THlE MICHIGAN DAILY UNVESIYNOiCS New Whitnhey Theatre E~urs i ri l _8.15 P. M. >L.A.omes ot seated prmpty. lib ~l~l patie9:0ths11r- Tuesday, May 9 Saturday, May 13 Suggests the freshness and harmony f ur mc~i oni1ght. ________________ 4NEW SPRING FASHIONS. Our models areT}tiIdqt>a devoid of fads et Superb in style rightness. kil're\\ J. I l a t i rtIi i s b, The Maurice Campbel tI Faieahuces lEi01 allNT We will fit you wih uneering precision at a I ' price that fts your purse ! MUSICAL PLAYS Henrietta _______________ Egae alng Cards An Augmented Orchestra cr o s mi a. n 110t o no ur50WM In an everyday comedy LC mrnncn, i nvttin -D M The The J. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lt KA~, V A C L~I P11and 100 cards $,50-43,00 118 East-Liberty-- - - --S E R __________________________ LAN~E & F=UELBER S E R ecc n os 31 05 Ste S.,ptais CALL ANt) SEE THE ___ PRICES: PRICES: 50-75-$I1.00-Si.50-200 3550-75-S1.00-Si1.50 TOM LVELL-Box seats $2.00 I7e w-ung lusTMhOVL Seat Sale Saturday, May 6 Seat Sale Thursday, May 1 1 FRIEND____________________ StylesHe wants your old Fraternity and Sorotity Groups PHMONE 205 L~uL Hetry amd Co7m pany Al Any Tim and He Will Calii Photogxaphed a' "_ Hosse 711 N. Unverstty Ave. \te Ille11equipped to(proucthe C t i n graa lops orI ' individul pi t a~i int'. AUTO TOUR OF EUROPE y TelephOr a for uppoiritmerdts Two Harvard men with large touring car at are going to travel In Europe this summer. To J. C M e e reduce expenses, tour college men wilt be taken The "Aft Borne tI htogrpher." Bell Phone 473 J on a co-operative basis. Reterences. For Parictars Consult Agens ___--_____ Write 1mmedately to - H. R. M., 48 Braille St., Cambridge, Mass- flOBAILEY & EDMRSONS JNDSo 2r 'C'trl offer iappel I' hit1111111'niI 1111as I+ lnico'ing, Fci tsog. Roin- VIA _.nn I yhtn 1 , t t. nd Airnnitin i Wter Shmpooosa po iy. All VIAtools and towels 'tsterilizedlllbeftre using Michigan Central I1lty la, li specilty MRS.J.R.TROJANOWSKI to the L iity' St. An Aobr, "S.1 a tl~nh u ivriyA e SOUTH AND SOUTH=EASlTo ll~lllliOl0tiyAe WEST, NORTH-WEST[N GUHWS and 1 rves- Tickesonsale aleMay I6,l)1 tollkCetrlLie le ,if an evenly inorishued bodY." 11n IItin I 11050 1 tr i tnstr'll 11to an cv v.OO'O~~"t ieim nta 1til' estlapeakel'v5 1 ilt Tikes onosae May 12, 3and 14. 1911'' .1 p' tly supply one ind of nourishment tR. Noc t. k0tt's 'n 0r t it iir a k o it )ith11 an 111t1itilt1111 g .itJnl ,lttligni io 0 (yf the body. Whole wheat contains __ t cst~eessary to build up and Delightful Rail and Water Lansing, Mich. Battle Creek $1.30 rainl, muscles, bone and \ ttl CIRCUIT TOURS pu 'lni ." Mich~gianCentral cron Kalamazoo =$1.65 p ..~~~~~~ f~~alvesto n, 'ex,Mne.GRNxNCMiNTco"" =$ ACity, Mex., Mbile Ala., 1. 0.. F.rGRNDuENaMPMEN ~ a5 and NessOrleans Ia AND PATRIARCHS MILITANT lra t R apis = $2 a In Ri ' tvv t.. sot~IIlledced fare fTnrthRod Trp 7TcmsosleMy1 6911 Detroit 60e inlte slyC4Ji ickets ow on sale do ils', i to - lilI tI 'otaea a iTais t tt tlst . a t. a a.rnl e 0 r Galveston Mobile and iNesw Orleans i nor ,tt1t11hlan t to t,5atd of'.Taa n t 'iltanepel tna'tsnt a< To Mexicoand Gidyy' otintit ty liiazane xwiiil t b hecteked n, lYii ordinary 7, 191. ____ - O N theot. tickets. h' rn e f svheat, ) p Los Angeles, Cal. Oakand, IEXCU SIO Iadacditiotn tsove fare, tikets Cal.,.re h slstt~i t rawl l oiii stol d httvee all station 'tin qaiis1 a.,SlvDeo land(etshetl' o-ay an' I' $3.00 or SiiSanl Francisco, Cal. M~ichigan Central en-iliaitili tlktin is shedltd tnt /J acountn AmercanLibary ssoiatontop atitae and eciaf fare for the tclfcl ainlay A eicnLbarysocain Sunday, MVay 7 rn triwi t mi~t tnimumnoftweinvety 'he Shredderd Vheat Company .z asea al t ttttt' tetylvecno ', Un t' S. r " :: 4: dl *S (5 p I' Niagara Fatls, N. .T -f - ) A Fs"" 6 " '' ,:'" v a ®v 1~ 4 y O b We have the Largest and Swellest Line of the Latest Styles in Women's Pumps and Oxfords ever shown in Ann Arbor 0\~tt~t~( DULL KID and CALF, TAN CALF SUEDE ~ll~tand GRASS CLOTH, PATENT, BLACK SUEDE and BELDING SILK. l 'iSee our New Sf14 'Ioes high or low feel-the laiest. If you Rant shoes this Spring that will satisfy remnember "PUFI ELD 5 , j 119 S. Main Street We carry a flne linre of hosiery-all colors-25c to $2.00 ; er pair. -- ALWAYS AHEAD IN IMJTATF lfA DflT1FT'- IIfl THE BEST OF EVERY -r rItrAO Im r" 01 Cl'5njmC -