.. .. ,.. r; S Y of /.-. _.. IA b . - LR t T11 MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Ilditor-Lne9A WHITE jBusiness Manager---NormAg 1-1. 1HIL. :News Editor........... Harold Titus Athlletic Editr ...Wtalter K. Towers Assistant............1J. Fred L.awtont Mtusic and Drama...Earl V. Moore E~xchanges and' Files...:Dior S. Birney ED~ITORIALS. A .tlir J. Abbott. Paul Leidy NIGT It 5TORS. A. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. "rattk Pennell Edward H-. Robie Maurice Toolme F EPORTERS. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. ;ohsts I. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. Joltts I. Townley. Wallace. Weber. Ocrald J. May. Emmett Taylor. C. arold I-lippler. J. Selig Yellent. Robcrt M. Gillett. BSUSINESS sTrAPP C. A Bowman. A. R Dilley. M'yct Robin. Kenneth Osbortn. IRay Johnison. Elmer P. Grierson. C.It. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchartd. Address : MICHIGANs DAtLY, Press Bldg., Jftice Ilouirs: Managinig Editor, I-2 It. t.and I1:n-Is :30 Vy um., Daily 1 incittss Msanager, i-, , 7-8 p. In., E x. c(_pt Suntday. Both 'phones 96lo. AgtIldillni.11' Mc. W . UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. 9-1/120. Art Eixhtibtit, Memorial [tall. 1,1v I2-I-Fr sh-oitt te ts Xlcd,-:()5t: s Itp. , 111p.tt ed. DidiCt 1 r t' CNNitll till ,,..-. - ,-, - lvm .IDavrs.sv.-:_..r.,,.er: s..-+-. .e...:..«,..r .. ..caa-u..mr ._ ._,. , Is t r.i +,c ,.i WAILOFDISPAIR C LOSESUPFESTIVAL Ischaikowsky's Tragic Egen Onegin" Concludes 18th Choral Union CONVYUCTING is TNOTE WORTHY s e 1.cih . lat -i a]s Ie Ili tle liter dc~par f 11i n r} '11 i w:e] a 0:0 st 1 i ' 1was 1t III : f{> z;I1 "S 1 ° 1 I I . I I:: Itg 5 y h ,. ,:l r sN o i i..t .ts i r si es fige a NIl sonIt would be wilse to seto it early. Had better Plate with 100 cards -J25to $3.500, it 100 CARDS FROM YOUR PLATE a5 All Work Guaranteed UI i vrsity Hookstore ill ciliil'Cil" c11 ()' The lam-('11s, t(I R(,'id N1111( lit" S()11", lic tunitY to 1111 charmim t(-11 jwculllarl.v Stil a I I d t]Ic fact rclwat it vom !1 c(ptlc ll. i~tt' l 1 27iC :111t~ ,ii 1 S :1T -'1I t t:a lt 1t s il chrat i>>t re: zz-t rctation t: 4S 5 ttisl:.tct loado 11(1- crG ic t tr> t In lwr tip' Ii tc°." l I ic tIo 5 iridci tsn Iom a ties _.t ':sl5.i1ii ite ets2soclc .; te rce will 1lie to coltleiit tsti asitu tie i!1-inntla in tlocsrai r-i. u }).-ices. (t lins,& o r cot Hawkeye Camereal I ItC sslI inngt:lon S i it - :1Y?1('reel y1'ldy. eoolrl.t Illti5 :ci tuu he sreall fT"._9 is.1 1 si e r I:5i i i Op 1s t ' Iiir"h i o n i lt'C CM M Ml' (I'm (. } i. ii: j )( 51_ t [' 1f havebee sits:p 01111: hut ..smet [ th ho s wre here alight.11 nd Xi d ftol r spare. w11: ther 1t . 1 t 11 X WItis 1 . 1:r~tt)C .tst Ask .,eb est r.dsee F ht", OWN7E r 1 5ter sz{r ; att71 o3i . 5 ilt ti 11: t w7.: io2,. it?4 i f i . S I ,IIt 1: MW ! ....._. -- .4 11- Ir- --- I XMINNIUMNOWU -7 - , x n a JIMM Ifficw _NEW-., I' f -C rr" 4 4 ,1 . . . z _> e'rit kind at the rightprc- aor FIXINGS FOR MEN n'Good IOt_____e . , . ,-ms s -c-.. _ . _ _ _ =- - ~ .~ Z VWe make charms and' pins. Get your order f;in now for engraving Extra Heavy -bauSS .I Jeweler 220 South Main St. 1 wSale on Pipes and all Smoking Articles Lunches, lIce Creesm () as and all Summer Bevyerages W, E. JOLLY University S;uitPressingCo 709 N. Univesity Ave. B Phones 266 = a-s r c ..-_ .,. __ ,_ ANDALL & PACLK, Photogr phers Phone 598