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May 07, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-05-07

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,The MichIga al
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SCiNi)AY, MAY 7, 1911. .. No. s5s

Vol. XXI.

Sixteen Michigan Men Are
Used in Farcial 11 toO0
ho State wsateaes 1t 4 yes-
terdlay aftroioninit what starei as a
hal gaoh andledet as a farce. ThPie
Golci nue scotinuedltheir iheavy hit
tintg land, toug msinus the services of
th e capinlooitikd a real al teams
util CochtRif ckey lbega to give all of
te sbtitutes a ciace at the soot
Normaniil liisetitthe da ite
isit a ad atakt of tosiitis andtal
I tos'iandewsa too sore to play ttefis
sack, \iuciulcoeredthetiibag wl i
it il fautltess fahion. Bo rese pliy
rdin itrightt ieldl andi, swith Smtittwisli
mg se Itt itcmenarens itte sass
sititedi attatc tat ibrugt ties ailot-
sie itory agiist Case. Te sss-
stttosbgnithie setethiland b e
fore tiesilt hitroon ssisttvter te hast
isvailblsmanws inistts'sstusggle tiatd
wih itl k'hsut' c 't tird ndttsiSustu s'be-
hinids the at, le testi lokedt lie ams
lThe Bukesehsen 't ttilta tesmttiat
lokdwl uthitsdefetsivean sit:
ltworeliitilers, lBtastd anis 1 hus sac-
ettisltit lguse ivn f the eightits tt
te visitorse gsaitsredi fte tree k's c
settle siriesiwhiiisorie. t'hree
dhoublle plily s liei the stru'gge butt
it draigei lo", lil a fter ssstster, ie
fTe s ucksd jumpeithe tlead
atitheiiisat adigrn Smithsfr a.
sige adsit le Te its eisspshst
setillsltorns lig ii ies ' le
le Ci i theoeingi
rtmd uslttig + >h t ill bse n asi
twosto len ans, inda ucei* erest
tuogeter Fr treevcounts.
iTheist'essars conifitinu'dsiltihis'auos
ballsiandtes toilentbsssscottiteiflist'
runis. Nh it a tcenselti, sitd sitero
adde a'thircout ifittiefi ft.'1siles
byiM'lin saelldeiMichell ithsBell''stesin-
lt'seventih.Its tei'eight, IHiasseet
as batse ont halls stu camest'it ishest lun-s
suits who 55115s'it.itto slt sr Camspell,
sroset' ou a triple.
Smsithi swts itsa adshIo- ithue hrd
inting an saly tias toinssvsg sillthe
hbses shut sif the visiosistillssise rn.
fly lipetllned te say to le sire sitil
a Itw i i tdleae still BrndtiattdJsies fol-
lowed ith s i its that roght ii onet
lsee. silith 1111 es ottseconsdl asnd
thirdi tielsuckeyes sawtit to trya
ilislise stealsandtuth tilsmen'lts'erelsigisi
adtiss elsite ri'sird.IA fatedsosble
sip flay iCmpbetini'i sh'uitting teis-
itorsous~ it Fr ittelo e souitdhe sorie.
itresse sas gieeniatriltinitsthe lasS it-
isn asrusn. After idisosinssg oftlossmses it
lisseesi kels ai lit ad ien wili iiteis-
edsimf t to tiirt.'Fischer gt his arm i
(Cosntinused on ae 2.


