The Michigan Vol. xxi. ANT ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WVEDNESDAY, MAY T7, 1911. No . VARSTY S ATI D TO DEFENSE DE MARCHER °SUR LE GAZON MEET OBERlIN NINE HTOUSE M AY' INVESTIGATE WORK OF DE AN WORCESTER. Last Game Before Eastern Trip. The work of DeanaC. Worcester, 89j, Will Be Played on Ferry as coin inissioner of the Philippine Isl- ands, will undergo a special inquiry, if Field Today the resolution presented yesterday in* the 1House of Representatives at Washington by Representative Slayden of Texas is WARING OUT OF EASTERN MEET passed. Charges that Mr. Worcester has been "notoriously unpopular" among .the - natives have stirred up the indtignation 1 - - 1 VACCINATION NOT TO BE OBLIGATORY* DEFENSE BE MARCHER SUR LE OAZUN 11:i Vs \,f 'lt .5 \ll'l\' W'lIllH l \'t I \ I Authorities However Urge All 'F: \, ,,M To Take the Precaution 111 nde I pits pt lc t;tc n Immediately tilcever al CutsiofCampusiii. mot r h enlo r 1--NO NEW CASES DISCOVERED udress 1(1etoe. i : e< Kt~ -ryi socety, whch ha hroif GIVE REASONS FOR RFUSAL OF HONOR Hailer and Gutknecht Tell Why. TIhey Did Not Accept Phi Beta Kappa FEEL EXPLANATION TS NEEDED N ih ;r n u ctt rcilc i-cl~cM ;~ i , im h1c c cifi::iI i ld wI r ;W1i c Ii hr1crnct i ],tt. wc d(' irc ),: 3 lkc th I 1 , ng c p a I'iM ---11 c p ,I.1i F Mbihigan's all tossers make their lasto appearantce osithte local diamond before P leaing ott their eastern jsnket toiay, P meeting the Oberlins ine on Ferry field this afternion. Te Btckeyes claim the'e strotngest nine it their state. Last yearc they lbrike even with Michigan losingc a game on Ferry field and wininitg whet the Wolverittes visited them. Although far f rots satisfied with he1 defensive work of in pupils Coach Rickey will stand pat ott the teamI that slit evett with the Methodists. Verey-I ci, Campjbell andI Smith are pithig splettidii ball and have provel te taii- stays of the nitiie. 'The players have it welt but the ragged fielding han mae trouble all diritg the hore series. Nit way to escape the fielding sluit has ters foutd as te presett betich warmers are no more reiale in the field tai the regulars A mitor chatge wilt proa- blilyle nade ii thetifield tday, Mar- lini attd [lays swapitg places. The meit were tried at the nesv positions yester-I iay atti perfirimed well. Mari was a- ways a third tbasemnat before he case to Mihigatn while Hays itfield exteriescee as beeit largely at secititd. Aside front this change the teats will remtait as it played against 'Syracuse. "Red" Campbell will twirl thiii after- tioit with Fischer ott the receivitg ed. This afteroots game will begit at 4:0. WAING KP OUT OF BG MtT. Mieigai's chattces itt the comig it- tercolegiate received a slight setback yesterday wtemn it becamie kosn tat Warinig, the "fini" broal jumper, hail nt beett etered in te easterit evett ii time to compete. T'he siiophomore egi- ieer was utntovered ii the Syracuse mtee, ittwicht lie didi 22 feet 2 iches, takitg scotti place. Previous to that lu t sme ottne ail heari of ttm, atd as te easerntettries were snet iimmnteiae- ly after te Varsity seel a sweek ago Saturday.VWaritg was ot placei ottthe list. With the ability to broad jump over 22- feet Waritg might have beeigod for at least thirst or fourth tlace itt the eastern classic, as the best distatee miade itt the easterit dual umeets Saturday was 2 feet to iches. Two poin or eveiione may menii a lot io Mieigat, aiid Coach Kraeizleiit deeply regrets that Waring's prowness was ot kiown 4nt tine to enter him in the easteri meet. GAiitATf CU MttLT SATUDAY. The Grauiate Club wilt convene for the last timte this year ott Satureay e- eting of this week, the plais callig for a joint mteetitg ati banqueet. The ba- quet sill start at fi:30 itt Barotur gyna- int, R. W. Clark till act as