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May 11, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-05-11

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___, __c 1ganDaily

Vol. XXL.


TlIIRSD Y, MYTIIt, 1911.

\s ' 14

Failure to Connect With Myers iii-RiiiIisssss
Brings 3 to 1 Defeat to 'laboiatoryiiat Wood's Hole, iasiwill
Wolverines be awrdedsIsljSrear ilii th ls sit
dearme t. ile ii--tothI ofeXoli r
SYRACUSE WILL APPEAR TODAY teiietitiei~she hldit s e uti
(valued(R at Ilso) fr hi I 01111110ii tt I iiii
\b abashishanded t h- le Wlvileriness a Po t ieR qlsit hard in 01128(.F[l,
hr m,( Irt i e sIR hbll lot ,}este~ r- M ns andii Vki(RiisitV-i ts iii t
da ife non iiininii a slowh contest 12 bli reMay2o. iii iowt of
to hitecussa V odsEhl sm d i
llihiH)s ownal, tleiec nisf he t ooliitii i llt u h i andi it iiiii s
iii iiiii ieiiiiil, osfts it m ttheobaneifom slsls DunbarIi
to ts- ni lity f e r liii i llci t 'ilis I .I.ITillieI'l isit of Icllicii()

Sophs Uncork Enthusiasm for
Thel ixi pian ificlassiresusinin s Irl
Impending Struggle With beenforl ly adoiptsedl bythe sessissiti
FreshmenandilIths.iitiir -seniostrs are nxpieceni
raifi in thei Rii ear future. The plani
- li iiites lori the im rst:-I reniinii fsthe
FINISH PREPARATIONS TODAY ilaissof i in riiz1-t, ltanlwh ic tin h
1si'rst dntshill, i tape i clna-ss will tercolhuor.Ti Tx alls~
if them orgaizaitio i ll ii hdin I nht iii ;1.
l sci ty ur lessts Ii jeli. nyo urncu-the yril NN-mmi tuh, muncienr t~m he \ ncnln ; iii,
des I iiiRand st iiick t h t ripe lilin C ' i:, 'mi i r -

Large Audience PesdWt
Works of Nesian

Irtse iil
itd lii

led itil
iii I rd ii th
ila y m e -il 1eI

t itll

i r Ii

d ivelili a li ,tht Iir
scr tc il still-l' ili' h
lit, as it c t citit
lit adli nt ee1tlc
if lc iil-ci i o i t i
ins si, tills tle. >
I s m- ig iitskI i 1 1111 1
1 ii 1 tatniii g ilt o *17
Itcs s zt n lyc sr i
is Rat i i n 1c°fed .

allowt bii
-les asit
iiiil: sill Rn
hut 1w111
fi e rittIII
ilte slti,-
Ii int to I t
h esit ltl
7s *iii s, lthe

t1'li it lii i
1, s Rl ' ; Il)ii

wil attlso reunito Idusts Isis i.
''aIt lan1111wa s acnepted by aIt
classes ofissiis ' sid i simm ultl i


i t111 1 ii(

l ' -crlt

nd ll tRat is sni i, make I-
since nss 1Si stesiin. t- tt i 111 S 1('--sill I
American Paintings in :Memorial lalb
Prove Drawing Card i"

