r "HE MICHICGAN DAILY - =j--THlE MICHIGAN DAiILY. I GH, 'VILDCO. Managing Editor-LIZ A Wtmrcz. " - s W I VAo :HT~Q1T2~ uiess Manager-NORMAN ILL.is r 41 31 7. a)5.F i . alia Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For ;UITS, 1 OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. ff. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 So. STATE STEE I6'111(oods and Golf Shoes ER. f RosT, 302 S Stat 5. ENGRAVED Caling Cards Special Prices .Quoted to Students SCIPT LETTERING Plate and 100 CARDS $1.25 100 CARDS from Plate 75c Xe Dosth Hihst-' radeof E- yCa am 's s atisastio. PROMPT DELIVERIES Stzsdeftts Bookstore C. [. DREN[[ Law Medical tDental Tbargest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books wistMicllDictionaries Quisr Books, etc. Conmplete line New and Sec- ot d-hand. Odbo taken in Exchange CE. BARTHELL, 326 S. STATE STREET ISecond Flir Tel. 761 EDITORS. News Editor........... Harold Titus Assistant .............Harry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Water K. Towers Assistat............ J. Fred Lawon Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files. ... Dior S. Birney EDITORALS. Arthur J. Abbott. Paul Leidy NGHT'CEDI1TO05. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward H. Robie Maurice Toulme RPORERaS. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. John L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. John H. Townley. Wallace Weber. Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. C. Harold Hippler. J. Seig Yelen. Looen Robinson Wi. T. Daugherty Robet . Gillet. BUSINESS STAFF C. A Bowman. A. R Dilley. Myer Rubin. Kenneth Osborn E. Ray Johnson. REnmer P. Grierson. C. IH. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office I-ours: Managing Edior, - p. m,. and IsI :oo-ssi :3o p. -m. Daily. Business Manager, -, 7-8 p. i., Ex- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 96o. SAXITURDAY,iIY 13, 1011 Nigh fEdtr-FRANK PNNtLL. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. May 9-20-Art Exhibit, Menorial IHalt May to. 11, 12, 13.-May Festival, Uni vcres y IHal. May i2-I3-Fresh-soph contests. l asy .--lic higan svs. Oberin aiit Fe.r Fu1d, oi. . is six? XX sirs'arc sits throats sityestreara In tlhe past it has been tecu stmssfor .ger' litseniors'iis" ii in ptie last fciv Nii i ts of colltege iswih "H arvst Moini"s"P it oniyour old GresBurtssssc iidioiier iilsgc snsgs. Ersrytisdt ci- jcdit---eisenitilijanitoroithetirlass hiiig forgot ll abotisstthe "dignity f ih etsmeniisst"itandtatplaudd the ef- forsf iesen iir snsgters. Itseess iif thircctssssof 19i1 osgt to is' slitIo gtenoiiiughs ieciitsgther to iv arealt"sing." I sisy ticthat the natra moiidiiessty f the artists" ii tir clas ss irsits theirisaperings srng Alvs t 'erstivl sie r ias it just acsiess ot proitsfessitnal sciurtsy' UNK-NOWVN PENCI~LtPUl'iIERS XITTACK ERVANSTON FsCU'LTY. Tlu'sisnnusal untexpsurgatesd, siscriticis- sit "Sposrtinig Ext" of the Nortwsest- erns Diaiy, scursing oast amposnig lbs deas a nit rofessrs of the Methodist isitititios, individtualy oast collective- ly, sastiesril oits Evaston campustiI ieetsy. 'Pbseditionssswas posducse liy ass snkniownisstaff asd iso painswere stparsd--or swords sisisiei-to s-itheis scontsnts of the lisper. The principal si- toialiwas Iheadedt"To wshtirte Faculuty," oast was folloswed by abitter attackt up~ons the womiess of the uniersiy- fior excliuing themeissssfroststheir snnuisat play. 'his seans sf the literary dear- msesas camse ini for ass especially sati- ing criticism.i Thus fsr se facultyi'has beess unable tltiace tietbasse, ut epulsions will resists if the editors cats be idesstified. lit 'KY'S PLAYLET EADS 'EPN lBI 11GbNEXT WF,~EK. P~aul Dishes's pilaytet, "The Cosme- Isaick," ai farce writtens rosusd the actusal expeirienice s if u freshmsass at Michsigasn, w-itt ti e lieIasltiser of niext week's ilt at the Tessple theatre iss Detroit. This raptidlfire dialogue oust cossedly sello isiof this' oili. act stitkit ofsi"lts'gr life tetls tiestohre ifian sitiiip test isi- isig ansdissflosw iithe i vc i iuitediths- iils il Isis Ipersecuos'. :l55s155 press (no- ii's illdictessth-tii the- st isishisis-s i-ilsanienishusia.sic receptsiis ioat its pses-isis aparIsacs i. 'liiisiitliiiisis ssststirtsd-sI i spei5i'lli slectdcssit five playeissincsliiigliheiiwell iknoswi iiine M55 X ~iss rI'lll~ Dickey, wsitho iis .assiimblriofitheii ctass if 'ois-s i s its liit iii rle (r - ilirs, Isisiss plyedl svitleit n rotis iin Comedi club itoh Isiuti oss nd Issa rsiisd liaiii iimalisiiitllI ieuris-us Crsna isin "iSham.isi nd uith lls lt-s XXar irs heDesrtrs. Ieisils knw assssit he aiuthoris ii 5a5viaudeviille- sksseh, "Theis Maniifrossthis Sea," in wis h uhe:iappeaieis ori-lesami ime os-il eaistsern circusits, SUCCESS OF MEET ASSURED Prep School Athletes Will be Here in Flocks INext Week 'Pe uscscesis if tissyear 's lisis i- isisticiiisssrdst - li t tesitste isi-st gsH ive ltt lb\-listes silit issl i- tiger Lemiansi 'Thurisdayi e'seing. 55 I's'51 tulletit wsas thlsfll itsOat thicioniiiOfi t lieigil hsehlplru'it-itsalis toghtsisthel stsste-iwsiuli triai lls affet theimsti55-, if snit ase tits asuoit but tihis els plats sfor s-isisrtinmsesnstIithis yearisis misst witts tiistililis il ap t I liThicn ties t etoisiitl 10 wiichi I is lust 555555 iy less thsous thes sntiisesiumbieliiofillst iear saitsts-ri-reemug- hih clooi ishIsis vli sig n i fslsied thir i ltsiltiol55 "55 Of 1ieig p wiesttisiS silsl)ihase lotst iIn ts-ir ientsrsiuiiest sihcti thasithe tisits- stirs- il liihessrgsertails paitiis ti-ears. Girandsil Esiist, Mskegtroni, Sigis iii. Detr'sit C's-iista, list roist ssisris n ,rldoI igti sits' ts' lsargerschstotsswis havess enit iii rtilssoifaritin( ssr assess sags1eitisrecivs sitfromsiss tl Csre-sh satnIialsisssisissthaistlss sillt 1w represeniiited,'hlii iareiasua i iiistr of issale-sci iIiiiis ishoiiwill uinlel sissi Yirii Lemanreetyaii des aisii ss 5itsipt irist thessss o i si s h slistoldibysious o te itosrs' tromsinent-s meInisissit o f the - lichiatsis I lth lts fA- 1 \Xslti sassoi- atissns tissi tiresenitsi imn g. ii si Ii 'it 110ligih steeltiheres isis arousit is an usin if iligibility rus-iiaint ithait tir ait1 insif plin~g thIts' 5 iistaissisiiof vlisios ini tir-hadssisof resptisi lti - ii is'lasoisi sss issshsioul lilt ~y remss i i liecossihitsai' Iciiade u s' 5,ifais. Mosit if tisspiciplsthatlssilie vs~itdsex- tresse1 thssir initenitlinis o it ng tire toi see hum thisigsuses'eiris sillasdithelu statedI iunrseseeithatsstheyiwes-esnot iss fan-sr if remoinlg tireiseet froumi ussArXortsithsintisshins htt is lth- logtsia la5ce ito Ihsldsiti. N IVMi, tI.LAS.SEiSGET f)NEiIATCIi API]ECE. tii-e u sn:on paenorh b iwhie the siothomores i ss en eoedsto hldsdowns-i heouhsitse 'Plieys-ussie-ediediling Ith li -sis-i ctyts hrue's'uater'issof all hourii. 