- - - _--- --- 11 mmmmvwwu 911 _- z i ' 1 . A ' hy:? -: . ~i . , 't .A r, k ted 5.00( IDEAL OXFORD Made to our speciications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. W AGNER .&CO, State Street Sign of the big white shoe Cap 4n Gowns for any Degree I I attale orersfor Caps and Gowns -Docto, Mater' or Bachelor's. I() ( a 1 you 1cll (1dget prices of the ie l ot n or for purchase. MA K & Co. oor AW S I'l1{ h~t~i ; of .(we ( or 11 fat season 1f5(1sus ready as ever, with to lioi the variety 01 shaptes(5that are to he t her we l Itnonmakes. in lanamas, Split and t cx cincsvera (d Ilerent weaves. staw petil in all lines, while lower (ii lai reatectt istinction, as being THR Young Men's Wear Conlln & Ficgcl% 2(0202 S. Mauii St. ~iru~e~s chool of Dancing :rvteLesons Given by Appointment " [;cclo hoe24-tic lorollo12a m,2to4 p. m UNIVERSITY NOTICES All merchants who wish 1o give hox es, for cap (ight kitdly pile them p i front of their stores. Al-rcsh mass meeting at 4:; ittwest physics lecure roomt to tlk over pano for cap night '12 E baseball practice at SttttFerry field at 3:30 today. UNION TENNIS FINALS bWIL. BE COMMENCI) NEXT WEsK. Six matches wre dlatetin th e Utiott as ftltws: Cratne teat I Eiuter T 1-9, 62. Monttgottery eat Simtott63, 6,.1 Grutmeller beat IHotlroot,6-36I'. Stmith IH., eal Reigatd 6-,It-4. D~avis heat MeluItght 6-0, 6. Lawot, Geo. beat Reigatrt, j 6-, 60. It will le ecessary forthotste enteed n the totrtattett to play t (Iltst oet match ott or eore Sttttda, ittorert to e eligible for te fittals ext ss k. DRUIDS PRESENT TROPHY FOtR BlASKETAL CIIHA lS. Thte Druids ateprceetethte untverc siy wih a pertaentt itteclss htaskt all trophy, whihbisntos on exititt , Wahr's. Eaeh yeacte nae o h wsittting lass teatmwnill Ie egraved o stmall silver Ilates sshiht sill toe attctedtt to the troph~y.'ITe 1914cgineeclas whlicht wonthle champtionship this ya,c will be the first to e cepsetedt. GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLBS WILL ENTERTAIN VISITORS. Thte combited mtsial clubtnwil gv an optt air cotcerct ite hattt.statd at 7 :3o o'clock tet Sturday totitie- sholasic visitr. Themusi atd sog winlt ittclude ttatyCofte seectittstwhctt were givent ontte Cristttas tri1. LAST FISCHER PARTY TO BE IIELD NEXT TIIURSDY. Thte last Fischer pary of te yerwill be held at(Gratger' ext 'ITt'ttsday, Mal 25. Dattcing wilt ast util oteIoclck. This will e te last atpeaac of te famtotusKalamazoo ottetstrtee tis sasot. Anyote desirig ifotrmato call either 39 or 236. BERNx Sxets ADEDto TOMUSCtCU aeti. The Uiversity Shool of Mtsi ha. secured te services of Miss Leottte Bor, a dramatic soprato fromt Berltt. whlowill act as firsi assistanottet M. I(lowlntd itt the vocal tdepartmnt. Sie is a mtusiciatn of reogtized aiity ant will begin1hr egagemettthere te ltrst of October. 'rESTS TRIN oretOcNG tVI. Deatn Cooey was tttSgttnaw Ttestty where he had charge of tile tells of ' eteraint stopping device I'Thotg o satetmens of the results were madei is believed that tey wer very stcess ru, as a passetger etgite drawitg three coachtes at 55 mites att hour sas s tpd it 1,700 feet it 40 secottts. cAsafer wutn CU'r ' r oA$Is. Andrew Carnegie dos not beleve that study ithle lastcs will benei any yotntg mutt who is goitg to foltt atn itdustrial career. IHis opiniot was expressed ittal arile pbisedtlia th Yale Nesss and reads as folttws: "Do ot think tat I tunderrae the gents which the early literatttre of totr race holds," wrote Cartegie;. "Blut wohy spend your preciotus youtt ott those things whtich in after life swill tttly glvee food and clothing In a chosen: few? Itt a majority of cases the average college graduate kttows neither whtat to do tttt what way to turn, if she is thtrows':n t is own resources. tHe has Inonuletrtttmach of what lot learned. lHe is ev'ett ut~ttetI to start at the bottom of tte ladder." Mr. Carnegie furthter declared that be was in favor of college spots as te tte- lieved they were needetd "to kceep the collegian's mints from effervescittfinit undesirable forms." Nw Whitney Theatre Cuartate.. 8.15 P. M:1 Laseaonaeras ot seated prrx~pty. ;Saturday, Matinee .. Ma and Night Maye2 DIRECT FROM THE CHICGO OPERA HOUSE --IT's THIRD ENGAGEMENT IN -----CHICAGO THIS SEASON GLORIOUS RETURN ds .GIE DELIGHTFUL MUSICAL TH GRLJOHN HAS LEILA McINTYRE S eventy Others E MIAUGMENTED ORCHESTRA By NESBIT, HAUERBACH, and ROSORNA The Original Cast and Production Hear " Doctor Tinkle Tinker " and the other Big Saucy Hits PRICES' atinee: 35c to $1.00 MAY 25,AAT 9:00 A. M. lainswlieidro fertne r.,t PV~eThe simcost Add talcu- I Ilatmonesewioydentithanyou eaver oh ad anhesum Thtar toodeFatima theirtteth- muletiples smoeplne as .t evr haretobacosskillful tmuli liesdlesue Wihccipackageof po