Twro good gamses wrere plahyetd intis
5110rsssssg's interclass cosstests at sooth
berry fieltd. The jussior lawssdeefeatesi
te freshs lasts its a gamse whichls un st-
seeiesi ssstil the seviesnth innsing. The
fl couesisnt swas 7 to 6. Thse sestior ills
sefetedthue tsiph titiby a 3 lto a score.
Thse scores bsy' innings followt.
Freshilw' ... oo0 s ro o-ft
Jussiorlw . 0 4 0 2*-
Batteries-IEl sisd tWrd; Nelsons
assd Buster. Umpitre, Verhecet.
Sop is .. a 020 0 0 0-2
Senilor is.. 3 0 0 0*-~~3
Batteries-Boi nsit ssiB-irdt Mc~sl-
I ieh assetRediford.i Umpsiire, icardet.
Mondasi tsgass incii ei '12 itts5v5.
lests; ,[ v55t_; 1 2 Is. S13
Prof. Tealdi and Students Begin
Beautifying Campaign
A dozsessstussenstisinda tptofessor-
all fin gassrdess garbs- is'iis'itetlsat'
and11 Sie \cesierdilystiidte grealter Islrt
ill IFidainie islii'e ause if "lt'e mssstt
btistl (i)Abouist 450 tsrussisreisre-
S'sntsg it leasttstsadoesnS diffe'renst vsi-
etetsiwerec ilanstidiabotte grass suits
is 'tses-sthtie tilsese-tisnd te tstth wsisng
if Uivtersity hallits1tise httpe of isi-
lirtvil-te it' lf-lookssiintganletgts andithlst
geeerliappearaeis of'- thli'esampus.
If fProf. Tealdif's exp~etatiosprise
treetutpsitistsif thse cemssssw till sss-
sit-egi as sesssrikablse ehansge' lrtistielly
seititiss listn-st twSossstes-is, at te essd
if whiiehtsIiss'me se sissase schsedulsed
to hbuossosm. fIt sisitpedithat isy tsfs cx-
alse sstffieiestst entimsesnt cnetssalerousss-
ied ts extentsie-ipoeenst'sioet-i'esi
etitire ceiusti antiselsomse scees wsill
sortly he 'anntounsed to ersise funsdss fur
(this pusrisose.
i. : e resnst Igoing tsipu ty- 'Kecis
Off tise (Grass' sigssupi," said Protf.
I'etaldi. "Wuewat thls'eipeeto entjoy
die Iawstssbuls twe sits lit wan~t itesssSo
isase is habit (if erossisng ott the graiss.
\Vc arse gosiig ti iusleplabisiit alt sthte
- teishs, oteripurposse heitsg educa'ltionliast
welas atitici."
itR.FIsIND:I seg viirt(l s) 5-0110 505'rt'ct..
Dea WltssS.iB. IHiissdalie, of tise oi-
ttlcedeistenses, leave's Mondsiay foe hit.
Vernsosn,0iio,' wsere h it llt-itexamsinei
lihe 'bildsinsgs if Ste se sestuerculsisti
1 'sstttoeitsts. 'Te TMichigasnsinstitustionu
r i itioell, 5ie1'i in codne sitsrecesst
'egislastions,stilt expsets abuiust $6o,00o ins
test- srteserses aistmpirovsemsents, 5 i t
Aastnisng of wiseh til. IHiisdeale, as
.hirmanstss of the hsidisngs commssittee,
stwill iheaeessosierahle stirt.
ito st' tITSnxegisLA Te 1515'5.
Fise Si te last tisse of else- seasots,tse
1914 literary class dansedsiat use Bar-
hoiutr gymstsasiumss last ight. Mrs. J. 0.
IReedi assdtProf. sitd Mrs. IHtilt cispee-
isitesi the ptiey.

Chi Psi Quarantine is Alreadyt
~1Lifted; Sigma Chi's Out1
Ni tretssofithieria stern fossisd
inavothcutrstle fohtettsofiithus sts us in thes'Chti 1sf n
Sigmaus (hi frtsers ties. Neithusr hatve
nislewutcasseelop'isteiidtSinAt Aristin
iand IHilitht (fficer e etiey soes5nit le-;
lieve tat ths-n' 'sillihe aniy-issore.
51sfhiPsi' swe-e test oifflit'e sspiicioni
list vesterdasvtinoonslistndtte ssemsiers
who tad smved-uisttof te htuse' iatie
retfruit Ftw iti hbeesi startedi
it ths'S itsma Chi house, witchsiwtsIiofih-
ciaillsy q i uaratuie 'liT'etirntdisuser wsss
fismiated ttiyetely andthueiiiteertwo
tii ,rstwill bl itinufectedithtis msornting.
It is probasblhutsthat Sts'e si- ill lietaikes
dow st hutssaf1tillsoontutudtee-tssblers
' i saslowed t il inithesocsity ofioth-
Cashtasin ts liiofiithus' itisebll tutea hit,
itd i t i i teae, sisonk as's-ne' tune throtat.
The p hitsitists it chartge decleith til
thr o suptosilt is'fdptei
tud lth ts silltill ll tst i t est sites.
ela>>lit hfi who'it Iirst costratteds
-I titshlts'I'itt, hats pitssedi ts'e sid tger sittrli
fta d silln Sts'ero tols it e etu'-ss. Drl.
-skiesi, sioisis uthar~sge uofimssi, tad
Oberlin Team Takes Only Two Out of
Six Matches
iThe kVatrsitytenSti t elamsiset andti te-
featlediSteetritsrese-iuet sewiees, 4
histA 2,iSte instif te seaisonsus tourna-
stmeatsth Sits moini'ig. Thseitustal sut-
lien if mtcthses, fours tf sinsgte-sastwo lst
osf dublhues, stee ptlayesi, the hieist-sw
Cutsis ll ithreestmakingsugpliia mait.
'The summasitsses folliow:
t. Sinlges: hitciss. --fusneotigss (O)
e dveeatediNorrngton s(hi) 4-6, 6-2, 6-4.
hiAftch 2.-Shasfrthit(M) tdefeatedi It-
uthsropis(t) 6-a. 6-4. -lhiues3.-sesien
it hi) uiefeted. IHienderson s(0) 4-6, 6-a,
16-4. _hiateis 4.-novant(hi) ieftedi
ietParry(0) 6-4,4-6, (i-2.
I h'ttusles 5 ifusnessgis andtI fiendsiersoti
(0) dsefettedi Norington asid Shatfrosth
(,,l )6-8', 6-3, 6-4. Dihosvanssanditi 'k'-
ste (hi) sdefeastesi otheops situPairy
(f)) 6-2, s-9
11. hi. lats, culdlter of "Castintgs," still

