- - THIZ MICfHIGAN DAYILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclhfiel iiO o' i i: Co. i Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79e Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watcsh Rsp a~lallf a Specialty The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus 050000 Resources 02,800,000 A Geneal Banking Business Transacted Ureicaso: Chas. E. Hiscock, Preo.; W. U. Haurrimean, Vice Pres.: M. 3. Fritz. Cashier THE FARMERIS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND BU1tON STREERTS Capital $50,000 Sirplus and ProfIts $100,000 General Backing Business. 3 percent paid on Time asd Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Buses to rnt at 15.00 and upwards It. KEMPrF, Prrs. 10. G. PRETToYsiAN, Vice-Pres. If. A. WILLIAMS. Cashier F. T. STOWS, Ast m an- enrcan~avn s fBann{ Comnz9 roaa.1 ..,rd Savlra~a Cos-. Males.anrad LlAb.irt Stroeate FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICa. G. D. ItINNE, HARRISON SOULE Pees. Vice-Pees. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital. 0100,000 Surplus and Profits .0$65.000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital 050,000 Surplus 75,000 iResouress 01,250,000 Win. J. Both, ires. Wmu. Arnold. Vice Sees. C. J. Waltz, Cashier CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All miatter is this columtn must be paid for is advance. Office hours : 1-2:30; 7-8:30 p. m1. WANTED 'Wanltd-Michigan sludents whto are working thseir wvay throngh co liege, to carts $10 Io $12 per day durng6lhe ssmmer in thlitslate iof _\lichigani. I - tlsastic huslers (oily uneid sillly. Ivor in formtion see MicioiGeA _DI ss. 160-564 Wantoed-Student to w ork duritng sums mttr on gooil salary, sn Grand Rapitds. Enqutiire rotsoss 301-302 First Nationasl Tlansk Ilitildisig, Phone 1619 J. tf II sssiesf- lyiitusr with wife, elildilan~d seirs aol sdesire ti resiit iear campustt fusrnishied hose for summeiiir. 3 kbed roos, study, dining riosi, kitcens, alldtbat. Apply 621S. 'Sat'. 16s Wanssted-Sssslesi toi sork in ordn ihiouse frosts5-li ottweekdas and tront 12-1 ilis'Sttildas. Apllat0 64, 3iissrii. slit LOST. Lsist-N till thle studienst w tthle. tuls'ssg of sear teas entrutstedsthtllsssignet rinig engrassedt t1. C tlease casll Iso. POUND. f1sisttsd-Goildt sstlcl lidshear \\ te IHotue Ists. Ottnes ts sxhasset ntis\I applyinig at DAsILY office aiidlpssy ig for tisnadtvertisemnst. 1ts MISCELLANEOUS QUARRY DRUG CO. are sates agesnts for GILBERTS SIGH GRADE Choc- olates. 6oc. and Soc. per lb. tf W~e set ,-Lss in alt parts of the city. C. H. Major & Co. Bothsptonses 237. t46 tf. CHIIROPODY Corsns, butnions, insgrowinsg nails, treatt- ed ansd cured. Everythting absolutely atntiseptic. Office Ihours': 9-12a. it, 1i p. to. 7-8 p' ni. Miss 1E. J. Fistey, 921 E. tHusrots Si., tEnd Norths s2th. Phione 989-J. 53-ioi5 Special sate ott watt paper, C. H. Ma- jor & Co., both phones 237. 146 tf. Msty Party asidIce Creasmt Socisil, giv- cit bsy Itse ottlig Ladies Aid Society if ste St. Thtomats Chuttcht, Frisayseveeninig, M1asy 1g, attSt. "Thomatsts I sll. Useryoni MUSIC AND DRAMA AsftrtlastscturtatisonSatttrsday es'- enn"ll still ise dartk" a ttthe N-Jajtestic usti lb-heopeninig if tile flttseasosn. Alaiager J. \V. Williassitwnill leste for Chicssgsso11sits ondse, stnsd ttnless sontse chneis effectedi11is Iis presetsptatts still rs'turnsii to:in Arbsort tduritng the lastto(f Augttst. Its justice toissMr. Wit- liamiss, camspuis ositionit crtttsste Ma- js'se'.att seassniss tuinttsutally enter- tasinsing asu sccessfttl. 'T'hisss's'ek's ilt is notut tisesrthy of the dstinsctionsoi iliiiltp'earantce'. A ptlesasingsssvariety' iiimstillsotgutt'attitvocsal effssrt is ced byt a 'ciloired Iparsosy ishIich is trstly chsarsscteristisc. 055 tIRCisitCLiiUB 51AS StiNlls h1 F~i. 'lThe Commnteresclubis flodsseili~t iffers itfcittll ituis'it fsir college ttein. We thav' sore iittsiiiiigs thasniwe calli po'sssibly fill,"' saidl Noirmansi Witte't, liesi- dint if te l bisyIesterdayx. '"'These' po- sitiosstly- ermneniti'i , stc if s'ariosss sorts 'sndI ars'lesen st llstudes'its s'xcet't freshmensia'ii 'issrltst sssest'rsiothoi oes'' who areit'niss eligiles'to 1membeitrship i thei 'lubl." chal'l ies'u'seisille, uhastetctsued lti isishcssinghic'iig, whsi erletttit'h e tt takel ri 'ecntly ion scissiwt of illness.le liivertietdafss MdAItSO P RISS II POR'ITFt) fisllsi\litii ix I N O D its sits' t'tt''tilea lut osut still s's listdimi y letter sll ain, sinittii slts istissi ' tht fdo) otheytheeporisstsothesils I dsm rs.ig e Mad.i1.onxmorning thpte 5. ts' hiemcrt,\'of the. 11tliut. costin cae otlu rprY'SfDRUGPh llssttigappaaoress, amablctonces, vc. I t.e MptionCo.Bothetermossesto3- (Signe) R. f 146'If,;. Walk-O verOxfords Spring styles in low shoes are now ready for your inspection. Tan and Black, Button and Lace, for Men and Women $3.50 to $5.00 Giet fitted by our rule system a~nd notice the satisfaction of perfect lengtlh avd width. walk -Oyer ti Shoe Co. SPRING HATS, and CAPS HATS HATS CAPS ..A. CAPS 4HE HATS OI tONAME"OH T Get Your Ne Spring Suit at WADHAMS &COMPANY t21-123 South Main Street i .. : i 97RAM HAY a Do.~Vfl I SHIRTS FOR HOT WEATHER With soft collars and soft Cluffs Exclusive Patters WAGNER & CO. Stats Smtre ii The Ulliversity Music Housc Has the Latest in Operatic and Popular Music Exclusive Agency tor Gibson M~andolins and Guitars r ,. J. A. TRUBY FOR Higuh-Grade Confections Pure Ice Cream 116 So. Main Phones 166 LAW BOOKS 41st yea.- DICTIONARIES 41st yas- Ira QVIZ ]BOOKS l2% Ana,Arbor UJLEGAL .MIS CELL ANY AramArbors C I~~a.,C ,n OK'&CHICAGO Asan .As-hoe- Be-aac tk.Statso Satt.Oppsiste Lane- B l. M AJE$ST I 7:10usd S .a. TONIGHT I iVACK & WILLIAMS Last Week of the MAJESTIC CHINESE RESTAURANT Fancy "Chop Sacy" and American Dishes, Chops and Steaks at all Hours TABLES FOt LOBIES AND GENTLEMEN WAI KING LOOH 314 S. State UP STAIRS Portrait t doiL-31iEast Huron Street