THZ MICIGAN D.AILY uirsting Buds r J r q LA I +y t t d L. K a ±W- Sxuggests the freshness and harmony of or NEW SPRING FASHIONS. Our models are dlevoid of fads yet Superb in style rightness. We will fit you with nneering precision at a prc that fits yonr purseI JKARL MALCOLM 11 8 East Liberty CALL AND)SEIE THlE New English Styles Hentry ~d Co mpanly, 71 .Vniversity Ave. I ragr's School of Dancing Private Lessons Given by Appointment Fsr Particslarsxical oAcdemy sr Phsne 246-Office flours 1O to 12 a. m.,2 to 4 p. m .C'3 S Ladies' lair Dressing, Shampooing1 IN*E Manicuring, Face imassage. Ran- /L Y DM N S *Water- Shamepoo s a Specialty. All k°i*a tt unto toolsnd totwels sterilized before using frety MRS. J.R.TROJANOWSKI Liberty St. AnntrbA r, ichigan MOlSt h xUnivesisty Aie. The astFift Yards- teli whata runner is made of. The -~- -/ stain 1-the endurance of mind and '- s body;-hOX, -,xn nthe final sprint, indie=ates w heth 2r the athletes' hoti., ', i. rain, and tner-l vou v _ n -C eceived full, - iti - om sfor tiei thIlet x to t s I . LdfnstzCon iitg o h ~'~i 1 T ieI rom iwhich no dei oul -1 t E "' Et j r^sn i muoscular The Sh edded'VWh-eat Cornpany Ngwrr fiN UNIVERSITY NOTICES Iresixxxxxituass nectillg oitiiitin xwet ph:sis lecture roo)01 at 7 :30. Illiniois menxilliiiche t iithe. ctr roxomiof Tappian hal l oda at 4:1. fieeting of fOratorical boarillroiom 302 N. W. tdlay at ti00. Relay tr outs for bth classes thisa- te rixixo1 3:30 ito5:30 siuiside FrrCfel on State street. Weigingiinxfr frisix soiui tug-f- war ites this afte roon 13 :30 to 5:31 at gi. Tigihteigiht iram imiiti .Ix X Fxresihegiers iwixietil xxrixi 3 S taugiicerixg Builinig tiday ati 4:30. All jliti haseal mins te t S. ier Boldxi axi3:00 o'chck fir c tie. The gamxe wiiili] utso xiiihis iwi aled-ai 4:15. Xiiloyal j lits lessn lxxxiitorot. Ordisrs frKRmg carixixs wii lxexe ceivexd at AMcMillaniihalii txoday frmxe12:30 lio 1:30. ilk. WViIG'A-iS NVIiL GO iTO CORNI, XI iEND OFi:hi-ki. iDr. Cari. Xiglesrs, is-trcsirsl phyisioloxgy, xwiii isis the iiv-rxxiiiyil te cxxxiof thei-prssull uerm to accept ia posi ition on thei-facsult ofthis Cxxnell hiexicxxiSchoolofi ewi Vrkx 5o at slarxxof $2511. Dr. XX iggsrs lhasxxxeien iiatt c i tolthe uxiversity facuty sixc xxxiiixandihas beenthe ietorxiofIthi s ilgicalxxi detmeniilslt tisiceic-tx ingextxe-lec -lwci- f Dr. WhP.Lot r. Theixi lni titer x illx i return next flxiitx resumilass workiii ii hisi departmixent. -I)LCAfTIONAI, CI- P PTierTs OFiFtICERtS FORC1- itN; hi, AiR Thie li;utitixxiClothixldxiai xxx ii of -fficers a is mixgulari-es-ingxlast iightin iTappin Nii ;ithei liii 55155 candsixidae r flos:x11xxE. oii iais, tpresidis-nt: icx Xi hiisx vice- ipresident; xxxixiC. 