Aot a dozuens coi seuainsiahave binu
receiveebt he itmiedica facty the ast
fete seeks swith regardtoIstulsdents'
spittinig inthe uniiversity busidings. No
names t5of offendeirOsate ects learnsediat
yet, lit the msedic faculty hsa asked hat
hereatfer tacit complinst le acompsasu-
sied iby ihe studet's usamse
"The snnaes wilits submsuitet to ue
comsmisteioe' snitalutslus" sasilif. 'sar-
.thin,yesterdiay."Thse vilos of tie
rule tine-liuble t expuulsion."
AlexasnelInvinnsof Ntwt'Yorklscite,
w~fil seak iuders te usies o teI s t-
tucsshlugiut sociSits it'lut sitillf]"Whits
I aitus a Socialist" 'i tutuusesusintg lt
o'i-u-is-tock t inte ihiae Counilusais
Class Representatives Make Final
Plans for Contests Today
Repsresenlatuiveusf te fresisean dsus
soiphomsorecltsses infroms all ieptets
iaill seel at lsEtheUiott ;1:oo o'cloc
tday tiiilcct letders funr fle annuual
fres-soph ctetostests t li e lld extFri
diay satu Saturdsay. A this tisse te
esles governisg fle constess sill he
rail sitdrucomipletesaagemsentstutu it-
struis ilisftle'gileli toit'e clss repi
-re seuttive s.
Mireithans suse hunsduredi freshmsesn
scene waeighsediyeserdaytmping atsstug he
gymnsiumteiisfuse the tuig-of-wte amsttl.
Tile waeghing i ilw silninuei tmosrrowsu
from s4:00 toi p:30 a1t'satemansgymliatut
all at-his awsi ts try suitS tie askedi tse
usrt Ialtuonce. A-ussal ithee tail us
ltsoteams: lig5ihigit-seighti compoisuesi f
slest w'tighsagt uisgles tha sf10 itpuinduts and
aheatvt'-wiegit tisde-till ltlt' lrget
stuns Of the ulasses.
Trsyoussfirts'eis'rsulls emt usill bhis'
Ihltll thitsaeukt listittiltBlury i's- . hish
hida ussit-aftenons nesivstnt-s uushoituldi
reportueteensus3:30 hund p:30.
Biectuste ofi ts usreasingtist"vulltlrn
tlonlg lsthme uer fsectio ite fltg usej
hita ss-stendismatlsed. Six sears ago.
Shue woodeni portihntofthelit'sttff wst
huhtutwn t thfie n esan the istlueak sst
tter tulicedu.
I, 5 ethse elestiill f this liliesof
the lulsibecoe'ssme'uchsslargteg;und'hl
as a f rectieoslsny mseas'u, Ssuerin-
tenditissnitof Bilduinge s tnd 'Groundsi
Aftietyintg fon lirst, Reighardundtt
C'riscfotught three bosuts withilstusi
te tourinamtuttotuf the Miciga sitis-
ion osif lthe Amiaer feenes'Letague
laste sightS, beforee Kigardtaous by' onte
touich. Thest eofctltheturey~re sut-
ed asl~tfslowsat Fos-itrlst, Regard;
teet iii. Cuz; thied,'ukheatu. Dullting
swordis-firs, Righarud;u'Whiet anti
Cruz tietd for ecotndu su;iMhcCoricsik,
There sitt e a regular busine~sst meet-
lngofitthe Cstitsmerce cish Mondaiy' e-
ening at 7:30 oclock iniltheacountuig
lah. Altlimemes rentrequetetoni isle
preese, espuecially those whisi are
cotelatintig the annt~ual trIip.