t c

nissvgl ii, theiscsti- \''di thirisc-i
icry. ClititaliI IiII,;tltis t i of a1sick~
bii-i, wsit ii.io rshae 'aisdI sutso idw
Marsc- l ll is dddto i ei is i llis
beforethe cotest i s Ciio1 orii.i 15.
Ai i tiifs, iinelii rdtist put 11 C.
iiin a l nte irstueIinistilsi.it Itmut
Hay 'ps ickedi tusitsayis tsisli Itsi base
line and iiifrosit of tIeick,--Ibut Um-
pieSi wtn ll ai ts wis ii 111 litst iii-
stills1fitlit1lst. iiiR -a itmiiadinolbe
VO iled aihitniisI1Renli. tambiiet fRet
('W ith asacrificelacidmut renzlo lst
hi otolmnrti,-cu anditlis iitched
1st i-isti edInR thess ec eit hut idelay.
A tics Itill Isad ifiilid-iRlst t -iiislin do
a beauitiflshIit 11151 Ith- Iout ineito
riht Is. I ecivd a nadysikedt
lein Imin-tp irqi 1 1 tsecondR suitbut
fill- thi stisndcap ouldliavsis-registeredi
soit un. s t R s eIrasitir
for Iisi s credt isisstsiitn le t btl'
q-c usulergct byhiltut
.lRtc sni iwass itu1ner1ahicaterthe fiest
, betlga srath inge ft~si t li
itRhave beien liti isditMislini typs's>i
ai ihoe Rust flen- sIis Rstartsli
edRthe- fifthtiwilthIIaRflukvRisCandisitisotht
Inas s ndsi Ils \tliii fai itd I t s-lu in -i<
Ruit Itrringtonliwsse'-ilitiptis sit fir
lireuland tsnore thle ru. tte stillcksiut.
Milsnsiuirt IisleRi-dingtintossetotd
andBolek tkhis tlane.
sist nsa ',G in SiSillilON CAisissi,i~,
Campitbellt Rits be-en beptoth05te nairss
ingipctifo iaftsiergcylea111dRt:.its
thesltask if holinthse tvisitorsnactitsRn i
the' sisti. IWithi tisls tspif thesIbattinig
siser ssipRs.litsseil thte ist nus sait
tiiiamert nsciriicesRkissito secolssMCati-
tii oesrst-etrit s oIniithes-pliytandssRo
iedthiesthrsotitsIT1aisstsi-twas stafe
and - enirsiantis-sthtiiir. tlambi et
stareditfar seco u tsnil ls aie
(Continued on Page 2.)


Poor Condition of Two Law: Clakes 1
Victory Easy
Rn iisticapptss- b l ack ofsiR5 5 ;{ W
juisrss lIsis relatnis mti 11 11t 1113 t.
deetilt tstilris ills-c iii 1 ti'
-scix(t isdednes ior lit (its - Is1 l
Iit ry ;y s t in he its il(, relayi
Rhlip nses sis ofthe s i lerts il
Its li11,11ts -tils ? s r 1 st isis isis-c
fits,shi t a c o o Irs atOl str
1;o nto1 to k te t ich irom 1,, ity
111. istdIsrhla lt~s c( f l
Iltherc o 1 lt, umn aiy n
lIis iaNin c b -oyadbil pteo
-t <tn1ills tis al it tisi f r R euss y rs
D ilr I P. . Ai ais rdlist()itIVis
tlIthecneils sut aIrss ofithessisisit
alits si"C ofts e isis 15IX sil-isli Its I S
tsile Itis.haseit aind -ti Po Issoa
rte s sl-ctisstst s q sic s )Iss 1;x:sl it s .
Ml ii-tiin.Dr. It lrsoni Neill Iheisits ~(
facty roi oft heiicisgJ Ms e d2 ical. btilig
tilt eyicisii ss isiidude T>,nl wsilltseci
tiltstudits W110sthaieti11stiae 555 5 l0-It
uS I Clher (^ itaii ii s h r nts s its h to i
cosut is.lllncringth15 exsition;'
lilt tsbe ttheld si lls R1u I'. if th i s- si Itit'-
ii{ {tixt Sttissitn at nil p. i1is Alt seior is
st 5 iitieidt to patiicipteit tist Ileave
I IR A'tICfICttNIN 171,1

r- l clv tilts crcIs s- - a
ill tttt ': 11 (11itll
1 - n ts t s !"ilt S 5and till
it l t i 1 t l tlt iiank
itit st it si t i cll Cti
l.i h iiist itcst i5s cIt,
kvth - tf:c( I Navy siltsn

