THE MICHIG~AN DAILY IDEAL jUNIVERSITY NOTCESf the library, \Veiliiin fit [iu- I ii tutu I i0- Made to our specifications day :30 o 1:: 30 iat :nt. sYover this popular last and equal 'iritiit orlriii itiii tO otoddl ::330to In style and detail to our $6.00 5:30 cititidc e r l d 313 iiState trethidh f Iand $700 shoes. S'HOES (AMPAIG;Id 100;la rdS $1 ,00--$3.0 DETO __UNTEDLINS , 1911. ___ Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and LA.- FELBER Jackson L n ig ih 31 SasStnstns Detroit Limitead-£1:13 a it., 1si Ia. it. 12:13 vi Kalamazoo Limited - 7t4ti a. tnt:461ais.,. Michigan Central "-1146 a. sItI 1:46 p.i., 3: t46 p.i, (ti:46 ___________________ anitg I7:46 p. i ccun ' Local Care EastlBoundm-Taosetroit, 5:45 aa. 0.0. F. GRAND ENCAMPMENT AT LITTLE & CO (sit' To Ypsiscti, 5 4 a. mssadihalftsour -'A ND PATRIARCHS MILITANT n Yti1 isIp. sa., also tatt15, 1230l m., Tickets on sale May t5 and 16 1911 LU CL (I(i)I4 I iii oa. im. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. (sit natn Stnd a ft"c line itftConfectitosery Loc l Cars Weal Bounds-5i:40 arc.,7155a. tittl etr ulit ts to roeici iginas tairtinsg 1 rI ,asndieverytwo Sours Itl 1:5 p us. poinit sot tat eteane icligit o Nt ity is, 191 QCONCH>~ Speaking of ' sJI _v out of your pocketc eii1 and go, colleref zodyo out r favorite T'obaCrtlsc 2 xFatama Ctgarettes- noyic!see i' whait digferen Otil pleasure they niIli01i/t) an the smoling:n you Mtay not.c ruabout _:c1lt4 :. learn a heap Tobacco w1ll cfzech packaege of We have 1 ;oget apops- tee a piat tou-fran L o ftoeo gives you InO s. ;or~a :t(12x32)-as-! 01 THE AMERICAN OBAcr3co, is not inspired by your every- day affairs. It comes when the un- usual pleases you. 41 When you find a shoe which is stylish, fits so pore- f ectly that there is no "breakin¢ in" and dives you lone and splendid wear, isn't that cause for enthusiasm? '""" /QR ,MEN heen all these quautieseandest leare ell the queltitesewsich ¢o to malte perfect foet. "wear. S tyle, quality end fit ae built into every pair. Let Us Shout You. Aihuand & Forsythe I w J r --- --- - ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MEL WARD, THES T ILOR TIHE BES iT VOFEVERV THING IN TAILOR~INQ