Horn atures Four Firsts in
A : 1,:., Outdoor Varsity
M eet
The anuattl Varsity seel heist ester-
slip afternooti as 0-sfeaturseu-siyhuh lewosik
if RaliphsCaig inthle 20-ar-f ashuth ie
tilt lrund laths dislatyed b hy' Iornr'ad
lth returnf IttIinatiishuui. Ini the ong
sprintuCtaig ieu tese rd'sesr ecordtfor
lth distancse, Stsre e s-tchesetcuihing im
at as 1-y secondtts. iHadulhis'inot sowed ap
whalestli he rssed-uthe tinevheundoubtshed-
lisawouldi hiveibeateniuttie wosrltrec-
H-orner took frst inthlist sicput,
bodjump, poleuh'5511, tutudiscusotadu
limtiiaugihh suit toulin ta ii kigthe
titu stifle il itt utsss54 35 eonst
and11 fiishedl srencuitha-fladciifita
quarltner of a al.
Onse ifftes rpiseeset sungtt ts
if emit lefts ses thuestensg f Ross its
list shotshetuts. Ross tk seondtits
ist sisof the eves ICinishitng chue le-
tutu Crtaig ithe too. Beauste of tuft
usosuk its these evesnts he wa~suiot eeneild
ini thsesqliter shse(tich ambe' tookicrnull
cheaiely, tsSie stiris'e of fPlumsmser, a
fretni-su, wsainishifledhssisecn. A feethus
reutlt hhdhue-u-is ttcttt'tIhe aelitst
to till' of te jusstgw.i ttuh boil ]]isii
eye.'ISVolisius u Gamb(usuleithaitlbietu
ue" ?' t he lu iuues . Wh'ten todthtt
'lissmlle a' s Ct atsits its-hsit id, "tu h,''f.
uselilien, notonder,"st and', lu kisledt situ
luetisgt fitilritially satisidt.
I itsus utiiid notushruts in Ihe ileashehu
is sut feeling juls ighth yet ostdfBrustwn,
t freshmanstoo firust wCIsith Otte as ittksl-
ifts followuingis is t'euerusnamsed.The
cosetre uofitthe udty wsthie ffsu-yrdn
-111in wh sich ieIlll, Rucltash Iisse in-
shedi is is t'orunitstutcu. IHal tutu
heck: fousght i iltSutll laroundth ieltc
tud ifusmadeuststroinutg lsilltthuilat
sets utwsunout uule thkep thu lutis
he hatd set.
'fistsummasiries tfsllow:a
Iislu'n rthrustw-Kohe, Voseir ('tle
an i1. stisit tslaieilsteifstals. iKuoh-
er broke fle hammiise ott Iis seounds
throw handelthe eenst s postooued.
IHightjumps-Geo. Latwoin and iStun
filth, I-id fuse frt; H orer, thid.
I eight p feet, 8 isihe.
Difscus-Horser, fist; Kolse, secotidl
Wsigginis, third, Distancee t6 fee, 6 -a
Shet ts-H orer, frs, 47 feel a i-
vhs-s; Koler, sucnd;su iHi. Smsit, thisid.
sco-yardt high hurdles-Garrels,,firs;
H amn dsstecond;tu htiid, Tn.'fie,
6 i-p seconsus
too-putt4drilh-tt}unt, 11. Craig
ist;iBontd, second. T'Iimie, o - see-
,eonsd. soul heat, 'Wkhite aind J. Craigie.
Timse, to 3-5 senssil. 3di het ifuss
fist; Ilsi, secondi. Time, o -p se-
iss. itit heat, R. Craig, fet; Ross,
sendsul; I lff third. Timse o secondsus.
Mile runi-Brown,fist;I Ote, seconsstd
Wuilets, thirdt. Timse, 4 minutes, 311 -
Broad jtumpi-Hobrne, fete; P. Smiit,
(Cotnued aon Page S.

--lelisver tile lust Eniginteerng society lec-
ALPHA XitjNitiHOLDt Mrflxt. ltre of thieserTuiesdatyeventisig, when
Tlue foslsating prougramsss t givessit lie us'ill sipeakcsuit"Electicie Fursntace
te AisitsNus society'-steeling last sight;t Produts." Me.Laine stilt illuhstrate lisa
Our Armsies slid Naeies, Johns P. Otte. hlk: stllstamplues which have heen ob-
EssenssEteests, Harry R. Reesd. ti-inedl trout commhsercial ftonaces and
A Usniversitys Insflueeolist anal'sseithslassten slides.
JLife 'uork, L. B. Allisoun. Thse lectre trill hue givensinu the west
Alfred J. Bfeveridge-A Live Wire, ishysics lectaure roomt, May 9, at 8 o'clock,
A'. J. Gilliland. andul sill lie opent to lice pubhlic.

McMillail The American Cus" Tonight
Hall 63
Pictured by the use of the Stereoptican 63

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