SHE MICHIGAN DAILY _. .- =--fi E. don't give gold dollars for 60c but clothes tailored t order by F. W. GROSS represent greater value than you'll or- dinarly get for THE PRICE WE ASK AJI SP11A I DING & BROS. TeSpa reig ifthe largestoosos- Ihe aiwiingte wrl Tse..d-Marts of OFFICIAL EQUIP- MBtNT,orallathletlo tsti'NG sportesod pastimes. it Athletic .Sport you MsARK houldlcave a copy of IN the Spaldipg ('ata- RFG~us~pA oFF' b)(je. Its cpeatepir eneyclop isaof knclon tacacoat What'sNein*pr thce worrd a aNw n ar Guas~aocteo of and isoent free on re- Qsoss..tty (fttaest. A. G. SPAL6DINO (. 1BROS 254 Wooward Ave. Detroit Mich The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stotcka;,300,000 Surplus $50,00 Restources F$2,500,000 A tleneral Banking Business Transacted Oics:otChcas. iE. Hiscock, Pres.; W. D. iHarrimane, Vice Preos.: M. J. Frito.,Cashier THE F'ARMERiTS AND MELCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURtON STREEOTS Capital $50,000 Sarylus antdProfits $100,000 GoneraliiaankingBBusnss. 3 percent paid os Timeansd Savings lDeposits. Safety De- posit Boxes to soot at,52.00 and upwards it. KNMr. lres. Ti. G. PRo'eTYoAO, Viee-Pres.' Hi. A. WILLIAMS, Cashier F. T. FeOws,, Asst, f crian enm i n~rJst ajjj.e Coos-. Meats . ...dLIbas-tv Sts..ts FIRST NATIONAL BAIL O ANN ARBOR, MICH. Et. D. HINNSE, iARISiiON SOULE Pros. Vice-Pros. S. W. C'LARKiSON, Cashier. Capitalx+100,000 Sari; as andilirofits . $65000 STIATFE SAVINGS BANK C'apital $50,000 Surplus 7,000 tResources $1,250,000~ Wa;. B oath, Pre,.lWei. Aroold, Vice Poes. C. J1. Walte. Cashier CLASSIFIED ADVERTISIN. All matler in this columnimut be paid for in advance. Office I;... I-2C30; 7-8:30 p. Mi. FOR SAL For Sale-Two (2) Ja etvt e served sOt1tichets. Wl ct~ 'i- gallery. Price $y.oosah 12:3O0 tot1:00 p. M., or(),I I t c f:.3 >i p. mN.,;Phcone1No. 210J For ,Salt-Case tof surgia srm .lt sworth $6.0o; Clintical tla iDiseaseesicy R. N. Taylor Worth c2l; 'C Will sell cheap. No. 9ou it1 4 icc For Satle-Staitdlardl modlt 6 f caii equiipcedlwithi 2 1h. p. espially do I; ci eel cane enlgineC. Askiseita l( Borat i licise. C. Clotw. \t) i-,i I J efferone. -6- 1 WANTED Wtecld-Cocloredl saiters. Apii C It Clii lHouse at otce. 1c'2-,3' Wanted-Studlentl tccwork iit d . i - arcytdurincg summeir vet c ii rn Rapids. Call ciatc ,, 2,1*i Nationial Bikhbuciltii-t eii'. mld 6 is. mc., tie phone 1()-J. 152ti FOR RENTpi To Rent-Fuirnishedl t aartmtsio tc summetor. Call i69ai. tf LOST.' Lots-Soltid gocldltracele Ic tr~a on Huo;;;oiceCatheicstretficc please call at D1) tics tcc cdrri reswardi.I2- Lost-Moclav a. in. ltltccott ittev'I acid lphysics btillingsa ce.n piss. RewiardI. 1200 1.,.N).7.St'il Thayer. Losl-U. oft1M. pi. . st it hincder kidlycccl 2241.1, a irctnt' OsAIcIl ficet'; MISCELLANEOU S We set coo.s in all parts oflt it y.i1 C. 1H. Major & Co. IBoilithos 2,17. 1I6 tfi QUARRY DRUG CO. arc sales at t focr GILBERTS 1IIGH CR (1)17 Clioc oltes. loe. anid 8oc. per 11). tf lt Your iprescriptliotnsswl eccivspe ciat care at QUARRY'S 11111 C S'TORE. t Daciing floor wsax, all s~iz ackh, C-. 1-1. Major & Co. Bot one cs '17.k MUSIC AND DAM taa- i rt i . i71 E.Wn e tiitrltsgil r cc1 this sockas theic A So C t We are offeriiig a NTEW 25c. 4T0E oo.H EL will ht s o SOCK fir tten. nessessinz wearingE oualitieis, fit and appearance far superior to any half hose over hefore offered at attythinig like the price. 1Interwo-e No Holesi N 1}. zir~ Wagner Co. Men'sWata teiStre ,- Corner ot State and Liberty LOOK FOR THE IBRIGHTEST LIGHT Special Price on Post-Card Photos 3for 25c or 75c per dozen Satisfaction guaranteed on all sittings }made in evenings COME UP AND SEE THE WORK Open 9to12 A. M. 1to 5:30 P.M. Evenings: mon., Wed., Fri., Sat., 7 to 10 : ,z y z ; , ' N, F a ,. R s" ' wdnesday, 1MyR 10 1 }J dyiy1 Friday, Yiy1 Twoo ct {s ,jl;y I IS j tgdlieco_ L -yN a el tins. -. __,__ .. ito-C s w ilt . - Portrait Stdio :^. r