toastmas- ter. Prof. E. tH. Kraus, tH. H. Godiari, J. It. Iboetler, Hael F. Award, atd Berta . Stocketger sill respoti to teasts. Dntcitgsill follow the banqiet with Fisher ftrnishing the music. Tick- ets say be procured from the comitte is charge or at the door on Saturiay ev- ening. DRAM UTS 'IS covgtxi. Dean W. H. Butts was reported as improvittgtnicely yesterday, but it is ot knowit yet when he will be out. DEFENSE DE MARCHER SR LEAZON f mnty ini thin couttry, wo sigieta ptitionm to congress which fortted a n art of the resolutiotn. it Amointg the Ietitioters arc 1. I, Clem- sl it, former editor of te Bostomn Trats-.I ript; Johnt Rithie, of the Bostott Si- it titific Sitiey; Prof. Frederick Starr, of d te Utiversiy of Chicago; andI Lucius F.11 C. Glarvin, former goveror of Roeis Islandi. it Mr. Worcester was assistant professor e f zoology at Michigan from 19to si1 1900. c NEW ENTRIES -RECEIVED t Interscholastic fleet Now Has Nearly 200 Entrants Still the list of the itetrsholasic en-t tries grows. Todeay Flitt sett itt a liste of tienu whet sill represent ttat shtoett ant Crotwell telegraphted sonic at-d iottal ettries las ight britgig the t- tat to dlate to aoutit1t.5. Tere trec itore seoos et to bte heard f rots whod sill utiendutedly etter efore teswekf it out. There is a reasomn why the meet tis yearu shotuld be a banner ote for there has tieer been such an array of trophies as arc hlutigip for this week's cottest. Some of the campus societies antI bus- itess men Iave dotated caps for indivi- uat poitt wintners and for winning tamts besiedes te regular trophies that the titti versity gives attually. Then the plasi for the etertainmnt of te visitors arc ittere elaborate thatinit years past. All together te tmatagmtent is sparitgio effort to mtake this steet ote of the mstsst successful that has ever een held utiert te auspices of the Utiversity. SENIOR ITS LAY PLANS 1 FOR BANQUET IN DETROIT. 'Tie senior lit batqut coititee are butsy layintg plans for te regular setirI feed o be hel at the WaytetHote ii Detroit, Motday, May 29. A special car otver the Michigati Central will leae here at 4:50 itt the aftertoot.'The total cost of the trip ittcludig railroad fare will be $.9o. About tIgo are expected to attend. Statnfielid Wells is chairman of te cotnititee atti Fred Lawtott will act s toastmaster at the banquet. ART iXtItItT coNTiUtS THI wcw.rK The Art Exhibit in Memorial Hallsill remtaiti opet to the pubtlic for the c- miainder of this twek. Ott Wednedy atid Fridlay nights, thur doors will be otett frot 7:30 to 0oloek, but on the oler evenimgs will renmait closed. LTc XAtt CIt PO,5eS'rg.- The revised schedule of examinitatins m' the literay department, which cmii- imence Monday, June r2, was posted ott 'tbc bulletitn board it University all yesterday. PROF. AI5tSONISiiMUCH ntTgs. tProf. IH. C. Anerso, of the ctgi- teerittgidepartment, who has iotohbett teahig for over a moth due o a tervous breakdowtt, ins ott the campus Tueday 'and is so mtuch better that it is expected le will be able to take up his work again in the fall. "Vaccittatiotn, whlile nt asltley attiatory willle trgetly tiresseiltlt. it every mtetmtber of le stdietil lothi' itd President II. f. Iluthittts lst ight. hit ai cotferetnc wilthteunitvierity 'su-1 Lary cotmttittee Tuesday mtorinig, it iasit leciteilthat altugh the sitatiiittte.