HEMICHIGAN' DAILY G. H. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE" STREET Opening display of Spin 1ad Sum- mier WXoolens of Exclusive Styles Fork;UITS, OVRCOATS , , and T rUSRS THE MICHIGAN DAlILY. Managing .editor--TFt A XWHIxc. Business Manage~r- \NOre MA #'L111.I.. t10S News Editor ...... I s1lrcld Titus Assistant........ Harriy L/ tol Athtetic Editor...... Walter K.TeIowcres Assistant ............ J. I red Iato Mnsic and Drama...... ial V.ioore Exchanges and Fites. -Dir I-S.Brneyc Arthur J. Abbott. Pault heady A. J. Wohlgemouth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennetl , rtwardt I1.Rotor Maurice Toutme Ernest Burtois. I. . Vg rteirtd. John L. Coax. F. E', Straw, Jr. Jothns11. Towntey. Wattace XWebcr. Geratd J. May. Emiisett Taylor. C. Harold ipplter. J. Setig Yrttrei. R011I oberts MX . leott. i) I j. ILDCO Itte Leaing Merc ant lors 311 SO IA STEET Callin Cards 100 CARD4S from_' Plate -i Ittois init ine cssry to perpeitutet it.i ito a Irttruite is ire roiisiderthr wordL t is ai c ho11a1rsthip hontor, awartil cd f r i ml c( irociof s-orb.-m ti 3 1,.-el ici i i- iriso te ak finter-11 es tis ;m 1-1cc in the 111111ersity if dw -, suh as ( nrli lc riii-hoclnot bill it r c- co exert1anapatheti nc .in (mti n ct ol luwerePh l~_rK p a i a -.etablishei nsiitituionIl, and eveyon is 1 eigibllii till honor-11 is tt i~l IN)0IA.;FRES'1lRS SHOWV I"I' llII, 1 N LI VII ci RVICIL. it 11111hgan T irte iveti niid six- tiis.I Ilen ndp sil y thetic tirtein mcv1 ave ben noifie ttthey iserr its i and ii con s iently no it in i'm isat had 1is tiiteii sitindings. Cio a 11111 eal 1ere oil stiideints, er ad tis pobabl tatihey I. ivee ituc essfu. ii 111 o t.cci re ithtetaIlimei wo l- icrc' ran (m ofthei nch oi f th i t i ,a.Alchi~a ma scured111 theii ilic .1 mark ini the exliinationst 1111 lof itheelevn m n lie etcas signed to I i iii isiriuu ill the N i it: at satarcs of $, I) iiiyr iyear $1he11110 {t:I1 ? 'C1 II1 I X\ I "I ' S II~)\{1{i NI II \iI XIIIEOS. it1 the rciglililof Wiatiot il Y. Vi- I. VPLANS lNTFRILSTING I PRORA1.tM FOR I.= ST :%MElI1Nl A imist iiiterestiiirn g r tirm fur seiiior girlss bee111111 nned11 forii thieilast Y. XX. Lis X]uli ill ilrpe ic sp 11 eakfriohe senciorlill(ii liii 01Jean L indstro e bihe Ishc Fdwardsili 11kand tehrswilt gie sevra iii ici 11111 os. A hort col- iicep Gitdaiii ake off" c il hi tls yer'se ilas 1w iill b. ivenii-ibylt tieiiudercliss Iy t .1foulr 0o'clock .at Nii elery hll. SILN I 1lI lcXYS TO DON CAP1S AND GOWXNS. As ci result of atit iion swhiihli s hitiiieid aroundl toii lthe imembiers iii the clasthtiseniior lT--o itii'l aw i-111l wear th.lit cabs tiiiilgowst- Oil0the spiicifiiei days e lctili outiioay.Just one -of ithese mil appare 11111111Sil eior gciibioil tbi first dayi ind Ile wti fiorceid litibt o Igive it ill). Sitce -ll huvetkeniii cotnceredu acili, 11111rI, nockicksciiilxiiieteil lBEtON SAL,d11Y J UKNi':,i. Tu-e11111 Miciigteiitii1s 1 illii priess a1tuuuind tiaiidIs aiiiis tcraidly pecte to11 go onc alleStoiniJulne 1. Theistud1eit confiei-ee ofii e.Lb-ii- versiti if WXisconbsin uphi-e li e Studuentu LAP XIS I O W11NS l1(IlutANY DF-t 11,1111 &CL. arietirepiareidto taike or- ilt prieelf if1ff1-enniatlcit d s either & Co.. t58 G,. r___:.,::.. -CALLING CARDS Youwill need thenm very soon. It would-'be wise to see to it early.