Vol. XXL .;,: ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY ig, siuo.~ No, 16it TlILSTANI~l Y WILLI READ TIWO> PREP MEET TbA Sl PIRS BEFORE CONGRESS. TO BEHELDTODAY Prof. and Mrs. Stanley left foe at trip TO E ; EL aroa ystrdlay motrnintg andi will sail ________ fromnsQuebeIc thtis week. 'The iprimtary purpossse of isI r. Stantey's sojourn is .to Over 200 Entries Representing attendtlhe congress of the internsatisnal 23 Schools Have Been dosnsthse-last week ins Mas. Proft. Stansley Made in Contest is -the presidlent osf the Anmericaii section of thte assosciation and swill deliver tsso tapers, one uspons"The Valne of a Coli lection of Musical Instrumtnttts" anid EVENTS WILL BEGIN AT 2:30 anothter npson "VTse Rise of thse Festival ______ Idea its America." Ttse remnainsder of thesrustmner )Jr. SAYS SMALLPOX MED141,IIC HONOR F RATERkNITY IS ELE CTS SE VEN N CNN MEItElS. NOW W1ELL ON WAKEI1 Yesterday swtth le start of te influxo of highlschsosl attletes Wio will attle1 on er fse ield tis afternpossadt tomosr rows'inth ie fourteesnittttnnuaIntterschos- lasic see. 'Toledo Cestral, Detrit iftstees, Croswell anti;Selby~ represen- tatives are already irtownvt anti eery train todtayswill bring is sore of the en trants 'Toledo Cestra is rie osly sae of the list of tswesty-three shsols etered tht, is ot itntis state.I 1). U. S. ad te Cicagos scoosls swill ntsthare tamss it the nmeet this year as in formser yesesbut tisisdoes nstatmea that the cnstests tssay ass tomotrrsw wiltssst e sf a higs class. Issterest its traek athletics trogot the sttte is ott theinyicretse tanite result is tiate ttee this yar is 'ait to ecelt past oses frost the standpitoint of excelesnt Iper- isrsssssces 'Trials wiltibe eldI his afternooss start- isg at as:30 its all track events excet te sile. 'Te ttal tsnumber of estries is wen'l oetwo ishundssredl asnsi fsly two- thirdsnf temt are expenctd tnt cotttes 'Ihe ielsi evenslwsil also be startedthtisi afternoons and its alt proailities ose or two's will e decisded tdsay All titt are sottwilttar finisedtomossrrows afternoosnt as will asthie fiinalss its the tract evets. Its formser years it has eess cstosmsary tnt hold lthe inasls Satrday smosrig but it swas tosutgtttbest o gie ths yostg t- tes mosre timse betseens the trials an fits'svwindtup straggle Shtelby, wissosonthe aeet lsst ear, is ass asn itaisastrongbisiifsr ts frst lhosnors swiile Amsa will Its rigt ti amnte teasers whenthte fisal sore is settled. Last week at Lasing Amat IndODtroit Cetra tiesfor first tplace and thebatstl letsseenth ~e shosshere till tsralth ie harser fsught Iecase ass thse toss of a coiss the Deroiters sons te right to take te ig cptsbaris-hsme swiths ten. Of curse tey wil ave tt give it in1tote keeping of Almsa at the e'nds of six monssths hut thIere is jst enoustgh advantage its being ale tos take it lhomse with thems to masake Amta fgiht hardi for a coneack. Vise foloswing is te list of scools that sil e reprsented y teams:s.DOr sssis Centra, Toesdo Cetra, PMutske gons, Grantd