TE MICUITOAN DAIL~Y .. .. x - Y~ _ _ _ .. ....,........, _--__4_.__--. _. ---_ _ __._ . C! G l~eyziillionaire has built his fortune upon the ''ifs" of the other sian-the inatwo hesitaited and then let hisi opportuit v -puss- th- opportunity of hav- hg yourii fall sulit made in your measure ini tho e ery latesttand imosi fashionable Malcolm, 118 E. Liberty Othei menu inithis~ town are. setting ahead of you and ordering frotioiir delight- fli todile and appealing fabries. Our prire s ore low,5very lor, buit dtaitiy is hI 'I Granger's School of Dancing .Trntte c htsi iny time. lThe tĀ£itlt isirosooysu yusd. CassesnforLadioesn e netle m Ty uni T hursday Evenings, 7:00 for Particulars tall at Academy or Phone 246 Ienvry abnd Compaony Furnishers to Men ]I Juniior lit class ifeeliog iiwest lecture roomi, Physsirs luboratory. at 4:0(1 P. iM. F~ritday. Nominiati on of class oifficrs. Sophitoore eiigiiter tl es-tit IJrlat at 7:0tt f. Ill., mornit311, net ingne irs prafcinictiofsiort ilitiftal temit (outh Ieiry-ielttu 13301)11. today AlXlioitto ltctcaptalin. Ali junior lit fotblt l l ii iwhtilt isho toii trloil for iteami will rtil t it:00 iscoc itodatyli iat uthi lirn-fiteld.tl1c- IFioreste situap fire-I' utrity igh'ltM Castade (let Xlettti X tthtall it 6itt;iswit ailuartier, knifel, fhutspolt intl cup. prtaitice today it 3:00s i'd ti-ok. South Mee-tinug if girls' sentiort secttuionoft IctitsclictVereii'l'hurisdattat4:t0t0 f. i.ilXVercii rooti. Mantiageoif clts fotbl te s shoutilil ittieoarranigemcn o to ;Is t itt ias poss'ibletor ItaItitttheir teasut exminedutuc 'T'hese lihysictal eoaiti tftus will tl llet t it'eiii lliectiig. Sophomotistre ]its will unoiteit tiiti ti oni eridgsy at 4:00 ttO'lokintt lpl 1,1(tickiduesuMatihefuryldfthen. Bersimier's Grill. Charatiuttl e 7-coilt1f. If ftouinteedrIftoutitshoes r pitt 'il1Q the overis-i- lt(613IF. XXillititti Th IUnivrsity Shoeti'Shop. --tif, TIII IPE XXI IJMSIC Sb1It-tIffS. Ptiinot,Pipe Orgtan, XViiceC t utue. Comps~itslion. 332 Sithli Iltisioti SI , phonetic1076-J IBeltl. oeae itouritordiro fit flutiatutnting. I-if. tryourt coffee. XWeccnir'stbutIt, ,311 Mayar isttrStreet. i-li. NFRE II-\IXN I IMPONRTANT NIITI('IXI rutoh, we-re ttaeni hr Lyndon , 11oto- graithet, 7119 N. litirstityAvc. 12 IIf DtXPTAI, CLINItC. 'fle lDeitlC(linis' is nowtot petchfit s iritt pltes, cown is, britdgi-s,adrg Ilatit oftie teeth itill hoeostrti-ileti-t iaytfro IttnctoIs ts-eli-c t'cloctchotse ti-s ill fitnd the Clinticopcin toerylaf- cet1 Sturdayfts. 7-if. ITIX. lluront. P1e to- utJ. I1-tf. F Wednesday, Oct. 26th Frazee & L.ederer's Greatest Musical Laugh Production ll'F'SFNTING RICHARD ICARLE (HIMSELF) Jumping Jupiter EDNA WALLACE HOPPER Lillian Shaw, Prances Kenndy., Itia Claice, Will Pi~lbrick, JosetihiC. Miron, and Some Girls, Yes, "Seventy". Prices, 35c to $1.50 Sli l tsi ilotpenn dautly. 0(1-2 New Whitney Theatre Cute-tarno 8.15 F, M. Lsate comers a eate nd ene-smsptly. Thursday, Oct. 27thI Charles Frohman Presents the Mueical Comedy Success THE DOLLAR PRINCESS Book by Wiliner and Greenbaum Music by Leo Fall As Presented at' the Keickerboker Theatre, New York City for One Year 21-BIG SONG HITS-21 Hear "A Boat Sails on Wednesday" Price Announced Later Watch This Space NwShow Tonight---Thuarsday, Friday, Satuerday Paul ValdoLate Mwthe KELLAR Notts-X'aladitn is one of the greatest slats tin the. Aimerican stazce. "VENITA" the startling disapieiuramue it a living wtomtan stispendled ini-ir.i 711 M. Urviversity Ave. Anex Arbor, Mich. Oberita Sisters Danecteg Novelty GEOe CROTTY Eccrettic Comedian Lde'Huir Dressieg, $hamoig Rain-Wuter ShamnpootsA Specialty 111-00 1:11:1 nd11 vols010fct, y~ecal r . . .Trmjaesaeeekt MISS IIARTMAN 11 10 S. tUniversity NM~fAVNNN t ooms53 