Ji__1 - -N )AL Is Al AlA n.h Al 'ii Ill AA Iii ss\ Al 1111)1 311 SO ST ATES TREET Openingiplyof Sprig annSum ForF'111TSS OVEROATS an News tEditor... .. arldii I Assista nt....... . y;,Z. c1 Athletic Iciitor. AA s. csr 1K. ATos' Assistant....... tic 1 1 Mussic and tDraman .iia I'rlV. Exchanges andI tiles .l D Id Arthsur J. Ahsliis. NIGHtecii A. J. Wotilgeasuili a 'rank Pkenessll At auri ( I,- il s £Ernest Bton.isJi 1' 1 john iLt. Cox. II i Jsihis11,.Tssor ) A ' Gerald 3,AJ. C. liaro,i ll 1r. I{ r l E s 2 s. . s 10l1s 5 o 'j iS i ie can he tl osc AIT Br w d 1 'si Aslis i \ 's.i. r It'cr 110 ll 1 -1 ilii 1' ill way s l cf 'IsC s 6-.3. 6_1I l () II ),)Ill :1IIR IsiAIA CA tra K!' l rs, ail I Is liiiil 5assistant, Ih A Phl'sisn f°Aclii g service wiilii~ is is . ;o a i 1, tl, 1) v' the i i'l - * s ' t , illtl s si' f l f 15, iio~ 1" 1I _ 1 lst A i,s".Ae fromss' 5~ :; A'Ill I 11V he ma c. A)liale 1 sIIIT I N sI, sI s I' A A '1tt' 1 Ils l ll\ , sil Aoso po cli.I fills s'sl GALLING CARDS You will need them very soon. It would be wise to see to it early. Had better LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Plate with 100 cards $1.25 to $3.50 100 CARDS FROM YOUR PLATE ?5c All Work Guaranteed WAH P'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage N' h Coupbl epiunto iii mparies is f5r" I'ecctc$1.50, afte o'cloitk $2.t1(' ti reac ui nsksuto rfrmdsr hies pie Ml to ii25 Cets, ifcarreitoS o0 Croml s tisth prc wllb 50i TiiCent as Su rir Drivers care rsqiuiedt clectscash is> cariagcandIagagegiservice. WALKEgR'SsLI VERIY ttcstttNssN & CO. W. H. Rutins C ay Johson C . i. I estuck. J g lcriess Alcs ,c.ssI)Az I O Bas.e ?BJll nSh Street . lu s I yiiisiiaasin 505s r Ar 101 32 e A sr L.'S!r[Y- 1c 1111 - "i": -' ' '".. T . I NRAE $11 10M AD lt 75 AC I i ' I 'II l r Deia Largest l t 'n-iciigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Mu ic. Dctiottaries, Qutiz Books etc. Cormplete lie NewaticiSoc- otsd-l a ad. Old hoopis takent' its changei C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. S TA TSTEET Second F1ina)r Tel, 761 IIr." 'AIVIAP.I'. Q Ready For Your Orders UisSpring ~Sits o5sf otomisMad Just received a fresh shipment of Gilert's Johnston's , ac" iarmid's IC DrugE itic 117S. Mari St I Ii 1 Kind Gientleoen- iResady fssryou swithisaicsiwshieh are exclsivec with stylIss thast are anthor- itative. Ready Co hook yor order or masske it upistodatsy for later dlivery.g I rade tio takie orsmeasore, get tise suilt in thse works anit deliver is scsst swhen Youi want it. Assu gains by risking asdsantage (if 0ur ri sadnress todsay Win, B. Dieterle Varsity Tailori 117 E. Liberty Street Shirts and Neckwear Made io Order WE 'Fre n ch Dry Clean ,,Iii Aliss usuli 1' 4s.ld li t C tiJics S ilac sisie I A I AlephtI t DnePrograms, Tally Cards, etc. Leathr Prorams a Specialty .Cass records, Technical Journals, Peiodicb als, Magazines, etc. FIts~ R INTERsS BINDERS 551 °"IEAL =F~ICE OUTPIT[IAIS 55 155 5Bell Phone 1404 1 A. Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, 10c REPAIRING Fuller &O' Connlor 'Tailors. 619 E. Wiliam St. 121 washiaoton St. CP otographers Phone 598