Rapidiss, Wayne, Wyadotte Btay City Saginas, Detroit Eastern,lar tsr iBech, Alisena, Adrian, Croswell, lint, Selbhy, i-eaig, Almats AnttAr- bssr, Coldiwater, Battle Creek Kaamta- zot, Lansintg, Sparta. Asdmsissions to Ferry Field wilt e fifty ces tisichs sill asmsi to bosth says essms ipetiin. DEPARTMENT iiOCKEY IS ARRANGED FOR NEXT YEAR. At a recent mseting of the Botr its Contrstl of Athletics it was decidesi to sart a sdeiartmntasla seres its lsockey ext year swih a vie to asceraining te isserest ta the sort swould arose here. If it prsves to e ass attatioss for the sudentoty, hockey is expected to tlake its place a a Varsity sot the yenar following. VTe bard also decided to proeei withs the erectins of the sew rCas hose ttI for years has eess adly eeded at Miehigan. It swill be loaed at Fery fieldl as the sie othe preenthuild- and -Mrs. Stanley ssill sentdittnorteirs Entglttndtiand Germsanty, returnsing to Anntt Nrbr la te its Septembles. TO LIVE REAL CAMP LIFE Foresters Will Rough it i Celebra- tion of Field Day WssitOtih potuttesst for ls Iearninsg to thsero te "siassssg Iici" adstvariousts ,ter methodsss of seuring a aks son ass animsa; foe taking lessns is te art of campsiscsking antd gtting a fess pintssers assn lsssw-to seis senitte wsor bIseIeing initittesd is'tote mys- cries of smaking andtsassembtllig a iac, andt foesmany other ipracticatnot-daor sutggesionts isorestry stdsets of alt classes are loking forswars tthtieir ass nal tFietlDay atttthe SagngwssvForestry Farm eots Saturdtay,. Niny 2. 'This titty hastco-me to tsr rose f tie big eests of tes ear for te forest'rs. It isn't exactly a hosititay, adstss 't givessnwilthiat isea i i ess. ttssrosse is to gve' ts the ysttge sntessithe de- tartmsent te 'saiue of tieeeri5enrct' whsichs th'etlertases lhtvsesg'iedstit sh ied., 'This tear ass inovaatiosn is beigfea tured's. Satrdsay ss'sl1be, astaheretoors' thse retl field day, buvt capsilvlibe cs tasllislsrsiat tes' farmtsthe trecedeiing f- tenonand wilt e msaintaniserntstithset folloinssvsg Monday msorning. All forest- ers tdesirinsg Ins take avntassngenf tliss featureswill ibe peroided withlstenttaccom- modattinss. Tey ssill hsav' t furnsisth their oswsn ake't tssnd 'grub,''(events fore the snootnkay eat n assStturdany )-sit till tsr expected tnt bring cusrkn ivies, forks attspoont tsss. Anin sstuctrin camps sicery wiltIe its constant .t- tendance, ttntd cookIig utesis twitl tse fttrnishetd. Arransgemstnts thave ects mtatde wherebty tsttllnkets, footd, ttc. wiltite carried aout tostIth es, pesvide tat sucis articles are left at NWesst Haltt bty Fridlay oon, May 2611h. At faculty sens alo teh Iforests subjects swilttsr guestsnf teforsers. ous Field Day.They swiltlbe treante]tot~ semnstratisoss of ipithig andteaing closwn tests, of saking cmfnortale bes, nf arransginsg acks for oth man andss beast, of ssssse packing, of padding ands plting a casorand mating potaetgs. Casto, tubh asnd swimmtsintg races, asselt as a casor and tilting contest ad as bur- isg cotntest will alss akttle se Saturdalny afternsoon, TICKETS FOR SO~i OUITING AT WHFITMORE PUT ON AlE.