:1 IOMGANDAILY -.. d -. - 1 IDEAL OXFORD Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe KT S AND CURIOS ;.Crafts Shop ,Ps Cor.Williamen ad Mayeard t ratt' ns i icabFeshiFiits and ti aoz. et roomini ry Saturday-noon and 6ie or lady friend. MACK ft CO. ws UNIV ERSITY NOTICES Meeting of the tIitercoillegiate Prolii bilioii Associationuillthe cabinet roomwa Mtchillan ball, M'oni tar earning at 7:00 Prof. Van Tynie will give i lecture to uiversity students in St. Andstewn's church ai 1u o'clock oii"tist Religions Moce mentis ill the United States.' :flerting of Ibasebiall miainagers ofiteiamis whlichi iwill play in the fiiials at athletic associationi office at 4 p. il. toayi, S1 in Dr. Ifainstewd nwill sielivr the ciiii- c:ludinig Baldw in lecture in St:.Ade' church ibis mninlg at 110:301. SYRt .\t'StfTAIKES (Costirond Iren Page 1. a spaleniiiiaecffirt to siart a rally but Giles leapied ito thear a~indilstabbed iIs drive rubbing hiit fa htt Syracuse niade the winning run in ibe fiest of the tenth. 1-Kiys' wild lheaieclei Itlnumes reach fieat andI started lthi rouble.Itand falloanedlaithi asarfc aind the riiiicoiiiiede n RlciiIaynor sn gleid. I i I I I i i 1 i I. r New Whitnfey Thea'tre Cixssetam.I.15P. M. Late cornees anotsated ,promeptly. I .. Saturday, May 13 Maurice Campbell PtUiSEN' Henr'setta CrosmaW'n In an everyday comedy The The Peacock and Goose PRICES: 35-50-75-$ 1.00-$ 1.50 Box seais $2.00 Seai Sale Thursday, May 1 1 Saturday, May 27. Matinse and Night Clorious Return Jos M. Gaite s MostSuccess- fit Musical Comedy THE GIRL OF MY DREAMS Jthn Hfamt - Leila.MelIftre and u.itriitiant nnmiinny Book and Lyrics by Wilbur D. Nesbit and Otto Hatiebach Music by Karl Honclina The molt charming musical play of the Season Tiie.scoie follmws: .M airliii 1) .. ..I I\\I If ..i.i.ci 4 Nlitmiiell rf... ..4 11iscliric....4 ClII'11 X sil .... 3 sillm ih l .. . . 1 Xl 1 ii * ...... z 1: : < a , Il 7 {) . T C () , O O () T '3 7 :) O 73 a 1It .tse ahol fints us ready as ever, with ri.intc ime et oitShaptes that are to lie ]z lam aim iiiakas. ti Panamas, Split and mt. L it iilerect weavs. Ci. atJ]in alllitnes,.whtue tower a I n it51inrttoui, as tiring THE ~eMns Wear 2 & FicgclI l a ain St. Totls ....36a 4 6 I btitdfoauSiimith ini thme SYRtACttSE,..AlltI Ift tiles 2b.ti .. . a T I XX eli et ....4 o0 i sewatii if .t .. 35 T 3 lalinug s .a .s a oi 0 ttoliesics .. .. 3s 2 I lI l la . .. . 4 i I eletcfliiu Cf ... ia i Rc~ayno 3b...35n Ctlcl 1) .. t.. ma i 3 3 S 1 , I O i I 1 C) I () (I 1 , r 0 0 c. 0 c . 1. 0 I O E I t.) O .} BAILEY & EDMUNDS Ladies' Hai Dessieg, Shampooing ninrERs IN msicuttring, Face imassage. Rain-. * I Water Sham~poos a Specially. Altl Guntact istini. Tackile and Acimunitini toosandtoweessteriized befoe eusing tan tfittiinaspweciltyMRS. J. R.TROJANOWSKI Liberty St. Aen Ar-bcr,ichigane ' ti11snaiuthUniaerainy Ace. AT TUTTLE & CO. J.A. TRUBY LUNCH ROOM You nan find a tine line of Conetitonery FOR DETROIT UNITED LINES High-GrIad e BeiweenDtot n Arbor and c ku i$hht ' ' Detroit Limted---xi1 a. sei 0:3 a. i.. 1.13 Kalamazoo Limited -- 7:4i6.ainm9:46 a. in. 1146a. i :46 Ip. m 1as4 p.in , 5:46 p.in Pure tanstin it tap. in. l ~Local Care East Bound- hnDtit, >a,nn tin45a. in.,anevcany taaoiiours io 0na. Ice- Cream - p in. To Ypsilanti, nan 55a. in. and iiatf mar- ~Le~ ls' toa11:1inn. in., nani 2:15a. ni., 19 30 a. tai., 12-5t a. in. in Saune, change at Ypsilanti. - Locat Cars West Bouod-n5iit n. in., 7:in a. in , andevery twours eto 1:1 it)i. 116 S. Main ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Oppoasieii leic 3Waitingiaomc Phones 166 GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Diors frmm,.Freddtie'sa TVmssi. iWeeks More WED. BY innins xi2a3 4;567jhit)in R Syracuse '220 01 000 1-; Muetniain 0tr0 2 0 0 o 0 0- Summartiesa:I hoiie riiii-till , Sacri- Jice hiits-,V slclt tiandt acas nhlls itt Ctitreelt 2;stiruclaiiii- be Smii 12, byi Ciitirill g;idoule plays-ifii" gti I atdXtc 'htlltlai tito 11; bankt ttrell; iuiipire-Staephieasiiii hauim of gaiaae 2 hoiiirs 2j5miutes. X lile George 1F. itlebling wasarepair- ing aane if tae columins awhichi supplorta tae unezrane gallery -iii Memiorial hall recenltly, thle veaffoletilig aiiawhich hle stcoctdlbecameii e ncucatiiiimenid anal bergaiiitoi)slip. Two studtents awhoi were st~adinig tucarbay auoticeilthimapiaiendiiig id~agrr just in timne to save Xlellmg froii a tall aftwtaenty-eighat feet tii ihe mar- tle floor belowr. Koiawson tay tae chlampioiashiipoftthle inercollegiate rifle league bny defeat- auig Maissacthisetts Agricuttural Ceal- lege tay itescire omt:r Stto uth3a. An iaiatett eitiectives' assmciaioan tas bueeii forimiri at Pitrdetu to iiereloia ihi powsaers of obseratioan of its amemblers. To enciose in your Commencement Invitatioco Plate and. 100 cards $1.00--$3,00 LANE & FUELBERno 310 S. Slate St., apstais i AJESTI wo Shows Each M ONE WEEKSarig C n9p MO 0N D A WeMatinee Wdeesdayaed Satunrday, 3 pe. LIL Tom pson ft Copeland Ian. a Newna'Ceomedy Sketch "AN AFFAIR OF HONOR-' evine and Willams Time'Traveling Sailatoan and the Inmate Druiriner 'n y-Fiday, Saturday wpunrcher ;truol igGiven Away At hlrdyMatinee i Masck Williatms Artistic Dancers Gertrude Van Dycke and RayFern ThefGirl With the Double Voice FREE TO ALL LADIES Oni Xedne sdaytttay 17, at the Mabtinee the Mtajtstic will gi.eech tidy as a couvnicir a beutiful picture 15 xa20 inches. Theoe puctures netail fuom one to tao dollars each acd are minature reproduion of nine iof the nmnst celebrated paintings iun the world of art. 1 ' INT WADTHLOR THE BEST OP EVR TtflNU IN 'FAILORIN