TH~t MICHIGAN DAILY usting ,*Buds rlll I 12 -,1,, 1111111, illi'm im , ; ; _ _ k- Siikgests the freshness and harmony of our I N'W SPRING FASHIONS. Our models are irvoidi of fads _yet Superb in style rightness. Wewill fit you with nineering precision at a price that fits your purse ! ARL MALCOLM 118 East Liberty CALL ANI) SEE THE ry ~rd Copamny 70 . Vrilveralty Ave. F:, ... z,_ : -_. r'chool of Dancing e SH4iven by Appointment i t' r my phone 246-OfficeeHoursl10 o 12 a. m.,2 to 4p. m s iUNDSBai Dresing, Shampoinlg I flLein, a e issge Ruain I WvirrShampeose aSpecility. All3 I Iand tiiwelsesterilized befoe eusng3 r"I MS. J. R.TrROJANOWSKI i l,. g110eSoth U iversty Avc j UNIVERSITY NOTICES All men whlo wish to help letter the i~u idiplomas miak aiplicaton inper son in ile office of th Seretry of the Unsiversity toay from 1i o I Sopli tug of-waniates10we1ih in at WVaernmn gymn froiii3 :30 to 3:30 to ay. Junior laws eligileThomon. Rifle mein take 3:1ifcar ast foiPak ard street range today. Relay tryouts this aftro o, 1err fielid gate. i :00 to 35:30. Weighing is for fresh tip ,of tcamiithis aftrrsoon 11n0g11nt e itl 3:00 to 5:30. Meeting of all spring contests cmm11 i tceiie at Ufnioin today at 12 41) First senior liingsoight1at0 0' 3 senior bench. Meeting of all setions of lDeich Vereihi, today at one. i',-ctioof of- \VIIT HLL OPEIINS FESTIVAsISt lii 3. (Contiined froiiipa gei. is a airi criterionl by 011hichto 11recetion of a iiemiitir m1aybe1judtged. Tille(quil site imiagry that Smletnt Is m1ov1n1in- to the voceienh e orelsta, tte on- litrfullytreiastic radlig(wic h work reeived uiller the Iattonof Mr. Stoek, outd not fal11to rae a (etini least artistic solitheauincIh sttely idigiity of t iemrhngo h "w arriors of 011" bfr t csteo cioe was a adistnct opo~lsiCltlt iMt a," aiid the two formeildt a mo st in1r estinig group. Coiieriing thll 03mpliiony3itiie (as ire whiiehtwas manetledin 1 te 11 Ii inlg givni the third 111011m1ent Ihas 11 that tie "cestissm"fud 1- 'tile favor The hmbgnig tilt strinlgs pilzaao ade go h rapidly ccittatedpeapon oi h< illnc ho, washer sveltis uit g cil5the orseeftit,,1 movlemeti, and ati eclisicesive rre enllce till audi-i tory (rvCs of the lil-I IIrs seemdto te mre highly exited,atilecast tf 1n judlges froiii the exprcssilln5 01 Ilaces. The Divora "Scerel 10priccoso0 011111the flazoounow I"Carivlcav(3ture1~ foriiid the rmiaiititftheIItprogram 1. Tonilght tie Chora U11o1111 ketitioI initial tipperaneeof t1 ( seaon in'th IHainde oratorio "Jiidas Mltebea." Professor Satley wit wield tillbahonI o((eccthe ocehestra, c hos1111 te ot- Ioing soosts:.el esatAte,so pranlo; Jaiet Spencer, cotl 't; Ied Miller, tenor, and oato P0Coe, hass Mr. L. L. Reick ' will piay3thi organl parts. COMiM osA'ct 11111 '0005 l XI CI. A lnew stailed gasswiloll ly N- cola dAseenzo was placeelithie wIet side of the luse of the ge111ral11ibrarI yesterday afternoon. TheieIl rlto llt tihe loiwer iaiel reads, "I Memoiamrlll Edward Lortineiichtte, Lost at Sa, July 4, iflgflb." Waltr sas a icofessor (f Roiniee lagigte (erunil h Iis deathin i the disaster of La otourgon, a seanmer of the rrnchlhne WILL 1eKTUosi Os LEGALssi, oC. lMoi.1,a1wrecice Maxwell, ofCintin nati, foriier soliioi-geieral of tie Uiiteid States, will gle a series of le- tures 011 'Legal Etis," egiiiiing unext 'Tuesday t 4 ii room G. of the lass b uildiig. 0N105D1NING ROO1(001 PI0(!00'J'O lADIiSo The diiiig roots of the Unlioni mitt lie open 111 ladies feti liiiit'ti and din- ner throughiont the Mfay Itesiti'f Thc prices for these mls arc311011M11 7: cents. UNIVfieSIcY S]3le1J,%T iiS'cSL The i191-i 110 rsity blleltins inst hee iiissued tliii 55eet, aiid lilylbe s- 'cuired at the offices of Secretary Smiithi id Registrar Halit Saturday, May 13 Maurice Campbell PRiESEINTS Henrietta CrosmaO'n In an everyday comedy The The Peacock and Goose PRICES: 35-50-75-Si1.00-si1.50 Sox seats $2.00 Seat Sale Thursday, May 1 1 Saturday, May 27 Matinee and Night Glorious Return Jos. M. Gaites' Most Success- ful Musical Comedy THE GIRL OF MY DREAMS John Hysms - Leila Mclntyre and tsametbilia~nt omaniy Book and Lyrics hy Wilhur D. Neshit and Otto Hanerhach' Music hy Karl Honclina The most charming musical play of the Season o ~ uRthePla- lotmanwho' -neer caught " off t5 t llow w hlose keen brain r yKnit nns1les act together in- / col l 1).\lscle -which respond 1ttiis ,,t th will, and a quick usc re te reultof right dieting, dsltc' fod,1'builds brain tissue Ppi lltsCtoel- eybecause it con- i~oo uuribnontof whole wheat, in to.paattbe lo1 di gestible form, un- tI:., md.;:otforno-s of wheat which lose ciin tcfiling elecments of the grain. Made enly by The Shredded wheat Company 13 Niagara Falle, N. Y. 10' a ' + K. -e INew Whitney Theatre Cueetain. 8.15 P. M. Later coe rs aneet seated peroemptly. Hotel Cumberland S.W. Cor. Broedway, at 54th St., NEW YORK Niar 51 St. 0Subway aed '.10 St. lm eateil / -~' KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome f Special rerms for College Teams 4 Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof F Transleut ates, $2.50, with Bath. and Up. cc All Outside Rooms. Send tor Booklet. UN4DERt THE MA&NAGEMMENT OF Harry P. StIrmoet, foemerly with ttotel Imperial. R.. J. B~jnvhm..em, foermerly with Hotel Wooidward FA MmI LY 01100 THEATRE Stekrting Matinee Today Zrihe Sensational Melodrama Caught -by WI RELSS Founded on the Doctor Cripperi Case Classy voile-vil--Superior photo plays lOc - Adrmission - Never Hig~her I OC 'Tu enclose in your 'ounoeneemnent Invitations Plate and 100 cards $1.00"4$3.00 LAN~E & FUELBER 310 S. State St., upstairs . TOM LOVELL Is your FRIEND He wants your old Shoes PHONE 205 BLUE Al Any Time and Ho Will Call n __ _, -. F _. __.. _,_.,, Z%-TYI LES MILWARD, THE ATILOR THlE BEST OF EVRY THIING IN TAILOIRINO