THE MICHIGAN DAILY WE don't give :gold Wdollars for 60c but clothes tailored to order by F.,. RO SS represent g eater value than you'llor- dinhtrly get for THE PRICE WE ASK A.G, SPA I DING & BROS. The Splding aretie lorgest manu- Iigfacturers in the world Tro -Spark of OFFICIAL EQUIP- Te~,.d-Ma~k MEN,forallathletic pN sports and pastimes. Q (in 0 If iou are interestedt Jri Athletic Sport iou MAK eould have a copy of olIN °5 the Spatling Cata- '5u ,,0, l oooe. It's a ceoptete known throughout What' s wsort the world as a WhtsNwISpr, of and is sent free on re- Quendity quesot. A. Vi. SPALDINO tomBRO R 254 Wowa>Odo Ave. Detro Mich The ,Ann, Arbor Savings Bank~ Capital Stoek $W0,000 Surplus 550,000 Resources $2,S90,000. A General Banking Business Trannacted (.Orieous: Chas. E. Mlseoek, Pros.; W. U. Harridan, Vice Pros.: M. J. Fritz. Cashier IAt#(~ AND MICDANICS BANK MAIN AND HUR0ON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profis $100,000 Geertfianking Business. 3 percent paid on T'ime and Savings Deposits. Safety beo- posit ,iOsns to rout at,$2.00 and upwards R. Kiffil, Pres. H. G. PRETTYuAN, Vice-Pres. iH. A. WILLIAuo. Cashier F. T. STOWE, Ast (inn mercauSjis4ank C onr~sm c rcI s..1 uo . osd 8>e.vl oo..ra. mim .ansd Libastw Wto-asS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARBORs, MICRo. E. D. KINNE, HARRISON SOULE Pres. Vice-Pres. S. W. OLARKSON, Cauhier. Capital. $1i0,000 Surplus andhPro its ,.$05.000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital 050,000 Surplus 75,000 Resources $1,250,000 Wn. J. Booth, Pres. Wm. Arnold, Yice Fees. C. J. Waite, Cashier CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All mat11cr in this column must be poid for ioi odvonce. Office hours: i-2:30; 7-8:305 Pi.n. WANTED tWaontd-Porter at Chi Psi ltotuse,. Ap- ply int person. 1007 E. 1Huron0. 105 1-'anlted--Sltuent to wtork oturittgsent- toer on goodt salary, int Grandt Rapittt. Enoquire room111 301-302 First Natoal tBankthtltildittg, Phone 16109 J. tf LOST. [ost-barlge Fountain Peos, name on- gravedo. Rewrtdc for retulrn. Notify DAILY office. 058 MISCELLANEOUS Dan~cintg floor wax, alt size pactkages, C. It. Major & Co. Both phsstes 237. 146 tf. Your prescriptionls wilt receive cspe- riat core at QUARRY'S DRUG STORE. tf Special sale otn wall paper, C. It. Ma- jor & Co., both phooes 237. 146 tf. QUARRY DRUG CO. are sales agentls for GILBERTS HIGH GRADE Choc- olatles. 6oc. and Soc. per lb. If STUDENTS NOTICEf! IHightest ptrice paid for secontd hand clothes. It will pay youltoIssetote be foe- sellittg youtrslot clothes. Call by plot or drotspposl. Barotet's Tailsor Shopt. Phoone 21308. lo5 E. Att t. So. ;8yi NOTICE BALL, PLAYERS AND BI1- CYCLE RIDERS! -Sectiott 22 of att oroditnanoce relatise to streets of the city of Anno Arboroe r ilo its tbe thtrowittg or battittg s oay loose- ball its or about atty street osr altteyits thte city of Ann Arbsor. Thsrowingor t alloswinog tbe ball to go uponothte siode- ,.yolk is its violtstiontofot the ordtittsttte, anot is puntishsabletoy a fits otI to ex- ceedl $3o atsd costs. Seetion 8 of Ihis satme oroditnatoepro- hbit the ridinsg of bicycles os siode- wvalks. Thoe absove peonalty sapptlies Is bicycle riders. On acconto of thse omanoy compslstls I stsall enforce strictly thse above preovis- ioots of thse orodinoanoce. Ttltio. C. ArtoitL... Chief of Police. 156-158 and 160 MUSIC AND DRAMA ovaion00(sstensoeredl aoretutrosing ettts- ccoloosoat 0te Majstilc. Jamoes V'Iltottttt, lolac-fc habo' lsractler ion 'Ano Affair of Honosr,'" oonulrobarosfatrsoisthon oreodacltor. Ite apptearoeolintooosther skit stitshte saotoe comtptanontos lostIfott. Gerstude Vaon Dysk offers a rarely good acSt ot its kn. .h ie ao oboes, usintg aoloottootle faletI of 110 moeanossduaslity, ndoaoreal00 ottrat see soopranoo. 'th Ra ,y Ftrot sloeptoo seto-s ton excellent atl, otood oneethat pless- ed thoe sotibo-ocoosoghtily. 'si thtoe'Williaomtses, aoood their teamot- mteos aretothtoseeioog. 'Doe stale senatle los sttsoedfooteill carigswibthteosa totaolstof $3,215,oo0 for tihe maointenanocoe aoottortlherdole - c opmntofthSle l'Tnivesity of Itlinois its the 0000 coaingto yearst~. '1IsoClaossof 01001 st .iioganoos oi to oto0t171 as anaer-.s tofteir elass witteeatoolattoeloes owilttplay toed -e if intsiedolbty fair Oesoes.-Tloe The 10502 GopthleratO fhittocsolaap01- ptoeedon sthtoelate set beytte omanaoge- men tfortehocfiest timse inolhistorv. (too\ isttoso'itsoat letost getting dute r(TcOoo i ton Insot'oher osslo eslies-Tho. \VI-sotisiot Daily L'ardional. Cotrooc tos vasiyecig twill saverage 'T't' -eisgho tstudlents weore electedotlo to ea ap t the otris'eesity of Ne- orsa eetto. ',00000ity w-osee to Is t-e tsot thle freshmatn tritanguo- tor ebaolstes tesarvro ovoter bsotho Yaole andoo Prioceton. 0'.t.t Cl?-STUDENTS ! It you a -re 1ltootgor locrtesti000- sot empotl 0 oyet see tot. .EI. Stiegel,too NIte hi illsoo11,It1toll dsavs.'Ibis offers aoo esspecitally 'ogoooenioogfore studoenss spoending othe s-um er000o00tls inthelo 'Vsot. 158 'We set :, ss ins alt parts of the city. C. IL Major & Co. Botho thones 237. 146 If. Spring Shirts Hats Caps Trunks Bags Suit Cases and Spring Pants The Master Suit S ocietyBrand Clothas Forroyongseesand masn who stapyyoung The Mat er t saseimnoo h h esttthieemeottoneaoty-made otesi i ing. It reporesents otooroeloottha ereyn ttoloog toolndgotod fabtrics-. Itscuto