Packr Phonee 778-L (Bett 6, EASE UP ON THE PROF'S CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Wrteyor hece ndthse ad 101011-brimiig i yurow tpev it i Ic 111"e wac~ieaatallprce, 25.00 ati1up. Under Huston Billiard Parlols Io esPrcsotti ypewrite-ie 5pitti 'The Students' Typewriter Supply Ce. Charlie Weigand,- Prop. Rom 4 Press Buitdieg. Opposite Majestic Fred and Opal, Elliott Entur-alnr Singininer Boy n m erial Ouartet .Music, Mirth, Melody Coming Soon CRUBER'S Elephants Carrage and Baggage coti'uupltoiandiftrtoi tartles Itirt 'loc iul,$t.SO, aftiec It2 eo'lck + $2.011 fil i 'ruitoorifrom ditticte t p i i.sIlie 25 Cents, If carriedtol oiifIrttttiftstairs, the pite will be tt 5tt Cents I)rivesettqirccto muoeufect cash forcarriaeunedm boaagetsevic WA (((tIC's Lit il RY tV. ft. s''A iti'SK i1IttFttLeCIVERiY A. G. SPALDING & BROS. TheSpldig urers i h i72th 'Prs de Ma~c utfOFFICIAL EQUIP- To-adn-Mek 5ENT,fot'attathtmtic t~o s ports and pastiroes. D I~LIt ill Atletic 'bull lieu eARns Sotult1le a co) ii otthf O i1t lithy paldiin y CaoI it it' itti i itOof Gekioo-'t..olrlut Wati's tNi tetiiprt A.+G. SPALDiNG (ea. DEROS, u54 Woodwad Ave. D~etroit, Miche. THE LINDA VISTA One-half block noth of ftue Camepus 1216 S. Ingalls) Ciifl'etttandI I lissitwl'od till 11:310a. Int. Iheatorium Picture, I Board, $4.00 per week .1. rj I C. J. SESSIONS R. E. Jolly's Grand Opening Lunches, Cigars Cigarettes, Tobacco and .Pipes.- Agents 3-B Pipes I CLIFTON, 2t in. high BEDFORD, Zftin. high TThe Me ARRO Voftch COLLARS Sitesnugly to the neck, the tops meet in front and there is ample space for the cravat. t5c., 2fr 25c. Ctuett, Peabedy & Ce.,Makers DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limited Cars East Bouned-OttS a. mt. 10:0 atan, 22P ., 2:20p p.., m.,t 4:20tuf.sni., 0.tO p. Limited Care West Boun~d-95tf4 a. it.. li:5t 1::54p. m.,t3:54 p.m., :5 p m :5 p .no(ui. LoaaiCars EasttBound-Iota Detroit, 5:4iS m.,O6:4:5 a.nm., and every too honrs to 10:45t p no. To Ypsilanti, 5u:45 a. mo. and half iionr- Ftot1t:1t p.nm.. also 12:tS a. nt., t12:t0a.m. tu.5s a.-m. 'To Saline, ehange at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-5;45 a,.nm., 7:1tt n. anid every twohuento 1t:15 p. no. Family Theatre Starting with Matinee Today Comedy Singing aed Dancing Skit THE HARTMANS Teddy and Alice That Classy Singing Boy The Best George W, Phillips.I The Familyscope Comedy Character Songs In animated pictures That Merry Jester Happy Jack Baxley Formally ot Baxley and Woltre and others Commencing with Matinee Monday, October 24 rho only original and autthentiec i etuires of the Jeff ries-Johnson Contest Held at R~eno, Nevada, Jitty 4. 1h910.'t'his is positinely the first time that these pictures havie ever been shown anywhere at 14c A Straight Admission 10c COMPLETE DESCRIPTIVE LECTURE TlEOLD PLACE M'Yexican : Indian: Blankets ^ I'l 1ArE foi ur Coll titege itoomi, en K NG R CO. Iiau ir or tsBomfrCaeshu. Xe fiatve aftrtollstock of PrincelGsRtEOtS COLOR EtFECiaTS!tBAUTIFUL DEStIGNSi Albersit aoiluxos.di to Ipound tind ' suit - that hiylift ihts: atll wooli, failtuculors pound catsn- d jars. The Mistt Acceptalelrtfliday Gift ______________________________________ur______rliii' aittcoudCIoutiz hfrimson, iuehi. tiu een. tWhiite. Iltutk 7tt. Sin. x att. ltte.. - - - - -....$ 15.00 IBAILEY & EDMiYUNDS s3 tt4n. X 2tt. ea....:::::::::::::3.00 DELR 0115IS Set at three (oneyof each sine) 00.00 I us Cooshliiiin'foehic and Ammiunitiotn Se-it Aittulit. I to CarigeI'm 1501i~ n recipt Kecy fittitf a specilty iOrter 'isuan ttummoe back ifyu wsanii. E. Libterty St. Ann Arbor, Micehigan MEXICAN BLANKET CO. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES. MILWARD, THE TAILOR TIM BEST OF EVERY T ING IN TAIL ORINO