~ Trickets for the ftrst annutsal sophsmorse oustintg as Whimoree bake, whlics sill ie heldi on Saursday, Msay 27, twere dsli- triibutedt yesterdtay, an are Ieisg sli for sixty cests. This tss'sssti- clsdes admsittancen to tie baqutie.Tik- es can be seuredl frost Fallos, Wsil- iamsson, Kerr, Kthn, Bsssett, NWesve, Datsgherty, Seel, tFischer, ltnpkiss an Wood. No Anden Sobre La Hierba Dr. Breakey Announces That All Cases of Infection Will Be Dismissed Soon PRECAUTION IS STILL NEDED ''lTer iths tess notcangesin te smallno tssvsituastiont, sid ilisslt Oficesr Brea'kley yestsedasy. "Of the rsiginseiv- snsaseatiss't'but-thren(:)%%,ss'eing -treatd, sudonf tese silt e its issi esthii- nt asvery ess tlaps. itBt Rogrs ands N\\ hittest se, t' nrwo ssmost ecetly its- etes, srs' doingt' nicly.- It is extremsel UrgeinsI t, oweve-tr, thtsatllt ttssibles' reest- it Is' ttken, t'n and ttIisnp sserslts he ssregardedsswits-notlcksosir sssnsess" stess have sattiliedi fors-accinttiont51the Ns''atemanssgymnsssstiismss istsssr. adt trasctcalyttheIse unbe t sslrhe sbeess treatledt inthets'awomse's d ?tts-ssest. 'T'he disptensaries aittl'1=' conttinusds-ti thnstgh- ssst thse wsekat thte hourss antonsssss'init It swill greatlttfacltate mttntes it tll nt dsirevcis ntottnsply at ocec' sidsDr Itlisy s in ttcanrgs ati ten have aled Is besIest ncctntedshosssw tt a th sajr ty fthetsssc'men'e atingts--st TIGERS SMOTHER VARSITY Princeton Racqiyet Men Win From Welverl tes by 5 to 1 I'r ictoisN. J,Mtay it---The NN'l- ter nt t -. ivste svwent donwslto efat tnta seer te Fi"ers Iy t1kvscore of 5 t r Mthe o Pincssetont, staring as usalfort'sh~e tstststteamtswonsshs mthitt ft2, f6-tov..tlteyis onse of le tbnst ntmsatetr tentnis tltyers ithle conty.MchigansloIst llntof itesiges bust N rintgtstntdtlWester pullesa thntrdtfousghtstobltse outstonf te ire. Thtt 1Mnthlts'(P)1betttSiafroths(N) f6-, 6-itkowt(Pcht Donovas tsn.() 4I, 6-2, 6-t; Rnleight (PtI tn't Norito s~n (It') i4-.6-4 6-4; lToass (P) bsa \ittlrter (M)s fi, ft2' Norritngtonss(N) stnt NWe-stne 's(i1I) etIRleigh (P) andtsss'tssl p(P)1 6-3, 17-5 inse () ta hms (C'l)Ittat Sitafroths(M) andstDosnosani\L)63, 6ft AVIAT'iION SOCIT'Y FtLANSl 'I'l '-ii'\I L'.T' IN i)lR''OiT. Ih lit nauit itical sciets- sittendrss in bdtt hevist ti ton mseet Itsre iseld in Itrsoitnxt imonsti snt 'Collesd'ay"sp," tse litithIsofiJusti. Arransgsments to lt.is fct ssere tsastiryeserdinyp betweess I. P. Htsemansithnirmtasstsisftthe eenv sie comitteten nf the smeet, ansdl i. .,.Cos- hell pretsin st osthie local society. Six othse colleges, M A. C., Ohio Stt:5 or DamesWeserns Reserve, C.s and Pturdtssusssyhavebsectsisvied to takitprtsincoslegeclayt. A speial rate of 1 cets- sswtill blme sst'toen who stiy their tikets of the smembers of the sticiety, 'ITese-ticests swil sstite them tos tentance ts the grand stnfis] aiss ad- mtiisiontoi ' the exhisibit test. Mensbers if the socniety,-byIshssswisg their niseisser- slips tickes wtill Its' allwtedstoItet'amsine the 'machiines wshIichs will ibe flwnsass-te field. No Anden Sobre La Herba Alha Omsega Ap,Ntthetsmedriit nlit or frntersity, eectedt tir fol~vit l esssspii i- bes at teir anssnal sirissg etectitti. 