"HE RMICHIGSAN ]DAILY 5, TAESTREET nigdsplay of ogadSum- eSyles )ASand avg.tre :;a: [altars ) Pica es Studet. P1 t ' CARDS 1 ~ ~ : o) A" r late THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-L Er A WHITrE Business Manager-NOMAN H. HILL.. EDITORS. News Editor...........Harold Titus Assistant .............I-larry Z. Fola Athletic Editor...Water K Towers Assistant ............. J. Fred Lawon Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files... Dion S. Birney EDITORIALS. Arthur J. Abott. Pant Leidy NIHTe EuITOS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward H. Robie Maurice Tolnme RPORTRS. Ernest Burton E. M. Wakefield. John I;. Cox. F. . Shaw, Jr. John IH. Townley. Wallace Weber. Gerald J. May Emmett Taylor. C. Harold Rippler. J Selig Yellen. Lore Roinbsoots nI. T. lDaghery Robert M. Gillet. BUSINESS STAPP C. A Bowman A. R Dilley. Mye Rubin. Kenneth Osorn. E. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Griersn. C.. IIKleinolnek Joseph N Fochard Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg, Maynard Street. Office Hours. Managing Editor, r- p. in. and I1:00-I1:30 P. m. Daily. Bunsiness Manager, 1-5, 7- p. III., Ex cep1 Sunday. Both 'phones 96. 'I IRSI)AY, (IAY i, iii. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. May 9-2-Art Exhiit, Memorial Iall. May o, 1, t2, 13.--May Festival, Uni- versity Hal. ba Ias.i-W~omns L egue Flectois, Barbour gym, 2:00 Ic 6on, May i-Syracuse vs Mihigan, Feiry field, 4:05 pm May so.-Junior engiieei class dance, at Gr anger's. Mayi 213-Fresh-sopli contests. wkiARlIIiiiOSit CAPiS AND G(WN, Tuedays aid Thursdays for twiiwekss ,a1crs ing-oit day hive beeii decreed by tshis Studint Couici s says on selili Aeca aid gwni shall be worii by ll eios. I teisas noticeable Tuecdy that this- cusom.iiiwas observed ly isupris I).-iiiosmallroortioni of the prospect- graduoate s. Whteter this failure is 11°rthe siori garb swas M Iss lacc ) roper inotificalti to the seiior cass- ior to carrlessiiss or disinlita- - n, the fact riiains that uinless the I ,crec of the Council imeets swih more uivisersal observance, usie of the most ui que traditiois of the university wil fall into desuetude. I orner years it is been the es- tosm of the seniors is wear the cap aid sassncii all Tuesdays and Thursdays betsseesi swing-out cay and commeice- sceit This frequnicy dd not meet with .iihe approval of a large majoriy of the -siniors, especially those in the profes- sonoal departments; as a consequeince tie Council this year linited the number if says, in the hope that all departmeits scld joinini observing the custom. bAt siniors are urged to appear iii the regulation .cstunme today and osi Tes- &It aid Thirsday of next sweek. A trope ealization that thin custom is not pe rsonal1is characer but represents tirthei , isieuit of a class, should .preveiy- silor is its observance. gaitORATOSnLO.0K5MONMY The Northern Oratorical League con- test was iiot a financial success, result- inig in as deficit of $130. One fourth sf this deficit will be borne lay the local association and three fourths by tine otlier six associations in- the league. but coulsdni't Nit ills an shorn M~raclistrri -i ror taut Beltlflied to rilt strove oiiehstintrdsee -i Marlit. M~auurice 'teevr W'altnuer stole secsoudilani a base sii balls lust It lie catchei isdith1e sCain 'The score. j sIlCIltO1Gvi -20") IC I-Till ib -.. ...4 MartintA .oh . is Bll If -.. .. .4 ii Wasltnier cf -4- i AI. Myers - isi Mitchell rf ii )Munoivici . is.. liorts ste c ..-,.,-. is h-ays 3b ....... 3 io lNleliltansiss**s-s l'ren-isc ...Is . t? i Iii rrisslio .o Campbell f)i .... I t}- 5 1 ii i-ni-.1 stis Id if-Ist ion lian ii'- ti ii \'W iltliiir Id lthats itec rinis is for 'itch t di tsrewi esk fule t OV1IZ O(N 'VRt-SIT gY. f Centirsed frmPuge t limstsealsig, wiitht ssatloing 1 I sesi 1 o scosre fromsird.ses IIsslls isi rvc Is i sisig le tlsnisgli ts th t sc oild Its Ws~aa ss ('un, C tlitI sail -motiher sal rondint thle svii s Hestared iby, asising Nb iliansai the next'.tlwoihIsi ters drossvie5 sins nto riht tIt scis ns the run. Thse Wolverne s relliscI is 1heiisth z ,t 'sIlTI I IISCOFFCIS s O\\ RlEADY FOR BUSINESS. 'The is s-new 2oc reflectinig telescopie at -h lsri si setundserenct thesfilte'st in its coli t-t itiii list sighs, wis-hecsosn- sitin sadijsi2lIiustini issmili Ilessto (111 ct visitiioe 'Thie iinumeniIties sit sit libeeniadjsls-te-dlts spectroisciciii I-t-- sach woiioilis heIisvsariablestarsIi till be stre is isati onsceandiislliIbte cirrie-i 'l-t'e l~tisoe iseighissnite tons ansisC esitndslrgest if itsIsindilis Amuer- I; -' tM]the intricate electricasicoelitst hsavet.t etenissiadle.'1'he internasi ir.t-. te isistruensssst are opseredsby 11 ers-suittightest sduiet elbstlerc As.slarge itsints- fosise iscarefracetinig i- is- is n oss-is pesscss sif conistre- istll a Iforthe sssisI, ill South'Amersi- Sbo lullS 5(1K FIIIOSIS TEN F1IM I1RIZI I, sbLAWCl,ASS. '11 ftI slls ~ig ten mie n rom tie fiesh la ls c~r lectedstoliWoNolsck, te.th ltno a oisty, ystIerday. sotn I iffs-i 1.1, 'Mrr sis . I lrkeshtlstseicps-itu-l es llIssAdelsi \soitrwssl metssidais Iih ftis we tli7thcsislokinthie c t rolisi-C.-s.i hi pmai n w'ii'iiill it TENNIS. GOODS The Best in World With 100-KACKHTS To select from Prices $1.50 to $8.00 Restringing Rackets We will mkyinu iutsc-kst asoodii as, n(se if yousivill leave-it Nstius fit oti'nesek Prices $1.75 to $3.50 WAHPt'S University Bookstore 1(sRits C--,-Nlsile litattesio lIst \bcltASt-C .,I I Is-ris ofcC ..- latistert 3b-.. Ktzicss-..... Slssetissebs.tb... t Gloser if ."....4 bb ittials s21,.3 Richs If - :1- 'Myers t) 4.. x i n c rli 1 1 i 1 c c t t 6 11 7 I Carriage and Baggage liar ei Couple So amu fromt parties Se tosi--1 isneises $ 1.50, after i12 eisl. $2.00. Fit eehTrunkiosor rom doo~sir, theo price w-I1ii he 25 Cents. Isf carriesd t or hrnisup-stairs.,Slip price will be 50 Cents. Drivers are requiredi So collect cashi for earriage' and baggageservice WALKRi'S t.IViEt iROBINSO)N .&Ci). >. i. STANII- itiiI 11VsI wl. c y cs I 5 n oe 7S w Mediclga M ,mo-nn Lw Books -ti l ldic.' Dictionaries 12 TM ketc. . '11sNe md See- (Adhsuokstakrsi. Exe.,-hauge 3265,5 FAE STREET ScondFto Tel. 761 To al ...... - ill 2 - Irv itnis l .«..-i 12 3 I4h5 ti 78 S 5 .I _Vlishsis -.. .. . o o ) i oos i Wb\ as-h.....Isisoo lI Ioio - ISusnas : Thee ast et-lra 5 n sacrifsice h I C. 5 i'2 Il-lI tol l tilsc-M :fbyers;s--of]rn 2 ill 3 Iligoff Campllh4 init 5 s; Cie olbal--ofCampbelul ItsA'it Ms ers I;struck-.out-bisFreiileub;C iltsp sbct c ts byl ss o-s le.plsa'ts h.. s to' Slsieluiel I passedlbsills-Iluli s s2; swild Ipithes--Fret a 2; it ebyp itchiser--- CaiiptbellhI ;time of gsssue 2 .10, 1111 ls Strsvenson. SeuiACo-iS 5COI0ISctDis 'Thie SI itlssistsasrrissetiere CrisisSir- louise this siftenofruuthCciirstnoll-5 test of lhe hiso0;gauss. series taissi10 kesep this- olvsserins butaspythcerest o the welii'hegaise wiill begin .a1 4 :05, NVCPI