THE MICHIGAN DAILY G.,IH. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Qpening Disphy of Fall' and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 SO. STATE STEET Taiors ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Oppoisi Ex (a-r55 Witng Roo GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From °')Freddie'" .) THlE MICIGAN DAILY. Ifaouag~inlditur--Li I A NWHITE. Iuucsa .hi :Manager-NoRM1AN It. 1-Itl., Nes a ditor ..........arold Titus Assistant .......arry Z. Folz Nhle tic Itililor.N. alter K. Towers ,iAssistaiii... Arthur It. Moelilin Ni osie tanldIrasna. EalV. Moore .-uI( tniks. and 1 )iou S. Birney Arithur J. Abibott. CG. S. Lasher, - Paul Leidy. NIGTIt ItTORS. N. .. NN lgioatltt. I arotit McGee. H arry G. NIyser. Ms. Mack Ryans ',raIot2Penniell. Fred Lawton RI ,POP.'rI;Is. NI. urice Tloulnic. loreit Robinsoin. .onI,. tax. F.KFE. Shasv, Jr. in Kc1\ )h. Oscar lBeckmsan. BUSMNESS STAFF C. A. .Is 1ma. A RDilley. ',Vt vicrRubsin. e IsthOsborns. adl-S: .\lo ox5 liiDA I ress Blidg., NVI. afed -St (tic Itours: NIajoe tue Editotr, 1-2 p. III. . situ 1:00-1i10 p . i. Daily. litisinces anitt uer t1-5 I-8a. isa., Ex- cetSunday. Lilathuhons s960. lB IIt; ) C".I 21UitlldI, 1010. A iqy1t toVlai"Ro I xa cut. tiiuoutial, bit atitraining in diebatinig, te valtie of shitch is intestimabille, It is to leeh otsedethsttevieryoeitwhoi has ansr interest iir experiecuxe inite forenisic art swill cend his tidi to a cnt- tiniuatiiona tf ichligastplatformsasue- Tiiioiaross-is tireila-, I Ltitutals tile place. Its view oif the exeeeditug'Io railroaid fare,NMiclhiganu shoiulid saxvi s reparesenitatioii of ifienu ndisiireid riiii- crs. NWI i olie use of theis Setparaite yiurself friiii tawo stiiteis aiiii jini tircriawsi. If itoil tes-er "-eiit oii sifootbuall ex- cusrsiiii the tiiie of youtr life suit is Ststhla alarmasclice for six toioriiw imorniiig Thec trainx lessees sit se-aeni. ADELPI5B MEETING PUTT 011-2 UN'TIL SA\TURD)AY NIGHTI. The imeetiing if thii Adelpulii Lit-rary siiciety-,sa-hichiwisttshle lielil ixio las tic-i-iposi tpeditutiilSaturdxayx-vi-i-o iiig sit 7 :30 oili accoiiii Ioflthe reciitil tii lie givent lie lro f. TI. C. Treloodxi tiiis ei-nhg. Ni-st triultireieiiiigtii Adeulpthi nill initiate u-ieiiimiimicesiiii also hitave a reuiiiiioif tll lid imeiist- thati tire iota-initteiiiiversiiy. Thei-Satraiyseveninig programtttfol- Addiress- - - -N......... J. Satller Is Cot. Roeosevielt' s Reentrancitt o NeterPoittissComtmsetidabtle's.. Pairliamti aryt i Drill......... I......G A n dhtetrsoni, ch i MatjorityiIeialei...i.s-lists-i- Knighit M.1inttuor ity Ltder. NN. IG.Cusshmasiit D~ebttte : Resotsveiitha t Cl. Rohosse lt sholtdtlb eenotinaittedl is tie eul- catpatyt-fur si thirdl tents. Affiritive- - -......F~r Il Negative- - -It.....D . ltte lhit1 Genterail discussion ohfst-hitsuestin by the soityl. Critic- - --....... -si. eoge Crout CIISS AND UIIIKCKEE IEN TO DISCUSS TOURNAMICNT. The ftrst mieetitng setthe (hiss sait Ch sekesrdishbawilibe-litlethsitsevng it 7 : , at McMillant stilt. A1t ott m berss welIl as ity neit tutuiniterestedu in thei gamtes-arcesiege-iltolie tireset Officer sittlbee electedl,stnd rules fitsvetitngte toiunaiettsii-itlibeide- cideil uplon. Alteffitit ii 1lit-ittmailtter to at-cite-gaimes asithiithier schosols. At ltar University of huowt the face- uilty liss takenit aytywao hours creedit forimerly givnhwomiens for etancinig. The Freshmant fooithall squaisd if the GOOD SEASON EXPECTED Interclass Manager Gamble Thinks Football Outlook Best Ever kNritl strosager teams is the field than last fall, Atlantager "Pat" Gamble expects the intlerclass footbxall series to he the miostiucessfuil, as ivell as tlie hardest foutght ini years. "I antiipgate a good seasona," said Mansager (Gaimble last sighs. "From the numbiiler of mieni I save seeii workinag oitt, ande froim what the iniagers hare tatld sie, I Itins the teams will he stronggre thonulast year. The aenierrcia- gin ees hiaie-all of their meii tack, anid several if the othser classes will pee- senti almioist uinchanigedlline-tips." A nssr feaittire has heena decided upoit. It the pst, differenst offitcials hare heeti uisedl in these gaines. This fall oiie set if judeges lis euieni secured for the en-. tire series. A mseetitig if mianagers will he held sit theAthilletic associations at four oecloeck this sfteritootsatidlManiager Gatmblle imprltessesevesery anss with the ntecessit f Iseinig resentl, is alletails still lie sdeciedeiit that lime. 1iROl. TRUEBLOOD TO RENDER I NCIGO\IAR, THE BARBARIAN." WAHR'S Michigan's Boot Bookstores State St. Main SI, Offers best selected stuck of BOOKS and STATIONERY A few Prices: Kara Linen No. 1 quality- peib.