1.B se, c rtr- treaxxsrer. Dr. Shiepaxrdi of the tPsyclxix: (1I- ixxrtxxx-xt gxveas- ddes- o "\xxx xli f Learininxi imal."Theyer' stok ilxwid p ih xlaxxxxjxxsla(xihe UioexOnxtMay 22 X~l;XANi'1iRiRitVINE-,hWt I SPIi-ixC AT Mshiiii \\l 1tII i. Last inighti Xix. lixxaniirIrvxixe xxxi siessexi temeri-xls1s ofthIntixxx c1ei- cte Socialis Sc xietyXlxWhyI XAmia Soieltist" I tiixixcat xl iisYiiliixhallxiiat 08 o' clktexsamei-sexker xii axis a tlk oni"Siismxxianxdiihitiili N admliissionxifee w i lxecaxrged andx xicx s}- onei xxilx ivexxxxanxi xxiirtxiiix lxx iear thiselx-iknowinixxsocalis. rlix rsIN CASi RrJAfiYS TOMORROW51. Tushe iifinl i thexiteclass-xrlxxvs xil hernxfx omro bestweenixlsx xxx i the x senxior its anidithis'12 lxxs. lThefixmnixteam is madxxe sp of GotzxiHallx, ii 11cr allot Craig, ixwhile-the lasill rixixa lxxxii iiedexfroxixiGaxtxihe, eci, Cxri xi x larixesox, VorsxxxiiiMerritt. iili1Iii Ciil lxxAYiON X1 N,27. Tixe tixialixti enisxxxxexsldcixdtiyiwill lx -ihiext 11Mxay 27xiiiPxxlxmer Xiie. isc progrxamx xxiii coxsi sf tnicas 1 un- ixents, hocikey, rcexers -miicricixt mxaches. T1e xxxipolutae in wh xic alii te cxasses xiiilipxricipaxtcexiisbetec fextuxre f the daxyx. ENGi NE's kIRNG StCiTY LECTURE CXLLEi) OFF. H. Al. Lxane editor f"Cxsiingsiriwhi xxxi to xspexk before te E gixerig So- ciety tonxighiwisahied uxxinxCi leveland lxxxi nigix anaixill viii letoh eeiiixxe l)ciius enxgagemxenti. Anx xxxxxuxxxesixcxi Iregaxrd- ing the lecture xwiiilibemadxe llser Helene ,Alimendeinger Teacher ef Singing Voice Placing Song Interpretation German and English Diictionx Studios Wagner Botck 303 S. Slate St Hxours:x 2 to 6i P. M. a 'I Hotel Cumberland S.W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK Near 0th St. Subway and 53d St. Elevated. F t tKEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special .berms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops '' }}g { and Central Park . =lip a New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rateo, $2.50, with Bath. and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. VNDElt THE MANAGMEINT OF Hiarry P. t sun frerly with Motel tmperial. R.i. 11gha.tem, fortmerly with Hotel Woodiward The Greatest ot all MUSICAL (PLAYS An Augmented Orchestra MADAME SHERRY PRICES: 50-75- 1 .00-$1 .50-$2.00 Seat Sale Saturday, May 6 Maurice Campbell PRESENTS Hen~rietta Cr o.smn In an everyday comedy The The Peacock and Goose k PRICES: 35-50-75-5$1.00-$1 .50 Box seats $2.00 Seat Sale Thursday, May 1 1 New Whitney Theatre Cura,at .F. .M. Lat o ers n ts eS atsd proenaptlyr. Tuesday, May 9 Saturday, May 13 NUTOO J9l241A Bran 2 for 25c id Best Made-Merit in every Thread Engraved Galihng Cards To ecse in xyour Lxx mnu xcuts-nt tuvitalions Plate aid 100 cards $1,00-4$3.00 LANET & FUELBER 3105s.State t,upstairs TOMLOVELL Is your FRIEND He wants your old shoes PHO1NE .205 BLUE Al Any Timt and Ho Will Call J. A. TRUBY FOR High-Gracie Confections Pure Ice Cream 116 so. Main Phones 166 Sale on Pipes and all Smoking Articles Lunches, Ice Cream So.'as and all Summer Beverages i I o ME. JOLLYj ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Oppoisi t ecWating Rtom -GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doonrs f rom,. Freddie's" j ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIWRTHE T-ILOR: THE BEST OF EVURY THING IN TAILORING