P"HI M ICHIGAN ]DAILY G. IieWILD 'Co. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening! display of Sprng and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G.II WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S. STATE STEET Base Ball Shoes $2.50 e,-d $.50 6i l o ds a nd c os (lfllShos i3. Ri FROST, 302 S Stat St. ENGRAVED Calling Cards Special Prices .Quoted to Students . SCRIPT LETTERING Plate and 100 CARDS $1.25 100 CARDS from Plate 75c we h e SelSshs't (Grade of n- gra'ig andui A.,ure Saisat'io. PROMPT DELIVERIES Stu~derts' Bookstore SHEEHAN & Co. C. [. OAIUN[[ Law Medical ental Largest Stock in~Michigan Second-band Law Books Law aimd Medical Dictionaries Quniz Books, etc. Complete. line New and Sec. and-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C.E. # RTHEIL, 326 S. ; [ATE STREET 4 Second Floor Tel. 761 THlE MICIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-Laz A WHITE. Business Mafager--NORMANs H. HILL.. EDITORS. News Editor........... Harold Titus Assistant ............ Harry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towrrs Assistant............. J. Fred Lawton Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... Dion S. Birney EDITORIALS. Ather J. Abbott. Paul Leidy NIGHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Prank Pennell Edward H. Rohie Maurice Toulme REPORTERS. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. John L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. John H. Townley. Wallace Weher. Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. C. Harold Hippler. J. Selig Yellen. itirsi Roinieso \VWi. T. Daugherty Robsert Mt. (Gillett. BUSINESS STAP C. A Bowman. A. R Dilley. Myer Rubin. Kenneth Oshorn. E. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Grierson3. C. H. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. Address : MICHuIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours : Managing Editor, I-2 p. m. anod Is no-I :3o p. m. Daily. Business Manager, I-5, 7-8 p. in., Ex- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 96o. lIO.lEOt'S, SENIOR ,ITl'S ANt) 12 tLA\WS A1,(GET Mtt, ENI). Te thartos eettetd the coutitwith the tom cops ill yesterday 's iterclass gamteso'stligou t isy a iito 7 'sore. 'The freeshfits (tefeatled the seniore]its 8 io2, aod the de'tnts gave the ounior laos anso to b eating Tite scores bhe tttstsgs foilow Pharmtics 5C s .. 61004-1 1-8-4 I toot-eols ...I ?00 -74-6' ltstteries-.-it and tot son, tMartin lButk,IdsottanSmtl'oith.t C mpi itt c 1tireesi bitso ... t..103 0 3t0-it .Setior lbits ......o0 0 0 0 0 0-2 l stteie-I tmttsiet tatnd \\ shittiiWit- hoeftttt k lowarte.tEmoptre, litake. Jtttior lbtows . . ... t)0 t 55 0 3 0--5 Dettts . . .. . . .. 0 0 2 :2 5 - It Hitteries-Smttith ond I Ilitt;Ctudy an Iarst'Sltttttt. C stspseSuitrl. =Ointtgto ''isttittiite' secorting' the rc- potts sti Sattttdt's games, taken frostt ttestffciatl recorsseteiinersts 'stt a fresh tasedsefesttsdithit junitttltasss 7tt 6, snttth e sensiusenegtittneesdsictethie siopthentgintee rs 3 tos 2 isntte Sittya etttttests. 'Tissasfte rttoonss teltstitofis te rlimtt ittsri hgamtes, sstvestotn it, iitse.lyed. 'The stothtettgittes swsitl ta1e onithits t- ste engoinsees, tt t se e t ndsoi'i]t thte freshstltws. _\ otoestgmebe tses'st thee tstarmi5 iand ssss'sss, 55 itt sit's sits tiesd,reais tbtoitsasiestiosi, bust tthe daste hse.tntotsee'nilefittt'idei cisded. Inttelasss ut .gtt , G and ;ti - t