$ Had better LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Plate with 190 cartls $1.25 to $3.50 100 CARDS FROM YOUR PLATE 750 All Work Guaranteed W AHlRS University Bookstore Carriage and, Baggage Pct each Conuple In and fram parties rierlr! 12nciseS 51.50, after it scinek $2.00.- - F ) is1itiinklnn r fromnsdanr, the price v flis. te 25 Cents. f carried tn ar from nup-stairs, the price -will he s0 Cests. Drivers are -required tn eollect cash for carriage: and haggage service. WALKER'S LIVERY ROBINSON & CO. W. H. STARK HOLM'ES LIVERY BUSINESS ST APP C. A Bowman. A. X Pittey. Mlyer Rabin. Kennetit Osborti E. Ray Johinsiiii H'Imer P. GLie cc ii C. 11. Kleinstc. Josiep1 N.Iitteihint etddi ess:tICHIAN-cA ILY, Itrees Bldg-e Miayniarid Street. Office IHours:t Managiing eddlitr -Ip i. aiid itco-i1:in p.ci. 0ai-Iy- Bdisiness Manager, 1-5, 7-8I pi in-, dx ccptjulnidaiy. Both i'phore~ i TI1. 1 .I1XX6if. ii - Noi(t I itc--E I-iA15) 1 1 1111 LTINIVIRSITY CAXIIND.XR. lby 9-2o.-Art Ehit II e11it i l ti -. ,Ia -17. 1lIcht:1. vs. )c Illiit NlI err Fied -1:O5til . till i l(11t) TS itft01e Comtme-rm ___________________________ i li te l stiiotanUniIiiot I: I?{ itt'-fciilor it t C) (I (Ic:l1 cs .'l l"{)1111 staltlt'711 'lr t)Gl't1 lr tc 11t? io lcl)t 'l" Nvil o 11,1, tcct t111 trc cxcif t sitl<111 Ito i1 it ll f s e' ldii th lii lp rtI it 1 1111c vccrlt - 11)- fti i sttid n s j cr lt sf ilditM li~orofthleir nlrielect- "Irhe 11('1 1\11,)ha e c-cedit mmeinsc iii c sccfr till hav conetsoli thetri 1 t111thic ii110iu i l i ie culdim ilde thr-lihthe ictiretoiibei-aiomties th ei c o e iiti e sat i.i t, fr T n( tgluinso i ofnulitriiarionf~i I. XXc:cc ictit:Ao tt ciile gumem er C HOCOL'ATES (Ready ForlYour ,Orders un cD~v,RIES Stxsdnxts' Bokstor Medical Largest Stoiek ill Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Low and Met : CI rit Dictiostaries Q mile II oaelc. Complete tine New and Sec- oud-hatnd. {old Pool 5 taken ill Exchange C. E. I3ARTHIELL, 3265S. STATE STREET Second Ft o )r Tel. 761 Itic I tle uT1 irt lr s Critel au I o tl~ May Festival Just received a fresh shipment of Gilbert' Johnston's i irc, of course, a few epos cl to tlic prevc ntiti-( 'kd, but tl)ei area vcu-t '.c ill We lmvc llotlltti< fit wid il i w l l ird 1 It ilt it01111101 use 01 1 tI2ci i etceil tleitocuptioniioI I11 ciii cis th i vs i f iaw B t lre ie to itdraw are tob --Ir a s1 ivt ii iti i It-iI -oI\!:.XI'ti ;ITtftKXN XIIdN Ih fll-I Sill I froimtPXof.XIR. itapp itis at \ I lsll1;tkl troixll te )(ioftiicli .tMi lii 13. It ii lihe jioiii Cl 1;i ii tie, or it ati1ll it-pDFli