i ll--
s Itr

It1 . 7tissrisl

line'r threes -rd r Ivcs- .
itt( t 'iw t i l t 1 s 5~I a t e ";
itit tssAnnsssis I Art asoiaion
evi ci t- it .stilts 5 ii ears sid l i f
lIs - ii Cii i l ul ar 11 .'
lo i ng;st e lts tsi walltis "eliersit -
tcat-tl Islic it 1 Iri tils
Nsssssithistnonlttt-lit2 iT--
catlo-ie whch av heztliinaiv-I
T11\JR<1litI i TRO1'iy IT1
cl e sss-in cii sas-istli isill Is--si-i- tie ti.-
the position iofni-talgile l-in-iIl
iwstIith Rhe si-c-it 1Moiois Cii., if Isc
tri.M.Lmstili t pre1 snit hits
c i of 1 s ~the metal'slii ci- an. ico

t~ll ' selen't" its t tit ilt it~l' o l
iatz t i t the s)) t Itt 1i-iar testis
anit C ittsills Itsi)li r-i-ss v
1- soill Rn 5t r pt a t i lie 5 iii
stlst Snii i in tt I li stints4,1 frclilcl
; 5 {s)tl ii i s Ni It eI pste{ Ird
(ContsinuedioniPage 3)

; I ric
I forIi

- ti lcyI. tat
555ol i tltc
Isr 1 litilse
-- it~rl a l
pictsat it,
s-iis-t)1e It~c

yI V(

l II N [,

l? POlCRtIl IND1'
RICUt S' fONt sIllI(

Football Men Take Light Workout
on Ferry Field
flits a it sesifo t lathmua spondis sed
tohi callttof Capsin IsC'ststhtim yeterday
aft mess si :3sand rcp~rt i t nil.nc uy field
fo li i irlst lists ofsitpriusg practe
Its 1y thin ligltesi i sets tprinipally t~5pass-
I mis t nuts-iiuwasii til iithe smesn be-
catse mlfRter sftt ttsititsui
Its'imm i m i I wce -ive sy
us scb Ii -l, 1-urdI smutC'nsrelnl ren
teiil. sithe lst t 51stirllis.'Cisllisliialsuo
heps- verl sn-is-cittis warrniors Iiisi lit
Nexin hedi yatr~oilI~s c
Ni-t f Irsthseco-si R'w I-sasloCh )It1si-si
i lMts tilt mss W11ussusis-tI ts t"") i Ismus t-
sui nt isaIitlIto reptssmtislewerle.

1 e c n litii - - I3 an . l Imit'ts
I slits lac a1 lu.111 mc se tis diamu
j)tin beteilis ii103 d(Re s.
.it eulmie isti ill'sf tmess Is ffn -cs
muss soittsusill hbn hislit Satiuday i
mmt: «"1bsm Rsovesha Thi:;s sit
butlt ofrimordstshuldbelivetusslsie
rumsbjc otsereal.s lasits rnt n ansds
1itseiststster wilt talees-Ili utiim mmaine
wileitLaumresne 1and1 tq-tbestisum uswitl
iiuol thme negtive.
Thbe eighith anthtest liticty tofthin it 5s)-
cicu serlii-esswill hbsehhli t Crtliere's
toniughitfriomiii toIs12.IiT-h11a1 in55lt
lan,-, ito constine h ulnssunex s t yeasr.

hi its It - press iv5 c,
husto-ils no t nI good
Is l mi> in s 5.
lime sit i ts)Ili.. m uss c X
pr stu a u-m t icI .1 ,s
iimmcitiihofthesllmu 1
ise I~ inh u I --
left itt slle i tI -
ati-c Iduucti mtutif 1
C(Isss t hssi t 11 itiI~
el-ilMils-kitg msil mia snnI I
ltis Rue SOilitelst hI Ii, 1 1i
smundt 1 l ltlst I1v1c 55- Ri-m i-ls
as M < ,t,, >asu uaPue4

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