- tans eery tositle preautiont, there tn tired for a geteral comtputlsory or ler. IHowever, se strongly adise fhatit ,very oittn ttcoinrctintwtitthe itniver- ity whit asntibenstisisfatoriy vc- ittatesh withitt the latitwIto years, coin- fly at otterwthut this reuest. I is nt lesirahle toi exggerae the seriosntess if theplicence situattion, bttunttless uiti ercl tresetie ttethitis arc obs ee, 'cy serioits idevelopmttentsn itay result" Utnder te arranigemtentilof the smii- tary commsittee, freedispiicnirics iiltlie statblishedisnliBartoiur aiind Watermtan ytmnasiutmts this aferinon. .Al1 swhi disrevscinett:treatmtentiIwiltle ccoi- inda~ted ithtlout tcrge, atithsttse lmet aiittntiin sill tefurnishiedh iianti caein ittit p t truves necesary.Th'te dspensotics wtit ibe opietnitn 's'sttesitau I Tursidaisatd IFriayt, of this seel, fromutwlioutttil six itlok, adhoii St- urdt frittit unititl 12 itlock. Althotugh uiveris isat vacimiatiotis ntt obliga-toirythoeewihot tre kntown t lihave benini dager sit ixotsurerc ttig tte (Continmued ot Page 2.t SOPHS WILL HAVE OUTING Lits [And Engineers Pln Trip to Whitmore Sotihtimores it the literary itnh egi- neeriing ieparttmets aei ln' i ntg a ctlass funtioint,swhicisi to the ktnown as "Spth- omtore hay." he islt e iaugurted this year ott Strday , Ma527, whtt icite est pari it the itwoclasses will g: in Whit- more ccLake toispnttd the cay. A secialt iraiti wiRt leavne the T. & .A. sttiotint :oo o'clock itoh will retmtinioti o :oo tity centts to cover mtt rilra~d far tatti battittet expenuses at the le. Every effort is tbeinig tmaie'be li cotm - mtitete to aethe evet itiiuctiss ndtne wvorthy of reletifion ty future classes. A gamettcof basetaltleteen the class tams rprsninttg the resticct- it-c departments andae latt bitorite fecid at the htclhahtve teent arrntgd. Tickets wiltle strai for stle amoinitg te clasn T'uitrsday adthrdayf this wseek, tattitciiite secured fnr 6o cnsit, thur price to cover the en. The riitway tre matcy btpmidonitithe' triin. 'AUtLICIEY:MAKES It11T WITIt SKIT 1INhDETRIIT. Detroititpaters swere loutt iitheir prcise of the swork of Pant Dickey, 'S, wtho is ppeacring ina colnlege sit at the 'el'et heatreitnithat icity this wek. The IDetroit News revieweis i produ- tiiont in follonwss "A ctllege prank with: atueixpctdl boomeuramg finish, furnises msaterlatfotr ai snappyetomedy of college -life, ii shieb Faith tickey, the formier U. ofi Mt. studenctt, plays the leading roe. It it fresh ant iterestig ad little ittire than amusing and Paul Dickey gesa chatter tohon inreal dramattic powe ini aditioto htthe joyous echithitinmtof spirits, whemi he in just boy.'" Mi'ttiriiiiii ftrw Fethrd fume 'tsilt from:i: t to i8()5 11t fist imitilt.wsNis quteUc t ni c°f esrA 1te: t f n s el "l enolmeni tt:itr iiis in'te t:~~ c c I it, Coll, t~ tin iii; ritiwtillc ct ii NY:vstcl I i' to fItstF JUNIORS ARE THE WINNER~S! Engineers and Lits Win in Semi=Finals i Juio~r hits ...2 0 1 It reslth awes ... i.1 it Juioriiii' i. lcr S nior 'eicl iThe jir:n'itag eit:.,iand teju iot 0 neer wxeii tte wt:iinsi n:the iettitni lifte ino i iat ith i 1 'i The tictisit ivetilt, Z: itsfrtll the::: it Nlt icoimitanit t e11iin ia llsintbeki hi gac;tu and litas nt ei d du tlti1 r< roi t h tt fits a m rdilted c sif as i.:: TI'he scresIiii i ii t t -::tfollm thunit:lit'.it.itt:otioee t i Irst . Cl:)tl 1 . = t)O ON) - t NNt t h = l ci h siteit lvrit. ril: T i: tp:ri(,IY s fl.'sI fi l tt "l'7~tid - 4 :te , r I f t 1, is t O d on 11,} ite iitha if:: 111"'ad ' a tte it '31 ti f .t 1 <1) )t : I f ,! 1 .1)i th 111c, 11,: ki ' I I =t' 111 at ilt' 11v - tl f ilt I It 11ts lrc~t Iic it~ ft's dig- i t in' . t w, £ it: i irtificialh and~ i tintiif:peitt: i l'1 t t l al th t °r. t 1 Iii11w u iversity: ar mad "1iI Wftcrp Ihods itt: 11 itt1 t 1r ' o tt)i t a t e ani.d t i flct~r sIi: bt he losst ablft iii: I)r- f tho itt It it 2-1i]):1sa, t l:ti tu~xt thin' utis ti ter tn stttusyeitsttml I'll(,s fc e 4. thi DEFNSEtl BE M1 tACHER SURteaONIa ' it l13 etNIt ignet'ci'full ' TARS'it ll t~:i 's grOitl Ot wc trit r , eti ft Thuursdayupnig:'ht yibti:t uutIt: : ftanc smithesir: is:nuatlnsintri g. mit if 1 ii i it i utt pacs tritret.Th coist mm)theit' til itehuabtfoutStu. AN: :todmeni ttt ii:: i to tttsh iti tye:' iNfwt matut nt., Witetmatnun: