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October 21, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-10-21

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Vol. XXI.

No. 16.

Yost Encouraged by Showing of
Team in Last Work Before
0. S. U Game ,
Caau ienis itttill le1(d(1twenty
wrearer1501 the miand '11(1 11Wint1o tt'
enem'trs eonsr tis lmornng. The
Varsitr suttdtwilliihoard1 tlie7:35 'tit
of the:nAlrbiortrailrad p reparet to
ma11iti iciansgrdro stper-
statrity by 11trou1cing tittOhio State ag-
grtegatito n itiSaturday's srtggle at Co-
The laes whotit ll mae rthe tript
and the polstothey ttt w511llly folow:
C'aptajin Illhrotti iteft gterd; tLlorleke,
left(rod 1Edmusisleft t'ckle;ole
right tcl;utengs 1itrgt ed
1svlrg t Italf; 'VIgislsthoi ft Itatf;
Cle, lIaissiotDaiemls\\t ((list ((sel
sell ir, o Ila f Qinnl ld Sie
MuhlethelVas I itsIsil litt-(1p next
S-tttrsiyas i id aga1 ((inst M.ot.SCIthe
isof stbtittsttis (5111somltht ateed.
M tstottand R'Pski shl lse liltehbeit
put on ((thelResrves ilt(((ri, (f theses
11111b1e0n((II tthe111111111s exIIIctatitns
andthey 111lcedo itse Rsre
squad l thatl ls Itifht hr gttiv tittmore
((o1kItand1an opo rtuniity ts ight their
Stiso ha(l~ ls not Ietitred Ito forii
not h le i , ishptohwhi s tll streigth
till 11111c i( ilis s(til
1) ttf111,iwhttttias ontilttitV arsit earls
ill ltesasonlt wtttsIdtrtppedi ack ott
lt' srubisis wiitilthtes reglatrs agai.
Iec iledthe'itack(es iiititon tto well ii
te rishes wthttt'ecitutrs tat he s.
beinig giveatetrIchanct. Siple wo
ineligibletithlisstilltof tetsesason and
centli. lit his doneixcls ltiworttk oil
te srubhac11 flditatn1111w1115taeit 0(
tilt'fiust squad yeste'rd'y.The101coasiss
(sere wtring(1"hii ih(eldlon te Vrsit
usgnlis usey stiI(5ittl ie a e needel
in Satutrtay' sgame ' ant rs lg s
ini sueh ibitisa pthatilt is iillt le
backfeltdilwistelin lTiursiays practice
tiiid till bete ilst 011bstilseion Sattr
tda' if antintg hatitisito Ithue regla
backs. Of tiloe 11r mtestoi th Varsity
suadit, 111ff (d Pikart hav1ebeen sitsi
115 iacks, but their wtrtr 151101ot lsats
fatr tit ttielac, and1Siplsiill le
given ts'elpreferencee if Its ciii mast
(Ctoitiinietdots page 4)
Unideriteitsitiets ttflt'eStdnts'
Christitia asstcaion, a jout reepltiol
is ttits held tttigit at Newerry hall
t eig'l ock.lisi All stuets Of the
univer'sr, o tl lh mit 'nel womei, are
invitd, as' s te lert gy f the local
Thse affair tromitases to lie te iggei
social funtistotf the yer foe New'
berry' tll lie Aiel Pesien Hut-
chinis, amdotahier promiet imeiies of
tse faculty atoee cedto lparticipae.
Peesitdeint Ilttimicitis o 1drelver a hief
tddress, aniilan atracive musical ,po-
grant will folliow' .
Leavift Averill, preidet of the cor-

bine itiatssociatiiins if tse S. C. A., is in
chairge of thec affair.

Rev. Be. Rainsford of New ok city,
will deliver a lecture ii Cnitiresit Malal,
Saturday evening at :oo o'clock. le
sill deal with his experiences adilisis
sers'ationss durinig Iwo years swhici he
receitly spent its East Africa.
Dr. Raisforti is otie of the bscs
ktioswnsclergyentin this coutrele
is possessed of a soitrfuui personality,
it is said, andis ittow o bItai tnc
1y interestitng lecturer.
PresidenttHutcinis will itouthe ls
speake r
Council Members to P eside at Fresh-
man Meetings
AiI nomniations for class offices will
bse imadle today. The freshimantime etigs
iill e in cities'of iieisitrsttof ts
Stideiti Counctil. It is impiotrtnt thai
all freshimeit le lresent as this tftr-
110011 will give theisthue onl~y opprti-~
tv to iname ctididtets fore this ear
offices. Tie followinig will li ht'isims
a1111 places of(le' mletigs;
lUts, iest Physics lecture rttm, ;5c
o'clock, ini charge o I itsiis; l
titers, roonm 348 new l ,oineerintbuil
ing, 5 :00 o'clock, inchare of lishIs
Dents, Juinior Teccsro1(1(1, os
o'cock, in charge ofSatrP rmc
i r0om 310, loesw(Chemiialuildits"
4 .30 o'clock, inicoarg'e'of hgeait'
'loce, in charge of C.ogswel.
Since most oftifhe firttyearteic
have speint several ye'rsimcolege, th
Student CoiiciI ltios (ott tonsiler it
nipcessary to hetp sartt heir poilis
the ftrshmeii lairws wiilet tognizt
on Otober28
Othehreclass noiinaitiontithaii ititccul
1913 1 its'Talpan tll4 (it totctockI
1913 Enigiieers, iroomil.311InetrEnlot
west IPhysis letire romo4:09i otclock:
19i2I'Eigiiiers rtom411 ietss I'.g
ieeriing biiilingiisteadiotf 3I sfisis
announced4:0no'clsocik; 19111bits4c
lture roiss FEonomicis biidiitg,4:0
)'clock; 1 tiiEngminees, rtitim 31 1 ntw
Engineerinag ibiiliig, 4:00o'tlock
Noiiniationmssouil e yllot, a
onminaioin speeches rett it sed o
no, accordiiig to theiveo f selih css
Disregardinig the masndatss of this
Sudeint Cotiicil, the seiorsaniijior
-6f rhe law ideparmentit silecitte iri
class officers this afternin.i Tt elec
tion time was advaiteet friiiiiSturaym
because of the desire of mnyu of the
laws to go to Coiluibus ion that lit.
The classes are iaciedin iitheir uto
biy the execitire officers of the depart'
The seniors will hltdt their elctiit
ini room G, witie the iiiiiors use rooms
C. The polls inibitih citsses will le
opein from 4:00 unitil 6 :oo p. I.
Memers of the two tpper classes f
te law depariieit will le reuitirei to
pay last years dues beore oting today.
This ruiiigtoes not apply thi stidents
enteriug tis year.
.For the enefit of those whose idtes
have not een paid, aragemncts hie
been made for the dles of electinto t
receive payment at the polls.
IThe following is the list of judges
and clerks: Seiiitrs; juiges, E. L
Baker, C. . rawn, Mc~ee Roinso;
clerks, . J. flailiie, L. W. Miller.
Junior'; jtiiges, C. E. Cilen, E. L.
Jaqua, W. M. Nelson; clerks, 13. F.
Reck, J. J. Devos.

At a meetiag of the senior lit foiithall
squad held yesterday afternoon lMurico
Mfyers wasehected captain of the Itinm.

Mixup in Engineering Social
Club Leads to Birth of New
Iti ds ay in111g tht too imaiiy
tooki~s spil thue lbroth. 'The forunies tf
hei Ingineerinig Stcitl cli gtoiprove
that toltsimanys'etomumitemen 1111t'the
1(1(1 1(111 an 'tillnizatihtnlforiiedlfor
te ult o f thotseo nuihtker after
this deigh~lts of trpusicihreanu eueaor.
Tit h ut l u s'eiin florisiiing fr a
,;od aiy easanth the cuitiiber tf
;tiensunts Iace een tuble (to wit
wosuits of Ctlletatito n (lce' and11gotohu
inthe liea~slsis oly' cnjecira.
Te lt ihas utoiwritii onstitutionu
or ites ttf liy st, ut otstom hastisal-
lyast itatd tha ttuoselioris autha
ittur hold hlthie remns Thu ftl-
,oi'gstiris'niti'ihle jnor betes
tnsnorI li ickslithri'egita sorhtd
thus pla n all wnt wlussil ithis yetr
Bu tso happenmed that oiie of (le
senill tlstnc iedi last1ytmesuddeuhy
left schoodl- ponhis itthirhnthis year
he itaitithtt fun((ofbeitg senir allotires
agaiian prceesdld tt seve his thirst
terithutI'Ent'eing'Stcial chinb y
obaltittui dttts t Gfa11(1's.ieien
nfome t he otheri mmtbertonhtisligretl
surpis ofstiitthelthie'dats stiscted.
F uforu1(111tell his partnercoiull 1111
iii chndthus planuoat all.uAnd there-
1)hn's the sttrt of this irth of the
'ntiune eruii 'utteitg tclut.
-ssocite Is anutwolststhilis mein mulhhe ftr
th fouridolttrhit htctmesssoththit
sile f etchtickiet.e
Future Growth of Observatory No
Longer Endangered
'ftee atmotst ltwo ears tf effort mu
ts' i vi eeherde a'mushnivirersiy pt-
gross sritousy'ettuficte, Hiurohin street
Itte Fro u tieentthmanmdlOservatomry
streets, uwil he eltsedh mnitgreat ijury
m the ttbsselatory's future "gtowthm re-
Ithlad beetntthe us uh15of the Annm
arbore Paek Coummnissionuu ts have the
Jte' bouleard open tomutim iet via
H iurtontstreet,ibut tits wotulseriousy
intlefere sills usork ml the aobsevtoe'
and phreentits fi(urteexipansioi. It
wtilil msticosidetlly Inar IPamer
field, the girs' athetit grounds
'itt ipreicent this aplan wasom ittel
t thus stommuuissiomhby ssichtInAn antl
I oumet t ulislreetIssrtouldsuiere ts aim
At irsti51hiss prosjest was rejecet y
liie lttimmissiont sinwshenuthe oiver-
siy'ageedl tgiving ti corner of tie
osenrmator les tomntke a sfficiet
curvee mu the sret, the arrtmngemiet
iwas satisfactituly setlet.
Nowsill theilank ' mutiOieialey souh
f thus osesvatotry' hats bensasemd adt
the bousulvardi nil hetippmeached y
thus srseets swes 'ndmtht eetiof the uni-
telrsits poprt ey Ahiougite plan
has1 been etiit uely' settlemd there are
sever a etlt s t he trrtagedl y the
sity coutncil

The indery andt printi shop of the
mnivesity have parted comay. Foe
several years they have beenm housed t-
gether its the asem eit of the liirary.
This year nmore root'was requiredlftr
the indery and as a resul, tie priui
shop has eems moed into te Econsomu-
ics hbuilding.
At present, work ikthe sop is e-
tg delayed for wantof press-feeders.
Student help is depended uonm etirely
and mot enoughi experienced mei hae
applied for work to keeip the presses
Triangles and Woolsack Filled Their
Ranks Yesterday
'Ten junior engineers were inititie
ills the Trianges Thursday evenuing, ml
tie roomos of tie society ii the Peiss
buiildintg. Five fratenity mienm tutulive
intdependens went threoughm ihe cere-
motny. The fraterniym eni are : Stin-
ey Borleske, Nelsonm Boice, Gage Coouip-
er, Howaetd Hoove, andtiRb~er Lt-
ear. Tie indeipendents aec: Kennetuh
Daugherty, Rudopha Vanm Dyke, Dlae
Parshatll, Harey Steinhuaser, andmlCar-
Following the iiationu a bauhet wts
hlrd at the Unioncubhuuse.
Joe Buege, acting as totstmaste, etl-
led foe ue folowing toasts: "We-
conme to New' Trianges," Heebert Tis;
"D~ynamics," Prof. Rich; "OdiT-
anges,'' Flil Riniskern; "Eqiliimt,"
Prof. Ellis; "New Titiigles," Ctreneie
WOOILSAVK gmvIcT'emts ANmNcli.
A second election of Woolusak, thr
honoary junior aw society, ws hel
Thursday aftermnoon. Tens menm rectomm-
mended by the faculty were chosen, adu
these, wills the men selectedh las sping,
constitute this year's menmershiph. hum
addition to these Wale Moerit, eecedl
is the spring of 'o. was mae amtctve
The folowimng wee choseni yeser-
day: eo. lo. Hiumphrey, Wtlte R.
AMetz, Andrew J. olyn, IHtaroldh 1.
C'urtis, Paul R. Farreins, Deanu L. Luk-
i i g, Aert . Moeder, eo. E.Brantd,
Hugh S. amhle, Walter Mo. Nesonm.
The foresies' camp ire, which has
beeni aimaimmual social event of tie de-
partmenti for the past eight years, s
scheduled for tonigt. At six o'clock,
equipped with kiives, forks, spous tandu
'silver quartees, the meni will hit the ttil
for Forest Gle.
,Upoim theie arrival, a large steak will
he given each nmener of tie patey, wihi
Cmill prepare his ownsou tpper tiea
camimp-fle of his owin makimng. After
the meal, a nmammoth camp-fie will e
built, ahomt whichm the woodmlen will
gather for animprmptu pro etgtam.
Professors Roth, Mulford, amd iIlii,
who acconmpany ue party, sol seak oi
smujects of interest to the wok tf thu
department. Several meim who htve
spent their summer vacations i te
west, will give addresses comceeig
their experiences. Foresters are to
meet at West hal at six o'clock.