-------------3 C French Dinsity35 per lb.---------------35 MihgnLinen .5 per lb._- -- - -- _ 5 Wahr's Special jf Fountain Pen____ U 0 Engraved visiting cards 7 per 100 from plate......_ 75C Engraved visiting cardosc$1,00 per 100 with new plate clu Magazines at club rates Loose Leaf Books 25c to $3.0 Make our stores your headquart- ers. Try no. W AHlR'S /, I ITN CALND1N)R. I tudents' oostore Gym Supplies of all kinds Stationery 1 pound Linen Fabric- 2 Packages of Envelopes 60c Card Index's AT Sheehan's 320 S. State Street Octobr 1-cAlNttCitsscNoiuiaitionis. Olc t-ics toe S. C.-,Neaw- lits I -hlit :iuii. Iltl. Wtlwtit21t - I uxgO ii, lie- Itsitltsristtt. to N 14o T, . Tritslixld ini Sat-sit Caswiii I Nigi t Hall, t. it(Luo t. mi. (Octobstr 2 l- N & lmia sit Nt fer 2 ichx it a s Is. S. U. sit Othr2(- J miiiupuu uitieNeaw x ix g ws i e :x xi namie(xii byt- an as n riticx a:,x- thci foremostiu u i ha r-i ex o tecnr nt heii xxxii fit-er- M le:iat deb tin_,-. In i f of xter si I e lsi - l astix ti cnx x- i e couts tests, this pi icw sn t xiidex-ittvcod. Ifxheinor of ta t as is to lie- maintined, howevr, it i ecessary th te -r- -tde wh ha san iilit- Nomw h xth peliinay liae setwo . ] ( x i (((xxmexnxxo tiplae Out the t~o irsh tea s, a hon estitch ear- t i itntx nl isbsa tital tea- Proif. Thos. U. Triiebiloodl will openi (lie Oraitoricail ssociatioit course totnighit to Sarah Csaswell Atigell hall, witha his renditi ott of Maria Aitie Lorellis chartmatitng lore story.,-- isgotaar, the Barbartaian" This recital is perhaps thae hest oif Prof. Truebaloods repsertoire, andti tas wointtgreat favixr wherever it liss beent giveit. The ntewspapers of the cotlleges whieee the recital has bieeiipee- sexitedl hiaie staitenisaery- highly of iI. It iasbIeeni is poplariths-lkforeigin auience s a-.switthi NAmericanl stes, and itaso giaenterant iniJapsan. (teatoittcalI assuciatitoittickets, costing ine iiolare iillsadmititoixthe lecture, as nell (is ltsill the debiates, recitals aiid lectuue ures itirageid by itie association for the yteaur. Situgle adissionis are twenty- iv ec etst. The recital wrill start' at eight o'clouck. Antadidied featutre of itue Oratorical oase asill tue silecture lbylirof. Fultoii xxi Oberlintltlege. IBe is expectedl to arie in iinuinArbor in ahout tentIaos. You may see FOWNES GLOVES on the man who doesn't know what's what- you're sure to see them on the man who does know. theis over to 613 E. Williamas. The Uivaersity Shoe Shop. t--tf. Billirds is a ie game, as those who play. You sac- some recreationsanadt what i helter than this' He IUSTONuBROS. LYNDON Plioto0graplie to, Michigan Students I lead, others imitate in Photos of College Life, Am- ateur Developing, Printing and Enlarging. I offer the largest lines of Kodaks and Cameras, Pho- tographic Supplies, Films, Plates, Etc. "IPI" Scra p Books, Photo Albums, Col- lege Pennants, Banners, Pillow Tops, etc. Get my prices before buying. Uiversity eof Californuiasnumbiers fifty mcii. overI .I IEADQ!JARThRSFOR Allen's Hand Tailored Clothes s a I ~o11iE all The clothes that demonstrate the strength I LTE of individuality AOfheSSfOreV Allen's Good Clothes Store Main Street Main Street Immw pGet your MICHIGAN Win. ARNOLD TYPEWRITERS Students' N tc Pins, Fobs and Spoons f 220 South MainSt New 11r Secon and 1.1N tc HALE'SCOL S1ell~sEWLROie The- W hite House Inn "THE BIGr BEN" Under d Optical- Dept TEBGBN newo Is now open and ready for business "I -r Alrm Clock yeu see Advertised Typewriter Saepplies NaeJs s od 25 Tpwlis Church, Street, just off S. University Ave. Fie Wtch and Jewelery Repaliing OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 UP NALLiIIS JIW[tRYSIOlIZ Michigan 100 Patterns Morrill and Grierson Do nadseu 216 SotIEtk EtesSTORE Pins1 25c. to $5.00 9 N. University Ace. 1013 J Donadseu 121 washlflgtod E. 121 Nsblgto t& PACKPhoogra98r Phew 598