'heisamssisecs'sstace ofsif 55ing shoulders,9pespsirinig fares.,'suitset ir tseish w ssagedsi ibIefoe, usntil sue iresme sis sfrom thiliir supierliss' isiiiss gei ti t ijm pigson s-the sirsponssands iise isi thle lbitt-isisyItwoisuts' siadoth timte set by use vsics'inI e iiitl contsts. No iseIingli.cif ioun-cmbtats wsis indutisgsd in at the close of lisiisess, sin- ing to te stirsi-ris if the-Ishosr ashsl-i Isis conitions 'f liii-riser. As ussuasl, toiit andui gos tusinesitouit ini fonrceir k ilness lbs straiggle, oustlessees, freight carsios, and sutreisswe-ri'sil tittiti Mi byli'-setatoris. PThe ri-isisrises sandl tiretsisslisiti rmss test irethstirctsiosso ffered fur tis- danit Thie races usrill ecisissreseat 5) ioo ('stc oi-iisR.ICret- iishl'suitdisill tsr, tuhc n cumbeiiihrswusths sisteess entesreds ini'i isc. Thini-iis deaisss lasit cosunut sin- poini.'this{ostalees iito r-einegoti- acco sit ofllsight foistis-iii'-n si as harreLst Nou isi-tgis siltiss-'s, ands tennis issh is-is-si e wrni. This fresh- man csat inssis Xttslan Garse-s, sassisted byi '.iic"ui Crasig sutnd "leslod" .tSewa-rd-, usH liss ods"t'SunW sIt "Nlig' IF AMs, Is uiis Stiise.tush loore'' Aihigs isill siadth ts ps I heSs iiisiil cotesssss stsic-hsfist- 5m immdiaelyuiasfts-s thisrslays,asui wis h Issso unusts o'Si iist firtshleti-nesr s, tse ii sis is -besenuhaiciapped onesi ii goa.ihesudtisiCounces is sulesd iht usis us shsstaussissg thusisuandisap ini fa- vo ofi thi sosphuiomosrs, thss-freshmenss 11hes'declared th'inss sse-s e555thoisugh it oas iare si-ii's-i if this' hasll is ini 51515 tets li t is' is i me ss 'is s'alledt. 'Phe bal wll e"plaedinthersiher ofithe litd suitthie iisiit sidshiwsilineiss upt fis t Yards 5from iistushus hiess-tartinig Pn"isfiredst IsiRsferess iiilsiui. Xtsll fiils arireqijused toureport at I r ies lu t u(:S30. CALLING CARDS You will need them very soon. It would be wise to see to it early. Had better LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Plate with 100 cards $1.25 to $ 3.50 100 CARDS FROM YOUR PLATE 75C All Work Guaranteed t University Bookstore Carriage and BaggageE liaor each Cople to an foilmo parties resrrs!iso'cck$1.50, aftert12 o'clockl $2.00. Pit esch Trunkto orfromildsor, SluR prire wI I I 25 Centso.It esreto s or fross op-stairs, the price wilt hi 50 Cross. fri-rs are requiredl to collert cash, Sot carriag- anilbaggagesevice. WALKERl'S LI VERlY ROBINSON & 00. W. iH. STARKN HOLMES LIVERY May Festival CHO0CO0L ATES Ready ForYour Orders Just received a fresh shipment of Geoirge- ttiiU iibrgt ;, fro I eli -Mc iga , hiosresides atii S i viii street, is critical~ly- illwiti amnto Johnsuuns rhseiumastismu. theiihas b155555 fo aou a uek n i odiinbcm oses-housutlu scessryto rmv ac i r i in t heh sial est's day- circulastinug a pettionstos the triu-ueessh-- lug thesis ito retsusiiito jhn D.)RickI feller this $u50,00o shiest b-hulimi sevetra ___ the college. 'Th studst s fisltht t hir& college "shnosuldt sut rest unduer thi shsasd- sins of this gift." Drug Store 117 S. Matti St. We Print Dance Programs, Tally Cards, etc. Leather Programs a -Specialty We Bind Class Records, Technical Journals, Periodicals, Magazines, etc. Artisfic lWork c Pu~osupt Serce RIightsfice MAYER, SCHOETTLE +& SCHAIRER CO. STATIONERS PRINTERS BINDERS GENERAL OFFICE OUTFITTERS 112 South Mao Si. Bell Phone 1404 Oni Spring Solts oh Cusotomu Mad Find Gentlemen- Ready for you with halirius iwhich are exclusive with styles that are author- itative. Ready to hook your order or snake it up today lot hater delivery. Readty to take your' neasur'e, get thui, soil in the wnorks and delver it lust. when you scant it. You gain by tssking advantage oh our.- reaidiness today. Win, E. Dieterle: Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street Shirts and Neckwear Made to Order WE French Dry Clean A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Suits Pressed, 25c Trousers, 10c REPAIRING Fuller & OTollilor Tailors. 619 E. Wiliams St. i .__._ Washin.ton S. RANDALL & PA CK, Photographers Phone 598