Tftg *tffLHI(MN DAILnI IDEAL OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal w in style and detail to our $6.00 rist C',d 't and $7.00 shoes. $4001ad $500 WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe ica~ ad owns for any Degree I'atdto take orders for gaps and Gowns ji s ~ -' -Dors eos" Master's or lBachelor's. t' E tea loss c 0outall and get prices of the ethi( r for i'osal or for purchase. MACK & COO 'iecai Floor (irngr' School of Dancing sri ate -,ssns Given by Appointment fir~~~~~~ oalaas f)a dw r Phone 246-Officefliours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p.m of eSt raw Ilht seaselonis us ready as ever, swith d ine ftraws in the svariety of shatpes tihat are to 1)e w ti" trzcr I r tbr elknott iaeks, in Panamas, Split sod Strst is severtal tififerenf weaves. tsp shapetts pretvall in alf lines, while lower cc o ccai te raltesltdiistinction, as bcing THE Young Men's Wear UNIVERSITY NOTICES The comnmitee in cfharge of "cap ight" swants the assistance of fifty sop- citiore. Meet- at Michigan Union aty o'clock Thturstday afternootn. Badges trill ftc givensout. landi relearsal this evetitg at 7:00 o'clock at McMillatt hal. Senitorireidents et at Ratdall & Pack's at s :oo o'cltck sharp totay Meeting of setior girlt section of Dettscer Vere ttclttb roomst, tonight at 7:00 o'clock. Meetig of Cerle Francais totigt at 7 :30. lEleciitnt of officers ttmttrtat. GIVE REASONS FOR R FUJSA, OF IIONOR. (Cntiuedlfnom Pae 1.i stat inttesrttatiotal lprsonasges,iteIot. Jatmses Brye-a mats wonmtestdtts tatvc trietinitvsaint for years to gt'tole stieak for te lcttrecassoction-ss et broctght here to stek to a few htutntret steiitlers of te society, ot tstly see the lth tsads'whttiwere anxiosis1to estr the sieech exludted,buttte tress test toti evetn pertmittetd to ritinastithttotr izetd report of the acdress. (6) tihi Belapa tt, tutlik other lIicligssttsocieties, stchsasicQuasdransgle is ttterely att hosor, anttt is ot a sais tt further wort att iscissiit s i lntg -slttrsl atd edutcatiottnal lites. ''heedif- ftretteeis betwleett atsemttylhonrnasi att ett in ttitself, atttansisitcietttal hotaor asi at tmeants to futrcrteveloitiett. (y) Flit Beta Kappa at catselitoe or less hard feelitg 1bydivig the teit Iers of the faculty itio key mteti atdil tthse who have ot beett accortei this dlistititn, t say nothisg of te dis satisfaclitiott the part of sttdeits whlo feelIii t that sttmay instances tetdistri bustiuonsof the honosr at eetitttjtst. It is to heeIhopeth lat tis exlantsiios will be suficintitoItclear lpthIle rel qustsions at issue, and to prevtt ftrther ttisrpresettatotn y the press. Restecfully, JOHN Gsa-i Knci. CORONATION OF KING GEORGE. V Students wits are willing is canvass er an edcatitna and interesting :iart may learn of an opprtniy to make mire Slie their epenses in England this year and oeitevery rare adidntereesting eeitnation cere- mtony pefoefrCte Sthid tine in 7 years by atdresing, Mr. Alen, Chichestr House, Chancery Lane London, W. C., England Helene Ailmendeinger Teacher f Singing Voice Placing Song Interpretation Germaatand Englisitiotn Studio: Wagner Blok 303 S. Sate St Hrs: 2 to 505Y. M. Cut This Out Good for 25 at any dig tome on a regular f50e Cottle of Harvey's Solution that non-poisonois, deodorizing anti septic which is so nice to us, after >ahaving, or he teeth, and whenever an antiseptic is required. Cures and pire- vents Sunti-ae, lhotyf Sfitt, aitdfTet- fcc (in(?Sii'sfleniFeet, efi'. tOnce you try, always you'll buy'' Remember--thin trial offer is giood at any drug store this week, ask for our circular 'The Sofufion of t he Antisept ic Problem" New Whitney Theatre Counetaiar8.15 P. Me. Lte ocronaaaot seated pe-ernptty. Saturday, May 27 Matinee and Night Glorious Return Jos. M. Gaites M t Success- ful Musical Comedy TH"E CIRI OF MY DREAMS John Hyams - Leila McIntyre and same briliant conpany _x' Book and Lyrics by Wilbur D. Nesbit and Otto Hauerbach Music by Karl Hochua The met charming musical play oi the _Season TURKISH BLEND CIGARETTES ARITHMETIC The simplest of calcu lations will decide you in favor of Fatimas. Their' goodness imes their "dif- uss.. ferentness" more than equals huther cost. Add tc ths more eajoyment than you y ever had and the sum total iiis Fatima-the cigarettethat multiplies smoke pleasure Jteihenepaeinfee s~ Rare tobaccos-skillfully Fatimna ssou gel a papa-- ' blended. Pon,25 n whih seure20 for 15 cents, and YOU a hanfsome fefi college 3 11.. pennatif 1232-:wa get 10 additional. lectionefft100. .;THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO Co"nlin & FicgclI I , 2(0-202 S. Main St. I3AILEY& 1 Ladies' Hlair Dressing, Shampoing R 'laniasrieg, Face rlnssage. Rain- itir'0j '"' uit''r Water Shampaoa a Speciaty. Atl ssc 'ii i ts and towets stereilized befare uning y iMRS. J. R.TROJANOWSKI ,,I ss , t rftihigia ila Soath University Avn. ST. JF- Q, HIEL BA RBER SHOP GEO.V. SOLLPropieto k v m id ,180 raids $1 00.-$3.00 LAZE &FUELBER 'tO1 S tain St., apsiars I AT TUTTLE & CO. LUNCH ROOM Yaa can lied a ine fne of Coefectienersy TOM LOVELL is your FRIEND He wants your old Shoes PHONE 205 BLUE Al Any Time and Ho Will 111ll DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Detroit Limited-8:13 a. nm., 10:13ta. ni., t12:13 p.t,:i..ssitp. mnsi.:3p. a..i6:13 p. ni., 3:1:3ip. m. Kalnamazoo Limitted - 7:46 a. stoi9d46a. rit, ili46a- it.1:4t6, 3: 46 pt., 5:46 pn. L~ansing 7;46 tpi.. Local Cars EsttBoard---t'otDeteoit, 5:4.5 a. ai , 6:4:7 a. m., and evey two hones to 10:45 p. i'T Ypsilanti, 5:45 a. mn. and half cone- iv to11:15 p.m., also 12:15 a. mn., 12:t30 a. in, 112-50 a. mn. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars estoatSund-5:40 a. in., 7:t5 a. ni , and every two hour to 11:15 p m. THE OLD PLACE REINGER.8th CO. We hlave a fresh stock of Prince Albert and Tuxedo in n pound and pound runs and jars. lypcwritcrs ALL PRICES Tihe Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Raont 4 Peass Building. opposita Maleata J. A. TRUBY FOR High-Grade Confections Pure ice Cream 116 So.Main Phones 166 Reach Cork Center !lose Ball. at State Street Hardware a ... ALWAYS AHEAD IN MLW R9TETIO 5TYLESILO THlE BEST OP EVBR TIIUNQIN.t'AILOR I