'lii stchietsr (t-2, bly), secoind;,Mead (Reading), tirdI 62 iing t sit tos) I hs sittai -y, tlle 23 3-5 secondsSeesnd heat-Coissit 2ii 6-3. . fiN Sitti e ifeatiirScittt stock (Alpent), first; Kaiser (AtitiA- ho), second~l; Gamble (Codwaie)7y5. 5 tiird; time, 24 seconds. ''hirid heai- Kress (Ahna), first; Wilson (Graitd Rapids), secoisi; Ashley (Muskegon),C O LA E third; tinle, 23 25 seconds. IFour~th hia. i H O A E -Vail (Toeido), first; Ayers (Adrin), secoind; Bence (Detroiti Central), thri. time 23 3-5 seconds Trials sa-yard losw hurdles: first heatt - __ -Corbin (Alpena), first; Thurston (To- edo), second; tinme, 27 2-5 seconds. See' ond. ieat-Rakestraw (Toledo), first: Just received a fresh Hodd (Aila), second; time, 28 3-5 see onds. Third heat-C. Smith (Bay Ciy), sipm~lent of first; Chambers (Detroit Central), se- oisd tulle,a26 4-5 sccnids. iFoulrthi ieatt -Green (Coidwater), first; Tilotsont(jC f (Detroit Central), second; tulle, 305 A RL e t secontds. Trials 88-yardI runt first let-Os- born (Kalamazoo), first; Sou~der (Tole- JohUSOnS do), secotld;_Lunley (Detroit Cetital), third; Vail Aken (Codwater), fourti; time, 2 minutes, 6 3-5 secons. Secosnd ]M ac r i ' hea-Henshaw (Kalamazoo), firs;i: .I tIIL a Campbell (Muskego), second; Copler (Alma), third; Dow (Detroit Cntra), fourth; time, a minutes,5 seconds. I -- "'- Trials half-mile relay: first heat-To- ledo first; Detroit Central, econld;Batle Creek, third; time, 1 minu~te 34 sconids Second heat-Alpena, first; Ann Aror 7 second; time, I minnte, 38 3-5 secnnds T e Finals, discus-Blacklock (Grand Rip ids), first; Beaml (Shlelby),sconid; Druls t Scre 1179. Main St We Print Dance Programs, Tally Cards, etc. Leather Programs a Specialty We, Bind Class Records, Technical Journals, Periodicals, Magazines, etc. Artistic Work Peofn-pt iS'ecice ]igih/i Price MAYER, SCHOETTLE & SCHAIRER CO. STATIONER$ PRINTEIRS BINDERS GENERAL OFFICE OUTFITERS 112 South Maim St. Hell Phone 1404 t } 1j r 1! t t CALLING CARDS You will need them very soon. It would be wise to see to it early. Had better LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Plate with 100 cards $1.25 to $3.5Q 100 CARDS FROM YOUR PLATE ?5c All Work Guaranteed WAHtR'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage hi, each(Csupletie ndsfrontiparties 1t tur.'_1to'ciock $1.50, afo t 'e 'cloc ftu2.AlV IFo, ech'Trunk toneorenr.min-oc, tie iris'ewitl be 25Cents. Itcrieti to or, tent up-stairs, the pricewili hr 50 Cents. Drivers are reqiuisen tirlecash foncear riage andibaggage serice, 5VALJii' tSLIVERiY Ittuniy t)sN & CC). sv. iH. nAiti Itolis ItstVER~Y Plt ad10 CARIDS 100 S Irm Plate 75c ;, o hn tis of' okstore Ca- l Law Meica L L -. 'u cit'Michigan Saconets-HcrllLaw Books t.is 'ou Ve insiDietcti aries 1'i)' sksetc. ,o :ce ti2.',Nrw anti Sec- Old book, t t'.ttnitt E'xehanige CEB AR THELL, 3265.STIA TE1:STREET Secund Fc eTel. 761 i.OOK nIst l Vise comin~g yetir is one of the utmost p rumse lurtehue M\ichigan Uionl; it is ikewi5 sse u f tic utmost respoinsibil- ity fssr this mientwh110are to be tnamed as ofheer'. this morning. The raising of she utndtts ton the new cltthhouse, and the puesputratioinls for tile actual construction ot tucbuiludinug will he suatured. It is, tserefuore, niot)mlenely essential bitt im- iier'uiisethsat ilimen of calibre be elected tIp tsuffiers of the organization. TheinIomiiinatinlg commititee -has faith- fullhy douue its work, anti has presented a suorntiy array of caiididates; but it re- muains for the msembers of the Union to sauy ini whose hands shalt be the immedi- te destinsy of the inlstitution. Wei have 110 dout as to the ultimate succeess of the enterpirises in which the Union is engaged. It is obvious, how- een, thai the developmnlt of the Union's titus may be retarded by any lack of ecaity, cnergy and thlrift Sitile corps of( m1e.1elected, And the point of these rensarks is that lUnionu men should be out ibis morning Iti note, single hearted in the purpose of ehosing mseit fitted to occiupy responsi- let positionls. Itf youl arc a member of the Union lioi'ttuail to exercise your right to vote. I f I u)il are tnt-well, it wouldn't be a batud time ho show your spirit by joining. 'cut CUP I ERATES. Tounight, the ien-departmental de- batuiing chansiionship will be contended lute in tse ainnal Cup Debate. The re- lpective teams , representing the liter. 'ury acid law departments, have been well trinlediaisd a hotly contested debate may hue extuected. This is the mont represen- ttive fornsttic event of the year, and should b e well attended. Ready For Your Orders On Spring wuits of Ct' omuu NlHud Kind Gentlmen- Rfeady toe yu w sithsFaburit's whichae excluisise with style's thaut airseuiutuor- itative. Ready no hook yout order or snake it up today toe lai~i tetre'ry Retady to taike your ni'usuieu get itie suit in the woths and ditiser it ;jot witen yuwnt it.t Non gain by taikintg adsvant age' (i our eadiness oduuay. Win, Ba Dieterle Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street Shirts and Neckwear Made to Order WEDr Clean A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suit Pressed, 25c Trousers, 1DQc REPAIRING Fuller & O'Connior Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St.- d f" X11 Oki 121 Wadshington st. RANDALL d. PA CK, Photographers Phone 598