'Tsrelsiosess frisms ts' sesissr casssasee Miss Flaidia V. Gardnte, LosssAnsgees, ,ns.; B i. I. lmstd, Empottrins.;n.Gf '. Sousle, 'Somesrset, lKp.; IfI. Schtznst, Three'Rivers. T'hes'mesbesees sleteInt frosmIke juioir classaret': F. M. i,,oss is, Anissneror: P. . Slsise, AnntiArtstr . V. Sit, I't'ltsits -\glssOmetsgas Alphast ionun' of this'six fraernsities rescognizesbythle('iver- sity Sesnie,laststrsunsg, nsassisa- tin' rightIns e calsets-si"sit "ties'frtnsityl pas it iitstms hssi tist aied rimainril it sthoItshetip. FRESH LAWS BEAT HOMEOPS Victors Claph With Junior Lits For Chanpionshlp Saturday WON LOST' it I' Junsior tLits . 2.... 0 ays FresshsCrasws ...... i 1.0 JtisisEntsgineeres .1 5[ -;0t' SesissrMettles -..0 - iss IHomsseops . 0......otit011 Freshs sts'ssn uni orsslstit5s et'o tietdIssr first slster inthie finstosf tse intielass bmaseall seins. Ts,- naririses sefeatesd teelhomeonstsp the tp-ents scoesseof14 ts 3 yesterdany- afternon titsa SohtF erryfieis, asith ~eseby- equanlleds the lits Sat sofawininsg twos gusnd ui lsing snonse Saturdaly mosits.,tt heit I iws n ists sw silt cahinin sisthe NVasity ,Li'tttsstilasdsithe gamesiss tlitltrctcals seissl the cams b~ssasebanllt champsions- shlip FTs iis'm, st-IiscIsiscalle-dIfoss 93030'awill bitsttgf r ss t'lenit o lie visitinsg iteschs tic 55515l5tes i lho isise Saturdsay msitsns g its. 'Yeestsday'a scoreitsy iiusg Freshs-Laws s ......o 2 '-Pao-14 iomos .......... a isois 2 o- is Banttries: Nisossanduitnli1 e; Iis asn Smith.ills. 'iirs, lsNnslsi. FED AGOGICANL STUDIENTS'I'll IHAVE PRACTICANITRAlNINfG. Studensinisp~eanggy i-ttwisi st e ntisa sptretistss51f ssobseving sectiosnt procsesses intsalnopsieations, astrsses ts asressolutionissis 5tedI lbylt'city-scholst biieard authosrising antiagrement'sl isits teseunivesi sistsrsitstingstudeisnStsItsoi oserv asn rommehossn heloa T'kerswotrk ilil e egninsthtsle secosnd semesnstsr. Sixten-iIte srs stittle pnsc- edi ndsser slbsevations, Issr awIish-the schissltboanrdi is t eesire $ioo tiergradeI schliteatestsItssndtu$2o per prsinsipl tr highischslss teachler. If it is fudta te "ose;srvation-sits"seferes itsnv a withs the sw-ork f the teacherteIts-d rese-es Itic rightisso idisconitiue ts agreemessnit the- endi of thesteol itsrt 'Fhe imanttesill problsalyib' itsacst le litre the tBoardsi of Retgensa tss n.tes 'Is icIheliganssensorts, hursss'5. Cle, lit, '07, andsL Iewis tB. IHesser, who is n instructor ints orsisscs-this syerits the nversity, hase tesgensranes felwsh-~is to the Graidsiase Schssonl f leUniviersity- of Penssania for te scolsastic'yers' 191-1 912. IMl. A. C. Coesst eldaistra sesightsfflI lowshsipsits histosry for te 5pa lstsw p ese at Fennssyltvatisas, sitwill recsis-'-f-t1- loshsip for rssesech its Iis sitlsson it condssitins tasIt harinesthe tders' of Docstore of Phtilosotpiytyh istsyer. 