Favorite Metropolitan Soprano
Met with Great Success
Last Night
I was sowet nervoiutlst ,swhetnifI he
ganu tu sing' tnigt,"otit ilSle. sAidat
ash evening whitle the us'tditce wstsstill
tppludmuing'"T'ht' Yat t he ii'Srig."
"'Ihis i m imerist cnt'ss'uilXAmeiath iis
setason i, andinaturlhy' I wats Somewh's'at
aniulsabout the sucess of my' fle-
mieted tpuetrancue.''T'ereit'lurn miig t
Ni. Ilatgemtanili101th t smil', ''ot
ktntohotw it tugt toi hu, hotw swtis it?
Wi'thot a I oenutci's hsitatiti, ihere
plied : '''They uerstoodt ev'ryiniig liit
tie Frenceh groupmi, andi mie' swouimldike
uncut 'itmorrow1 ttw gmult
Conversamtilni ftdi to ie idiividul
numbm es onmitie programsiandiby way'
ttf e'xilanaion om f thisftst gupmiiof
ItainmsongsSMse. ia stidi: 'iie
reastoim1I dectdedl tsng toldu, %
probabinly unmfamimelime stngs wstsb eaumse
I -thoutithe usd11itmittas cyrl tis myslf,
wudhe tredlotiold111 esut-smms It,
'Ctroetu 1511 t hiis ammimmru't eumustihr'
tainmg t lach et suithIaI group( matthue
tal I limit''programmbut I thik limit
te peple appreciateu it. If fty'didit,
I mmi lhappy,' mmand leu'smileen'ufor'ce'di
lue stateet.
'Thomughm tills ttiitmet'semedto tt55-
tet'and'mmuItie'Frencehistonmgo utast f 'ml,
thety were titusbes htinigs oi ihe 1r0
grtmim besinmutie full semsothwrd
Stichmsonhgs titlst behi'lerid seral
limitssbefores'thusy' dani he'fully umoc!
Nevei' have sotos 1ben gus'snmunmuhe
Frenchmonutmgue sstheoy'were'Lasinmuti
Xiii suly' iin hese,ut throuughutmh is
wsholme program, im e, Sinus'. ed 's
tatr lmts itl e''.hlresingingmmnd m iret:
were' hussmuintoiam sus' tpefet e t sits-
'Pou. In the (Gav'ott' fronul'l Siion,
lien grandi(oieratrtainihg mes c-e
eient. lrienmterpetant'mionstt raiils-
cndetdlthe hounduus f tie c'hmmuopla:e;'
lie wordi atistic is cat, luthnoutohmr
wordmotrime tincurtely'exessess er
hum' "Amtiuiii, ChiantiVettoties:"
"Stmenmmmicint'i"n i"Tie Yta's mt tie
Sprinmg" there wstlw msays tie ft'eliing
thtkt l Sbme. Aita iupossted tmweathiio f
reseree force, which co~ul he tallet mmi-
tut if neeess'ary' It is this siutonstius
Ktnoiwedge f tie shge's mabii Ito
meet esvemymdeuimanushtmlumumnlie himhat
makes ue sucess ofI inprogam.m
M. IRichardil Ii'g('t i s misert'tug
of tutu editst ha imu 5hsumathis allottei
toi al aecompist. Th1 lie leutyi- sit
"Stindctehn"u 5w15mcmum na geae as-mm
mie tohumissotqtistle vorelatithut piamum
It is a mmiiotle fit that mum ths mess
gram, sonmmgo umin'Englishmsere gve'm's
inmporutantiaIplac te 15s5s1on"s5ioslr
tonues; ndiut i msesopeemially sgimhat mi
thttthey'received ltie greaerltsitaro

An apparatus for mamnufactmirinig ice tLibraians 'T. WS. Rocs has jmisi re-
has just teen iinstalled in the steaum tuinedi fruit the mueetinug if time Moichui-
enginieerinag laboratory. The imachinme gan it brmary tssociationi, mhili ml Jackl-
anricniemih~nasuiioiiini eeratuie yae- nlls r} n" i~c ~rs};rt.. ,

age Co. of Chicago, andl s itsisallttionmupresidhetof 1151' umngtmiztim 'fle
TloutsSitelimi, the faimoums ex-Yale has beein under the supeerisionm of Me1. meetinig was swell attendmed anth a papuer
enod, is coactmhing time einds at lime Uniiver- Eudell, 'o2 E, who is with that comipanoy. was reatd hy lobs. EloRuimeof of lime
sity of Mimmuesotzm, . It will he used in making experimnits Buffalo pubmlic libsrary usia "Childen's
freshmeni this year defeated ike see- of the passage of heal through walls Right to Poetry."
tindm-y'etmn in thoe aminusal flour and antI also for instrtiction in the theory l F. C. Goosdrich of tme general libratmy
salt rushes tit Syracuse Ultniversity. of artificial refrigeration. is rehiring treasumrer minIthe assocdiationm.

r . ? E

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