1E don't give gold dollars for 60c but clothes tailored t order by F.W.GROSS .represent greater value tha n you'll or- d inarly get for THE-PRICE WE ASK A.0 )- INN &BROS. The S i"n tr'lk'1£"'ttiT Tr a-M1'a i-i ofOFFICIAL EQUIP- 'sUNT rI Iaiithletic ti -cccic Sportsio IN (V . polding Cat Ow world /t atsNew ineSport Gua~naca$ax of (r cnc cc e n Q~cessil9y cre A. 0. SPALDING ea 3. RO S 254 Woodardi Ave. Deiroi $ M.chi The Arnn ArborSavings Han~k laipi; :: t c ),1,000) urplusddiOO A Oennral S acng Fa :iansanscacted Uclxinlx (ax '. iisccclc.Pes.; IW.Li. i-ilaca, i Viet On'',>.: Al . Fritz. Cashier THE FARNLUS AND) MIEHANICS BANK MAIN ANDI SIURON STROEETS Capild $50,005 Surphis and Profits $100,000 GeneraltF3a; lking Isiness, xnnceai paid cna Tinm.;accalccn3)x ci cis.'Safsty lie- posi Boxscic it f,,',)n00and upwardis (I.. W11,1;'; s, C,-'. i . cc;;sF. S 'cc-;'-AsL'e MUSIC AND DRAMA 'Mle M st cc0liiilenl clxd ser ieso e citas ieer r isetedl y lx ii; Scihool of lsiic w cill he 'hi cxli"hi o a co e. I pvin ls anCiil edy f h nc added t thci s rccia. ii ori; c nish the;ix "ic m aincc, c to te.Ic c i ii; i- pc~sitic;oii the imcr;;; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING pa;id for in advan;;ce. Office hoc;rs 1-2:3; 7-8:30 P ; FOR SzUl Fm- lac~ cie sals fo rte reasindla liii cci Grmv- i city cc o n;;011\ l-hrnciii isoa (wicc;;;;in'jor ealh.' ddrssiio IA c' xlcxcc Slillii; ta 1,0-15xi LOST. Lc s/-' hTlcncxicc, ac-oldixixiicn iet cuff licci en'W wt lc ldcici 'cgli'cic "S. li ci'; ii c icdlictlephone177- .irre ccc;rito i of iii; c ;-'1 MISCETLAN7OI'S CIlilkO OO"' (Cirxs i cciicincS, iigrocwiccg cchail, tiea-ci edci n cu rdcc. P'cc cc inc; abscoiuxliy antixciset i fii''fxic x n-: 312 c. 1ii, i-5 P. Ill.7-8 i' n1. :McxxsF. J. ; Foiey, 921 E. cfccc Si., liixI 'nciic iili. Piccccc 9'ic2 J. 124 1'. 0. 0. 'S HE' MICTAIQAN DAILY 11 YVI7,*R 1710C'l',SIi''1iN FlRiOM1 0tHIi l I' ;( 1 SSS Green( Agne Sic ly, Ic ls. ccllli Cacci;rx in Mc a,ciicnc s Ft IP i nitai on wcc c cil ei h ld hc ci ii ii< SiSPINI FOOT'150 1 ACt uk Shil, iSll" iF"GU S liM; \x pracici; 'txx1 ii s c ~ri xi ati 1(1x:i llcc in th crphyroo ofWa'cc a gyi;;cccxii;;. SAt iuth i cctcime cthe ;cani; xcr cccxi ye's ticam nil he a 5)~np worck lcxr iii; remacindelr fcc i sc r , men; mast cc; 'icc rell 'u1cap 1< (lte an a a re uli; an 1a 1'11 Oneii pre ' ciousyo thhacd 'hs '.ls that th'e ccfre ccap n tHc h vv cc 'cc o t \\ i;c II icc cxc\\' ; ' ; I ; \ Shrs Hat Gap Trnk Bags I rt Gases Shirts Hats Caps Y.Trunks 4 Bags Suit -Cases Spring 1Pants bn' d ie . ' ' . ' _ ;r ., . . r : ' la n° 4i , I k '¢'3 -' __ niil 't cxiii cIii II-c c isx icc;o 1)0) c -c c c icc -'s '1 cx l(1 1- i cc-cc' cxc; ix t cc)i - ii xicccxc;.c'ttti c. T I cci;~s t Icc# ' 57 < lxl; ci1 ' uk -i U li fal 4 C'.. 111 icjcc O.'l;x 'i icc' xccic;xic37 Cro asr gal c as1 md i46 ii. Car-. M Ii' maiadULber-ec'Stv-at.sWeset-ci.:assx in; allpirccixfcxiccciity. ---iC. 1 icMaj;rS&CoixBothclphon;;2371 FIRST NATIIONAL BANK 146 I. (Sc Xx:; Sn;; Spe;cc;ilxsale xon xNai'clxaper, C. If. Ma- i,. Di. IiN Fr, IA Lxxit I40\'n- 'I I i Pres. ' & Ccx., ioth clxxccxx237. i46 ii. ('ciptIat+0.o a Scc x rphcc <;tcdl 'cccilxx. [S.' I I)1tARRS DRUG CO. cre sale,,cca;-;ntc ______________________- GtOLIIIS,'RIS 111TG11[CR 51117 Chc- STA E AVNS ar'K cx. hnc ccclaridco. per 11). tf vcialM cccc card