'Fis fellosh lipsbrisgs with i asstipensds it $s«o, ter year, antisteerasef $00ovtre te strtight felowtshipij. No Anden Sobre La Hierba GRAY CAPS WILL BE FLUNG INTO FLAMES Thousand and Some Odd First Year Men To Enter Realm of Sophomoredom COUNCIL PLEADS FOR SANENES Nfight,osiots'Iits' msitii essivcsse of M ichigansstraditionsis, I is t take Slac urhsveilntg. Tie Itr- schottlasttsictet, slt evs-st wih sisy.ts nimpos.ranit lin tts-eits- Stur esfsaInerositheSits versis'ty, a1 tlits. stim shn a.etn umbessssiru f visiting athlsetes aset-tse gests. o litissuniersity. Lotshi of thisse tde- ti-illl ecus sisy tsrendsslostirred ibp thin thtssghtls-sa essishselt a isisas sitnts. NMoreovs-er, it soisuls ie -lot oscusititil tiatSts estsia- isnft heit ntirsiraty iselfI i at 'h tutdehisnit Counist l therefore e-res-ty-res-pits s ts-estssistancee of ever5y stttt inipretseving gisiss 're is isioccsion"(Iisvss W('its tsr tosseig ifthinlitle gay ca nto tsis. igatic bonf' istren-at Steepi ]followssoigtht, tie lt-asssusso us-Seeess- fourteenis sill cel-t-te ts liransusit isnitoi ssisiususses-sisuss - 'thSlotsusl sitansdsoe sid teme~ I h iss cotni tI stit tthelit'classa sill gathe t hei- sitIlls s th11. istsvernintg iniesenrhd litthe Ihish cl ssaests.slit' Wsiins-mtrsh a t ehlltotsi stensothte slushiesandicongraituatsionsof Mthe ficlt andsup stIte ustusheSit-psoft-itt stdess t capt~s tush le-ssc tflls-fledged sps. Fiftyasphosmorste; itsnihargeitS Csusns clePiadtush soley, sill atte-isd t thin lies-asrati otsh Slit-IisendateSe s's tig ftile in essoI sarch.'lthese havessblestivtited sintto, Saltsqutatlits tic tisl tltreporit acIodnnseig tthe fis- sts-isp arate ein st. Thinan e ctoc sits'uidI sitmesi fot fGdsfry's' lit-sty. Ai t tres-'nclck siesuadt silt re'r lue i i in ~ t fthin lasw huidig andss sioter opite lstile W hiney theater. itsc enslis tutsigSet ake craesf te red-s lghtisillt ssast 'Dad" Skinnie's it Is:3u o'lckni.Badssgs wiltits'givnt sitS wthen-ithi n-is-ies-Strt, iTesaradefromithIe caissuss to he fIIoh wstsrsill heginpiu romptyyIat 6.s s-s-lis T-I htetsseirs, tted nisc~aps ad Itws, st-lit aissemle t sttie engiee'ring ushn, iheaded sily this-bandsu, wiltte the fist it lists. This-jt istsandssophoiis- issues,Irihsiill meit e tweaest tearh adthu'e stssssss, usilsucsse nex, te ftessiensuubrinitgitguitthuseear.Nll frests stinswtillishivnelts-wearteinnsuis shots. . t-souttti nu w ilt he' i charsge iif ack tushs andioessciuettti-usethilhe sala tisssds-s onsitup thu its-usof tarschsItors- Raliph lo sck wtill st assmsttserouS er- ciii isies andsi HIsrierS: Gotz wilt eats lutsthis- cheernsg. VFsOiIs-g is uetr sire of sekes:IPrus. Rsbert We~ney, Frest ,ss t, 'rut. kraensyT'omsnosnt, Cl'nets Franintu,litani J. G. Ree, Prosf. Clasudes-VssiT 'ynts, I iroslsbi as .s kis. Ptresidesnst Iliuts-liss wats unablhe to go ts 'Battle Cee-is ysterdasysitu atcosunt of isressisse hsustsisess -sggtuusrts. I Ic snsw int~endtsts-) ctes-'Mndantsy anud will speakc besfisrete AlumissiAssuciatioss.